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Stealth bar for stealth classes! Please consider for upcoming update.


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Title says it all folks. Below is the obligatory wall-o-text detailing my ideas/arguments. Please feel free to discuss, but at least read the section below beforehand, and do not needlessly flame, let's have an adult discussion, and hopefully get our kick-*** devs (TY for continuing to work on ability delay, it's sooooo much better now) to see that there is a desire for this feature.


Backround and concepts


I play as an IA Operative, Mrburns on the US server Thana Vesh (yes, her) as well as a Sith Assassin. I love stealth classes, they have always been my favorite to play in MMOs.


The one thing I've really yearned for in SW:TOR is a "Stealth" bar much like the action bar that auto toggles when an agent/smuggler utilize the cover system. This bar could toggle when stealth is entered on to the main quick bar just like the current cover bar, and have a dark blue/violet border, to contrast the cover's light green and the companion's light pink. I had a lot of playtime as a Rogue and Feral kitty in the-game-which-must-not-be-named. I loved the stealth bar there (granted on the feral it took up a considerable amount of time to ensure my bars were correct for all my shapeshifted forms), and would really like to see BW work on this for an upcoming content patch.


This bar could house the not too numerous but vital stealth only abilities the 4 stealth classes utilize. Most of the stealth classes have an already large tool box to pull from. While 48 quickslot buttons may seem to be adequate for the Operative/Smuggler/Assassin/Shadow's ability binding/clicking needs, I find that having to find real estate for my stealth only abilities to be combersome, and honestly pretty backwards.


I have a cover bar that has all (2 lol) of my "Only usable in Cover" abilities, and I am quite grateful for that. Having to keep these abilities on my bars 100% of the time would be silly as they are situational and rarely used in my usual play.


The nice thing about the cover bar is that I don't have to find a new unused key or combination of keys to have those abilities that are mode specific quickly accesable in a heated battle. Snipe is on 1 and Explosive probe is on 2, these are what I want to be able to do once I enter cover as an Operative, along with adding some of my other 30m abilities (lolRifle Shot) to the bar I can basically have another bar with the same binds as my primary, and use the keybinds that are most natural and comfortable to reach with my playstyle.


If we added a Stealth bar, that toggled on/off like cover, I believe that the stealth classes would really appreciate it. I know I would at least feel better not having to move my hand from its usual position to the far side of the number line then back 4 times to try to do Sleep Dart > Acid Blade > Position > Possibly use Sneak > Hidden strike > Backstab > Shiv > Cloaking Screen > Acid Blade > Position > Repeat.


My hand thanks and Orthopedic surgeon thank you in advance for reading this. George Zoeller, you're my only hope! (excuse typos/misspelling, I'm home sick from work today and can't bee assed to spell check)

Edited by SWToRBurns
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Some of the stealth abilities can be talented into general use abilities anyway, so you're left with what? 2 or 3 abilities? Those fit pretty nicely in the 2nd to 4th slot on the bottom bar. I'd rather see them spend resources on making non-combat pets stealth with their owner instead.
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Some of the stealth abilities can be talented into general use abilities anyway, so you're left with what? 2 or 3 abilities? Those fit pretty nicely in the 2nd to 4th slot on the bottom bar. I'd rather see them spend resources on making non-combat pets stealth with their owner instead.


My opperative has a cover bar... for what? I only have 2 skills that require cover. I admit, I know nothing about coding or programming games... still I dont see how it would take a large amount of resources to implement a stealth bar when the same thing is already implemented for cover.


I fully support stealth bar implementation.




Huh? You can do what you want now. When you go into stealth, place all your skills you want in there for when your in stealth. Bingo! they magically appear on your tool bar when you go into stealth..:)


Is this true? ill have to check that out after work today :)

Edited by Kryptoniic
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Some of the stealth abilities can be talented into general use abilities anyway, so you're left with what? 2 or 3 abilities? Those fit pretty nicely in the 2nd to 4th slot on the bottom bar. I'd rather see them spend resources on making non-combat pets stealth with their owner instead.



