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Early Access Broken Promises....Not a good start, EA


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I'm aware of the whole "up-to" system, and have been since I pre-ordered 9th of december, but the preorder didnt show up, so after contacting support - my preorder is now registered as of 14th of december... And that will probably place me in the last wave of all... 1 hour before early access ends on the 19th... -.- Not saying i'm being unfairly, only that I would give my left hand to be playing right now...:o
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Psssst! *whispers* The game ACTUALLY launches on the 20th. SHHH! It's the 15th today, so if you don't get in UP TO five days early (between now, and the 20th), then complain.


Otherwise, have a little patience. Read a book to occupy your time. So many people posting seem to need to brush up on that skill anyway.

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Not really, it's an acceptable thing now... Allowing people that paid the same money at different times is definitely not. A lot of us were cautious and wanted to try the game first because of all the lies previous MMO companys told about games. Just because some of us did not know of, or have the money, etc should not entitle any difference since everyone paid the same.


except NO ONE paid for EGA so its PERFECTLY acceptable.


And as it says it was up to 5 days early access so they haven't broken any promise.

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What part of staggering early access do you not understand?


It was clearly written out for you when you signed up for pre-order.


Not to play devils advocate, but when I preorderd the game it said "up to 5 days"


Never said the invites would be staggered.


Never said it would be based on date.


The assumption I would take away is that everybody would get in once the servers were up and ready, not that they would get in whenever they got their "golden ticket"


Now I dont actually care that much, but still not all retailers had detailed info or links to how the early access would go, and its not the consumers job to go hunting for the info, it should be provided at the time of purchase.

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Not to play devils advocate, but when I preorderd the game it said "up to 5 days"


Never said the invites would be staggered.


Never said it would be based on date.


The assumption I would take away is that everybody would get in once the servers were up and ready, not that they would get in whenever they got their "golden ticket"


Now I dont actually care that much, but still not all retailers had detailed info or links to how the early access would go, and its not the consumers job to go hunting for the info, it should be provided at the time of purchase.



and when you check the ACTUAL game website and not the place you ordered from, which can make their own blurb up, it says based on entry of preorder code.

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Stop crying about it. number 1 did you order before september? in that case you might have a reason to whine about it if you did not stop complaining. number 2 It's a early access As long as bioware has promised to give you a day or 2 you shouldn't complain. i mean seriously this isn't release. they aren't taking something away from you they are giving it to you for free

They also Stated that you MAY get up to 5-7 days free not that you WILL get up to 5-7 days. seriously getting tired of this whining


and see you at launch because we know you will be there...


Also it should matter when you pre-ordered i shouldn't be put furthest back in the line because someone thought it was unfair that they didn't order it first. seriously the system makes perfect sense. you buy it first you get first in line just like if you buy it last you get last in line

Edited by Zerqje
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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:

I know it sucks waiting to get in, try to deal with it. I firmly believe that they should have let everyone in at once, that why while people whine about long queues, at least they think they are in, then they complain about long waits...

No way to make everyone happy.

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Whats really eating people up is the wording before on the mane page of the website when you could pre-order it.


originally the wording was as such: "Pre-Order now and play up to 5 days before launch"

where as now it is worded as such Early Game Access has begun, Pre-Order now and play before the 12:20:11 launch"


the second is misleading because it portrays that if you pre-order now you can get in now. which is obviously not the case. As much as i would like to be playing the game now i had only pre-ordered the game yesterday morning. as disappointed by this approach by BioWare there is nothing i can do about it and there is no use in complaining sense they are following after what was said previously by being "Up To" this in no way states that you will be in 5 days before but might be in 5 days before




That's interesting, it means they will have to get everyone in by 23:59 on the 19th then.

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"this isn't how other games did it" is a silly argument


I know right, especially when all the other games before this have basically made the way of doing early access everyones become accustomed to an industry standard, but you know that's just a silly argument and all.

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Reading Comprehension.


All preorders get early access.


All preorders DONT get early access at the same time.

Not true, to the best of my recollection the pre-order page, which is what you read when you bought it, said "UP TO 5 DAYS", it did NOT say some people would get preferential treatment and get more EGA than others.

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Not true, to the best of my recollection the pre-order page, which is what you read when you bought it, said "UP TO 5 DAYS", it did NOT say some people would get preferential treatment and get more EGA than others.


Up to 5 days so between 0 and 5. Has that promise been broken yet (other than the decision to extend it more than 5)?

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Not true, to the best of my recollection the pre-order page, which is what you read when you bought it, said "UP TO 5 DAYS", it did NOT say some people would get preferential treatment and get more EGA than others.
Up to 5 is anywhere between 0 and 5. Also that was only applicable to the people who pre-ordered at that time, not all the people who pre-ordered in the months leading up to that message.


lol Drethon you beat me to it.

Edited by -Night-
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Not true, to the best of my recollection the pre-order page, which is what you read when you bought it, said "UP TO 5 DAYS", it did NOT say some people would get preferential treatment and get more EGA than others.


They clearly state it's by preoder code redemption order. The only flaw here is your 10 year old reading comprehension skills.

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Reading Comprehension.


All preorders get early access.


All preorders DONT get early access at the same time.


No. They say the first but not the second. Credit cards say SPEND MONEY NOT NOW. They don't tell you you have to pay eventually. Things should just be spelled out, even if its for the sole purpose of covering bases that don't necessarily HAVE to be covered.

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Reading Comprehension.


All preorders get early access.


All preorders DONT get early access at the same time.


All fine and that.


The one i did read, says i will get in game as soon as it's possible.

When i see people playing, to me that means game access is possible. Yet i'm not in, so EA (origin store) sells with false advertising.

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Not true, to the best of my recollection the pre-order page, which is what you read when you bought it, said "UP TO 5 DAYS", it did NOT say some people would get preferential treatment and get more EGA than others.


In the text it specifically said that people who preordered earlier would get a higher priority on when their early access started. It may have been in the fine print, but it was definitely there on that page.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


I'm gonna miss these threads come the 20th. They sprout up like dandelions.


Naw, I'm kidding. I won't miss them at all.

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Let's complain about FREE game time. You don't even start your subscription until the 20th. It sounds like EVERYONE who pre-ordered will be in by tomorrow, so you will stlll have 4 days of FREE game-time.


God this is like the WoW trolls and forums all over again.

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