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Watchmen Rotation - New Blog


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Just put up a new article on a blog I've been working on as a side project. Would appreciate any constructive criticism, feed back or suggestions. Thanks!




I'm looking to add an article about the other specs as well if anyone wants to send advice or content they have.


No offense but I think that rotation is garbage. Blade Rush should never be used as Slash actually does more damage, and you completely left out Merciless Strike which is our single biggest hitter. Also, Crippling throw is only good for PvP as Watchman and really only then against healers. My rotation (and most people's): leap ---> overload saber ---> zealous strike ----> cauterize ---> merciless slash ----> strike/slash combos til overload saber is off CD and then dispatch whenever it's up. It's less of a rotation and more of a priority system.

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Also your rotation changes as you gain stacks of Merc Strike, as in your Strike/Slash filler basically disappears once you have 3 stacks.


Spec: Helrek-Watchman


My rotation for PvE:

Leap(4)-->Overload(1)-->Zealous Strike(7)-->Cauterize(5)-->Merciless Strike(1)-->


This is the basic starting rotation of Watchman however, boss up time Burning Focus / Mind Sear will throw a wrench into this.

Thus from here it becomes an priority game:



Merciless Strike (when at 1 stack or none)


Merciless Strike (when at 2 or 3 stacks)

Dispatch (when at 20% or less HP left)

Overload Saber




Zealous Strike



Force Stasis (basically never use this in PvE)


There you go, that is the most basic Watchman play out rotation.


P.S. Master Strike is a waste of time. The end!

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P.S. Master Strike is a waste of time. The end!


I don't think so, necessarily. When you have 5 stacks of Juyo form, as well as a relic CD popped, this can deal a HUGE burst of damage.


I usually use overcharge sabers, pop the relic and Inspiration if I have it, then hit masterstrike. This allows my other abilities to cool down and does a good deal of damage, as well as applies dots.


The base damage with my masterstrike in Columni/champ level gear is over 4k when Juyo is stacked to 5. If I had to guess it does somewhere around 7-8k in a relatively short time if all goes well. Of course, the move is useless in certain raid bosses like Karagga when movement is essential. But the first boss in EV it works pretty well on.




But, I do agree with your statement about the rotation. It's really hard to have a set rotation because of CD timing and Cauterize's CD being tied to Merciless slash.


I have a bunch of mini-rotations I use, but usually it's a game of balance the amount of focus you have.

Edited by Namesake
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I don't think so, necessarily. When you have 5 stacks of Juyo form, as well as a relic CD popped, this can deal a HUGE burst of damage.


I usually use overcharge sabers, pop the relic and Inspiration if I have it, then hit masterstrike. This allows my other abilities to cool down and does a good deal of damage, as well as applies dots.


Aye it may do good damage, but how many times have to really had a chance to use it for full duration with that exact combination of abilities? I find the ability to use it for a DPS gain is so rare because it actually does require ALL of those CDs and Overload to be of any value.


Other wise use two consecutive slashes for more damage and more mobility at the cost of 4 focus, because lets be blunt here focus is a joke of an issue in watchman spec.

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Its more of a priority system anyways. Rotations are something that can be repeated without faltering, while this relies on some luck/procs/tics/timing making it situational. Sent is also one of the harder if not hardest class/spec to play in most regards. Fine tuning will take time, as well as the SWTOR team tweaking ability's now and in the future.


I agree with the above that your "rotation" is somewhat lacking ;P The game is very new though so don't get discouraged. Also with no combat logs and meters yet take it all with a grain of salt.

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...Also with no combat logs and meters yet take it all with a grain of salt.


I seriously doubt that meters are going to help all that much, and may very well mislead. Much of what we have to do to win, and survive, will not show up on a meter. In many of our fights proper application of interrupts is all the difference, and no amount of DPS will save us. All of our interrupts, and Force Stasis is a valuable interrupt, are mandatory. The full value of Overload and Zen cannot be measured on a meter. And in some of the longer fights the real value of the use of Rebuke/Riposte cannot be measured.


I am not a big fan of meters. To me they are the refuge of the bureaucratic mind that seeks the easy/lazy answer. I think success trumps any meter.

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I seriously doubt that meters are going to help all that much, and may very well mislead. Much of what we have to do to win, and survive, will not show up on a meter. In many of our fights proper application of interrupts is all the difference, and no amount of DPS will save us. All of our interrupts, and Force Stasis is a valuable interrupt, are mandatory. The full value of Overload and Zen cannot be measured on a meter. And in some of the longer fights the real value of the use of Rebuke/Riposte cannot be measured.


I am not a big fan of meters. To me they are the refuge of the bureaucratic mind that seeks the easy/lazy answer. I think success trumps any meter.


The fact you don't think combat logs and meters are helpful is.... Knowing exactly which rotation, which ability's in which order or priority is very important for MIN/MAX. I'm sorry but i disagree with you. While they don't tell the whole story, they are a very useful utility.


Obviously execution is the deciding factor at the end of the day, but who says I shouldn't be doing as much possible DPS WHILE hitting my interrupt's/stuns/CC...whatever. Some of us can manage both. Viewing a meter as the end all be all is obviously stupid, but for end game MIN/MAX any healer or DPS... crap even tanks for TPS will tell you its a huge benefit.


If your talking mom and pop casual, sure... great... Anything aside from that though your just flat out incorrect.

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