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Early Access Broken Promises....Not a good start, EA


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Since the game doesn't officially get release until 12/20 up to 5 days before is 12/15 right? which would mean between 12/15 and 12/20 roughly...I just wish they would have posted the dates or given us an idea of when we could expect to join in. I'm glad I got to test it out before hand and still want to play. I just don't like getting treated this way. Feels like I am sitting by the phone waiting for a call. I think they communicated better during development and testing than they are right now.


My only thought as to why...So no one can guess the actual number of players? The date range wouldn't really tell you the number of people invited because it could vary from period to period. Its just not cool...

Edited by Shadlow
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im not raging first and formost.......


i just thought when the said staggered and in waves , it was going to be continually, and not 4 times a day.


i spent all yesterday checking my email before i realized the business model that was being used........but thats my fault not theres, i should have checked the website better.


with that said ill wait my turn its no biggie

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Oh come on lads stop whining. I got early access straight away because i ordered SEVEN MONTHS AGO. The people ordering a few days ago come in here and start whining because they cannot read. Somehow "Up to 5 days" becomes "OMG I PLAY 5 DAYS EARLY"


I prefer it like this steadily getting people into the game rather than "SERVERS ONLINE QUICK EVERYONE LOG ON" Minutes later "I CANT BELIEVE SERVERS ARE CRASHING SCREW YOU EA/BIOWARE!"

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It was clearly written that you could get up to 5 days, not guaranteeing 5 days, and that they would be inviting people in by waves based on who redeemed there early access codes.

And then Bioware says there giving up to 7 days of EAP damn them to hell right?

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Im total agreement with you I was in beta for 3 weekend tests now Im sitting on the sidelines wondering what the hell is going on seriously this is a bad way to release the game while my some of guildmates are in now im going to playing catch up to them while there going to be lvl 30+ by the time i get this so called pre release invite im so angered by this launched just horrible done :mad:


When did you preorder? Again, if you did in say August I'd understand you being irked. But if it was recently, you can't blame BW. It said "Up to five days" in the agreement. Seriously it was not that hard to figure out. I'm actually flabbergasted that people don't get this. Geez, I was on morphione after surgery when I preordered and I understood it. And Percocet when I redeemed the friggin' code.

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tommorow we are all in , ELSE last week of november and dec, wich will get in friday , go eat your poptarts......... so we all had at least 5 day as we expected , and for who preordered 2 week befor the Erlie acces ,can eat nutella toast for 1 more day and get 4 day wich is truly not so far from 5 day


thats if you dont work a swing shift(which sucks by the way)like me and some other people on this site........which would make friday entirely pointless

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What about the headline on the front page that says, 'Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game! '



Misleading or no?


Not at all, there are people that pre-ordered playing.


I'm not one of them (sob) but there are people playing.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Early Access is going exactly how they said it would. Preorders get early access, the early access will be staggered, and people will get in based on when they entered their preorder code.


Nothing has changed since they announced it on July 21st. With the exception of actually releasing two days EARLY.


Give an mmo player a stack of money, and they'll complain about how heavy it is.

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What about the headline on the front page that says, 'Fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic can now begin playing the game! '



Misleading or no?


Not misleading. They are playing now. Because they preordered before you did. If you read that and jumped into the preorder without reading the other stuff, its actually kinda funny.

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Im total agreement with you I was in beta for 3 weekend tests now Im sitting on the sidelines wondering what the hell is going on seriously this is a bad way to release the game while my some of guildmates are in now im going to playing catch up to them while there going to be lvl 30+ by the time i get this so called pre release invite im so angered by this launched just horrible done :mad:


You did 3 weekend tests yet you did not actually bother to read anything when you pre-ordered?


Tough, thats your fault. Buyer beware, not buyer be blind.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Always read the fine print. The second you see the word "maybe" it is a clear indication of a marketing gimmick.

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Not misleading. They are playing now. Because they preordered before you did. If you read that and jumped into the preorder without reading the other stuff, its actually kinda funny.


It is misleading because the subject of the sentence is EVERY person who pre-ordered the game, including those who pre-ordered five minutes ago.

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The key is that there are people who pre-ordered who cannot play. Not the other way around.


If it said ALL fans that pre-orded you MIGHT (big iffy might, but might) have a case. it does not, so you don't.


I swear people are getting less and less patient and more self entitled these days.

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I'm not in yet and am Glad that they did 4 waves early then said NO more till tommorow. That allowed me to go out and get stuff done today instead of checking every 5 mins to see if I got in.


I pre-ordered Nov 4th so I should get in tommorrow. While it would be nice to get the full 7 days, i didn't expect to even get 5 ordering so late.


Some of you don't realize that if they did not add those 2 days for the earliest pre-orders. most of us would have problably gotten 2-3 days early not 4-5.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Obvious troll is obvious

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everyone will be in on friday, big deal. devs have said that tomorrow will take them up to the end of november for pre-orders.


Exactly..EVERYONE WILL BE ON BY FRIDAY..so what is early about access again?


When I think of early it means I'm early. Showing up when level 50's are running around somehow loses that early feeling. The AH controlled from the top.



Bioware obviously has a plan to bad it sucks.


Real spirited, right before Christmas stick me on a pvp server with 50's and try to tell me I'm early. Insult to even claim your early when your the in the last leg of people to play the game.


Nothing early about early access for me..

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Not really, it's an acceptable thing now... Allowing people that paid the same money at different times is definitely not. A lot of us were cautious and wanted to try the game first because of all the lies previous MMO companys told about games. Just because some of us did not know of, or have the money, etc should not entitle any difference since everyone paid the same.


i completely agree i did not have the money at the time the game was released but i did in fact have the money about a week ago so i bought the game.. why even preorder this is absurd... i payed the same amount of money everyone else did and now im waiting for what 4 waves a day of email are u serious ... get a life bioware this is bull... people getting to out lvl other people is just ******** letting others enjoy the content long before ill get to play? and on launch will it be like a stress test because everyone will be playing so you guys make no sense at all... weres the logic. please try and give us some kind of reasonable answer cause so far i dont see anything what all you guys say is we want to manage a smooth server but thats a load of lies... the servers are fine.. what are you guys gonna do on launch that wouldnt be any different from now? please answer me this?

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If it said ALL fans that pre-orded you MIGHT (big iffy might, but might) have a case. it does not, so you don't.


The subject is fans who have pre-ordered STAR WARS: The Old Republic. That automatically includes every person who ordered the game. If they mean only 'some' fans they should say it more clearly.

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I would not have expected to get in to early access if EA had not announced that everyone who pre-ordered would have access. But, they did make that announcement, so (silly me) I believed them. I've been playing mmo's for more years than I care to remember and I always pre-order. Quite a few games I've played have offered early access to all who pre-ordered. The difference here is that all other games actually delivered. I've never heard of a game letting people in in waves. A ton of us who have pre-ordered have not so much as received an e-mail yet.


I cannot understand the thought process behind their "wave" system. Didn't their stress tests tell them anything? How could they possibly expect the people left out of wave after wave of early access to be happy with it? Or, is it that as long as we are willing to pay them, they simply do not care?


It really should not matter when a pre-order happened. It has never mattered with any other game. This system is utterly absurd. :mad:


Did you even read what the preorder entailed?

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