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The ''HOW OLD ARE YOU'' Unofficial Thread - Let us know who you are!


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So do you ever get asked if you know movie stars/surf/been in an earthquake?


I'm not sure why people think we Californians are all like that. ;)


High-five from NorCal


All the time, since I've just started working in Hollywood. 8)


Doing data entry. What did you guys think I was gonna say?


Now if we're talking about movie stars, I met a ton of them when I worked at Disneyland. Even watched Jennifer Garner almost get her legs crushed on the back of a tram once o.O

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59 female from Canada and so excited about getting in tomorrow. Wow, we've come a long way since the days of Pac Man, Centipede, and Frogger, lol. Have been playing MMO's for years now and even had a blast playing with my grandson. Looking forward to seeing everyone in game!!!


hope to be in by Thursday :) Stocked up on Ensure and Arthritis Rub for the big day! Red Bull is for kiddies and nOOBs...

Edited by bonsaibeatle
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So do you ever get asked if you know movie stars/surf/been in an earthquake?


I'm not sure why people think we Californians are all like that. ;)


High-five from NorCal


Although this was asked of someone else... I used to live in North Hollywood for a while.


Been an Extra in a movie. I surf, and have been in three major quakes (The Silmar Quake, Big Bear Quake and the Olympia, Wa. quake <-- the last one scared me more than the other two combined). I've also met Nikki Sixx, Gabe Kaplin, Eddie Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli, One of the Landers sisters (short little things), Pat Sajak (real jerk).

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All the time, since I've just started working in Hollywood. 8)


Doing data entry. What did you guys think I was gonna say?


Now if we're talking about movie stars, I met a ton of them when I worked at Disneyland. Even watched Jennifer Garner almost get her legs crushed on the back of a tram once o.O


Well, I tell people that I know a Mel Gibson and that I went to college with Jennifer Lopez.


That usually gets a double-take before they find out the truth (the Mel Gibson I know is actually Melissa but she goes by Mel, and the J Lopez is not the famous one, though they do kinda look like each other), then they try hitting me.


And while I wasn't in it (I was only six at the time) I do remember the San Francisco Earthquake of '89. I remember watching it happen on TV.


That's my nearest claim to fame anyway.


Edit: My Pastor's mother has done paintings of famous people and given them as presents to the celebrities. (Including Celebs like Elton John and President Ronald Reagan)

Edited by VanCarak
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Although this was asked of someone else... I used to live in North Hollywood for a while.


Been an Extra in a movie. I surf, and have been in three major quakes (The Silmar Quake, Big Bear Quake and the Olympia, Wa. quake <-- the last one scared me more than the other two combined). I've also met Nikki Sixx, Gabe Kaplin, Eddie Van Halen and Valerie Bertinelli, One of the Landers sisters (short little things), Pat Sajak (real jerk).


I'm not cool, I don't surf :(


But earthquakes always trip me out more than scare me. I'm usually doing the duck and cover by the time the quake is ending >.<


Edit: for Freudian slip

Edited by KamikazeNiki
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Damnit, I thought I could fix it before anyone would notice it.


I have nothing to do as I no longer have a computer that will run the game, so I'm busy spamming the forums until they lock it to subscribers only >.<


And trust me, I notice things like that. ;)

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