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Two big PvP bugs


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First off, let me say I love PvP (Rep. Commando). I hardly ever experience lag and it is very very much fun.


With that said, there were two serious bugs I did notice lately. One happens often while the other I've seen happen once.


Alderaan: When the game starts and the republic does a mad dash to the left checkpoint, I've noticed that if we capture the node first, and from what I've played, we often do, we still are at a 5 point loss if the imps capture a node (aside from what we just capture) within 10 seconds after that. Its very annoying and a glitch that is a bit unfair.


Voidstar: This one pissed me off when it happened but fortunately it has only happened once (knock on wood). We started out on defense and we weren't allowed to jump down to defend the first breach doors. The imps ran through and set bombs and we could do nothing. Not sure what was going on but we got steamrolled. Not mad we lost, just mad that we weren't allowed to properly defend from the beginning.

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That happened to me last night. The first doors were already blown open by the time we were able to get out of starter area.


Same. We all just sat there saying "***???" as the imps casually walked in and blew the door, luckily they were bad enough at pvp we steamrolled them from there but still.

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Voidstar: This one pissed me off when it happened but fortunately it has only happened once (knock on wood). We started out on defense and we weren't allowed to jump down to defend the first breach doors. The imps ran through and set bombs and we could do nothing. Not sure what was going on but we got steamrolled. Not mad we lost, just mad that we weren't allowed to properly defend from the beginning.


As Imp I've had this happen to me, too. I have had the door lock back up like 1 sec after the round starting.


I've also had rebs managing to get out of the attacker's start early and planting bombs while inside the doors as soon as they spawned.

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As Imp I've had this happen to me, too. I have had the door lock back up like 1 sec after the round starting.


I've also had rebs managing to get out of the attacker's start early and planting bombs while inside the doors as soon as they spawned.


For the record, I wasn't saying this was purely a republic problem haha. Not trying to start one of those convos.


On a serious note, this issue needs to be address because if it's a matter of someone pushing something during loading screens on accident or whatever it might be, it needs to be tackled before a possible exploit is discovered.

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Nodes in alderan don't seem to update in real time except maybe for proximity so I don't think you can tell who capped what first.


You may see it first because if you go cap one it does update right away but for the rest it is polled. This is just based on my observations. You would need to visibly observe both the east and west nodes at the same time from the same place to tell if there is a bug or not.

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I have been told that the reason for the Alderan lag is that 2/3 of the guns are prepositioned towards the rep ship, and do not fire until the finish an-im-at-ing around to point towards imp.


I have not personally confirmed this, though.

Edited by Ellyll
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i saw the alderaan one today at my freinds house. i have seen it before when i tagged the left (republic) before the imps tag the right. although today when i was watching my freinds game they tagged the right one just after the imps tagged the left and the republic still got ahead. i think it is just a programming error with the delay with the right one and it just happens to be on the side the imps get.
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