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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Nerf Sorc's or this will happen.


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Alright it boils down to this people, so stay with me.


1. Ops/Scoundrels got nerfed.


2. Grav/tracer spam will get nerfed OR it will drive people away from PVP. People really do not like losing to folks who CAN play effectively by spamming 1 button. (yes they can do better with more skills but they can be effective just with spam)


3. The resulting nerf will lead to a class shuffle. This will likely end up replacing the current sorc/BH zerg likely with sorc/juggy zergs (for some odd reason repub doesn't stack the FOTM classes as much)


4. The devs then have to decide whether to nerf sorcs (and sages) or Juggy's. Since roughly half of empire plays Sorc's that would be a rough go. But Juggy's don't really come into their own until high level.


5. BW nerfs Juggy's. Now what do players stack with Sorcs? Unless snipers get buffs that won't be it. It's not faceroll easy to play, neither is operative anymore. Marauders are able to be killed alot easier than any previously nerfed class, they cannot have their CD's up all the time and can be kited and CC dealt with easier.


6. Empire now rolls sorcs/assassins. Ya, that would never get nerfed I'm sure :rolleyes:. Not that class icon scoreboards would look much different than they do now lol.



This is essentially what you are asking for when you say "NONONONO Sorc/Sage is fine, does not need nerf even though 50% of us play them!!". Eventually you'll be the only one's left and the state of PVP at that time, as well as the population, will be questionable at best.

Edited by CommandoPower
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2. Grav/tracer spam will get nerfed OR it will drive people away from PVP. People really do not like losing to folks who CAN play effectively by spamming 1 button. (yes they can do better with more skills but they can be effective just with spam)



OOH nice. thanks for rallying after them adding us some more skills. i'd love to get more useful abilities.


Unless you knew, it's how the class spec is built, not because that particular skill would be overpowered.

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OOH nice. thanks for rallying after them adding us some more skills. i'd love to get more useful abilities.


Unless you knew, it's how the class spec is built, not because that particular skill would be overpowered.


The reality is that it doesn't matter if it's how your class is built or not. If it isn't changed and people can effectively go out there and spam 1 button and do pretty well then not only will there remain alot of them but it WILL scare people away from PVP.


If you really care about PVP and the skill cap of the class, you'll support changes to this. I'm fine with their damage, as long as they have to PLAY to achieve that damage. Spamming 1 button to achieve what many other classes need to work hard to achieve is simply anathema to good PVP players.


Sorc is fine, stop being bad. And I play a Commando.


My gunslinger thinks they are fine too, but both of those classes are doing physical damage against the lightest armor class in the game and typically while they are busy fighting someone else with their shields already popped. A good sorc will own you unless your assault spec, however most sorc's are simply not good.

Edited by CommandoPower
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**** off with you nerf Grav round Bull ****. 1 vs 1 a commando loses to just about everyone unless they are under geared. Grav round leads into other skills which is why it gets used. Commando has nothing, nothing at all if harrased. Go play one and lets see how you go.
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Do you realize if all I try and is spam one button (assuming you mean force lightening) it takes the Sorc FOREVER to kill someone? If in that time the idiot who is being spammed hasn't moved in on me or away from me...well they deserve to die.


Okay, I'll give you that it can make my end of game damage stats look high, but I have had matches where I put out the most damage and had very few kills. Even the dumber people, after slowly ticking away between a quarter to half of someone's health they typically have the sense to move away from me.


Spamming force lightening most definitely cannot do enough damage to take out someone who has even moderate healing abilities.


Not sure I understand your point, you think the class needs nerfed because it is possible for someone who doesn't know how to use their class could one button spam and get decent damage stats? That's tunnel vision without looking at the whole picture of the class especially in regards to its relatively low survivability issues and lack of real burst damage many of the other classes have.

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Do you realize if all I try and is spam one button (assuming you mean force lightening) it takes the Sorc FOREVER to kill someone? If in that time the idiot who is being spammed hasn't moved in on me or away from me...well they deserve to die.


