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Which class gets teh most flirt options?


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IA's actually get more options to be physical. Like one of the 70's Roger Moore bond films (such a pr0nstar name) IA's use seduction for the Empire rather than pure fun. Smugglers get more flirt options though, they're more of a pickup artist, it's a numbers game so they ask anyone. Edited by BrenMcGuire
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I've lost count of how many men my IA has slept with so far, they get a fair bit of flirting as well.

Playing a smuggler now as well, and even though she's just lvl 16, she's flirting like a mad woman.


Really? i don't recall getting more than two options to flirt with npcs all the way to 50.

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My male IA has certainly taken a more than a few opportunities in the various planets of the game... including an evil female sith lord who was a planetary governor ... i mean that is some high risk action right there, getting it on with a dark lord (lady) of the sith who is more than a little sadistic.


Doubt this was an option open to just the IA but i never felt like i was short of flirty options throughout my run.

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