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Out of 25 Warzones...


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I love how people consider dumping an additional 100+ hours in to a game a viable solution.


This is either trolling, or the saddest post I've ever seen.


Find something to do with your life.


I have a great career....don't get so touchy.


Just re-roll, it really isn't that big of a deal. Your old character is still there and you can always go back.

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I actually rather enjoy huttball. I can't wait until ranked 8 v8 premade huttball brackets. If they built a few more maps with different hazards it would go a long way towards making huttball even better.




Huttball is fun as hell, the same old tired map is boring. New maps new hazards, i saw someone suggest a sarlac hazard. Love that idea.


Lots of potential in huttball.

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What rebuttal do you need? It sucks for you to have to reroll, but check it. That is the only option you have at the moment.


Option 1: Spend 100 hours rerolling, then another 100 hours getting your character up to the gear of your original. Then you'll get to play the types of Warzones you want. A simple 200 hour solution.



Option 2: You can find a game that isn't run by morons. Then maybe once Bioware finally sorts out the major issues with PvP (and everything else), revisit your character.




I have a great career....don't get so touchy.


Just re-roll, it really isn't that big of a deal. Your old character is still there and you can always go back.


Life =/= career. If you have an "extra" 200 hours to drop on rerolling an MMO character at this stage in the game... 1 month in.... I won't judge. But I will say, the idea of telling someone to reroll because of "too much huttball" is completely insane.

Edited by JediMasterShake
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Option 1: Spend 100 hours rerolling, then another 100 hours getting your character up to the gear of your original. Then you'll get to play the types of Warzones you want. A simple 200 hour solution.



Option 2: You can find a game that isn't run by morons. Then maybe once Bioware finally sorts out the major issues with PvP (and everything else), revisit your character.






Life =/= career. If you have an "extra" 200 hours to drop on rerolling an MMO character at this stage in the game... 1 month in.... I won't judge. But I will say, the idea of telling someone to reroll because of "too much huttball" is completely insane.



Yeah, but you are missing a key component in that rerolling has the intrinsic benefit of you know; playing the game. You'll get to see a whole new story PoV, you have lots of new romance options. You can meet new friends.


It's not like rerolling is the same as being beat with a sock and a bar of soap. It is sort of fun.

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You must've subtracted "reading comprehension" from that equation.


There is a difference between having MMOs as a hobby and telling someone to "go spend another 100+ hours rerolling a completely different character solely because Bioware is incompetent and can't create incentives for balanced factions, or manage the exceedingly simple task of creating balanced WZ queues".


But keep thinking you're clever.


What is your "exceedingly simple solution"?...that won't further contribute to the underlying problem of faction population imbalance? The ability to select for certain warzones just means you will be waiting in cue for 1 hour plus waiting for a chance at some repub opponents. Cross server WZs is unlikely to help much as the vast majority of servers appear to have similar faction imbalances with respect to pvp populations.



Like it or not the limited WZ options on Imp side is at least a reason for people to reroll and help balance out the sides. I know on the servers I play on, I'm seeing lots of low level repub alts of imp players.


That being said, I'm sure the pop numbers will change over time, I assume they expected a wave of early players, followed by a wave of departures, we've also got GW2 around the corner which will impact pop again. My guess is after the pop somewhat stabilizes and they see what they are left with faction-balance and server overall pop levels some actions will be taken by BW.

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Life =/= career. If you have an "extra" 200 hours to drop on rerolling an MMO character at this stage in the game... 1 month in.... I won't judge. But I will say, the idea of telling someone to reroll because of "too much huttball" is completely insane.


How is it insane? The other character won't be deleted. If you are empire atm you have no place to complain about to much Huttball, sorry.

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What is your "exceedingly simple solution"?...that won't further contribute to the underlying problem of faction population imbalance? The ability to select for certain warzones just means you will be waiting in cue for 1 hour plus waiting for a chance at some repub opponents. Cross server WZs is unlikely to help much as the vast majority of servers appear to have similar faction imbalances with respect to pvp populations.



