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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

ETA on cross-server Warzones??


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How about allowing regular single server queues, and then "rated cross server tournament queues"


I'd be willing to bet that it's mostly the casual PvPers that want cross-server queues, anyway. So that probably wouldn't work.

Edited by Sevvy
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Game really needs X-server PvP...pre patch the most I ever waited was 5 minutes...now it takes sometimes hours and then none at all after prime time. Also would be nice not to fight the same couple dozen people over and over and over....


Now the real PvP happens sub 50s and the ques are fast.


They should have gradually shifted the brackets instead of doing so soon. Like say 10-39 bracket then 40-50 or something....


X-server PvE is community breaking...X-server PvP is not, imo. More players to fight, more games, more PvP overall? Who would not want that?

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I read up to page 4. I'm not trolling when I ask why dont people want cross realm warzones? In those four pages all I read is that without cross realm warzones they have a "sense of community."


Certainly this social engineer BS cant be the reason. So what is the real reason for not wanting cross realm warzones? Im open to being educated.


I'm a pvper and warzones are about pvp. Is it pve'ers that pvp that dont want more action ie faster queues? Or is there a legit reason for a pvper like myself on this pvp issue?

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I can reasonably understand why some do/don't want cross-server ques. I personally love the idea that every Imperial player wants to be on my team and every Republic player wants my head. This is do to the "community" that most speak of.


At the same time I don't enjoy running in circles chasing nodes to get daily/weekly completed for 30mins in Ilum waiting on a que to pop. Then end in 120secs because lack of players......


The PVE content is ok...but not worth playing "hardcore" if you will. If anything Bioware needs to address low populated server pvp, I feel neglected. Start merging servers or implement cross server ques. Either way I'll be happy. I'll give it another month to see how things unfold, but as of right now level 50 pvp has been lame since the bracket change.


I can see why pve players would like to continue their subscription but lets be honest here, end game pvp feels botched and thrown together at the last second. I'm beginning to think SWTOR was never ment to be a pvp game. Might be time to let go

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im sick of repeating myself get out of ya little Prime time bubble!

1 not everyone logs on in prime time

2 PvPing vs the same people gets old fast

3 if the server population is low when you login = no pops

4 if you solo que you will fight the same guilds or premades till you rage quit warzones due to losing 90% of warzones & no chance to fight a fair match

the list goes on


1) "Prime Time" is different on every zone type of server. If you are an American and work weird hours, you should have rolled on a EU server. It's your responsibility to choose the server timezone that is right for you.

2) No, it doesn't. It isn't as if they take the same exact actions every WZ match.

3) Reference point #1

4) You have as good as a chance on getting on a premade group as not getting on a premade group.

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Reasons for Cross-Server PVP:


1) Faster Que Times


2) Server imbalance makes it impossible for a faction to win a war-zone (Ex. On my server Cho Mai we have only 1 Decent PvP guild on Empire that is able to get a 4 man premade going while on Republic there are 3 PvP guilds who are constantly getting double premades because they're the only ones queing. It took 6 hours of constant play to get 3 wins and half my games ended early because Empire started the war-zone with only 5 players and never got anymore.)


3) Without cross-server pvp how will this game develop a truly competitive pvp system? It would be kind of stupid to just compete with 4 guilds to have the highest pvp rating on the server. I would prefer to compete to be the best in the US not just the best on a low pop server.


4) The pugs on Cho Mai-Empire are absolute trash and would like a chance to team up with different people in order to have a chance at winning.


Arguments against Cross-Server PvP:


1) I want to pvp against the same people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until I build life long relationships with my opponents and eventually meet my life partner.

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Reasons for Cross-Server PVP:


1) Faster Que Times


2) Server imbalance makes it impossible for a faction to win a war-zone (Ex. On my server Cho Mai we have only 1 Decent PvP guild on Empire that is able to get a 4 man premade going while on Republic there are 3 PvP guilds who are constantly getting double premades because they're the only ones queing. It took 6 hours of constant play to get 3 wins and half my games ended early because Empire started the war-zone with only 5 players and never got anymore.)


3) Without cross-server pvp how will this game develop a truly competitive pvp system? It would be kind of stupid to just compete with 4 guilds to have the highest pvp rating on the server. I would prefer to compete to be the best in the US not just the best on a low pop server.


4) The pugs on Cho Mai-Empire are absolute trash and would like a chance to team up with different people in order to have a chance at winning.


Arguments against Cross-Server PvP:


1) I want to pvp against the same people over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again until I build life long relationships with my opponents and eventually meet my life partner.


Heh but the community........... f the community i want a fast que and fighting the same guys over and over like u said gets old, but it is amazeing how many tools this game has that do not want this, i mean u still have illum to fight your favorite imp/repub over and over.

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yA iM LVL 50 and on my server since they put the lvl 50 seperate pvp warzones... NOT ONE warzone has come up... its 10 days now and i play 2-6 hours a day (and i have a FT job) I waisted all my time building my character up just so that when i get to 50 i cant do what i want?!?!?!




I want to kill the Imps! and it doesnt seem like there are any out there!

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What community is it that people are protecting? If you want to PvP with people from your server then go to Ilum, that's what it's for. Penalizing those of us on underpopulated servers just because you get a hard-on playing a WZ against someone you recognize is ridiculous.


We all pay the same monthly amount to play this game, unfortunately our PvP experiences are very different. And I feel like a lot of people would change their tone if they were on a server that got one WZ pop a day instead of coming to these forums and saying "OMG, JUST MAKE ANOTHER 50, JEEZ."

