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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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All the game needs is cross server warzones and flashpoint/operation lfg...problem solved...


No, No and No. Did I forget the word NO


It wont Solve anything, thats like putting a band aid on a surgical wound, it won't do anything compared to a bandage. Sure you can press a queue join up and go into a warzone, but that does not address the issue of DEAD servers with a very small amount of people with dead economies.


This is star wars, the movie's portray it as a bustling galaxy with almost every corner of the galaxy teaming with life. I log onto my server, and I feel like I'm living in a hick town in the middle of no where.


Cross-server is not the answer nor solution to an ongoing and real problem.

Edited by Mysquine
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Reached a new low tonight, at about 10.50 PM we had 10 ppl att fleet and havent filled a WZ team in 5 WZ's now.


Subscription fee? You're having a laugh.


Priority fix this BW or you'll lose even more subscribers in the long run.


Servers has to merge

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Don't know tth solution.


In any case:


Senator Contiplex -> PVP server ENG


22:00 GMT +1


Repubblic fleet -> 8 Players

Eternity vault -> 8 Players

1 WZ open (under 50)

1 FP open


Total Repubblic players 62



I am in the same server..


Imperial fleet was about 4-5.. Time : 19:47 :/




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Seems that the server merge people just can't accept the fact that EA and BW are in no hurry to create a public image disaster by merging servers in an very early stage of the game's life, making it in the eyes of the media and gamers alike a failure and setting it on a downward spiral.


Certainly BW opened too many servers in NA in retrospect, but let's remember that more servers were demanded by folks on the forums to get rid of queus. Nothing is ever right to some people, and opening or closing servers is to them a thing of little importance, that to them has no effect on the game beyond them getting what they themselves want.


Look at the bigger picture. The game has potential to fill the current number of servers. More marketing, updates are needed to keep the current players, lure some back and gain new players. Server mergers would only help to keep part of the current base of players and would indeed drive some of them off, they wouldn't bring people back or help to get new players.


Honestly they went overboard.


People said increase caps not make 80 new servers that would be empty a month later as I recall.


Infact people voiced their warnings about having to many servers when they started announcing them and adding them. I am sorry but bioware just isn't doing it right.


Selling more copy's of the game will not help us that have been here since launch.


Because the game is the same, the new people will quit for the same reason other people quit. More marketing changes nothing, just more lowbies that play a month then quit that does not sustain a MMO sorry.


Updates yes updates updates updates.... so far bioware is sucking at updates.


My quest log is full of quests i cant drop wasn't that fixed a month ago?


Their ability to fix issues in the game is in question.


People are leaving for 3 main reasons really.


Horrible CS outsourced to some asian country that doesn't really even help you.

Virtually no in game support tickets just get closed.


Terrible bug fixs that dont actually fix bugs.... very slow progress on bugs.


Lack of community involvement here on the forums and answering major questions. Like a big one for 3 weeks now what about server merges? they remain silent when its obvious theres dozens of dead servers.

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Standard means nothing, my server is standard and its still a hard task to get groups together due to lack of players.


And with faction imbalance meaning most servers are 2:1 Imp:Rep the situation is magnified for Republic players even on servers with supposedly good populations.


Bioware created too many servers, far too fast and diluted the population signifcantly and needlessly to keep early access queues down, and its come back to bite us all on the ***.


No, JUST NO. BW didint do this, People whining about que times when the game was first released did this. They added more servers and expanded the limit of players on each. YOU THE WHINING PLAYERBASE did this. And now YOU the whining playerbase is back whining about low pop servers.



BW if you read this, Please do not listen to the forums, the people on the forums as you know make up all of 2% of your pop, and TBH 99% of the time the forum playerbase is just plain WRONG.

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No, JUST NO. BW didint do this, People whining about que times when the game was first released did this. They added more servers and expanded the limit of players on each. YOU THE WHINING PLAYERBASE did this. And now YOU the whining playerbase is back whining about low pop servers.



BW if you read this, Please do not listen to the forums, the people on the forums as you know make up all of 2% of your pop, and TBH 99% of the time the forum playerbase is just plain WRONG.


So, let me get this straight. The reason the servers had queues at launch was the whining playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game. And the reason the servers are low pop now is because of the whiny playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game.


And your solution to make the game better is to ignore the whiney playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game because 99% of them are wrong.


That the jist of it?

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No, JUST NO. BW didint do this, People whining about que times when the game was first released did this. They added more servers and expanded the limit of players on each. YOU THE WHINING PLAYERBASE did this. And now YOU the whining playerbase is back whining about low pop servers.



BW if you read this, Please do not listen to the forums, the people on the forums as you know make up all of 2% of your pop, and TBH 99% of the time the forum playerbase is just plain WRONG.


Because its their job to monitor populations m8.


If theres ques its their job to fix it so people can play.


They should have predicted that after the first month or two servers would lose many people. And had a plan to merge them.


Regardless of us whining it is their responsibility NOT OURS!


If theres 50 people on a server its biowares job to help those players out and merge them into a fuller server so they can enjoy the game.


If theres a server its their job to see if they can increase the servers ability to handle more people and increase the population cap.


