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When will there be a "SERVER MERGE?"


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Since BW believe merge = transfer, ARE WE GETTING TRANSFERS IN 1.2? YES? NO? Should we just reroll now or continue to play on these dead servers in the hopes of you implementing something which should have been available from the start? Are we going to wait 6 months before we see the light of this basic feature?



I will pay 100 e if I need too and lose legacy just to play with people in this game, coz you know, this is a MMO.


I'd pay 50$, easy.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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Time for a reality check, chief. During prime time, over an hour for PVP to pop, going on planets and seeing 4, maybe 10 people on that planet? You don't think this is an issue? I'm paying for a MMO, where is the Mass Multiplayer? Move along, nothing for you to see in this topic obviously....


My server is usually Standard and sometimes on primetime it's Heavy.

I can find PvP in at least 20 seconds, and at most about 10 minutes.


I can't even find a low-pop server (US)

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My server is usually Standard and sometimes on primetime it's Heavy.

I can find PvP in at least 20 seconds, and at most about 10 minutes.


I can't even find a low-pop server (US)


Well lucky you. Mine has a good population, the only problem is that 80% are russian and only want to join russian guilds. Resulting in the 3 (yes, only 3) multinational guilds to be incapable of recruiting and thus incapable of doing 16 man content.

Edited by Mrs_Murder
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really really critical issue. also on a personal note i would very much like to salvage my jugg from the barren wasteland it is on now :)


Had to abandon my 50 trooper as well, the server i played on is completely dead now. Lucky to see 10 players on the fleet at primetime.

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Sounds like server merges for low population servers need to happen, along with cross-server warzone queues. Cross-server warzone matches will hopefully insure that there are always people to pvp with. If BW keeps releasing content, bug fixes, good solid changes, etc, it will attract more players, and hopefully the low server pops will get higher. Edited by ReynoldsCK
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If the server merge doesn't happen soon, I am canceling until it does. I'm tired of this "19 people on each planet" bs.


How soon is soon? I would imagine it might be a few more months to figure out the logistics of the move Like Which servers to be merged, how to handle transfers, how to appease the players who wanted the merge not realizing name and legacy issues, moving whole guilds and guild names themselves for that matter.


In all honesty it might be easier and less stressful for people to search out potential god servers and reroll now until they can get their mains over.


I think the game can be greatness, but patience will be required, something that is short supply in the gaming world nowdays.

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And this is why MMO's typically don't display the population in each zone. Having 20-50 people /leveling zone during prime time is pretty standard now that the players are all spread out in levels.


Having trouble grouping? Create a chat channel, call it GlobalLFG (or GLFG), advertise it as a way to chat and search for groups with players on other planets, problem solved. It works wonders for LOTRO.

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How soon is soon? I would imagine it might be a few more months to figure out the logistics of the move Like Which servers to be merged, how to handle transfers, how to appease the players who wanted the merge not realizing name and legacy issues, moving whole guilds and guild names themselves for that matter.


In all honesty it might be easier and less stressful for people to search out potential god servers and reroll now until they can get their mains over.


I think the game can be greatness, but patience will be required, something that is short supply in the gaming world nowdays.


In that case, I will be taking a break from the game. I have patience for them to fix the problems with the actual gameplay but I can't deal with the lack of players on each planet. Its just too much. I would have rather had less servers at launch and waited an hour to play.

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In that case, I will be taking a break from the game. I have patience for them to fix the problems with the actual gameplay but I can't deal with the lack of players on each planet. Its just too much. I would have rather had less servers at launch and waited an hour to play.


Once again, that number of players in a leveling zone is standard.


Create a galaxy-wide chat channel yourself if you want to look for groups.

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In that case, I will be taking a break from the game. I have patience for them to fix the problems with the actual gameplay but I can't deal with the lack of players on each planet. Its just too much. I would have rather had less servers at launch and waited an hour to play.


Would you be willing to lose you name, guild name and legacy name if they merged your server with another tomorrow?

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Cancelled my sub yesterday. My realm (Ft. Garik) totally dead. At times I was literally the only person logged on (either side). Almost impossible to get groups to run FPs, and OPs out of the question. We have NEVER had a Lv. 50 PvP que pop. Can't even play Hutball LOL. Generally the same group of 4-6 people doing dailies together and running a FP doing the day...if we can get a tank and a healer on at same time. Gets a little better at peak times, but still lame. PvP is someone getting on their Emp toon, and fighting each other...think max was maybe 8 people per side. Guild dying, people slowly fading away.


Re-rolled onto Canderous Ordo...totally different game. PEOPLE! An active auction house! Requests for groups! Talking and interacting with people (you know, that MMO thing)!. Leveled a toon to 15. But you know what? The thought of starting all over again is a non-starter. Running the same quests. Making a credit farming toon. Re-leveling crafts. The gearing grind. Not going to do it.


I like the game, it has potential, but not that much. And I'm certainly not going to inflict pain on myself (and pay for the privilege) in the name of "having fun". Which is what it boils down too, in a lot of these posts. I'm supposed to suck it up, re-roll to a busier realm, abandon multiple geared 50s, alts, millions of credits, friends, guild, painfully gained legacy and social points, ect. and go through all that grind again. And who's to say that realm isn't going to wither away too? All because BW failed to manage their realm pops properly, won't do what needs to be done and allow toon/guild migrations...while I pay for rattling around an empty server desperately looking for someone to play my MMO with.


From the posts, many other people just like me. And you're losing us, and BW is losing our sub money. Which impacts each and every one of you who are in a thriving realm whining about our whining. Each one of us that leaves, that's $15 a month less money for BW to spend on patches and additional content. That's one more person walking away going "SWTOR? Sucks...don't go there". Once we leave, it's doubtful we'll be back, and we certainly won't be sending our friends this way. We're paying to play an MMO, and for many of us we've got the monthly MMO sub fee with no "MM" to it. An avoidable and fixable issue...one of the many, many issues BW promises to fix "someday". For me, and others like me, not going to pay out each month waiting for this vague nebulous promise of "someday" to get here.

Edited by Smitar
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Wth servers are you all playing on? When i look at the server list during prime time its always standard and up for about 90% of them....I play Republic too and while yes there is an imbalance there is always plenty of people around regardless....this is why I keep away from forums I guess... "the sky is falling" gets old after a while.
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Wth servers are you all playing on? When i look at the server list during prime time its always standard and up for about 90% of them....I play Republic too and while yes there is an imbalance there is always plenty of people around regardless....this is why I keep away from forums I guess... "the sky is falling" gets old after a while.


Anchorhead, which is dead on the republic side. Sometimes we will get like 5 or 6 people on some worlds. How the hell are we supposed to do anything with that many people on an entire planet? What a joke.


Christ, when I played DAOC you could go to any random dungeon and often find 20-30 people in just that spot alone. The servers need to be merged or people will be quitting.

Edited by eklipzze
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The more I think about it the more I am seeing an easy fix. Please let me know if you agree.

Force new players to the lower pop servers, the game is still pretty new. .i know someone mentioned this and its a very good easy cheap fast fix. Step 2, improve LFG, others have made similar suggestions on LFG. Sure the more populated servers may be hit a little, but they can always change where new players go to adjust.

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