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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sorc/sages, why so op bioware? why? just why?


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Seriously there are 14 other threads about this.


this si how they operate, keep spamming demands. blame blizzard. Not one of these....people... have spent 10 seconds working out how to play their class. they get killed by 10 people an one of em happened to be a healer, instant rush to forums...

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Ehh why crying on another class.


Healers are always the ones to dominate warzones/battlegrounds. He can't do tons of dmg to you if he is in heal spec. He can't really heal tons of dmg in dps spec.


How about people will stop crying and start playing.

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As far as i can tell under geared melee get ripped apart by any ranged class, but once in full champ/BM gear the tides turn and they make mince meat out of us. I cant name last time i've killed anyone in champ or better gear, course still not full champ myself but still! speed at which a maurder can kill me is crazy! shield? pfft down in 2 hits force run? pfft leap/snare/immoblize!


Sorc/Sage's over all damage done is all padding is same as it was for warlock in WoW. Yes we can get REALLY huge numbers of damage done, but almost all of our kills are assists or kill stills our damage comes from spamming dots on everyone we see! and we are pretty easy to interupt.


what i think bothers people is healer spec for sorc/sage which is REALLY hard to kill since they can cast big heal in 1.5 seconds after they use there hot. Additionally bigger issue is that expertise BOOSTS healing done to players! so while damage/reduction evens out healing does not... i don't think its sorc or sage itself but other mechanics are work are making them seem so strong but then, people will always whine cant solo kill a healer...

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Im a sorc. We arent OP.

Most of what you're going by is the WZ scoreboard.

Its all padding broski.


Any melee class can bend me over and spank me. I just gotta stop you gettin close


No, Sorcs are easy mode. I do 3 times as better as a sorc at level 14 than my op at 34. They're either OP, or just much, much much easier to play. I'm still thinking the former as half the players I see are sorcs.

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