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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Just bought the game because I love Bioware and there were apparently 1.7 million people playing. Beat the starter missions with a buddy of mine and there are 35 people in fleet. *** Bioware this is embarrassing. Merge the fu**in servers or give me my money back. Standard population my ***, at least flying around Orgrimmar I can find a group to experience some content. You got 50 bucks out of me so I can run around an empty city like an idiot? I don't care if it is month two, week two, day two. Anyone who doesn't think this is an issue is not on a low pop server so **** and don't take it for granted. Sorry I don't usually vent like this but cmon, I payed for a game that requires a lot of other people to enjoy. And right now i am surrounded by a whole lot of nothing.
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There's only 22 Imperials on Fleet at the moment, Krayiss Obelisk.


It's 9:45pm, Prime Time. It's Friday. At 8pm, it was 28. I was on Ilum, there were 6 Imps. There are other servers worse off than mine.


@ approx. 7:30-8:00 PM EST, on a Friday night (prime time by any standard) there were 40 LIGHT US servers, 6 HEAVY, 1 VERY HEAVY, the rest were STANDARD. Out of curiosity, rolled an EMP and REP toon on 6 random LIGHT servers and did a global check on players logged onto the server, on all instances. Max I saw out of the 6 was 253 players, minimum was 98. Total, Rep and Emp combined. My own server, there were 198 total, with 10 Rep 50s, and 15 Emp 50s. Out of my guild, which had 230+ toons at one point, with around 50 active players at any given prime play time, had a grand total of 2. Merge all 7 servers and you still wouldn't have 1 active server.


Can't figure how anyone can contort this as being "healthy"...I seriously doubt there were 75k people logged on during prime playing time on all the US servers combined. Dunno where those 1.7 million active subscribers are at, given the pop caps, they all can't be on those 7 active servers...


Meanwhile, all of us who rolled onto LIGHT servers as per BWs request waaaay back in the mists of time, are stuck out in the wilderness playing with ourselves. Literally. Sad part is, most of us mostly like the game and would like to give all this quality content some people are raving about a try...we sure can't play any of it.

Edited by Smitar
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Last night (24 Feb), the Highest populated EU server, "The Red Eclipse" had 850 reps logged on at 22:00 CET. My own server, "Kellian Jarro" at the same time (wasted 2 months leveling and gearing 2 characters there) had 180 people online in total, 32 on the republic fleet. This is not an mmo, its a joke. BIOWARE, either give us our money back, or merge servers. STOP PRETENDING EVERYTHING IS A OK.


You made a good game, but screwed up in your effort to make the Christmas market, releasing a game that was full of bugs and now people are either leaving, or not buying it at all.


MERGE SERVERS or allow FREE CHARACTER MIGRATION or else soon i fear the only people playing will be you own staff

Edited by miikke
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every server on EU is atleast standard on prime time.. and alot of servers are heavy/full so you must be US?



This is 100% False....whats next an Operative hit you for 8k? Stop trolling



My server Tott Doneeta is super bad population we had 19 50's EMPIRE online last night, 7pm-10pm CET. The biggest reason people are quitting the game on my server is because of the population issue, they do not feel like rerolling somewhere else after spending so much time creating their character on our server, so they just quit and play another game.


I will wait for ques for hours unless I am lucky, also the huttball matches that are 3v7 and shut down in 120 seconds are the most common.

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Just bought the game because I love Bioware and there were apparently 1.7 million people playing. Beat the starter missions with a buddy of mine and there are 35 people in fleet. *** Bioware this is embarrassing. Merge the fu**in servers or give me my money back. Standard population my ***, at least flying around Orgrimmar I can find a group to experience some content. You got 50 bucks out of me so I can run around an empty city like an idiot? I don't care if it is month two, week two, day two. Anyone who doesn't think this is an issue is not on a low pop server so **** and don't take it for granted. Sorry I don't usually vent like this but cmon, I payed for a game that requires a lot of other people to enjoy. And right now i am surrounded by a whole lot of nothing.


IF you just bought the game why you didn't choose an high population server????

Roll a new char on heavy populated server.. and stop complaining.

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I just want cross-server pvp/pve.


It's all that's needed...could care less about grouping with random players while I level 1-50...all they do is slow me down with their keyboard turning and clicking.


PvE x-server queues for FP's


I'll stick with my RL friends in guild for Ops...


Not enough people on my server for PvP...usually the same 1-3 premades vs scrubs all night long. Get's old waiting on queue and seeing the same fail players over and over again.


Community is over-rated.

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Frankly I don't get why they don't just merge a handful of the low population servers? How hard is it to close the lowest population west coast (pvp, pve, rp, rppvp) servers, then merge them with their next lowest population counter part on the west coast? Then do the same for the east coast? If someones name is already taken for their character make them get a new one...
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I don't get why they won't answer this question on their weekly 10, other than they're too scared to address it. Clearly they expect everyone to just reroll and people who don't reroll, they'll ask them to pay $25 per toon to transfer later on. Then 3 months later, they'll do merges. Just watch.


  • Let people reroll
  • Milk players for transfer fees
  • Merge Servers


They don't even need to answer it, merging servers can't be that hard. They could do it during an extended maintenance. There are WAAAAAY to many servers for this game and closing a couple down would help spread out the populations...

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The point is folks why should anyone have to reroll on a server just to find people to play with? BW opened all these servers on releases just as Warhammer did. Now they have alot of light servers with just a few heavy pop servers just as warhammer did on release.


