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Bolster buff needs to be given a 30% increase.


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Additional skills are the reason for this, not any disparity in bolstering. If you're suggesting that lower level players are given more hitpoints to make up for lack of skills, i'll just tell you it's fine and you should go back to leveling instead of PvPing. Edited by AntoniusDelitan
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Currently level 30-49's are slaughtering level 10-29's. fix bolster make it fair

I just spam dots everywhere with my Sorc/Sage.

Why? Because it keeps them from capping objectives. I tried doing a DPS rotation and my god, it barely even dents their HP. It would take me 2~3 minutes of non-stop DPS to kill some of these people.


Have the same problem with my Merc, but he's 40 now (twink <3) and I can actually kill things...

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