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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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more and more servers are losing people than gaining people. Server merge is necessary.


As i have said before some people say a merge means the game is dying but wouldnt seeing a ton of low pop server also show its dying?


They have like 125 US servers they easily merge some and have 50 servers for the US left over.

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Guy, there are "LIGHT" populated servers out there whose entire pop can be counted in single digits most of the day. If you're on a busy realm, you apparently just can't grasp what it's like, and telling us we're wrong isn't going to make the issue go away. Global chat...LOL, we're all on first name basis, talking in Vent, know each others wives/kids names, if we were in meat space, we'd be having barbecues and drinking beer together. You could fit the entire realm around one picnic table. That's how sad it is. Edited by Smitar
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Didn't read this entire thread, but here is one thing to think of.


They are still advertising the game so new people will come. Will it outpace those that leave? Who knows? The point is that all MMOs aside from WOW experience fallout after the first 90 days.


I saw a SWTOR commercial on the Walking Dead 2012 premiere. It's not as if they are paying for spots at 3:00 am on the Weather Channel... Game is far from dead.

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more and more servers are losing people than gaining people. Server merge is necessary.


As i have said before some people say a merge means the game is dying but wouldnt seeing a ton of low pop server also show its dying?


They have like 125 US servers they easily merge some and have 50 servers for the US left over.


Remember: That just measures server status not population. While one is a general measure of the other you cannot assume that the metric for what constitutes light/standard/heavy/full has remained the same over time. So take that graph with a grain of salt. Last week's population trend looks the same as it did at the end of January so ... *shrugs* there is so real significant trend occurring from mid-January onwards.

Edited by talligan
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Didn't read this entire thread, but here is one thing to think of.


They are still advertising the game so new people will come. Will it outpace those that leave? Who knows? The point is that all MMOs aside from WOW experience fallout after the first 90 days.


I saw a SWTOR commercial on the Walking Dead 2012 premiere. It's not as if they are paying for spots at 3:00 am on the Weather Channel... Game is far from dead.


Not saying the game is dead but Bioware/SWTOR's reach far exceeded their grasp and its time to step back into reality and merge the servers.

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EU Rep player here, on an original server (Scepter of Ragnos GOOOOO). Myself and guildies were on Tomb Of Freedon Nadd originally (with a queue time of over an hour), but moved across to a server which was still FULL but had a 30 min queue. Made sense at the time. And this was before official release.


Now, SoR is standard. I logged on last night between 2030 and 2100... 36 on republic fleet. Went to Alderaan to do my class quests... 11 players there. Went to do my daily PvP WZ... I sent my companions off on crew skill missions twice (with various missions ranging from 8 mins to 12 mins) and was still waiting when they got back. Never have I felt so alone in an MMO.


Now, I'm not saying reduce the number of servers down majorly. Aion made that mistake and so many people left because of what they did to the server balance. Never do I want to go through that again.


Maybe an idea of free server transfers for now for players and guilds? It would need overseers to very much take control of balancing the servers without screwing up guilds by separating them.


Or maybe I talk doo-doo :rolleyes:

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Senator Contipex is the lightest populated among many other light populated servers on SWTOR. As a player I find it a bit boring not being able to do all the thing you are supposed to do in the game that you could have done in a heavy or medium populated server. Finding a Warzone can take several hours, and if you want to do a 4 people heroic, you will have to search for weeks... the entire server would probably love it if you would consider to merge this server with another light populated server. This game will lose alot of player if this goes on... I have never been so alone in a MMORPG game and its a shame that this little thing should ruin the game for so many when it can be fixed SO easy.
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Senator Contipex is the lightest populated among many other light populated servers on SWTOR. As a player I find it a bit boring not being able to do all the thing you are supposed to do in the game that you could have done in a heavy or medium populated server. Finding a Warzone can take several hours, and if you want to do a 4 people heroic, you will have to search for weeks... the entire server would probably love it if you would consider to merge this server with another light populated server. This game will lose alot of player if this goes on... I have never been so alone in a MMORPG game and its a shame that this little thing should ruin the game for so many when it can be fixed SO easy.


Poor guy...don't you know DEVs are really really stupid. It will be another 60 days before the subject comes up in their staff meeting. Either reroll now or wait.

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At peak hours the population on Naddist Rebels isn't too bad. Definitely doesn't take "hours" for PvP WZ matches to pop. More like two minutes. Sometimes hard to find a PUG for HMs in the middle of the day on a weekday but of course that's far from peak hours.
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Seems like almost every server is low population. At Peak hours, there are not many people on any one server. Rift had this issue, and in the beginning, they shut down servers, and allowed people to merge to other servers. It's odd that it takes hours at lvl 50 for a PVP game to pop, as there is hardly anyone on the servers. They also need to implement CROSS REALM Ques. WOW did this, and was a huge success. For any new MMO not to include this off the bat, is beyond bizarre to me. I think Bioware is too focused on fixing bugs than getting these servers in line. Wish I never leveled on what is now a "Low POP" server, as most of the time I feel like this is a single player game.


