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Tracer miss...i mean Arsenal tree


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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.
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Soon as you let defense chance and shield generators work against tech/force attacks

soon as you nerf sorc/sage spammable lightning and ridiculous CC/forcerun/bubble

soon as you add a combat log to show that tracer missile spam is truly overpowered.


Accomplish those things and we'll talk.

Edited by BlazingShadow
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This game already has a Tracer Missile nerf, it's called the Sage/Sorc cc/interrupt fest. Although anyone can do an interrupt, stun, LoS (I believe all classes have those two skills). They can only spam it if you let them - like any other caster class they have certain weaknesses. They're immobile and vulnerable to cc's and interrupts.
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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.


Just to let you know "I'M STANDING STILL it's not like I'M MOVING" Once you hear Tracer Missile you can't mistake the noise find me, I'm the one not moving and target me. It's simple how to stop me if you elect not to that's your bad not mine. Do I complain when I am hitting a target that has a healer NOPE. I just redirect my fire to kill the healer first. Why complain when you can fix it yourself. Look around when you hear tracer going off like a turret with fresh batteries. Find me and stop me from spamming. Why should I stop, do sorc stop spamming lightning, do scoundrels stop attacking me from behind nope, do guardians run toward me instead of leaping nope, then I'm not either. People need to worry about there own little career field and leave mine alone...

Edited by jackalious
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Arsenal is pve spec =_= on pvp i can easily do same damage on Pyro without turret-stance, just hit&run. I played many warzones in Arsenal and Pyro, and Pyro really DAMN more cool.


300k damage easy, 400k if enemy everytime running in groups

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Man ran Eternity Vault last night. Those turrets need a nerf. Like seriously man. I sit there ignoring them, letting them fire on me while I attack the adds and for some strange reason they keep doing sustained damage on me. It's totally OP.


As a 50 Merc, get in our faces and use your interrupts/stuns and mercs fall pretty quickly. Tracer missile is more for the procs than the damage. My reload, heat seeker missiles, railshot are a lot more effective than tracer missiles. If people learned not to ignore ranged chars, then they wouldn't be dying so much.


Second, warzones are not about damage/kills as they are about utility. I could sit in huttball and do 450k damage and have our team lose, or I could focus on my utility skills (Con missiles, electrodart, jet boost, rocketpunch) and positioning (let people jump to you) get 45k damage and win 6-0. This isn't COD and people need to take the k/d elsewhere.


It's just another example of Learn 2 Play. Move out of range, use interrupts, stuns, gap closers, gap openers, CC, Defensive skills, LOS, medpacks, adrenals, relics, etc. It really isn't that hard...

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I don't know why OP is complaining, merc has no tools to keep someone in range / los (except the 1 min cd 4s stun). If you QQ about merc turreting, what will you say about snipers who pulls great numbers too, can't be interrupted in cover, and have a root as well.
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I don't know why OP is complaining, merc has no tools to keep someone in range / los (except the 1 min cd 4s stun). If you QQ about merc turreting, what will you say about snipers who pulls great numbers too, can't be interrupted in cover, and have a root as well.


snipers were broken (7 seconds to get under cover and then bugged attacks)


they are fixed now so the steady stream of "zomg nerf tracer" people will slowly move to that forum... will take a while though, not enough snipers to make the dramatic effect, but i predict the "sorcerer zerg" you see in lowbie levels will soon be the "sniper zerg" as the class of the month torch is handed over to snipers.

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Hey now... we dont ONLY use tracer missle. Sometimes we Rail Shot. :p


Opening: 1.(Power Surge & Thermal Sensor override)Fusion Missle

2.Explosive dart


Secondary Opening:

Death From Above

Explosive dart


Initial burst Rotation:

1. x3 tracer missle

2. Heatseeker Missles

3. Unload (if GCD gone) x2 tracer missle (if Unload GCD still up)

3b. (I sometimes use Rail Shot after unload here for rediculous burst damage)

4. Unload (if not used in 3.) Tracer missle x2 (if not used in 3.)

5. Rail shot


Heat management during roation:

1. If heat is > 80.

a. Vent Heat

b. x3 rapid shots between every attack


2. If heat 60-80

a. Vent Heat

b. x2 rapid shots between every attack.


3. heat 40-60

a. x1 rapid shots between every attack

NOTE=using Vent heat is a waste at this heat level.

Edited by LeoThaTiGRR
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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.


Guess what? You can move away and the BH can't move and fire. If anything this skill needs a huge buff.

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The Merc forum, slowly teaching bad players what "LOS" means.


This is why Arsenal spec pve players think they're gods in pvp every now and then...because the opposing team forgets that a wall will block a missile.


