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Where is my VICTORY RUSH


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Snark aside, I've had the same thought as the OP: That a baseline self-healing attack for a quarter or a third of your total HP that is triggered by your killing something would be a boon to both Guardians and Sentinels.


I'm equally sure we won't be seeing something like Victory Rush for many, many moons, and that the reason will be that because PvP exists, PvE can't have anything nice.

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Jedi Knights/Sentinals DIE to easy in PvE -> solution VICTORY RUSH




Don't just copy paste it, but maybe you "genius" game designers will get the message.




I agree we really need that effect.


But just make is a passive thing. No need to cluster our bars with even more ability bloat.



"After killing an opponent that grants valor or experience, you gain 20% of your total Endurance".


Simple, easy, convenient.




While we're at it, I would also like Spell-Reflect. Mace Windu uses it...why can't we?

Edited by Dee-Jay
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I agree we really need that effect.


But just make is a passive thing. No need to cluster our bars with even more ability bloat.



"After killing an opponent that grants valor or experience, you gain 20% of your total Endurance".


Simple, easy, convenient.




While we're at it, I would also like Spell-Reflect. Mace Windu uses it...why can't we?


I think you can use it in cutscenes, if the Sith Warrior storyline is any indication.

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I agree we really need that effect.


But just make is a passive thing. No need to cluster our bars with even more ability bloat.



"After killing an opponent that grants valor or experience, you gain 20% of your total Endurance".


Simple, easy, convenient.


Also completely worthless. To keep the math easy, lets assume at level-cap you have 1000 Endurance. Dropping something would yield +200hp. Into an HP pool that is going to be at least 12000hp. "Drop in the bucket," doesn't really begin to describe it. (Individual Watchman crit ticks produce greater self-healing than that!)


If you're going to go with passive, low-tick self-healing, then the way to go is to take Merciless Zeal and apply it to all critical hits, not just burns, so that it can become a talent dump for Combat and Focus Sentinels once they're hit the tops of their trees. Ideally you wouldn't tinker with the percentage healed, but given that PvP concerns are implicated, the percentage would invariably be adjusted downward in the name of balance.


Or there's the bigger number route, a la Victory Rush, that procs when you kill something and heals 20%, 25%, 33%, or some other significant fraction of your total HP. I'm certainly not expecting Victory Rush and its glyphed self-healing, but given the cited survivability issues of JKs in PvE, some manner of large self-heal would be desirable.

Edited by Juumanistra
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I love that ability on my warrior in WoW, really wish it was in this game too


It really would give the JK that little bit extra they need to not feel like they are exceptionally weak.


And to be honest it would not make a huge impact in PvP JK's are not imortal in PvP and they would have to kill someone -> KILLING BLOW -> which is not so easy in PvP with 10 others wailing on the target.


I think more people should sign this.

Edited by solnar_xan
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Also completely worthless. To keep the math easy, lets assume at level-cap you have 1000 Endurance. Dropping something would yield +200hp. Into an HP pool that is going to be at least 12000hp. "Drop in the bucket," doesn't really begin to describe it. (Individual Watchman crit ticks produce greater self-healing than that!)


If you're going to go with passive, low-tick self-healing, then the way to go is to take Merciless Zeal and apply it to all critical hits, not just burns, so that it can become a talent dump for Combat and Focus Sentinels once they're hit the tops of their trees. Ideally you wouldn't tinker with the percentage healed, but given that PvP concerns are implicated, the percentage would invariably be adjusted downward in the name of balance.


Or there's the bigger number route, a la Victory Rush, that procs when you kill something and heals 20%, 25%, 33%, or some other significant fraction of your total HP. I'm certainly not expecting Victory Rush and its glyphed self-healing, but given the cited survivability issues of JKs in PvE, some manner of large self-heal would be desirable.


He said 20% of total endurance. 20% of 1000 endurance is 200 endurance not health. 1 endurance = 10 health. so therefore it would be a 2000 heal not 200. Let's keep the math easy - but accurate.

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He said 20% of total endurance. 20% of 1000 endurance is 200 endurance not health. 1 endurance = 10 health. so therefore it would be a 2000 heal not 200. Let's keep the math easy - but accurate.


I'm...not really understanding the point you're trying to make. We're in agreement that 20% of a total Endurance of 1000 is 200. The poster to whom I responded said the ability he'd like to see was, "'After killing an opponent that grants valor or experience, you gain 20% of your total Endurance.'" Using standard parsing, the only rational way to read that is to mean that, in the scenario contemplated, you should gain an amount of HP equal to 20% of your total Endurance, i.e. 200hp. If the poster to whom I responded had meant an amount equal to 20% of the amount of HP contributed to your HP pool by Endurance, or something along those lines, then surely such would been said.

Edited by Juumanistra
Editted for failing at grammar.
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Its a useless skill.


Most people are not having problems killing hordes of small trash mobs. The issue is survival when fighting elite (gold) mobs. An on death heal would be of no use vs a single big mob.

This, give slash a lifesteal part and it would actually be used in a rotation ^_^ No J/K but like rlly, boss mobs so hard and yes i make it harder for myself since I hate Doc >_>
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''b'aww my class can't heal itself''


I think as long as this is just a pve thing then it could be fine, but 20% is much i mean that would be a, 80% heal if its 4 weak or regular units.


I haven't had a problem.


Its the challenge of the class..


I know classes that arent playing healer spec on something like a sage cant survive even with some heales when they do pve content when they fight something hard. so I dont see why this is an issue.


we cant heal so why worry about it. Use a potion.

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I'm...not really understanding the point you're trying to make. We're in agreement that 20% of a total Endurance of 1000 is 200. The poster to whom I responded said the ability he'd like to see was, "'After killing an opponent that grants valor or experience, you gain 20% of your total Endurance.'" Using standard parsing, the only rational way to read that is to mean that, in the scenario contemplated, you should gain an amount of HP equal to 20% of your total Endurance, i.e. 200hp. If the poster to whom I responded had meant an amount equal to 20% of the amount of HP contributed to your HP pool by Endurance, or something along those lines, then surely such would been said.


You seem to be going out of your way to misinterpret what's being said. "you gain 20% of your endurance" is an unconventional way of phrasing what he's talking about, but it's also pretty straightforward. He doesn't mention your HP bar. Simply, 20% of your endurance is restored to you. I dunno why you would try and convert that to literal HP points.


Ambiguous communication aside, it's obvious what he means to anyone who knows what Victory Rush is. (Off the top of my head) It's an attack, usable after you kill a target that yields honor or experience, which heals you for an amount equal to 50% of your maximum hitpoints. His point, and it's a fair one, is that Knight's action bars needn't be further cluttered with another attack; just grant the victory hp either instantly, or on the next attack.


EDIT: Also, I endorse this highly. It's one of my favourite attacks on my warrior, and it's absolutely my most useful one, in terms of survivability.

Edited by Aurich
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