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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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I'm not going anywhere because I don't feel that the nerf isn't going to break anything. It might force people to play differently, but operative will still be effective and still do just fine IMO.


EDIT: I should add that I've played operative since day 1 of early access, having never played one in beta.

Edited by YpaWinz
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i havent done pvp yet so havent experienced the pvp side of the nerf


i lvl'd heal spec, i do admit that anything that lower's my dps puts a major cramp in my style as heal spec needs all the dps it can get


i will not be rerolling, i love the play style of this class, enjoy the healing/dps i can do with the same spec,


as for the game, i dont want one class to be op, have 75% of the player base playing that class because they want to see chart toppers, i do want a balanced game where u are on top because of talent, gear, and some luck thrown in too boot


i know that is wishfull thinking, but am open to bioware doing nerf's/buffs, they see the numbers for everyone on pretty spreadsheets, we only see our numbers as they flash across the screen, so im sure they know when one class is in need of some small tweeks, i just hope if they tweek too much, and our class gets broken, that they fix it asap so we can continue to enjoy this awesome ai

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I have been a healer/concealment hybrid since day one of early release. Life has never been better :) ... having a blast with it. Typically 9+ medals with it on non-huttball warzones. Freaking scary paired with my assassin friend guarding me. Gone toe to toe against many a deep concealment/scrapper and wiped the floor with them but it's strength is it's support ability on top of steady dps (laceration spam adds up very fast ... non stop melee with little energy).


I had to take my discussion of the build over to scoundrel forums because all the elitists here were "deep concealment or nothing!". Build is catching on like wild fire.



I love this nerf. Gets rid of all the baddies.

Edited by Tamanous
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Not leaving.


I played my operative (conceal) without its crazy openers for 30+ (maybe 40?) levels. I can figure out how to play it with the "nerfs." After initially getting pissy about the changes (because I don't think they've addressed damage mitigation and buff stacking properly), I don't think the changes will have much effect on me. I'll still be an average PvPer but now, instead of locking down another player for the first three seconds of my attack, I can actually stun-lock people like they claim operatives have been doing all along.


Leave, people. Leave. More gear for me.

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Rerolled from Sniper to Operative and I'll love it - nevermind the nerf. I am even not 36 (became 33 last night) and still loving PVP without that freaky stealth opener.


Oh, maybe I still love PVP due to playing in a team and we know what we are doing. OP single PVP can be fun or can be frustrating. Before and after nerf. Teamplaying is more or less the key to winning the game.

Edited by Faowen
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I stopped playing mine a while ago, before I even knew about any kind of nerf. Operative just wasn't any fun for me to play. Been leveling a Sniper, seems a bit more fun plus I'd like to see the rest of the IA story. Playing an operative was just ponderous for me.
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Every single one of the FOTM players that rolled an operative.


I don't know about your server, but on mine there are only a handful of Operatives. The majority is rerolling sorcerers and its only getting worse. Over 25% of 50's on primetime on my server on the Imperial Fleet are sorcerers. On any given planet over 20% is a sorcerer.

So I haven't encountered any FOTM rerollers to Operatives.


To the OP. I am not rerolling. It all depends if Hidden Strike with the 1,5 second duration still gives full resolve. If it does give full resolve, that will suck. If it doesn't give full resolve it might actually be a buff...let the stunlocking commence then! And then more whining from sorcerers....sigh

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So who's going to leave their Operative if the nerf breaks our class?

I play a Scoundrel but if the 'fixes' are as bad as they look I'll spec pure heal or heal/dmg hybrid. I love my Smuggler (Level 43 atm) too much to reroll. (I have a Level 36 BH alt though.) I see the nerf as an opportunity to check out some other speccs.

Edited by karcyon
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I have been a healer/concealment hybrid since day one of early release. Life has never been better :) ... having a blast with it. Typically 9+ medals with it on non-huttball warzones. Freaking scary paired with my assassin friend guarding me. Gone toe to toe against many a deep concealment/scrapper and wiped the floor with them but it's strength is it's support ability on top of steady dps (laceration spam adds up very fast ... non stop melee with little energy).


I had to take my discussion of the build over to scoundrel forums because all the elitists here were "deep concealment or nothing!". Build is catching on like wild fire.



I love this nerf. Gets rid of all the baddies.

Care to share your spec? I've got healing up to Kolto Probe and the rest concealment. Tempted to re-spec for surgical probe but needing to do some research first on others with hybrid builds.


Here is something I've been thinking of:


Edited by FearNight
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I belive not many will reroll most will just quit the game.


Some will keep telling the class is fine but as of now you see "need ranged dps" i cant see enyone convinced to pick dps op after seeing the nerfs in patchnotes.


Many will roll medic and thats fine - but that will only work because people hate playing healers so overaly there is lack of healers on the market. But if you will find someone going for max performance they will refuse to take op healer as it has nothing to offer over other healers.


Personally i did not reroll just made myself alt - doing dailies on op and then leveling him. I started before the nerf was announced. Class felt like a blast till about 55 valor rank.

Then i got the feeling im dependant on the stealth too much - not only on its damage but also its control.

Long story short 1 out of stealth stun on 45s jsut doesnt cut it when everyone got their own 60s stun and knockback on much lower cd. Our slow even with talent root is just unable to help overcoming this gap - not only 10m range but also 12s CD (a simple dispell and gg).

So at some point stealth doesnt seem to be advantage anymore but a must - a hassle you must take to be viable. if you disagree you just need better opponents to fight.

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