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Who Is To Blame For Server Imbalance: We Are


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cant blame bioware for the fact that the jedi are inherently boring..



just cuz its a mmo you expected jedi to magically be cool super ninjas?


u guyz are dumb....imperial seems cooler, cuz uhh.....it is!



jedi are boring old scholars

Edited by sempuken
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cant blame bioware for the fact that the jedi are inherently boring..


It is BioWare's fault. If they made the Republic have better quest lines, abilities, dialogue etc. more people would be inclinded to play that side.

Edited by IMonarch
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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


Nah, the repub sides storyline are bad. This was reported multiple times in beta.


There is no incentive to be a repub either. Other games have introduced mechanics which entice players to switch to less populated sides.


DAoC had - xp if u were on popular side and +xp if u were on light side.


In a game where instead of a zone getting overcrowded it just creates a new instance it isnt uncomfortable for the popular side because there is no overcrowded hunting areas. So people dont switch....


That's on bioware 100%

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This is great. If Bioware did implement these faction caps and bonuses for joining the lower populated faction, there would be an even bigger uproar about this issue. People would just complain about Bioware forcing them to join a certain faction or someone would feel like they cant play with their friends because they all joined the empire or some other reason. And honestly, you're just hurting yourself by being dedicated to just one faction anyway.


Force No, Give a choice,


Like Are you shore you wont to pick Emp, 3000 vs 2000 rep.


I would have gone rep. If i knew.


Edit Sure*

Edited by seallone
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I'll bite...


Say I create a house with two rooms, but you can only enter one.


In one room is a boring dude with a brown robe who will offer to teach you to meditate. In the other room is a bad***** with a sweet black robe who offers to teach you the secret of power.


Which room do you choose?


In a 2 faction game, if one side is way more attractive to players than the other...guess where they will go?


Terribly bad analogy.


One room has a bowl of strawberries, and the other has a bowl of grapes.


The Republic story is very good. There is nothing special about the Sith side. It's just some sort of aggressive attitude of certain players who have an irrational belief that Republic is for sissies.


In beta, I played through the Jedi Knight story five times. I have two more JKs in live (due to Kira bug on the first). It's very engaging. I also played through the trooper story, and I like it a lot. The consular one starts off a little slow, but gets better.


I couldn't make it past the starter planet on my bounty hunter in beta without getting bored out of my mind.

Edited by EJedi
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I'll bite...


Say I create a house with two rooms, but you can only enter one.


In one room is a boring dude with a brown robe who will offer to teach you to meditate. In the other room is a bad***** with a sweet black robe who offers to teach you the secret of power.


Which room do you choose?


In a 2 faction game, if one side is way more attractive to players than the other...guess where they will go?


C. The room with the sarcasstic space captain offering me a wad of credits.

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Population imbalance exists in all games with more than one faction. Even after years of balancing server populations and making one side more appealing than other, you'll find servers where one side is favored over the other. This is especially pronounced once the faction transfers and server transfers are enabled.


As it is right now on majority of servers Republic is outnumbered. In my opinion, this is not a problem in most cases. Yes it is more difficult to find groups, yes there is less guilds, yes economy may be smaller, but all those things can be overcome. Less guilds means less crappy guilds and more quality guilds and tightly knit groups. Smaller economy means less trash that is being sold, etc. Less people to deal with in General and less Chuck Norris and Anal jokes.


Where this becomes problem is when a game developer doesn't take possibility of population imbalance into account and doesn't put constructs in place to make certain things balanced. Take Warzones for example. They are population balanced right now. 50s play against other 50s and it's 8v8. You don't get 40 Imperials vs 8 Republic. What is imbalanced and what most people will complain about is Open World PvP, a.k.a (sk)Illum. There are no balancing mechanisms in place to ensure equal number of players from both factions is present in the zone and there is nothing to aid the underpopulated faction against overpopulated one.


If they added some form of buff that is based around numbers currently in the zone, say for example something like Tanacity in Wintergrasp in WoW, then underpopulated faction would at least have a fighting chance. Right now it is base camping extravaganza. Any form of PvP is nullified and all fights are either 1v10 or pulling enemy into the base for instant kill.


So are players to blame? No. Players chose their side. It is the fault of game developer, in this case BioWare, for not anticipating this and putting mechanisms in place that would equalize the playing field in Open World PvP.


Open World PvP in this game is pathetic to be honest. One zone where you clash against other 50s. Actually, the problem is not PvP at all, the problem is lack of "world", so how can we have an Open "World" PvP when there is no "world" to begin with? I'd call it Sanctioned Planet PvP instead of Open World PvP, but you get my point.

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


Game design encourage players to make choices, so no... players are not responsible for game design. If there would be a system designed to care abotu inbalance, there would be no imbalance. As a developer you have major impact on players' choices during playing the gameyou design... If you cant see that then rethink it please.


For example there can be system that grants additional multiplier rewards for underpopulated faction on particular server. Be it bonus to exp / pvp points or stuff like that.

