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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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My current server at 23:00 this evening was 120 ppl , imp side (and it was good...btw)

Same time Most populated server Republic : 190 people-

Same time Most populated server Imps : 270 people...


I have 4 50, im currently rerolling of course. No sarcasm... sadly.

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Amazing. You're saying BioWare created a bunch of servers JUST so that they can milk paid character transfers cash from you when they haven't even announced if they're offering paid character transfers to you. Amazing...


All things considered, I'd consider this alot more likely than most other theories.


TOR's arrival is sadly a little too late. It could not afford further delay if it wasn't to crash into Diablo 3, Mass Effect 3, GW2, TERA, MoP... and it'd have a harder time than it has already keeping subscribers attached. Right now there's a lack of quality alternatives to SWTOR. In the future, there'll be plenty.

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(Just quoting Malt)









+1. All I can say is thank you for your time you've taken to write what you have. Sadly our guild moved from a more populated server (Bloodworthy EU) to Uthar Wynn EU. Now we're pretty much always light population, I've been taking numbers and we're under 500, usually at about 340-400 OVERALL server population at peak times compared to other servers which have 2500+ people on at the same time.


We've had alot of people asking us in our guild what we are going to do in regards to merges, transfers ect but the answer is : We don't know till Bioware talk to us.


Its becoming harder and harder to PvP, even at low levels and there are many guilds which have infact, rerolled onto another server such as Tomb of Freeddon Nadd.


There is a problem, they can't deny it, it doesn't effect everyone but alot of people are being effected and instead of saying anything they are just giving up. All I can say is each day Im seeing guild after guild reroll, friends of mine I know just quit or keep questioning the game.


Without a healthy population, the game just isn't as fun as it could be. There are numerous bugs and our guilds cleared NM, all we are doing is waiting for 1.2 and as there is no word on our fate, we've got to hope that more people will return with 1.2..


I personally want the game to do well, but something needs to be done.. And soon. No more "Keep you in the dark" policy from Bioware please <3


Thank you. And agree fully.

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My current server at 23:00 this evening was 120 ppl , imp side (and it was good...btw)

Same time Most populated server Republic : 190 people-

Same time Most populated server Imps : 270 people...


I have 4 50, im currently rerolling of course. No sarcasm... sadly.


I've never seen more than 60 on the republic fleet on Thana Vesh. Imagine how we feel.

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Dreshdae Cantina, 7 Est, 60 on the fleet (Republic side).


Following this thread closely.


After 1 month, our raiding focused guild (I'm GM) has gone from 15 members to only 8 or so active, and those people (including myself) tend to only log on during raid nights.


No incentive to do FPs, Datacron hunting done...


Not everyone wants an army of alts. Been there, done that.


A smart company can admit a mistake and correct a problem before it snowballs. It's not looking like Bioware is an intelligent company (cue LOL, THEY MAKE MILLIONS!). Guess what - lots of companies that have made lots of money have failed down the line. Past success != future successes.


Like many others, like the game, like the operations, but I'm not paying to play a single player game.


Swallow your pride, merge the servers.

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Shadow hand 7:20 - 95 on fleet. That's actually high, haven't been that many here in awhile. I'm keeping a screenshot diary so to speak for 7pm. I can't help but remember a few weeks ago when that number was over double.


95 is a good bit too, but when you consider it's in the top 5 for population, if I recall correctly, that's kind of sad. I know pre 5pm you are lucky to find 40 people on, and after 10pm it drops off back to that. I can't imagine how bad it must be on servers lower than this in population.


Hell even with a server this high in pop there are still only 12 people on voss, less on cor.



A smart company can admit a mistake and correct a problem before it snowballs. It's not looking like Bioware is an intelligent company (cue LOL, THEY MAKE MILLIONS!). Guess what - lots of companies that have made lots of money have failed down the line. Past success != future successes.


Like so many other things with the game they aren't going to admit it's a problem. They are going to ignore it.


