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Do people hate Corellia?


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The first 2 parts of Corellia are really annoying. The paths make you feel like a rat in a crappy maze.


The later parts of the zones are more opened. Honestly though the scenery and design in some parts of Corellia are nothing short of amazing. It just sucks how people don't notice because of the rat in a maze part.


I don't know. I went to the first 2 sections and quit the side quests. Zipped through my class quests only. The entire zone felt like it was empty, except for the Republic troops on the side of the road, or blocking the tunnels I had to go through. I hardly noticed them really. Didn't see a cantina anywhere, except maybe at the beginning.


Primetime started with 4 players. Dropped to 3, climbed to 8, and ended with 3. I'm done with that zone, it's dull.

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On my server, I was the only one on the planet on hoth, voss, belsalvis, corellia, and illum...I knew there wasnt many 50s but this was during peak times even. If I saw another person, it was for a split second then they leave/log off. Never seen any Imperials either. Peak time on Fleet is like 15 people. D:


Starting area has liek 30 - 40 people every time though. O.o Do people really not make it past the starting zones or what?


I think this was like one of the last servers they made, hence the low population..least I hope. I rerolled to this server to avoid queues, well I definitely avoid queues. :x


But overall, Corellia, I hated it at first. But its not so bad after you get used to the layout. Which I still find odd, worse then Belsalvis' Quartered off mess. You only get like 1 quick travel location in a whole area, and the quest givers are pretty strung out among places. And some of the final quests were really really tedious (one particular bonus quest comes to mind - dang elite droids).


And moving every 5 feet and aggroing stuff is annoying. :/

Edited by Katreyn
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On my server, I was the only one on the planet on hoth, voss, belsalvis, corellia, and illum...I knew there wasnt many 50s but this was during peak times even. If I saw another person, it was for a split second then they leave/log off. Never seen any Imperials either. Peak time on Fleet is like 15 people. D:


Starting area has liek 30 - 40 people every time though. O.o Do people really not make it past the starting zones or what?


I think this was like one of the last servers they made, hence the low population..least I hope. I rerolled to this server to avoid queues, well I definitely avoid queues. :x


But overall, Corellia, I hated it at first. But its not so bad after you get used to the layout. Which I still find odd, worse then Belsalvis' Quartered off mess. You only get like 1 quick travel location in a whole area, and the quest givers are pretty strung out among places. And some of the final quests were really really tedious (one particular bonus quest comes to mind - dang elite droids).


And moving every 5 feet and aggroing stuff is annoying. :/



It's like doing Meatlumps.

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Corellia was my favorite planet in the game, followed by Coruscant, and then Dromund Kaas.

In case you're curious, Tatooine and Hoth were my least favorite. ;)


I arrived on Corellia at 48 on my Sage.

Dinged 50 with 2 or 3 class quests left at the end of the zone.


So you like corridors then. Or warehouses with constant nonsensical groups of 3 people sitting around? Cause that's all Coruscant and Corellia are. I bet you love Nar Shadaa too?

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I hit 50 before starting on Corellia. I'm going to assume that many other people do also.


This is the answer. I too reached level 50 on Voss. I only got to Corellia on a class quest and yeah, it was pretty dead. I'm probably like most people, once I reach level cap I generally don't bother with further questing and Corellia is far down the questing path.

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So you like corridors then. Or warehouses with constant nonsensical groups of 3 people sitting around? Cause that's all Coruscant and Corellia are. I bet you love Nar Shadaa too?


Take it easy cowboy. No reason to meet others expectations of you by being rude and obnoxious just because somebody likes something you don't.


Go outside and get some air.

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You have an intersting self image. It explains a lot about your views of the game and others.


That comment doesn't even remotely make sense. How does my saying I don't like corridor planets and then you insulting me, and my replying reflect my self image?

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I loved that planet. It was like running around earth sort of....if there was a horrible civil war going on. Running around in museums and a zoo really gives the game a different feel than the purely fantasy inspired MMOs.


I also like environments that don't seem to be designed to be a dungeon. It makes you feel like you're actually in the environment they tell you you're in.


"Oh I'm in a museum. Hmmm....what an oddly linear design this museum has...I suppose when you're done you just have to walk back through all the exhibits to the entrance..."

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It's because Corellia is horrible, horrible, horrible. I hate it, I can't stand it. I refuse to do any more side quests there ever again. I just can't...

It's not eye pleasing, it's dull, you can't travel properly because everything dismounts you around every corner, same buildings everywhere, confusing paths, and most of all simply ugly as hell. Nar Shadaa is ugly, but this beats it for some reason.

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Its very ugly tiny box with walls EVERYWHERE so it becomes a tiny labyrinth. (all planets have this crap, but corellia is a good example). This makes the game horrible. Planets are quest labyrinths instead of mmorpg worlds, good game bioware! SWG was 'unlimited' times better in 2003 with the planets. The Corellia there was epic, compared to this piece of crap.

My most worse gaming experience i have ever had in any game ever.


A rat in a maze is a luxury thing compared to this.

Edited by Rigota
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Correllia is the worst planet in the game. When they're done fixing bugs and making the UI workable, they need to go back and replace this planet with something less annoying.


There are so many fun planets leading up to Corellia, and then suddenly you're thrown into this drab lifeless city which is designed so poorly that you'd think a blind narcoleptic was the city planner.


To get to a side street that I need to be on, I can't just take a right at the next street. No no no, I have to drive all the way around this huge nonsensical wall in the middle of the city to get to a tunnel that leads to the side street. Not only that, but this tunnel is packed full of soldiers that I have to kill every single time I need to get to the other side of the city.


I will do my class quest there, ignore everything else and **** afap.

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