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Sniper-Kaliyo vs Jugg-Vette (DPS-tank vs tank-DPS)


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So feeling a little discouraged, I parked my sniper and started to mess around with alts and ended up playing a Jugg. And then I was thinking, wow, one pair is DPS-tank, the other is tank-DPS. That should make a cool comparison.


Yeah yeah, a companion is not a player. But we are talking about experience. Also at low level, the talent tree is not that applicable.


Hutta and Korriban are different, no direct comparison. At Dromund Kaas, level 11/12, I believe the experiences provide valid comparisons.


e.g. Quest=Personal Challenge (Heroic 2+)


This is before we even get to the city. Kill 8 mandolorians (elites) and their boss, Gregg or something. On single elite pulls, both team works. On the double elite pulls, the sniper team struggled. Kaliyo dies almost every single time. The Jugg team blow through it easily. On triple elite pulls, the Sniper team wilted. The Jugg team will down two elites before wiping. Neither team can solo the boss, but that is to be expected.


There are very little choices or talents or rotations or skills or gears to discuss. These teams just came to be. There is nothing here but raw player experience as intented by the designers and they are night and day.


The Sniper team's experience is one of dread. "Dang, going to die *again*, don't even try!"

The Jugg team's experience is one of power. "We'll make it, let's go!"


I'm not going to suggest what needs to be fixed but from a pure player experience perspective, something is wrong when both team compositions by role are the same and yet the game turns out so differently. Yes, that is just one quest but the experience divergence continues in the subsequent levels while the team roles remain tank-DPS or DPS-tank.


This really needs to be looked at holistically.

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This game is a holy trinity game. In the scheme of things, everybody wants to be DPS, but Tanks and Healers are much more important.


All you are saying is that a good tank + bad dps is better for hard content than a bad tank + good dps. We know that.



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You're kidding me, they're that close and you're arguing somehow it unbalanced or something?


What the hell?


If the Tank Main + DPS Comp team was like, dominating Heroic 4 while the DPS Main + Tank Comp team was barely able to handle a similar Heroic 2... I'd maybe consider it a valid point or something.


But we're talking 1 mob difference, and success varies by skill barrier. If you're better with the sniper you might not have any problems. Learn to use a ledge to force a mob to run around it, or stay in cover so you take way less damage from their ranged attacks... etc.

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kaliyo can be at full health again in the time it takes to get on/off a speeder.



Ive leveled up to the mid 30s or 40s




Smuggler (operative)




And you know what? Sniper had the easiest time in pve.


I have like 5 interrupts (cover pulse, flashbang, our stun, our regular interrupt, ambush knockback) which makes fighting the elites in class quests easy.


And once you get uh, suppressive fire was it? the 3 target channeled aoe, grinding through groups of trash become very simple (though once you get to the late 30s/40 and have all your abilities just taking them out single target is just as fast in my experience)



As far as soloing heroics. Make an operative. Nothing compares.

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