It is not our job.


And many people had worries about this when the game launched please do your research.

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Because its their job to monitor populations m8.


If theres ques its their job to fix it so people can play.


They should have predicted that after the first month or two servers would lose many people. And had a plan to merge them.


Regardless of us whining it is their responsibility NOT OURS!


If theres 50 people on a server its biowares job to help those players out and merge them into a fuller server so they can enjoy the game.


If theres a server its their job to see if they can increase the servers ability to handle more people and increase the population cap.


It is not our job.


And many people had worries about this when the game launched please do your research.


To be fair to bioware, their plan was sound if the population kept growing. They kept low caps on servers to filter the populations down into low pop servers. But rather then raise those caps they just kept opening new servers. Had the game actually grown past the first month we wouldn't have this problem. But other problems with the game drove the subs down and now we are where we are.

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No, JUST NO. BW didint do this, People whining about que times when the game was first released did this. They added more servers and expanded the limit of players on each. YOU THE WHINING PLAYERBASE did this. And now YOU the whining playerbase is back whining about low pop servers.



BW if you read this, Please do not listen to the forums, the people on the forums as you know make up all of 2% of your pop, and TBH 99% of the time the forum playerbase is just plain WRONG.


Interesting logic. So basically BW should ignore monitoring their resources and continue to let the low population servers to continue to wither away and let the subscribers either re-roll or flat out cancel their subscription. It's people like you that continue to keep this game static and not evolving becuase you refuse to lift the wool thats over your eyes.

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So, let me get this straight. The reason the servers had queues at launch was the whining playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game. And the reason the servers are low pop now is because of the whiny playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game.


And your solution to make the game better is to ignore the whiney playerbase that pays Bioware money to play their game because 99% of them are wrong.


That the jist of it?



Since you cant read let me put it like this



Game launced - We had server ques and less servers

People whined about said que times and wanting more servers

BW added more servers and uped how many players could fit onto a server

Now - People are whining for LESS servers Aka - Server merges



Get it? If not then your dense and useless to talk to. You the PLAYERBASE asked for something, got it and now want them to change it again. You asked for more servers at launch, now want them to take down servers? That the jist of it?

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Because its their job to monitor populations m8.


If theres ques its their job to fix it so people can play.


They should have predicted that after the first month or two servers would lose many people. And had a plan to merge them.


Regardless of us whining it is their responsibility NOT OURS!


If theres 50 people on a server its biowares job to help those players out and merge them into a fuller server so they can enjoy the game.


If theres a server its their job to see if they can increase the servers ability to handle more people and increase the population cap.


It is not our job.


And many people had worries about this when the game launched please do your research.


I forgot its your job to whine and complain non stop about crap you asked for... Anyone who has played MMO's knows that after launch and the first month subs drop, So any smart person would have known that adding more servers at launch would be a waste.


Do my research? That statement makes no sense *mate* Yes many people knew this would happen, myself inculded and tried to tell the crybabies to get over it yet here we are.

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Interesting logic. So basically BW should ignore monitoring their resources and continue to let the low population servers to continue to wither away and let the subscribers either re-roll or flat out cancel their subscription. It's people like you that continue to keep this game static and not evolving becuase you refuse to lift the wool thats over your eyes.


Did I say they SHOULDNT MERGE? Show me where I said that... Go ahead DO IT. All I'm saying is that its the PLAYERBASES WHINING that caused these problems more so then BW. Lift the wool thats over your eyes and realize that the playerbase is to blame just as much (Even more so in my eyes).


Anyhow obv most of you dont agree with me, I said what I wanted to, So moving on I am. ;)

Edited by Voidence
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My server Uthar Wynn has 40 ppl on imperial fleet during prime time. Thats unacceptable really. People without guild can never find a raid or HM game and pvp que times are long.


Also getting tired of playing against the same ppl all the time. I know just about every pvp:er on my server. I mean, 40 ppl on imp fleet at prime time? GTN is dead, long pvp que at times and so on. This is a problem people. And you guys who play on healthy servers and tell us others to stop whining just stop commenting since you're obviously not affected by the problem hence has no perspective. And please dont tell me to reroll on another server, have like 20 days played on my toon.


Love the game, Love the PvP, Love the PvE, hate the server populations. Feels like playing an RPG on LAN with friends.


And no, I'm not going to unsub or anything. Just telling you "Cup half full" people what reality looks like.

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According to this, which is in reference to character transfers for qualified people to the new AP.....they are not going to merge servers, they are going to offer character transfers.


"General character transfer will follow after the optional one-off transfer already announced for Asia-Pacific players."


Since AP character transfers are going to be in April, general character transfers will be after that.


A character transfer model could be done in a number of ways. Heavy --> Light, or free for all, or something else entirely. We will have to wait to see, probaby sometime in April when they have figured it out and put up an FAQ.

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My server Uthar Wynn has 40 ppl on imperial fleet during prime time. Thats unacceptable really. People without guild can never find a raid or HM game and pvp que times are long.