Okay, I'll give you that it can make my end of game damage stats look high, but I have had matches where I put out the most damage and had very few kills. Even the dumber people, after slowly ticking away between a quarter to half of someone's health they typically have the sense to move away from me.


Spamming force lightening most definitely cannot do enough damage to take out someone who has even moderate healing abilities.


Not sure I understand your point, you think the class needs nerfed because it is possible for someone who doesn't know how to use their class could one button spam and get decent damage stats? That's tunnel vision without looking at the whole picture of the class especially in regards to its relatively low survivability issues and lack of real burst damage many of the other classes have.


Have you even played a sorc? Cause if you talent right then you can kill poeple with nothing but chain lighting cause you can remove the cool down. People can heal in pvp yes but they take the trama penality if they are getting attacked so 30% less healing. Sure if the players are 50 and the guy has enough pvp gear and is heal speced he might survive some dude casting nothing but force lightning but then again he might not it does do alot of damage if you spec for it. PS I dont think the class is over powered My main class is an assassin and I have zero issues with killing sorcs / sages. Do I think they do alot of damage? yes because maps like hutball are great for them since they can sit on platforms and just range attack poeple all day.

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Have you even played a sorc? Cause if you talent right then you can kill poeple with nothing but chain lighting cause you can remove the cool down. People can heal in pvp yes but they take the trama penality if they are getting attacked so 30% less healing. Sure if the players are 50 and the guy has enough pvp gear and is heal speced he might survive some dude casting nothing but force lightning but then again he might not it does do alot of damage if you spec for it. PS I dont think the class is over powered My main class is an assassin and I have zero issues with killing sorcs / sages. Do I think they do alot of damage? yes because maps like hutball are great for them since they can sit on platforms and just range attack poeple all day.


Only a bad player would be killed by a sorc using nothing but force lightning for damage. Force lightning is considered an auto attack for madness specs when you have nothing else to cast and it's force positive. I wish a sorc would sit there and spam force lightning on me.

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Alright it boils down to this people, so stay with me.


1. Ops/Scoundrels got nerfed.


2. Grav/tracer spam will get nerfed OR it will drive people away from PVP. People really do not like losing to folks who CAN play effectively by spamming 1 button. (yes they can do better with more skills but they can be effective just with spam)


3. The resulting nerf will lead to a class shuffle. This will likely end up replacing the current sorc/BH zerg likely with sorc/juggy zergs (for some odd reason repub doesn't stack the FOTM classes as much)


4. The devs then have to decide whether to nerf sorcs (and sages) or Juggy's. Since roughly half of empire plays Sorc's that would be a rough go. But Juggy's don't really come into their own until high level.


5. BW nerfs Juggy's. Now what do players stack with Sorcs? Unless snipers get buffs that won't be it. It's not faceroll easy to play, neither is operative anymore. Marauders are able to be killed alot easier than any previously nerfed class, they cannot have their CD's up all the time and can be kited and CC dealt with easier.


6. Empire now rolls sorcs/assassins. Ya, that would never get nerfed I'm sure :rolleyes:. Not that class icon scoreboards would look much different than they do now lol.



This is essentially what you are asking for when you say "NONONONO Sorc/Sage is fine, does not need nerf even though 50% of us play them!!". Eventually you'll be the only one's left and the state of PVP at that time, as well as the population, will be questionable at best.


Why do people post this filth? Seriously? What goes through your head?



Holy crap these forums....


It's amazing anyone is logged in right now because nobody likes this game. It's awful. We should all quit, cry cry cry cry cry cry cry.


Just go away, stop playing. It's impossible to find any posts about PvP that aren't chalked full of crybaby 12 year olds or 40 year old fanboys that have never played a MMO before. Doesn't anybody wanna talk about PvP?

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Why do people post this filth? Seriously? What goes through your head?



Holy crap these forums....


It's amazing anyone is logged in right now because nobody likes this game. It's awful. We should all quit, cry cry cry cry cry cry cry.


Just go away, stop playing. It's impossible to find any posts about PvP that aren't chalked full of crybaby 12 year olds or 40 year old fanboys that have never played a MMO before. Doesn't anybody wanna talk about PvP?