Like it or not the limited WZ options on Imp side is at least a reason for people to reroll and help balance out the sides. I know on the servers I play on, I'm seeing lots of low level repub alts of imp players.


That being said, I'm sure the pop numbers will change over time, I assume they expected a wave of early players, followed by a wave of departures, we've also got GW2 around the corner which will impact pop again. My guess is after the pop somewhat stabilizes and they see what they are left with faction-balance and server overall pop levels some actions will be taken by BW.



Exceedingly simple:


Cross faction WZ. Downside: less immersion??? Huttball is already mixed.



Choose your own WZ. Downside: slightly longer queues. If you want fast queues, there will be a random option.



Done. That was so *********** hard.

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How is it insane? The other character won't be deleted. If you are empire atm you have no place to complain about to much Huttball, sorry.


You must literally do nothing with your life outside of work except play video games. Dude, I love video games, and that is awesome. No sarcasm. But most people don't function like that. Most people can't spend 200 hours leveling up a character in an MMO, only to find one small but very annoying issue, then drop everything and roll another 200 hours to fix it.


Don't you see how this just isn't a reasonable solution?

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Why are so many people bashing the OP? Huttball is tiresome after so many games. It's not his fault that he wanted to roll empire. Blame BW for not enforcing faction balance from the get-go.


A big part of the reason BW didn't enforce faction balance, I suspect, is because whenever that idea was even remotely, in the teeniest, tiniest way, so much as HINTED at during the months (and years, actually) before the release of the game, TONS of people on the forums would absolutely flip out. "Who is Bioware to tell me what faction I have to roll on? What if I have friends playing Imperial side on [whatever server], are you saying if I come to the game a bit late I can't roll an imperials character and play with my friends?"


And on.

and on.

and on.

and on.


If the forums were any sort of judge of the matter, BW would have had a virtual riot on their hands if they would have attempted to put in any sort of cap on the servers to maintain faction balance.



So take that, add to it that most of the pre-release trailers paint the Imperial side as the more powerful (and "cooler") side, and the fact that game animations in the game tend to be much cooler on the Imperial side (would you rather shoot purple lightning...or throw pebbles? Exactly.), and the fact that most of the armor models for the Imperials side look awesome, while most for the republic side (esp. Jedi Consulars) look like the players are homeless, out-of-work Jedi hobo's, and the fact that supposedly mirrored skills for the two factions aren't always mirrored (and when the mirroring isn't perfect, the difference ALWAYS favors the Imperials side)...


...is anyone, and I mean anyone, surprised that faction imbalance favors the Imperial side by (on some servers) easily a 70:30 margin, if not more?


Bioware knew the problem was coming. All of the surveys pre-release, both on the official forums and on any of the major fansites, clearly indicated that people were going to be playing Imperial by an imbalance of at least 60:40, with those planning on playing on PvP servers reporting values closer to 70:30.


Yet I think in the end they were more worried about the backlash that would come from faction-capping servers than they were from worried about the implications for Warzones, for open world PvP on Ilum, etc.


And now they have a mess on their hands, and from all appearances, really have no idea how to solve it.

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Exceedingly simple:


Cross faction WZ. Downside: less immersion??? Huttball is already mixed.



This removes the only current reason to reroll, so would do nothing to help the underlying issue of pop balance, which impacts more than just WZs.



Choose your own WZ. Downside: slightly longer queues. If you want fast queues, there will be a random option.



Without making all the WZs same faction, the queues would be very, very long.



If all the WZs are same faction available and the majority of the population is on one faction (more people to group with, more FPs, OPs groups etc, less of a zerg target in open world pvp...etc)...why even bother playing the other faction?...Come to think of it if they did that we could prolly devote all the dev resources to imp side and just ditch repub all together. /shrug

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Are you implying someone is part of the problem of "Faction Imbalance" because they simply chose to play the Empire side?