Also getting tired of playing against the same ppl all the time. I know just about every pvp:er on my server. I mean, 40 ppl on imp fleet at prime time? GTN is dead, long pvp que at times and so on. This is a problem people. And you guys who play on healthy servers and tell us others to stop whining just stop commenting since you're obviously not affected by the problem hence has no perspective. And please dont tell me to reroll on another server, have like 20 days played on my toon.


Love the game, Love the PvP, Love the PvE, hate the server populations. Feels like playing an RPG on LAN with friends.


And no, I'm not going to unsub or anything. Just telling you "Cup half full" people what reality looks like.


nice to see another uthar wynn player! :)

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Game is going to fall down soon. Either way it is gonna happen.. For instance, i will leave when my subscruption ends.. Because i dont want wondering around myself lonely..


Ilum, i was alone in Ilum for hours! I gathered all items and grinded my pvp gear.. How challanging is this right.. :/


Bye bye Swtor.

It was fine, but not anymore..


Oh yes, pity that the game has just one server that there's no place for you to start again with a new character when waiting for the situation improve on your current server or free character transfers becoming available... :rolleyes:

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Oh yes, pity that the game has just one server that there's no place for you to start again with a new character when waiting for the situation improve on your current server or free character transfers becoming available... :rolleyes:


Rerolling to keep yourself interested in a game because you can't do anything is really just pointless. Its all about end game. I've got two 50's both kitted out and Im leveling another alt on my server because theres hardly anything to do apart from raid one night a week and clear everything then sit there jumping around fleet.


Once you've put in all that work.. Really? And people say our "merge" topics arn't constructive.

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Rerolling to keep yourself interested in a game because you can't do anything is really just pointless. Its all about end game. I've got two 50's both kitted out and Im leveling another alt on my server because theres hardly anything to do apart from raid one night a week and clear everything then sit there jumping around fleet.


Once you've put in all that work.. Really? And people say our "merge" topics arn't constructive.


It's not all about the end game in MMOs, especially in this game, as with rerolling you can explore different stories and gain a better picture of the overall main story all classes share.


The idea that "End Game is All the Game" is poisonous for all MMOs, but especially for a game like SWTOR. End game raids etc should be just a part of the overall experience, not The One and Only Experience worth playing for in a MMORPG.

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It's not all about the end game in MMOs, especially in this game, as with rerolling you can explore different stories and gain a better picture of the overall main story all classes share.


The idea that "End Game is All the Game" is poisonous for all MMOs, but especially for a game like SWTOR. End game raids etc should be just a part of the overall experience, not The One and Only Experience worth playing for in a MMORPG.


To me, and many, many others that is not end game. But we have "Explored" the majority of the stories. There is only so much you can do in this game, and it doesn't take you long once you've done it once.


Over all experience - Dead server, theres no world PvP apart from the midday gangrape at Ilum central, leading to a lack of Flashpoints even whilst leveling, also a lack of Heroic quests being cleared due to 2-5 people per planet.


So pretty much unless I Reroll (OH BOY! AGAIN!) which would leave all of my resources, my hard game time put into earning x credits, 400 crew skills ect would be pointless on this other character.


My point is - Its not a solution to reroll. If anything thats worse because your helping aid your servers decline.

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To me, and many, many others that is not end game. But we have "Explored" the majority of the stories. There is only so much you can do in this game, and it doesn't take you long once you've done it once..


I seriously doubt that. I've played my main for 13 days, 8 hours plus. My main is level 46. Have you done all the quests, collected all the lore that is not bugged, explored all the maps to the extent you can? Gone from the theme park path occasionally into the sandbox?

Edited by Rouge
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I seriously doubt that. I've played my main for 13 days, 8 hours plus. My main is level 46. Have you done all the quests, collected all the lore that is not bugged, explored all the maps to the extent you can? Gone from the theme park path occasionally into the sandbox?


I've got 20 days on my main (Level 50 cleared all content in NM) and 10 days on my alt (Level 50 with Valor 53) with various days on my other characters. I've leveled up with other classes (So I've experienced the story lines) and collected all the Datacrons that are listed, including the +10 Datacron twice now.


We've been around done all world bosses, we've gone around as a collective and cleared all of the bonus area's along with heroic quests along the way whilst leveling our mains. We've wondered all around the republic zones in contested planets as theres pretty much been hardly any republic so we've had to go out looking for them.


As far as "Lore" goes, I did that in SWG but personally this game doesn't have the "wow" factor for me and many others and the time it takes the time to walk from fleet onto my ship - wait time - select a new planet - black screen - get off - wait time - the tedious walk down to the shuttle - you get the jist.


The Codex offers nothing, apart from the odd title which majority have been removed and I've clicked the occasional "Lore" item and had a look - but really this isn't End content, this isn't a game its a "Mini-game" (Lore collecting that is).


I gain no benifit from it, Im already level 32 Legacy just like many other guildies of mine after weeks of raiding. Honestly - once you've done it once - theres not much to do.


With that in mind, all of the other things such as flashpoints, dailies (which have some group quests which yes can be soloed so easily but its about being social in such a big world) and warzones which are in essense - the game - on a dead server make it almost impossible.


Its not down to what there is to do in the game really - its about having people around you to do it with. To me, People make the game. And without the people - There is no game.

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