You'll find most people that enjoy the game dont browse the forums, and with good reason.

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We have too much utility despite our spec. Make some of our utility spells require speccing fairly deep into our trees.


Move 20% improved shield to deep in the heal tree (since reduction in damage taken to yourself and party members fits that style more than the DPS style).


Do not nerf op/scoundrel so hard.


Revamp the tree for grav round spammers so that they can put up comparable numbers but are required to use more skills.


The biggest thing we bring is tons of utility, the ability to be great hybrid healer/dps'ers, and consistent damage that never ends (you can spec TK throw so that you gain force while casting it and you rarely die because of your heals and utility). Revamping some of our utility spells and (effectively) nerfing force armor by 20% (at least for DPS spec sorc/sage) would deal with most of those issues. Suddenly we are dying more or needing to spec further into trees to get all of CC (or just not having access to all of it) so we cannot DPS as often. Our burst is already not too bad. With the 30% crit damage to FiB, I rarely crack 3k crits with that spell (if I use an adrenal and relic first) and that spell crits harder than any other spell I have


If they follow through with the op nerf as it is, I basically expect to see a similar timeline as the the original poster. Basically, Bioware will just keep nerfing and then nerf the next guy and the next guy. Instead of getting stuck in that cycle, find ways to tone down things that are too strong (without making them worthless) and help classes that have weaknesses (sustained, out of stealth DPS of op/scoundrel for example).


I'm sure there are plenty of good ideas for how to deal with some of the imbalances in game now. It may seem easier to just start chopping 20% here and there from abilities. But 6 months from now, they will still be doing it because some other class is standing out now that their primary threat has been nerfed.

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Nice joke OP. BW were buffing juggers, now they'll want to nerf them? Yea yea... And people rolling assassins because they are what? Imba? Imba assassins, I wish I was one... Imba assassins damn, thats just... I dont know what to say, its simply so stupid and ridiculous... Edited by Vesperr
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Have you even played a sorc? Cause if you talent right then you can kill poeple with nothing but chain lighting cause you can remove the cool down. People can heal in pvp yes but they take the trama penality if they are getting attacked so 30% less healing. Sure if the players are 50 and the guy has enough pvp gear and is heal speced he might survive some dude casting nothing but force lightning but then again he might not it does do alot of damage if you spec for it. PS I dont think the class is over powered My main class is an assassin and I have zero issues with killing sorcs / sages. Do I think they do alot of damage? yes because maps like hutball are great for them since they can sit on platforms and just range attack poeple all day.


Yes I play a Sorc and YES I know you can kill someone by doing nothing more than spamming Force Lightening. BUT that person would have to be dumb enough to stand there and take it. It is easy for them to close the gap OR even say their force jump is on CD they just move out of my range. It happens but it is rare that someone is dumb enough to stand there doing nothing while I spam force lightening.


Let's do some math. Force Lightening unless something has change does what at most between 1,000 to 1,200 damage over 4 seconds. Next time you are in PVP check everyone's stats most people have about 12,000 hp (+/- some). Assuming best case scenario (doing max damage every time and me being so quick that there is not even 1 millisecond delay between my last force lightening ending and my next beginning) it would take me at a minimum 40 seconds to kill someone by doing nothing more than spamming force lightening.


Please explain to me how that is OP in any way, when a trooper for instance can wipe out over half of my life with one shot as I have never seen a trooper not get the 7.5k single damage hit in a PvP match. I don't know what it is called but even with my shield up they hit me with that shot that surrounds with that whirlwind looking thing and I am instantly at or below half my life...in mere seconds, but a sorcerer who was doing nothing but spamming Force Lightening Having to take at least 20 seconds, AND that is best case scenario, to do the same damage is OP?


Again anyone dumb enough to stand there doing nothing And allowing a Sorc to spam them with Force Lightening until they die, deserves to die.


Even with no cool down Force Lightening the Sorc is hardly OP. That is the only point I was trying to make in my original post, since this thread's OP was trying to make the case, as I understood it anyway, that Sorcs needed to be nerfed.

Edited by onstorm
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