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Kaliyo Survivabilty


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Currently I am a level 44 Operative.


Some stat comparisons:


Endurance - Me (203) Kaliyo (737)

Armour - Me (2618) Kaliyo (2605)

Damage Reduction - Me (21.43%) Kaliyo (21.34%)

Defensive Blocks / Dodges etc - Me (5% dodge chance) Kaliyo (8.81% dodge, 27.24% shield chance, 21.13% shield absorption)


So despite these stats and her having way more endurance than me I have 10225 hp & she only has 10390 hp. Also she seems to take as much damage as me if not more & I honestly think a more reliable tank would be a piece of wet tissue paper.


Sense, this makes none. Anyone know why Kaliyo is just so bad, despite her stats making it seem like she shouldn't be?

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People on these forums are extremely talented at missing the point by impressively large margins. I'm sure I could go & buy epic gear for her, but the question I'm looking for an answer to is why, when she has over 3 times the endurance I do, she only has ~100 more hp.


And why, when she should be taking less damage than me she regularly seems to be taking more.

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There is a glitch that causes your stats to sometimes display incorrectly, instead of displaying the total value it will only display the base value(without gear adds), there is no way you have that little endurance at lvl 44.


Try relogging and checking again to see if your true total shows up

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Well, I for one agrees with OP. Kaliyo is really squishy for what she does.


Thats why I ditched her for Vector first chance I got and he does more damage AND seems to be able to take a beating better. Sure he doesnt have taunt but with evasion and shield on short cooldowns I can take a few hits myself.


And after Belsavis you get SCORPIO and even though she looks at you like she wants to eat you, she is one hell of a better tank than that bald-headed sociopath!

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I still think they screwed up some numbers when they changed the IA companions.

In the test phase Kaliyo was a ranged DD like Ensign Temple now.

Wich I think was the Healer and Lokin was a Tank.

Now Kaliyo is a Tank, Lokin a Healer/DD and Ensign a DD.

Scorpio is still my fav tank though.

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Kaliyo still stabs the occasional opponent and uses a shotgun every now and then.


Decent gear for the companion and a bit of presence for running with the npc companion works wonder for me.


Check if she is in guard stance. Sometimes she forgets to be less squishy. ;)

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I've been Marksman since I when Sniper. Post 25, I found Kaliyo got ridiculously squishy. She'd die often, even on typical 2 standard + 1 strong packs. I did my best to gear her well for tanking, made sure she was in tanking gear, and still no luck. When I got Vector, I switched to him and found he survived far better than she did (though he had no holding power, but that was fine the majority of the time).


When I got Scorpio I wasn't impressed at first. But once I got her some decent (though not amazing or particularly expensive gear) I became much happier. I now vary between Scorpio and Vector depending on the situation.


By contrast, my friend swears by Kaliyo on his Engineering sniper. Even uses her now that he has Scorpio, switching between those two depending on the situation (which I find odd, as Kaliyo is a worse tank than Scorpio, and worse DPS than both Vector and Temple).

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As a 50 Marksman Sniper, I find them to be pretty equal, though since all of Scorpio's gear is moddable, i have been able to get her better stats, and she tends to get into melee alot more reliably (techstaff FTW) than Kaliyo, so it helps with her predicability.


I find myself having to help them tank, with the ballistic shield and smoke grenade. If they were equal geared, I think they take damage equally well. Their ability lists are nearly identical. I find that turning off some of the abilities helps them more reliably use the ones I want. I think that they need to decrease the cooldown on the defensive bubble they get though, 2 minutes is too long. I think 1 minute would be better.

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why, when she has over 3 times the endurance I do, she only has ~100 more hp.


And why, when she should be taking less damage than me she regularly seems to be taking more.


because she is clearly masochist

Edited by Vaccaboia
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