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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Oh i'm sorry I missed 1 east coast server my bad. No not incorrect there were a very large number of servers heavy 1 even saw a 5min que as I was scrolling through.


Your obviously on a heavy population server. Seems as if most people are missing the point that on standard servers the population is too low as well. Haven't we been through this already?

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i usually have two screens up when I play , one with the game, one with a webpage showing server status which I constantly update.


As i'm playing if the server I'm on falls to low population I immediately stand up , shake my hands , spin and frantically shout






Then I come here and post more doomsday threads

Edited by Blavatsky
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I predict a " free to play" option in the near future.


I have played many MMOs on release day, usually within a month of release day is when the servers are the busiest.

After the first initial month of releases and the servers are still going strong then I can tell that the game will be a keeper, and continue to go strong.

If the server populations are dying out, and there are only a couple strong populated servers then I can tell that the game is hemorrhaging subs, the game is dying, and 99.99% of the time the MMO goes free to play.


Hate to say it but SW TOR is dying, and I base this on the fact that people are suggesting server transfers due to too many low pop server activity within the first couple months of release.


This is an ignorant statement. It isn't so much that nobody is playing and the game has a wicked low churn rate, but its that there simply is too many servers and players are spread out too much. They need to merge players to compensate for the players that did leave, as well as fill the server up to near-capacity - something they never actually did.

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On the 18th, there ended up being 58 heavy or full servers at ~ 7 PM PST, a little less than half of all NA servers.


On the 25th, there were 23 heavy or full servers, less than 20% of NA serversr. And this was at peak, not in the middle of the work day. To me this result is well outside the margin-of-error and indicative of a clear drop in activity.


Given this and the steady complaints we're hearing about dead servers, it's time for Bioware to consider targeted server merges.



Your test is inconclusive and a joke.

They raised the server caps so you can stare at the server screen all you want, if they raised it again all servers would become low-pop.

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This is an ignorant statement. It isn't so much that nobody is playing and the game has a wicked low churn rate, but its that there simply is too many servers and players are spread out too much. They need to merge players to compensate for the players that did leave, as well as fill the server up to near-capacity - something they never actually did.


That's the thing people aren't realizing in their eagerness to rush to Bioware's defense.


There are a freakin 120 NA servers! That's enough servers to support a million+ subscribers.


The fact that they're not all full doesn't mean the game is failing. It means it probably doesn't have a million+ subscribers, at least not very active ones. If they merge servers down to about 80 in NA, that won't suddenly mean TOR has failed. 80 heavily-populated servers is a LOT!

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Your test is inconclusive and a joke.

They raised the server caps so you can stare at the server screen all you want, if they raised it again all servers would become low-pop.


So, you are going to make the ridiculous argument that from last Wednesday to tonight, they RAISED server caps even though last Wednesday only 2 servers were full and less than half were heavy. That's the argument you're going to make. Like, every week they raise the server caps a little more even though 80% of their servers aren't even reaching heavy, and why? So they can say that server pops aren't really dropping, we're just raising caps?


Come on now. Stop. So if a month from now all servers never go above light, the argument you're going to make is that they raised servers caps to 1 billion per server, I suppose.

Edited by Mannic
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Games been out for less then a month and a half....


You chose a Low Pop server to play out of 100 possible server choices.


Merges? Just stop.


Wrong. My server was "full" when I rolled on it, and had queues for about a week after that.


So... again...wrong.


It does remind me to bring back my famous fanboy credo, though: "No matter what you don't like about the game, it's your own fault, not Bioware's.

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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


A) Betting you play a republic, most servers on the US side at least are heavy empire.

B) A lot of players are still leveling, game has only been out a month.

C) Republic players frustrated by the pvp imbalance, especially after illum 1.1, are not hitting pvp as much. This affects warfront ques as well.


Servers are in line, empire side on my server almost always has at least 50 people on fleet or 20 per planet even off peak. Its the Republic that fluctuates between populated and ghost town.

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Not enough people are asking for merges compared to ability delay.


Activity is down, but server populations haven't gone down that much. When they do, rest assured Bioware wont pay to run empty servers.


Not saying merges or transfers are a bad idea, I'm just saying you are probably going to have to wait.

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Well a server can be Heavy and Full but if 80% is on IMp side, it still feels empty to Republic. If anything the lower side should have a XP/money bonus and like said before have the option to use your Companion in PVP. If it evens out then just have the same rule set.


Now I'm not looking for a heavy populated server anymore, I try to find the most even server and that is not doable atm.

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Please dont generalize. Some servers dont need merge but some of them immediately needs merge.


Im playing on Tott Doneeta.


- We have light populution on prime time

- I havent seen more then 50 players in fleet on prime time

- I havent seen more then 10 level caped players together outside of wz

- havent seen 1 single republic player while i was waiting

- And ofcourse have long warzone queue times. I can earn 1 valor level per 8-9 days.

