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Whats the point in playing a pure DPS class?


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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?
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Sadly, all some people care about is how much DPS they can dish out, and in return they think that makes them a good player. Don't get me wrong though, plenty of skilled players out there that are pure DPSers.


Just funny to watch a BH stand in the middle of a WZ spamming tracer missle, getting spanked, and doing nothing objective based for their entire team. Never gets old.

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Sadly, all some people care about is how much DPS they can dish out, and in return they think that makes them a good player. Don't get me wrong though, plenty of skilled players out there that are pure DPSers.


Just funny to watch a BH stand in the middle of a WZ spamming tracer missle, getting spanked, and doing nothing objective based for their entire team. Never gets old.


that BH spamming tracer missle is hitting me, the ball carrier, trying to make a goal/trying to protect the ball handler


oh and they can bubble and heal


don't worry though, if I'm lucky I can hobble over to the health power up

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This is a very VALID point. Why are Healers topping the charts in DAMAGE and HEALING?


Exactly. In all honesty, it would make much more sense if Snipers/Gunslingers and Marauders/Sentinels did more damage than anyone because of the fact that that's all they can do. As opposed to, say, a Juggernaut doing insane damage, yet racking in more medals than a Marauder because of the fact he can guard as hell.



Are there any Marauders/Sentinels and Gunslingers/Snipers out there that can vouch that they add to a team as much as those than can guard/heal?

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Because the high dps specs (like pyro BH which is the highest DPS in the AC with guard/taunt) rely on spending many skill points improving your DPS stance. A powertech in tank stance has noticeably lower DPS than one in DPS stance.


Some powertechs go for a balance, sacrificing DPS for survivability / mobility.

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I'm trying to grasp this as I'm seeing bounty hunters and other classes like Inquisitors doing all types of insane damage, yet being able to provide protection in Warzones along with heals. So what is the point of playing a class that can only do damage?


I'm not sure about a BH doing as much dps as a sorc or agent while healing, however as a power tech I don't have any healing at all. Do Mercs heal as much as a Sorc and Agent while dishing out good dps?

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Because the high dps specs (like pyro BH which is the highest DPS in the AC with guard/taunt) rely on spending many skill points improving your DPS stance. A powertech in tank stance has noticeably lower DPS than one in DPS stance.


Some powertechs go for a balance, sacrificing DPS for survivability / mobility.


but they have the benefit of being able to fill that tank roll, or healer roll, while pure dps classes are a one-trick pony and that one-trick is on par with the 'hybrids'


it's like comparing a rotary phone to a smart phone

Edited by HBninjaX
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I have a shadow and a sentinel that I play. I can tell you jsut because they can put up numbers doesnt mean I cant totally destory them as a pure dps class. On my shadow no inqus stands a chance if i jump on them. On my sentinel they last a little longer but they will die and I will come out easily with 90% health after the confrontation.

Mercs are a different story. those single button spam ******* you run into make me so angry in warzones. however I can still defeat them 1v1 on my sentinel just not on my shadow.


I mainly play my sentinel since I like that class alot more. As pure dps I usually am top in dmg with relative ease. My only goal in every wz isnt to protect or heal but to jump on and just start destroying those healers then turn to the tanks because I have a few attacks that Ignore all armor and its pretty much true dmg.


The only reason why these tank classes and healer classes seem to put up more damage than alot of pure dps classes is because they can spam their 3 second channel ability over and over in pvp with no real cooldown on it. Since every classes channel ability is pretty much their highest dmg ability. If those classes are left unchecked or challenged in pvp then they get a little out of hand. Pure dps classes can get on top of those and make it to where they will never be able to spam that ability. The only classes that can totally shut them down from doing that are pure dps classes. such as sentinel and gunslinger. Also a good little tip is since its a tech attack and a force attack is you have resilience pop it and they will be waisting their time doing no dmg to you. Only pure dps classes have thier channel ability that isnt tech or force ability its just straight dmg and cannot be ignored by resilience.


If you want to stop those ranged tanks/Healers that are just spamming those buttons to do dps. you MUST have pure dps on your team to stop them from ever getting a chance to do that.

