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App to control crew?


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I'm not sure this is the right place to post this but I will anyway. I was wondering if it was possible to get an app to control crew functions from my smart phone? If not why hasn't anyone come up with this yet?


There isn't one. And I hope they don't waste any time, effort, and money on something so trivial.

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There isn't one. And I hope they don't waste any time, effort, and money on something so trivial.


Pretty much this, and the fact that it would be exploited by cred farmers like no other. The ability to play the game without playing the game is always a terrible one.

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yeah, finding out ways for players to be more effective at not actually hands-on playing the game should not be a priority for Bioware imho.


And what exactly is hands-on with sending a companion out on an underworld mission that last 1.2 hours?


Presently I do it all the time at work now, log in, send my minions out on their hour long missions, log out...log back in collect goods, repeat. Hey, I'm not the one who designed the asinine system, don't yell at us for using it as intended.

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Yeah, you're right. The whole sending crew members out on missions while you're gone thing is semi-reminiscent of botting itself. I shouldn't have interpreted this in that manner, but that's what I thought of first-off. My bad.
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And what exactly is hands-on with sending a companion out on an underworld mission that last 1.2 hours?


Presently I do it all the time at work now, log in, send my minions out on their hour long missions, log out...log back in collect goods, repeat. Hey, I'm not the one who designed the asinine system, don't yell at us for using it as intended.


Using it as intended is fine, an app for a smart phone is not using it as intended and would be exploited.

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Using it as intended is fine, an app for a smart phone is not using it as intended and would be exploited.


But its no different than using my laptop to do it. Laptop, phone, tablet, 360....


Were in the digital age brother! The world is no longer flat!

Edited by Lyability
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But its no different than using my laptop to do it. Laptop, phone, tablet, 360....


Were in the digital age brother! The world is no longer flat!




Why not just have it so you can queue up 100 or 1000 abilities and leave it to run?


Limits, there's always limits for good reason.




As it stands tradeskills are far too gold farmer friendly, being able to virtually run 50 versions of android on a PC all controlling a load of accounts takes gold farming to a new level.


I'd guess people are probably boting space missions 24/7 for credits too.

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If they design it so the host can receive these "commands" then it would only be a matter of days until you start seeing 3rd party apps that do everything automated (crew missions).


That's when the ***** will really start hitting the fan and kill every servers economy.


So I hope and doubt it will ever happen.

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If you think the Global economy is bad now if this App came out the market would be destroyed. I can farm on my other toons while i level one. i would never have to buy mats ever again. also if an app is made it would be made for the iphone first. everyone on a droid would be in an uproar because i phone users get the app before them. finally when they release the app for droid a month later the market will have collapsed around its self and one major aspect of the MMO style of play would be ruined.


personally i would like to control all my toons to farm while im at work. It would kill the game though.

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I am all for increasing the capabilities of a iPhone/Android app for this game, especially when it comes to guild event calendars, guild chat, app-to-in-game mail system and such things, but I feel if you were able to control your crew skills from an app, that would go a bit too far.


It's a great idea and shows ingenuity, but might be a tad too much.

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I'd love for this, I actually woke up one morning and instantly got on my Iphone and searching for the crew skills to gather more materials and whatnot. I had a laugh a couple of seconds later.

But the idea is cool.

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There is an app for iPhone called Companion Remote Desktop. It's like splash top but specifically for companions. ($2.99??) I think android users can get it through amazon but i'm not sure about it.


Splash top is $4.99 when on special sometimes, it's $20 when reg priced I think, but might not be able to work for some mouse clicks. (sorry pricing for my HP tablet, dunno the price for phones, hopefully less).


I don't think they can ban remote desktops since you are viewing your desktop/computer through your phone, so that should work.


Hope you find something you like ;)

Edited by xyloh
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I think the idea of a mobile app is sound; the reason I came on this forum was to see if one is being developed. However I think many of the ideas present the *problem of cheapening the overall experience with a simple text based interface. Since some of the crew skills have mini-mission objectives a SWTOR Companion App (pardon the pun although it was intended) based on the companions accomplishing those missions with action cunning and diplomacy (in other words you play as your companions) would be very compelling and add to the the overall SWTOR experience. *I think this option would present a more robust game for example the companions could meet NPCs on the app and later run across them in a future game update their relationship could help dictate the outcome of an event in the game proper. Much like EA and Bioware's Mass Effect 3 app.*


I do like the idea of added features like guild or friend chat but since the so called Galactic Trade Market is really more Planetary than truly galactic I would have to disagree with its inclusion.*Also building a browser based version isn't a horrible idea either. Yet I still wonder are any Devs listening?



Ugh Forums so aptly named since ancient Rome not much has changed its still a bunch of people shouting and nothing being heard or solved

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I wouldnt mind being able to Q missions on my toons. but I can see where it would be exploted. how about while your online on one toon you cant have other toons minions running... and same goes for running the app you can only have X number of toons running missions based on your max level. so an account with a level 12 could only have one at a time but a level 37 could have 3 out running around. youd still have to constantly check your phone to send them out on more missions.
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