Yes, that is exactly the problem. The fact that you cannot see this simple piece of logic worries me greatly.


No one is saying you are maliciously part of the problem, I'm not even advocating that it is solely your fault. But, you are definitely part of the problem and refusing to reroll is only causing yourself more issues.

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I would give up. Most of them don't realize that they are even part of the problem.


All I am asking for is a change. So far all you guys have suggested is reroll and wait it out.


That's completely idiotic. No player should be penailized and denied content because of the faction they rolled, just like no one should be denied content or penialized because of Class or Species.


Yes, every Imperial player on my sever could roll a Republic player and that would "fix" the problem. But, If you were in the same situation we are in I have a feeling you wouldn't be so willing to temporarly abandoning your main character that you've worked to gear up and level up... I want to PvP on my BH and I want to get the Champion armor for my BH. Not for a Republic Alt.


I made this thread to hopefully get some solutions to the stated problem. Having all Empire characters reroll Republic isn't a viable solution, it's merely avoiding the problem.


As you said before, we outnumber you 5:1. No matter what you say or do, BioWare must please the Majority. So you can call us whiners and "part of the problem", but either it changes or the game population gets a whole lot smaller.


Your choice.

Edited by Skapek-Skocap
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Why are so many people bashing the OP? Huttball is tiresome after so many games. It's not his fault that he wanted to roll empire. Blame BW for not enforcing faction balance from the get-go.


Well....actually he is responsible for the faction he rolled....BW didn't pick it for him/her. If they didn't know the faction imbalance when they first started, it should have become painfully apparent as they levelled if they were even remotely paying attention or PVPing, yet they chose to ignore the potential consequences and forge ahead, assuming others would reroll or BW would make life easier for the dominant side I guess.



As an aside as prolly 2/3 or greater of their player base is imp, I wouldn't worry about it too much OP - the damage is done and BW really can't alienate that big of of a piece of their player base - they will likely implement more same faction WZs, and give a small xp buff to repub to try and entice some faction changes. Overall this will prolly do little to impact faction balance, and open world pvp will suffer, but you won't get huttball as often at least.

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As you said before, we outnumber you 5:1. No matter what you say or do, BioWare must please the Majority. So you can call us whiners and "part of the problem", but either it changes or the game population gets a whole lot smaller.


Your choice.


So your plan is just to whine and get your way then? I guess a proven strategy bares merit.

Edited by Valsdad
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I exit as soon as I see its hutball. I'm also sick of huttball, wish they would add a few more warzones that can be same faction competitive, or screw it and just make alderaan and voidstar same faction. I don't really care if the story of my warzone doesn't make sense, I just don't really like the fact that you will play huttball 8 to 9 thousand times to get to level 60 valor(if you win 1/2).


If your a pugger, well you will more than likely play 20 to 90k matches of huttball lol

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I haven't played since Friday and have absolutely 0 urges to log in. Really regretting spending that $15 last Thursday for another month that won't be used.
Consider that $15 spent on a new game, Star Wars: The Old Republic. The storyline must be at least somewhat different than that of Star Wars: The Sith Empire since we go to some planets at different times in our career.
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I made this thread to hopefully get some solutions to the stated problem. Having all Empire characters reroll Republic isn't a viable solution, it's merely avoiding the problem.


....but the underlying problem IS population balance. Solutions which don't involve trying to correct the faction balance issues are "avoiding the problem".



...but on to solution ideas as I stated above more same faction WZs are inevitable.


MMO players love carrots and grinding away for shinies or whatever...


You're tired of Huttball...give players the option to join other WZs same faction - can spin it as training for "story". Downside of selecting this option is (outside huttball) - same faction WZ rewards are cut in half or maybe even zero. Solves your huttball woes, yet still doesn't make life perfect, to hopefully entice more players to go Repub side to help correct the underlying cause of your issues.

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