Yeah like that isn't a waste of resources to make something stealth that you can just dismiss, with any stealth class.. they spend a lot of time in stealth. Though to the OP may I level a suggestion that seems to have helped me a little bit. Use keybindings for things after I organized many of my abilities to the side bars ( as it stands ) then I bound them to the bottom row on my keyboard, which is a lark because I admit it.. this is my first stealth class and yes, I was a clicker.. still am mostly--especially in the high drama moments and I am looking frantically for vanish only to realize.. I bound it elsewhere.


I would really like to see a shift to the paradigm of how they design UI's, having button bars seems a waste of resources, why can't we just drag out abilities and drop them sans container. I hate the bottom action bar and the location of the unlock/lock button, I constantly hit it and drag stuff off and lose it when it's not really convenient.

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Some of the stealth abilities can be talented into general use abilities anyway, so you're left with what? 2 or 3 abilities? Those fit pretty nicely in the 2nd to 4th slot on the bottom bar. I'd rather see them spend resources on making non-combat pets stealth with their owner instead.



For an Assassin/Shadow yes, some of those abilities are able to be talented. Operatives do not have this luxury, all of our stealth moves are exactly that, stealth moves.


I currently have every single quickslot bar full without having a companion out, having a stealth bar, imho would be a QOL change and just simply make it vastly more comfortable, and increase my reaction/ability use timings.


No offense, but vanity pets...really, not sure if trolling or serious? Vanity pets should disable inside WZ/FP/Ops and not be summonable to prevent more pixels the user's machine has to render/track during "fast paced gameplay". Nothing is more annoying than trying to click on a party member and toss an instant heal, and hitting his silly mini diablo that follows him around growling at nothing in particular.

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Huh? You can do what you want now. When you go into stealth, place all your skills you want in there for when your in stealth. Bingo! they magically appear on your tool bar when you go into stealth..:)


Nope, doesnt work, at least not for SI Assassin


And yes, even if there are only few abilities, I'd still like a coverbar. Maybe I don't need spike, I don't need blackout and so forth since I'm a tank.. but they are fun toys to use while questing/doing dailies/doing PvP. Now they are taking space from my other bars.

Edited by Kauhu
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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't know much about Assassins, but Operatives have very few abilities that can be used in stealth without breaking it, and only two that require you be in stealth.


Cover for Snipers is a game state where you'll be doing a bulk of your DPS. You need to be able to use most of your rotation from behind cover. That's not true for Operatives. For operatives, once combat begins, stealth exists for a single Hidden Strike every 2-3 minutse (depending on whether you talented Cloaking Screen or not).


A stealth bar isn't necessary.


Funny that you mentioned feral druids in WoW in this conversation -- because they don't have stealth bars, either.

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I don't know much about Assassins, but Operatives have very few abilities that can be used in stealth without breaking it, and only two that require you be in stealth.


Cover for Snipers is a game state where you'll be doing a bulk of your DPS. You need to be able to use most of your rotation from behind cover. That's not true for Operatives. For operatives, once combat begins, stealth exists for a single Hidden Strike every 2-3 minutse (depending on whether you talented Cloaking Screen or not).


A stealth bar isn't necessary.


Funny that you mentioned feral druids in WoW in this conversation -- because they don't have stealth bars, either.


Have you ever played a rogue in WoW?


Even if there are not as many abilities that need stealth to aid in situational combat state as the Sniper/Gunslinger, the operative/shadows/assassins would benefit from having less clutter for abilities that are stealth only or to ramp up initial burst damage like rogues in WoW (or any other game that has a stealth class).


You statement about "state of combat for DPS" arguement falls apart because having a stealth bar is a "state of combat DPS (e.g. BURST)" for stealth classes.


Stealth bar would be welcomed by this player.


Good Idea OP! :)

Edited by Urael
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