This is not the players fault its BW and they need to adress it asap. Warhammer waited to long to implement this and the game severly suffered and never recovered from it.


You love Swtor and think its the bees knees? then you better pray they merge soon or this will die a slow death. This is 2012 not 2004 people have alot of options to spend there time on and there not gonna wait much longer.

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I'm going to have to agree with the majority here... Please either merge some servers or offer transfers.


I'm on the ICE Breaker server and play at random times/days. The maximum I've seen in the Republic fleet was 35, most other times it's 11-12. I've only ran one level appropriate FP and very, very few heroic quests.


If I run into another character while questing I usually freeze in awe. I'm not exaggerating by any means, I've actually had more interaction with customer service than I have with other players.....


Strangely enough I believe that Republic outnumbers the Empire on my server i.e. the only level 50 WZ that ever pops seems to be Huttball, and I say "seems" because 4 Empire in ACW or Voidstar for 120 seconds doesn't count.


Cross realm queues are kind of a double edged sword with me, I like the convenience, but the anonymity usually ruins the community (or lack thereof).


I cancelled a bit ago, but I may come back if something is done SOON.

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The situation on Uthar Wynn is terrible. Many players canceled their subscription to the game or they're rerolling on a different EU server. BW give us the possibility to transfer our characters or merge low pop servers! We're paying money for what? For playing alone on an empty server? I think it's outrageous! This isn't a F2P game, BW must show more respect for its customers! Edited by dedoladoda
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The more I think about it the more I am seeing an easy fix. Please let me know if you agree.

Force new players to the lower pop servers, the game is still pretty new. .i know someone mentioned this and its a very good easy cheap fast fix. Step 2, improve LFG, others have made similar suggestions on LFG. Sure the more populated servers may be hit a little, but they can always change where new players go to adjust.


Forcing people?


What world do you live in where forcing people ever worked, unless you could threaten them with jail if they didn't do at you said?

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IF you just bought the game why you didn't choose an high population server????

Roll a new char on heavy populated server.. and stop complaining.


I rolled on the server with a "Standard" population because my buddy already had a lvl 30 on it. I shouldn't have to do research to find the select few servers that actually have enough people to experience the content. Or re roll on a new server and make my buddy start all over. That is even more unfair to him. Bioware needs to address this now or there are going to be a lot of pissed off people like me who bought the game and then realize there are 30+ people in the imperial fleet. We deserve an answer or at least some tentative plan for when this is going to be fixed.

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@ approx. 11 AM EST, Saturday morning, crappy weather (here, anyway) over half the US servers are listed at LIGHT, rest are STANDARD. Figure that as 50k players...or less. My own LIGHT server...290 total, REP/EMP, all classes and levels.
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No, not for awhile.


I think they should take the opportunity with the Oceanic Servers opening and get rid of some of the dead-weight ones.


But, if they are scared of merging because of the bad press it brings, then they need to take the pressure off some-how.


Best way to do that is introduce a cross-server group content finder for everything (Quests, World-Bosses, Flashpoints, Operations).


Given that it's not possible for them to do that easily (Due to their server restrictions IE: Each Server is it's own world) I figure they'll do nothing, and the game will continue to dwindle until the entire population is packed into 5-7 servers.

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Think about this for a moment With a base of 850 000 we could have 9 people per instance per server now 850 K is still a good number to build off of but the number of servers make those 850K look like nothing


We need 1/3 of the servers merged and if you do decide to unsub please let them know that it is because the server pop is spread too thin

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The point is folks why should anyone have to reroll on a server just to find people to play with? BW opened all these servers on releases just as Warhammer did. Now they have alot of light servers with just a few heavy pop servers just as warhammer did on release.


This is not the players fault its BW and they need to adress it asap. Warhammer waited to long to implement this and the game severly suffered and never recovered from it.


You love Swtor and think its the bees knees? then you better pray they merge soon or this will die a slow death. This is 2012 not 2004 people have alot of options to spend there time on and there not gonna wait much longer.


Absolutely correct.


The longer they wait, the more subs they lose, the quieter the servers get and the more players leave. It's an ever decreasing circle and they need to act now.

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I will be blunt.


The highest I have ever seen the Republic Fleet on Saber of Exar Kun is 66 people. Most days we have ~35, with spikes at prime time of about 44.. Ilum is bereft of players most of the time, with a 3:1 faction imbalance and the most we can fill being one ops group. We have less than a handful of guilds big enough to raid.


Population imbalance is a real thing, even if your server is not experiencing it.

Edited by DeviantFox
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The comparisons to Warhammer always worry me.

But it's very similar.


Players had high expections in both games.

Both suffer similar problems (FPS, Balance, Endgame).

Both are in the hands of EA :(. (yes, it is a problem as EA as known for bad suport+comunication)

Both mass opened servers at the beginning.


Mythic reacted FAR to slow to several problems. We can just hope BW is faster :/.

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But it's very similar.


Players had high expections in both games.

Both suffer similar problems (FPS, Balance, Endgame).

Both are in the hands of EA :(. (yes, it is a problem as EA as known for bad suport+comunication)

Both mass opened servers at the beginning.


Mythic reacted FAR to slow to several problems. We can just hope BW is faster :/.


What worries is that Mythic was apart of the teams responsible for this game.


They are EA's main devolopment studio for MMORPGS.


They bought them, and shoved them under the Bioware Banner. They used to be Bioware Mythic, but I think it's just Bioware now.

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