- Level 50 players are rerolling on their alts due to queue times and this makes queue worse


I realized there are 3 more servers like Tott Doneeta. They had light population too.Things they can do :


-Merge servers light populated on prime time.

-Give us who plays on light servers free migration.

Edited by kijthae
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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours


Please bear with me, i've been sick this whole week, but what exactly do you "think" are the peak hours? Almost every server is usually heavy. Now, this may not make sense if you are mainly Republic as I am, but i assure you, there is a angry childishly chicken hive of Imps at almost all hours.

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Please dont generalize. Some servers dont need merge but some of them immediately needs merge.


Im playing on Tott Doneeta.


- We have light populution on prime time

- I havent seen more then 50 players in fleet on prime time

- I havent seen more then 10 level caped players together

- havent seen 1 single republic player while i was waiting

- And ofcourse have long warzone queue times. I can earn 1 valor level per 8-9 days.


I realized there are 3 more servers like Tott Doneeta. They had light population too.Things they can do :


-They could merge servers with light population on prime time.

-They could give us who plays on light servers free migration.


I always liked the way Guildwars did it with the different layers. Not being locked to one server ,but being able to switch as you go and see fit.

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If server pops are consistently low, then merge away, but be careful. The lowest I ever see fleet get on my server is around 60 (currently 131 at 145am), and it's usually over 250. Plenty crowded here, and opening up free character migration to higher pop servers might cause issues for those of us (and I think the majority of us) that do play on servers with a large number of players already.
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I wanted to join the Reps but my guild did't let me T_T


The only thing BW has to do now is figure a way to get more rep players. And its not that simple you can't just transfer reps from 1 server to another, because of logic xD.


but it can be done somehow, And the only way i see is using a LFG tool and mergin servers. I know there are a lot of ppl against this but it isnt fun to wait for 1h to do one hm.



And to the ppl that says that server caps has been increased, EU Hex Droid on prime time was always with 2 imperial fleet intances one with 280 and the other with 120ish, now its only 210 to 240 and only 1 instance.

Edited by Kennkra
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I wanted to join the Reps but my guild did't let me T_T


The only thing BW has to do now is figure a way to get more rep players. And its not that simple you can't just transfer reps from 1 server to another, because of logic xD.


but it can be done somehow, And the only way i see is using a LFG tool and mergin servers. I know there are a lot of ppl against this but it isnt fun to wait for 1h to do one hm.


Maybe I'm wrong I just don't feel like a merge or transfer is a perfect solution and going to instantly get you groups when you want them, and where you want them. You are basically depending on other people, and bound to be let down from time to time regardless.


I guess I'm just a different type of player. It's hard for me to relate. If I can't get groups instantly to do content I just go do something else. It doesn't bother me.

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A merger is a last ditch thing games do. Mega servers and the such are a pain in the ***. People lose guilds, names, and all sorts of stuff. Please correct me, but WoW never combined servers. Ever. These are the MMOs i know of that have done so.






Know what they all have in common? They were losing players badly. DCUO has seen quite a bit of a pick up since it went F2P, but these transitions happen to a MMO that can smell its end.


I mean, christ people, the game is just a little over a month old, and we're calling for mergers? It launched during the holidays and considering all of this, BW has had a great response time to the problems that have come up (for the most part).


Give them some time to fix the problem that just tonight they said they are working on.

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Time for a reality check, chief. During prime time, over an hour for PVP to pop, going on planets and seeing 4, maybe 10 people on that planet? You don't think this is an issue? I'm paying for a MMO, where is the Mass Multiplayer? Move along, nothing for you to see in this topic obviously....


Ahh, thanks Gizbug for the message that only people who agree with you may post in your topics.


I play on a Standard/Heavy EU server, with healer/DPS characters on both sides of the war. When I come online at 06:00 local time, I see maybe 10-15 people in Dromund Kaas, and similar numbers in Corellia, Illium, and so on. More on the fleets but not that many, and the server pop is listed as light. It is difficult to get a group, so I don't bother.

When I come online in the EU evenings or at the weekend, it is Heavy/Very Heavy, with anything from 150-300 ppl in the zones.

Spamming for a group? My healers rarely have to even spam for the groups - when I log in, I get whispers asking if I want to come on a mission. My DPSers generally have to spam 2-3 times to find there is no group so I make one, and have a full group of 4 within 5 minutes. Just enough time to set the loot rules and party roles, show ppl the datacron locations they are missing, stuff like that.


If you are finding it so hard to get groups, I would make one of 3 guesses.

1. You are playing a class or type that is heavily over-represented on your server.

2. You have been looking for groups in the wrong places.

3. You have been ninja looting FPs and instances, and got yourself blacklisted by the population of your server. Or a ******* in General, and just gotten yourself blocked by the populace.

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