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There are far more republic players on my server than empire.


So ha at all of you.


Also I think people who are 50 have more of a problem, as the empire player tends to level faster than the republic player, from what I've seen.

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Population imbalance exists in all games with more than one faction. Even after years of balancing server populations and making one side more appealing than other, you'll find servers where one side is favored over the other. This is especially pronounced once the faction transfers and server transfers are enabled.


As it is right now on majority of servers Republic is outnumbered. In my opinion, this is not a problem in most cases. Yes it is more difficult to find groups, yes there is less guilds, yes economy may be smaller, but all those things can be overcome. Less guilds means less crappy guilds and more quality guilds and tightly knit groups. Smaller economy means less trash that is being sold, etc. Less people to deal with in General and less Chuck Norris and Anal jokes.


Where this becomes problem is when a game developer doesn't take possibility of population imbalance into account and doesn't put constructs in place to make certain things balanced. Take Warzones for example. They are population balanced right now. 50s play against other 50s and it's 8v8. You don't get 40 Imperials vs 8 Republic. What is imbalanced and what most people will complain about is Open World PvP, a.k.a (sk)Illum. There are no balancing mechanisms in place to ensure equal number of players from both factions is present in the zone and there is nothing to aid the underpopulated faction against overpopulated one.


If they added some form of buff that is based around numbers currently in the zone, say for example something like Tanacity in Wintergrasp in WoW, then underpopulated faction would at least have a fighting chance. Right now it is base camping extravaganza. Any form of PvP is nullified and all fights are either 1v10 or pulling enemy into the base for instant kill.


So are players to blame? No. Players chose their side. It is the fault of game developer, in this case BioWare, for not anticipating this and putting mechanisms in place that would equalize the playing field in Open World PvP.


Open World PvP in this game is pathetic to be honest. One zone where you clash against other 50s. Actually, the problem is not PvP at all, the problem is lack of "world", so how can we have an Open "World" PvP when there is no "world" to begin with? I'd call it Sanctioned Planet PvP instead of Open World PvP, but you get my point.


Just picking the guild point. Smaller crappy guilds are like your small businesses. Sure, they artent competing directly with the massive elite brands out there, but they offer a more homely service and you dont feel like youre selling yoru soul to work for them.


Um... tangent...


the point i was going to make before i got distracted by analogies, is that fewer options to guild is a terrible thing.


It leads to one absolutely destructive aspect of small pop servers: A shallow talent pool and guild poaching.


what you maybe visualise is a world where the good guilds rise above the barriers of their server pop imbalance and progress. This is true. But they do it often by wrecking smaller guilds. They poach the most in demand classes (usually healers and tanks). This causes the talent pool to contract because fewer raids are occuring throughout the server. Over time this soon impacts on that successful guild because now their progress grinds to a halt every time one of their tanks or healers quits. Now they have to go back and redo content to gear this person up because the other guilds simply arent capable of supplying decent geared players because they too have had their progression destroyed by the initial poaching.


Of course this isnt really apparent just now because theres 2 whole raids in the game, but once the third or fourth raid requires gear from those first two raids, you watch what happens?

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Stating subjective opinion as absolute fact.




Yeah, it is amazing how many people here do not understand the difference between a fact and something that is subjective. All of the arguments being made here are simply preference and nothing to do with factual information. The only argument here that even has a small amount of truth to it is the slight difference in mirror classes that definitely is not game breaking. It only appeals to people who generally don't last long in an MMO, those that prefer FOTM stuff. Once all of that gets fixed they will be gone anyways.


"Story is better" "Evil is emo" "Cooler armor" every single one of those is a matter of preference and not even remotely able to be considered factual. The other point of info I don't understand is Jedi have always been bland and boring along with good in most all cases for video games. Sith are more emotional, more passionate, more active. How would people "not" identify with them better over someone attempting to suppress all their emotions like a Jedi?


My Opinion: I have never personally liked Jedi as I find them to be just a precursor to mindless emotionless drones. I have always prefer Sith embracing their humanity more so than Jedi throwing it away in the name of the greater good. Granted, Sith as a culture will always be self destructive but I find that no different than the world today.

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


Well, they could of realized ahead of time that certain servers would draw more of one faction than the other. You have to expect that a server called something like "Darth Malak" will end up with a much larger Empire/Sith population, while Republic/Jedi players will be attracted to servers with like Jedi Covenant, or Wall of Light. While there may always be a bit of an imbalance of more empire than republic players, I think the imbalances are made worse by having server names that appeal to a specific faction.

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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?


it's bioware's fault.


when the ratio on a server exceeds 1:1,3 on one side, creating chars on the "bigger" side should be locked until the ratio is more balanced again

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BioWare could of or can, just implement a faction cap on high populated servers, Ive seen it done before, as well as offering bonuses to players for joining a low population faction.


Could you imagine the rage if someone couldn't play with their guild because a faction was capped on that server?


Seriously dude, most the people on these forums make up reasons to rage, and the last thing we need is for them to have a legitimate reason to do so.

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