Learn the classes you're playing against before you go up against them, and you won't look like a complete fool when you post in their forum whining about how bad you are in pvp.

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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.


i have NEVER only used TM in a wz and hit 200k damage


obvious troll is obvious

Edited by Cegenaus
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Go to torhead and look up snipe.


Does three times the damage, same casting time, same cooldown (0).


Fully talent supported TM hitting a target that has a 5stack of heat sig on it still does 1/3rd a trainer learned ability with the same spamability on another class.


Go complain elsewhere.

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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.


I easily get 300K+ damage. the only games i get low 200k is when people actually know how to play against our class.

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The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage.


In the 1.5 seconds it takes to cast TM you and another could have CC-ed him and taken him to 60% health, CC again, dead arsenal merc.


TM is quite a recognizable animation, it should be easy to tell when someone is casting it and interrupt it.

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I can't believe you are whining about Tracer Missiles. I always get interrupted and those OP Sith always interrupt me.


So we should nerf light saber for Sith because they are allowed to use it instantly. Tracer Missiles are our melee main cast spell... you take that away we will be autoshooting most of the time.


It's dumb... dumbest thing i ever heard..


I heal in Warzones because most of the time i can't even kill anyone with tracer missiles because they move out of range... so I gave up... i don't have the BattleMaster Gear some BH has who runs around doing 4k crits.


Am I pissed at your post? You bet I am...




The ability for the arsenal to spam out a rocket that hits extremely hard and add a stack of armor reduction is kind of bs. I have seen a BH spam only that in PvP and easily get away with 200k+ damage. There needs to be some kind of nerf to it, cooldown or something. I think they should get a stack of Missle rounds every 30 seconds. It can stack up to 5 times, meaning they will still get their spam, but not 20 times in a row. So at the begining yeah, they will do great damage, but at the end they wont have the exact same output. Even a sniper spamming snipe doesnt get the same damage output, and they are forced to use cover in order to use that.
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Go to torhead and look up snipe.


Does three times the damage, same casting time, same cooldown (0).


Fully talent supported TM hitting a target that has a 5stack of heat sig on it still does 1/3rd a trainer learned ability with the same spamability on another class.


Go complain elsewhere.




Ok lets stop you there.


TM with talents cost less 'heat' than snipe does energy, significantly less. With your standard arsenal build, tracer missile costs 16 heat (vs 20 energy) and every crit with it is venting 8 heat. Since Arsenal specs go heavy crit as a result, something about 40% of tracer missiles are venting 8 heat for someone so/so geared (can go higher with everything accounted for, especially your 2/2 rakata set gives 15% or so crit to tracer shot). Thats on average another 3 heat off. So your tracer missile spam is 13 or so heat vs the 20 energy of snipe.


Your crits with tracer missile (its a crit heavy build after all) do 30% more damage (nothing similar for snipe).


But heres the main point: snipe is weapon damage. Defense, Shield and Shield Absorption apply to it. Not so with Tracer missile. Right there against the most common targets in PvP (force users) a sniper is going to be down 15-20% damage just form the defense.


Secondly the coefficients for these powers are vastly different; anyone could tell you that. I cant account for the exact numbers, but I regularly get smashed in the face by a tracer missile (first in the barrage) for 1400-1500 (this is on my tank assassin with 37% armor mitigation). My sniper hitting a 'tank' is going to deal about the same damage with snipe if I crit. Against a squishy, I will still be hitting for the mid thousands at best.




There is a reason you seldom see gunslingers and snipers, and the are not roflstomping adversaries. What you see in a tool tip is simply not translating in game when you consider how inferior 'weapon damage' is to other types of attacks.

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soon as you add a combat log to show that tracer missile spam is truly overpowered.




It kinda is though if you look at what we get from it if talented out.


I mean, not only does it give 5 heat signature stacks, it also increase it's own damage by up to 20% it also give a damage reduction shield up to 10% (yes power shot give that shield to but doesn't give the heat signature or increase it's own damage), and on top of that tracer missile also grants rail shot to hit for a lot more.


Power shot does more damage initially but it takes no time to get 5 TM shots off to make that do way more damage.


Not to mention, if you crit with TM you potentially vent 8 heat every 3 seconds if you have terminal velocity 2/2 so you can almost spam that forever.


It's a stupid skill that gets way to many benefits imo.

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Power shot does more damage initially but it takes no time to get 5 TM shots off to make that do way more damage.


Stacking 5 of these takes plenty of time and requires you to be immobile, which means a skilled player would be able to CC, interrupt, run, break LOS, or otherwise hinder you stacking those missiles.


If someone is dumb enough to let me sit there and hit them with TM without so much as acknowledging my presence then they deserve to be dead.

Edited by Pwny_Express
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