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WoW was great for ... WoW players, I guess. I didn't like the game - lack of challenge and lack of real community.


Funny when our guild wiped on VtC and Patchwerk for a month we stuck together till the end of Kil'Jeaden, not sure how much more of a bond we could of made with each other. And Yes it was CHALLENGING CONTENT.


If you don't like cross server pvp then you don't like pvp.



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People have made good points on both sides and I will try to address them all. At the end, I'll provide a suggestion for solving the issue in a manner that will please both parties as best we can.

The PRO-X people say:

1) I should be able to get much faster queues

2) Ever since I hit 50 I can't get into WZ

3) Fighting the same people over and over is boring

4) You don't get a TRUE feel for being good unless you fight against even MORE people

5) Go fight people in Ilum if you want "community"


The Anti-X people say:

1) You lose any real sense of community on your server

2) You lose any real sense of responsibility for yourself (ie; the "internet jerk face" syndrome pops in because people know that no one in the match will see them ever again and if they do, it doesn't matter because it's just in WZ)

3) There are no rivalries formed between guilds that extend into the world

4) There IS NO REAL WORLD PVP IN THIS GAME. Ilum is, honestly, a joke. It's a giant room people show up in occasionally to fight each other. There aren't even PVP vendors there so people would rather queue where they can purchase their gear as they gain commendations, and since there are no global /50 or /lfg channels, people can't also look for groups while in Ilum. They're detached from the community.


Now, we need to take a look the current system in an optimal setting:


A full and healthy server with a balanced population. If you look at it from that perspective, all of the issues that the pro-x people have go away.


REMEMBER!! Bioware has designed the game based around the fact that all of their servers will have thousands of 50's on both sides.


The game JUST came out. If you are already 50, you are AHEAD OF THE CURVE. (Speaking as a r55 PVPer who has also completed all of the end game content, I'm well aware that I need to put up with buggy raids and instances too). Most of you folks whining probably didn't play many MMO's at launch or during beta, which speaks a lot to your understanding of the cycles of an MMO. I know it hurts, but you CAN re-roll on a server with a better population, or as another faction. My server has VERY fast queue times on both sides. It didn't right away, but after a week or two, things balanced out.


Many, many people feel that cross-server ruined MMO communities. This is not old news, and if you take a look at the community on WOW vs. the community on other games that do not support this feature - you'll find that everyone knows each other, knows who the good guilds are, and you will also find that there are less jerk-faces. Why is that? Because there is accountability! If you do something jerkish, people remember you. You gain a bad rep.


Bioware recognized that community has been going to the dogs with recent MMO's and they're striving to bring that back. Many of us are hoping for even more World objectives (both PvE and PvP) that will encourage the community to work and compete together futher. Ilum truly is a joke.


There are a lot of things about MMO's that have been implemented for people want their MMO to play like a single player game where they can do whatever they want whenever they want because they pay their money so they're entitled. I've got to be honest, if you are playing this for only yourself, why are you playing an MMO?


If you don't care to interact with other people on a more personal level, why not play something that specifically caters to you? There are tons of games out there that provide the features you're looking for. Another poster listed MANY pvp-centric games that are x-server and provide the pace and style you're looking for.


Your answer "Join a guild" doesn't solve the rivalry and competitiveness that many people yearn for. Does anyone else remember when organizing your guild quickly to get them to a world boss before another guild was important? And then getting there and deciding if you were going to be a jerk and wipe them, or be nice in hopes that they wouldn't do it to you if you were there next time? This is even MORE fun on a PVP server.

Solution for both sides:

  • Visible level 50 population for Jedi/Sith on every server so people can see what the populations are before they create a character.
  • Two Free server transfers with a mandatory wait time in between (this is to prevent people and guilds from server hopping after doing questionable things)


Frey the Heartless

Level 50 Bounty Hunter

Rakata Mind Prison

Edited by WittyRaevyn
adding sig
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  • 1 month later...
i hear cross servers are not comming in the next patch is this true? if so *** is going on why give us rated WZs when the problem is low server populations & WZ que times & PuG vs Premades, did EA forget people cant do rated WZ if their server cant even support normal WZs!
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if people want them or not is irrelevant as according to ohlen in his twitter 9 hours ago:




"Today’s topic is PVP. If you could make one change to PVP in #SWTOR, what would you want it to be?"



Aaron_IRL ‏ @Aaron_IRL


@JamesOhlen A system that would create more balanced match-ups in WZs. Fewer war hero pre-mades vs. randoms.

James Ohlen James Ohlen ‏ @JamesOhlen



@Aaron_IRL Agreed. You'll see some improvements in Update 2 and much more when we add cross server warzones.

Edited by teambff
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Funny when our guild wiped on VtC and Patchwerk for a month we stuck together till the end of Kil'Jeaden, not sure how much more of a bond we could of made with each other. And Yes it was CHALLENGING CONTENT.


If you don't like cross server pvp then you don't like pvp.




No, it means you don't like cross server pvp. Silly statement.

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WittyRaevyn: I think you sum it great... I will just add one idea


I think that it will take some times to implement cross server warzones but...


I think that it would be great idea to satisfy all players.


1) Create cross server queue

2) Leave also one server queue


Everyone can choose what he wants and it should be hard to implement because they will leave old queue system and just add new one:-)


Or another possibility is to use some smart matching but I would prefer option which I wrote above...


It will allow more tier, it can allow also split warzones based on gear etc.

Edited by ataborik
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