They are stuck though, if they merge it's like admitting the game has failed. If they offer transfers it will be even worse because they know people will move to higher pop servers. Leaving them with even more dead servers. If they keep ignoring it they can put out a nice post about a huge increase in numbers soon because of opening in new markets. I imagine they are hoping that the perception will be "ToR is doing great, let's all play". Then those new people might reinvigorate some of the dead servers.

Edited by Tenetke
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Re-rolled on Red Eclipse from Kellian Jarro EU. The latter an almost dead server. Almost everyone I have spoken to in the low lvl questing areas where I am currently questing (Corescant, Tython) are from other servers. ALL of them are not happy with the situation and many are waiting for their subscription to expire so to quit if nothing is done.


Very few new subscriptions, but many canceling subscriptions



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I think they should just merge the servers.


I used to be all for cross server grouping, but after lots of closed server gaming on SWTOR ive grown to liking it a lot more then the randomness that is cross server grouping.


idk just do something rofl, god damn bioware u TALK TO UZZ

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If there is still 50K+ EU subs I would be surprised, its a pity posts like yours hinder rather than help as like all BW apologists you give them a out with cross server pvp, thats not a fix at all.


The only fix here is 2 pronged 1) allow free account server transfers.


2) Allow full guild transfers server with a opt out policy not a opt in one, but if BW do ever sort out a free transfer for entire guilds it will be with a opt in again because they pretty stupid, and if people ask why should it be a opt out then they just as stupid and will not receive a answer.


This was done 3 days ago


He finds that: " 71646 concurrent players on 79 PVE/RP servers"




Existing, happening, or done at the same time.

(of two or more prison sentences) To be served at the same time


That is based on only 36.5% of the servers being polled


Also keep in mind that only 10-20% of the player base are on at any one time something no one here seems to understand.

Edited by WhiskyJax
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We need to set a time for a 15 min logout


You are talking about a company that can't patch without creating 20 more bugs, and refuses to even listen to the people that post bugs they do find. Do you honestly expect them to keep a schedule?


Let me give you an example of their cs real quick




You expect a company that can't even get a copy paste right to keep to a schedule?

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You are talking about a company that can't patch without creating 20 more bugs, and refuses to even listen to the people that post bugs they do find. Do you honestly expect them to keep a schedule?


Let me give you an example of their cs real quick




You expect a company that can't even get a copy paste right to keep to a schedule?


What i am saying is that concerned players need to set a date and schedule a 15 minute log out to try and get some response on some mergers or transfers or something.

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What i am saying is that concerned players need to set a date and schedule a 15 minute log out to try and get some response on some mergers or transfers or something.


Ah, good luck with it. I personally don't think they care. They have the numbers already. I don't think it's just chance that the big release for other markets happens to be in time to boost numbers for the earnings call.

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You are talking about a company that can't patch without creating 20 more bugs, and refuses to even listen to the people that post bugs they do find. Do you honestly expect them to keep a schedule?


Let me give you an example of their cs real quick




You expect a company that can't even get a copy paste right to keep to a schedule?


oh dearie BW, oh dearie lmao... Priceless :D

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When i choose a server i follow Bioware advice.

So i choose Senator Contispex (recommended)

At 21.00 at Repubblic fleet 10/12 pg online (repubblic side)

Pratically impossible to find a group for FP.

Wz start in prime time only.

Our guild is/was the big on that server (Repubblic Side) with even 40 online.

Now 10 is a very good number.

Game start to be unplayable.


at 23.00 on repubblica side there are 58 players online from lev 1 to 50 .........

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The sheep; they complain,

yet they pay and play the game.

Will they ever wake up and see,

that only unsubbing shall set them free?


People think they're so clever by saying "just leave if you have a problem." You must think you're REALLY clever by making it rhyme.


Well some of us have a lot of time invested into our characters, and actually enjoy playing the game when we have enough people to play it with.

"Just don't play" is not a better alternative. We want to help make the game better, not make it smaller by leaving. It's called being constructive.

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