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Would you defect if given the chance?


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I do want to see all the character's stories, but I don't get much enjoyment when the light vs. dark side choices are "poison the slaves" or "poison the slaves a lot." I would defect on any Empire character I played, provided it was a story based defection and not just pay 20 bucks and you suddenly have a gunslinger of the same level as your sniper.
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not for my sith warrior-she wants war

not for my IA-she thinks the republic are hypocrites

not for my BH-republic would just as soon send him to jail, even though he is a pretty honorable guy, than to send him on jobs

not for my trooper-she simply hates the empire and thinks they are brutal tyrants

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I wouldn't change my characters, but it would be interesting to start a jedi character and have the storyline offer an opportunity to be 'turned' before you become a jedi knight, like before leaving the starting area. Perhaps a questline with a 'shady' type character.
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This is an interesting subject. I only know of one game that has done something similar to this.

SOEs Everquest 2 had a long quest chain to do this same thing. but at the end you were able to switch sides. it was a one time deal i think though. once you switched there was no turning back.

I have wished to be able to do this in a few other games I have played like WoW.

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My JK would definitely not want to lol, for him that would make no sense.


My SW would not want to defect to the Republic, but rather to

Malgus's New Empire. I really don't think BW should have made Malgus an enemy to the Empire. He's pretty much the reason I made a SW in the first place :(.


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This topic makes me sick...


I hate people that can jump sides and be ok with it..


Just goes against my nature.. Every fiber of my being wants to lash out at defectors...






Darth Sidious

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I play an Imperial Agent who loves the Empire but hates the Sith (because they're stupid and harmful to the Empire proper).


It's a shaky topic! If she thought that she could work to topple the Sith without sacrificing Imperial sovereignty in its territories, she might defect.


This, exactly. The problems she's had with the Empire of late have been driven by the Sith.


So either defect or just plain go free agent and do what she wants (or just go back to working for the Chiss).

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My Inquisitor certainly wouldn't, but my Warrior would be all up in the Jedi's business like it aint no thang... hang on a minute...






Sorry about that, had to slap myself for using 'thang'. Anyway, yeah, if my Warrior had an option to defect Republic-side then he'd take it. He no like the Sith. I'd probably be rolling a few more Republic toons too if I had this option.

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It's an interesting question, and would require a lot of soul-searching in-character.


My sorceress would probably be the one most likely to be coerced over to the Republic. She hates the other sith, not because she was taught to, but because they're all just such d-bags. To be able to just RELAX, and study the Force without constantly having to watch over her shoulder? That would be very appealing. The jedi would have their work cut out for them to reign in some of her more mercurial emotional impulses, but overall I think she could "make it" as a jedi. Just as a dark jedi. :)


My agent? Not at all. She's very pro-Imperial. While the sith act like a bunch of murderous four year olds that she'd quite happily shove into the sun, she's faithful to the REST of the Empire. Besides, if it were a Republic SIS agent trying to "defect", she'd just pump them for as much info as she could, then shoot them in the head. She'd expect no less from the SIS, if she had any desire to switch sides. She's simply too DANGEROUS to trust.


My BH is a mercenary. She goes where the money is. :)


On the Republic side? None of them would go over to the Empire. My trooper is too loyal, my smuggler would rather deal with corrupt bureaucracy than psychotic force-wielding sociopaths (it's more profitable, and less likely to get you killed), and of course my two jedi are jedi; while they may do occasionally questionable things, they're not sith material.

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My Bounty Hunter pretty much goes where the credits are, the same as my Smuggler (the little I've played of her so far) - I think it'd be interesting to have those two classes as neutral in allegiance - It wouldn't be possible with the current stories, but in a future expansion perhaps these classes could be opened up so that they were able to take missions from either Empire or Republic side.


Their respective class stories could still play out the same as they do now, but on the planets you visited to do the class quests, perhaps you could choose any side quest from any faction - albeit making it a little more difficult to persuade opposite faction questgivers that you were on the level - Republic citizens are more likely to be wary of Bounty Hunters for example.


For more traditionally viewed 'patriotic' classes - Sith/Jedi, Trooper/Agent, a story expansion where you get to either follow the path you're on and stick with the Empire/Republic, opening further story quests in that direction, or you have the choice through the story to defect - opening up a whole other story path would be brilliant in my opinion.