Bioware, what say you?


a month ago someone was saying that every server has low population.



Why is this thread not closed due to baseless slander?

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They need to go ahead and merge servers. I find it funny that the people who say there isn't a problem are all imperials AND/OR on heavy pop servers. Try playing a republic character on a standard/low pop server for a good couple months then come try to talk about your experiences in this thread.


Also, the battleground queues are ridiculous. There are times I will wait for over an hour on my standard republic server only to get a group of 6 vs 4 imp/rep so we lose in 120 seconds.


This is really uncalled for and needs to be addressed by Bio-ware. Rift did a server merge about 1-2 months after launch because of the same reasons. Also, WoW had battlegroups for PvP battlegrounds for as long as I can remember playing it. That is what allowed you to actually get full groups for battlegrounds regardless of what time it was. Right now, I can pretty much never do open world or warzones unless it is around 3-9pm. sometimes less than that on weeknights.


Also, every zone i go to has anywhere from 2-15 people at a time. Only the highest level planets and republic fleet have anywhere near the 15 mark btw. I think I saw 25 people in republic fleet at 5pm server on a Saturday.


Come on Bio-Ware, put in some kind of cross server lfg tool, make warzones cross realm, and finally do a freaking server merger! I'm tired of being on a ghost server.....



Edit: btw, I play on Assassins of Sion and it is standard most of the time. The problem is that standard rating is not actually standard. It means there is at most 50-75 TOTAL republic 45+ characters on at a time. With a lot of them grouping with friends/doing ops during peak hours, that leaves the rest of the player base to solo. I have to literally message the ENTIRE 50 PLAYERBASE to get a flashpoint going. Sometimes I can't even pull one together. They need to allow server merges for every standard/low pop server because only the heavy pop servers have any type of activity going on. You can stand in republic fleet for about 2-3 hours and never see a single lfg comment in general. It is completely ridiculous!


Merge the servers and make cross server lfg/warzones!!!

Edited by Meaty_Demise
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Needs to happen. Any server where the Republic or Empire fleet has less then 100 people on it during peak hours should be merged; as anything less then 100 players really fails the Massively multiplayer part of MMORPG. It seems that almost all standard servers are in that situation now.


Some of that though is the horrible faction imbalance where the Republic side would have 50 on at peak, while the Empire 150-200. If that is the case then merging enough servers together to get Republic numbers into an acceptable range could cause too many players overall.


So Bioware along side Server Mergers also needs to open up Free Faction Transfers and create some incentive for players to roll Republic.

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the server pops are bad! i cant stand you people who say oh everything is fine quit your QQ. shut the **** up. your bad.


bioware needs to open server xfers or merges or bad ***** gonna happen.


also that guy who said they didnt do merges in their old mmos, well first off your a moron, and second off all those mmos failed hard, and if they dont want swtor to fail they willmerge teh god damns servers.

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Agreed. This thread is full of fail.


Heck, I wish there were enough players on my server to get the opportunity to fail. I aspire to fail. At least in failing, I'd get the opportunity to play and do all the things people on higher pop servers get to do.

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more urgent than server merges is some way to encourage population balance, e.g. give republic characters an experience boost or something.


as I mentioned before, empire side doesn't have any problems w/ population on naddist rebels. republic, however, does.

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my server still has not have a lvl 50 pvp match. not one. :( want to take a guess on how many people are on the imperial side of the defenstrator right now? 7. how many level 50's? only 5. its been like that all day. the most i have ever saw my fleet at was 25. wtb people to play with
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OP, in about 12 years after the subs for this game go below 10 million, and yes, this game will have 10 million subs within 2 years. I guarantee it.


This game is more likely to go F2P than have 10 million subs in 2 years.


I weep over how badly I wanted this game to be amazing. All that time and money spent on gimmicky voice acting. *tear*

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But guys!


Theres 1.7 million active subs!!!


Couldn't resist.



1 .7million /216=7880 per server if all were on at once,


3900 per faction if divisons were perfect

most say 15-20% pop on during peak which = 585-780 per side

17 planets 13 different flashpoints per faction 3 warzones


if the pop is close to 1000 000 those numbers drop down to 463 per side at 20%


I would imagine they are working on a fix, maybe some kind of cross server warzone finder but that takes more then a few weeks to develop.


One fix would be to add a faction percentage to the server listing and free transfers (perhaps with a legacy reset) later on. Please ask for this in the suggestion forum


Server merges might help pvp some but it would not fix the imbalance


Again, these numbers are PEAK

Edited by WhiskyJax
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There's only 22 Imperials on Fleet at the moment, Krayiss Obelisk.


It's 9:45pm, Prime Time. It's Friday. At 8pm, it was 28. I was on Ilum, there were 6 Imps. There are other servers worse off than mine.



I don't get why they won't answer this question on their weekly 10, other than they're too scared to address it. Clearly they expect everyone to just reroll and people who don't reroll, they'll ask them to pay $25 per toon to transfer later on. Then 3 months later, they'll do merges. Just watch.


  • Let people reroll
  • Milk players for transfer fees
  • Merge Servers

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