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but they have the benefit of being able to fill that tank roll, or healer roll, while pure dps classes are a one-trick pony and that one-trick is on par with the 'hybrids'


Sure, if you don't mind being a tank with all +power & crit or a dps with all +def & shield (depending on what gear you chose to get) or have 2 complete gearsets.


And if you want to repeatedly pay to respec skills.



If you wanted a class which had more options then why didn't you choose one? my next char will likely be a sent / mara regardless of whether they can tank or heal.

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Starting to wonder why i even rolled Sniper in the first place myself. Man what a bad choice, great storyline though ( IA )


Make a Sorc then and enjoy the 10-49 pvp bracket. BW may tone down the Sorc class, but probably not much because of how many I see around (which would piss off a large number of people). /irony :eek:

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I'm not sure about a BH doing as much dps as a sorc or agent while healing, however as a power tech I don't have any healing at all. Do Mercs heal as much as a Sorc and Agent while dishing out good dps?


The fact remains still that both have the option to off-heal even if they are in a all-DPS build. Where does that leave (since we're speaking Sith) Marauders and Snipers? All they can do is damage. Problem is, however, that in some cases other classes can dish out more damage than the all-DPS class while having the option to off-heal, or even guard (which results in more medals).

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I have a shadow and a sentinel that I play. I can tell you jsut because they can put up numbers doesnt mean I cant totally destory them as a pure dps class. On my shadow no inqus stands a chance if i jump on them. On my sentinel they last a little longer but they will die and I will come out easily with 90% health after the confrontation.

Mercs are a different story. those single button spam ******* you run into make me so angry in warzones. however I can still defeat them 1v1 on my sentinel just not on my shadow.


I mainly play my sentinel since I like that class alot more. As pure dps I usually am top in dmg with relative ease. My only goal in every wz isnt to protect or heal but to jump on and just start destroying those healers then turn to the tanks because I have a few attacks that Ignore all armor and its pretty much true dmg.


The only reason why these tank classes and healer classes seem to put up more damage than alot of pure dps classes is because they can spam their 3 second channel ability over and over in pvp with no real cooldown on it. Since every classes channel ability is pretty much their highest dmg ability. If those classes are left unchecked or challenged in pvp then they get a little out of hand. Pure dps classes can get on top of those and make it to where they will never be able to spam that ability. The only classes that can totally shut them down from doing that are pure dps classes. such as sentinel and gunslinger. Also a good little tip is since its a tech attack and a force attack is you have resilience pop it and they will be waisting their time doing no dmg to you. Only pure dps classes have thier channel ability that isnt tech or force ability its just straight dmg and cannot be ignored by resilience.


If you want to stop those ranged tanks/Healers that are just spamming those buttons to do dps. you MUST have pure dps on your team to stop them from ever getting a chance to do that.


FYI BW have stated that the intended balance is for all DPS trees to be within 5% of each other.


So if a class with 3 DPS trees *is* the best (by a noticeable amount, i.e. significantly more than 5%) then expect it to be brought back in line with the others. Indeed, if a class with 2 DPS trees is best the same applies.

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Because for some reason the devs thought making some classes hybrids and others not was a good idea.


It's a terrible idea. Fundamentally flawed.


If hybrids are weaker than pure specs in either role, everyone will go pure spec to min/max better.

If hybrids are roughly as strong as pure specs in either role, than everyone will go hybrid (which is what's happening in WZs right now).


The system can't be fixed unless everyone is given hybrid roles (see: Guild Wars) or no one is, and it's too late to fix either way.


So just move on with your life, accept that the game isn't perfect, and either play what you want to play or re-roll hybrid to win more consistently.

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well how about making the non-hybrids better at what they do, and the hybrids have to utilize all of their tools (healing/dpsing or tanking/dpsing) to make an equal contribution to the team


Forcing players to become hybrids?


Why? There's no need.


Whether A DPS Operative manages to throw out a couple of weak heal with no skillpoints invested in them does not decide the outcome of the game!

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