It gives the option to those that want to defect, without the loyalists feeling left out since they would also get extra content reflecting their decisions.


As to whether or not I would with my sith Warrior I don't know - I play her as loving the Empire since it's her home, but hating the tyranny/bullying against the weak and the ingrained speciesism that holds so many back. She's light side but within her experiences - she doesn't believe that it is necessary to repress all emotion to truly serve the light and wants to change the Empire to be something of a hybrid Empire/Republic.


How this will actually play out I don't know yet as I'm just on Hoth so have a ways to go, but in the future it could pose an interesting dilema.


So, I think there's a lot of potential there and hopefully Bioware could pull something out of the bag in the future :cool:

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Imperial Agents actually get to deal with this idea a lot, and do in fact get the chance to become a mole for the Republic if they want to and have made certain decisions beforehand.


That said, my Agent, although on good terms with the Republic and its spymaster, declined. Empire and Republic alike used her as a puppet for their own ends. She saw far too much of the Republic's own darker side to seriously consider defection. The choice between Empire and Republic is only a choice between one wrong and another equal wrong.

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Who pays better?


That said I'd of loved it if Smuggler and Bounty hunter could of played either side, with an affiliation choice at the begining of the game. But alas that is just a day dream.



My fiancee says this too. I think it could work if they had just made like 5 classes instead, like having an Imperial Trooper and a Republic SIS agent, then having smuggler and bounty hunter doing as they pleased.

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They definitely couldn't do it right now because of the way the class quest stories are setup... but I have thought about this. New expansions will probably feature more "main" story related quest. Would be pretty neat if they decided to include some kind of story that involved your character switching sides (would require you to finish your class quest of course) if he or she choose to.


I can dream can I?


I would have to disagree, and this is why.


By the time such an Expansion would come out, my Sith Assassin would be part of the Dark Council.


Why would I defect; or better yet, why would I be allowed to defect?


Same goes for Bounty Hunter.


At the end of the BH story line, you become the new Mandelor


Why would the Bounty Hunter defect after obtaining THAT?


Nope, after a certain point, switching sides would just be silly, and completely ruin the story. If this is going to be implemented, there would have to be a cut off point fairly early on; after reaching a certain level, there would be no going back. That means that would only be reasonably be available for those either making toons at the launch of the expansion, or players with relatively low level alts. It is just the way the class stories are structured right now.

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I love playing Republic and light side, so yes, all my Sith-side characters have stories and reasons for defecting and want to undermine the Empire. I really would like to see at least a defection option added to the LS story Sith-side, not that it would change factions, but it could be acknowledge in story and with a title. I think it makes a lot more sense that way. I have an Imperial Chiss agent, who is actually a spy for the Chiss to determine the trustworthiness of the Empire. And my Inquisitor has a vendetta against the Empire for enslaving her and for their treatment of aliens.
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Yes I would. I am playing a light side Sith Pureblood who wants to change the empire from within. But Twilight Sparkle cannot see this happening and chooses to go over to the side where she feels she can do most good to bring peace to the galaxy... And this happens to be at the hands of the republic.


A strong Sith Juggernaut under the republics command would tip the scale and make the republic the winner.


Hmm... Maybe it is a good thing it wont happen? Otherwise there would be no more story for the empire. :(

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With my current chars.. no.


In Everquest2 i rolled 2 Dark Elves (usually evil race) specifically to have them do the Traitor Quest to defect to Queynos (Good City).



Guess i could do a Chiss Smuggler :)


My fiancee says this too. I think it could work if they had just made like 5 classes instead, like having an Imperial Trooper and a Republic SIS agent, then having smuggler and bounty hunter doing as they pleased.



Actually i had the same thoughts. we see a lot of Imperial Soldiers.... and yes SIS Agents too... and Smugglers + Bountyhunters as Neutrals....Well one can hope. :)

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After seeing the Republic corruption as a Republic Trooper, and then seeing how the military treats loyal officers (like that Cat Guy Lieutenant who gets demoted for no good reason) I would love the ability to resign from the Republic military and become a freelance Mercenary.


It's the most logical course to follow after witnessing such things.


It reminds me of the Battlestar Galactica reboot series, where Commander Adama says, "Its not enough to survive... One has to be worthy of survival."


I'm not sure the Republic is actually worthy of survival. The Sith Empire is not a good alternative, but neither is the status quo. Defection to a 'neutral' faction makes sense.

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