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How many planetary 4-mans do you wind up abandoning?


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I've done about half of them, I suppose... perhaps a bit less than half. But, pretty close. This is up to- but not including- Corellia, as I just got here (and just hit 50).


I play on a well-populated server, so my issue is mainly the fact that my main is a DPS Sorc, and it's harder for DPS to find groups at times. Mind you, I've also healed a few of the Heroics (and heck, a fair few FPs as well), despite the fact that I have zero points in the heal spec tree. But many people just aren't comfortable with a non-spec healer (which I can understand). So the quests sit in my journal until I outlevel them. That makes me sad, but I didn't really expect to be able to do EVERYTHING this game had to offer on every character. But I sure tried .. and will continue to!

Edited by Shaz
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I end up doing none or do like 3 in a row with a group than abadon the rest. Its tough to find a group for them on any planet, im up to alderaan now with lvl 33 empire character. Its also tough to find groups for flashpoints at my level. Even being a healer doesn't help.


My server was pretty heavily populated but it doesn't seem so much anymore. Can't play everyday. It kinda feels like wow where all lower zones are bare as hell which is why they nerfed it all. I don't want them to nerf swtor, im just sayin. Im hopeful it'll pick up.

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I've done all of them so far. I'm on Balmorra, Republic side. I can always find groups within 15 minutes tops, and I don't stand around waiting, I keep playing while advertising on the general chat.


Honestly the views here are so different from what I see ingame, I'm calling you all out as liars.

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It was easy to find groups until about halfway through Tatooine as Republic. I don't abandon any quests, though I do wait till I out level them to solo.... Not nearly as fun, but I'm a completionist.... Every once in a while, I do find a group, but it's getting steadily harder. I don't know if it's because of a lack for a more automated LFG tool, or if people don't think they are worth it....
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I've done all of them so far. I'm on Balmorra, Republic side. I can always find groups within 15 minutes tops, and I don't stand around waiting, I keep playing while advertising on the general chat.


Honestly the views here are so different from what I see ingame, I'm calling you all out as liars.


Different servers have different populations and players. It can vary. I probably just chose a crappy server..lol. Im hopin it picks up cuz its tough to find groups for heroics or flashpoints. Even in primetime hours.

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I've abandoned a lot of them, actually most of them. But so as not to take this out of context my PVE server says light but on the other hand so does a lot of the other ones.

the looking for group tool does not really work. It cuts off your note so you can't list the dungeons you need to do in it and it also is only single server so you are dependent on matching your schedule to peak hours in order to have plenty of people to beg to join you.

Edited by aironeousb
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Pretty much all of them. Really hard to get a group to do them (even as a healer), and the rewards and XP aren't really worth it. Maybe doing them at level... the few times I've been able to get a group for one it was already gray or close to it.
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I've done every one up to the beginning of Ilum so far. Some of them I have done a few times.


I think part of the issue is that there is a huge disconnect in difficulty between solo content and group content. I've done all the solo content on my character and rarely get defeated, maybe if there is a glitch and a whole room of enemies aggros on me. I get crushed and see other people get crushed in group content all the time. For some reason the devs thought it would be fun to make group content 10 times harder than solo and limit group size to 4 people.

Edited by MorgonKara
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I did most of them while leveling my first character with my brothers, but since then I've been soloing characters and I don't even bother trying. I pick up the quests simply so I don't see the icon on my minimap and confuse myself.


For me personally they aren't worth the time to try and find a group and go through them. Some of those quests can take quite awhile and I would prefer to just go about my business questing.


I can see the population issue coming up for a lot of players as well. I find it funny playing republic side now and going to a planet and there only being 3 people on it (at around 12 PST). That could cause a lot of issues for people on certain servers when it comes to finding groups for the heroics.

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I do all of them, I just call out a LFG while Im questing every once in a while and do it when i can, no rushing and they get done.


Exactly. Of course if your goal is to rush to the lvl cap then group quests are not a good idea as they take more time but when have they ever been if your goal is ziplining to max lvl?

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Once we hit Alderaan, the friend I play with and I, dropped every one.


Prior to that we two-manned them.


Like Public Quests in Warhammer, it just seems like there are too many per "area", and thus instead of picking one, you simply ignore them all, as the lure of seeing the next planet outweighs the lure of wanting some badges and a blue.


On a side note:

I am almost to the point with this game of never playing solo, as there are too many "grey" mobs mixed in with the normal trash. Seeing as how my solo Jedi is DPS with a DPS companion, having to med after every fight with one, is wearing thin.


I am all for them at "quest points"... guarding what I need to click on, or even patting around, but all over the place from Tatooine on... well it is just getting harder and harder to justify logging on unless we are playing "our mains".


so in addition to 4-mans, it just seems the whole game is not very solo friendly for some class and companion combos.

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I'm just curious, because it's very rare I see any LFMs for these and the few I've done just seem so not worthwhile.


I find the Fleet FPs much more fun, as they seem to have many more things going on.


My 4th alt is just completing chapter 1 and it's fair to say that between all of them I've abandoned almost every planetary 4-man. In fact, at this point, I'd be happy for an option to have the quest givers for them not even show up on my radar.


I'm not anti-grouping, but I am very much anti-waiting around not playing while trying to convince three players out of the twenty-odd on that planet at the time to do the quest.


I got my first 50 on Dec 18th.... There was me and 1 other person if I was lucky on the planet I was.... didnt do any of the 2 or 4 mans while lvling.

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