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What do you people honestly want Bioware to do about faction imbalance?


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I am a bit surprised more hardcore players aren't headed to republic.


I hit 50 BH in the first 2 weeks (EGA included) and saw the gross disadvantage of the republic from faction balance.


I saw this as an opportunity. I immediately started a new character (scoundrel) and have since maxed it out. I saw HUNDREDS of empire leveling up and destroyed most of them on my way to 50. I further enjoyed the challenge of 2 on 1's or 3 on 1's on occasion and I loved the fast queue times for warzones.


The reason I say I am surprised is I expect the people who are GOOD players, or want a challenge, to PLAY AS THE UNDERDOG.


Don't join the masses.


For those who say "Republic gear sucks blah blah"

My response is:

Does it really matter right now? Do you really think they are NOT going to add more gear? Personally I LOVE the smuggler top end look, like a space cowboy (for those who loved Firefly.) Most of all I am aware that in 6 months when they add more gear or less, there will be new looks for everyone.


For those who say "I am not going to play republic to just be outnumbered"

My response is:

I suppose that you will be outnumbered in most situations, but lets be honest, that is half the appeal. The challenge. I love the challenge, and for those hardcore players, many should see the appeal as well. Go Underdogs!


If more people don't make the effort to switch over if only for balancing purposes, this will end up being the strangest Star Wars ever. They will add more warzones that are more team oriented instead of war oriented. Things like Huttball, that allow factions to play against each other will become the dominant part of the PVP aspect.


Empire will be fighting more empire than republic and republic will begin to fight republic.


My server isn't to bad though, we have had several republic vs republic Huttball games.


I think our ratio may be less than 2:1


I love that I can agree with myself and quote it! This man has a very good point!

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Aion stopped character creation of the over populated side on it's servers and it didn't cause a fuss.


After that, just merge servers to make a better balance.


Then finally, if things are still unbalanced, allow faction transfers and incentives.

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No I don't ( nor do I care to play with you) but its not unheard of for companies to try and funnel players towards one side or the other.


Its only a short term solution and in the long term they need to figure out why they have such an imbalance and try to figure out a way to solve it.


Whether you agree with it or not, unbalanced servers are generally not healthy ones, and they tend to eventually have severe problems, especially on PvP servers. Its the reason Blizzard implemented global BG queues, if they were server based Horde would of ended up with 6-12 hour queues. Rather than solving the problem ( which was that Horde had by far the better half of story lines and gameplay) they created a work around, but when you have server based objectives it creates severe problems.


Horde did not even REMOTELY have better storylines or gameplay, what are you talking about? Alliance is the more played faction in WoW:




Here are the latest figures. 56% Alliance. You have NO idea what you are talking about.

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I love that I can agree with myself and quote it! This man has a very good point!


Lol hmm on Hoth i ran into about 5 Sith Assassins one after the other and got jumped each time only to end up the victor it was very amusing ill agree.

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What they could do is actually balance the mirrored abilities between sides, that would be a start.


Also make the Republic story lines and characters more flavorful, less forgetful, I guess too.


1) You might have to get rid of the Jedi Lore Police in /1 on Rep side. They are worse than the Grammar Police.

2) Also, give other options besides the Hobo look. Yes - I know it is in the Lore, but see #1.

3) Get more Reps interested in learning PvP. In general, it seems that many more Empire PvP than Reps. This appears to be the case on 1:1 servers as well (at least the one I play on - Ebon Hawk).

4) Add a less human race to Reps like Cathar. Green Aliens and Blind Humans can't hold a candle to Sith and Rattataki.

5) Add a Light Side Corruption/Righteousness factor... heh... just kidding... maybe... Who wants to glow like irradiated beef?

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There will always be imbalance..


I mentioned server migration options for minority players but even that will result in imbalance in a new server. You can't change stories and appearances of the factions and think that magically solves the problem. People have their own preference.


I chose the Imperial Agent because I LOVED the concept of the class and being a sniper feels l33t.


If it happened to be Republic then I would be a Republic Agent (or SIS I guess).


You can throw all the incentives you want but it won't matter. Plus the Empire players will start crying over the dare I say it................Republic favoritism......omg.


That term was abused in WoW like crazy (Horde Favoritism, Alliance Favoritism). We're not there yet which makes me feel happy but someday once expansions start rolling out, we'll get there. It'll be a dark day....

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Give the republic all the cool races/species they want. Their side is supposed to be more tolerant of aliens, anyways.


Let me roll a Mon Cal Smuggler, and you'll get me over to the Republic...I still won't stop playing my Imp toons, though.

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Just posted this on the other faction imbalance thread :rolleyes::


I think the only logical thing to do is create and promote faction switches (i.e. operative to scoundrel, inquisitor to sage, etc). But, in order for this to work, there needs to be some type of incentive; a reward that I'm not sure of: credits, mount, title? Something.


It wouldn't hurt Bioware's image and I doubt it would hurt the community. Once this is done, they could look at even ratios and start combining servers to increase population. But that's probably a pipe dream. Haha.

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3) Get more Reps interested in learning PvP. In general, it seems that many more Empire PvP than Reps. This appears to be the case on 1:1 servers as well (at least the one I play on - Ebon Hawk).


Unlikely. PvPers are going to gravitate towards the vil/bad/chaotic side most of the time, as it matches the playstyle more readily. At this point, it's pretty set. It would be very hard to change that without a complete and massive overhaul of the Pubs that would do considerable violence to the Jedi lore (half the classes). Yes, I know lore is an issue, but it's *always* an issue in a famous/fanbase IP-based game (see: LOTRO).

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Give Republic players Walkers and other heavy assault vehicles to pilot/spawn in pvp. That should even things out a bit against the horde of imperials.


(I'm imperial)


Seriously, I want to go blow up walkers that are piloted by rebel's. I want you to give the rebel side heavy assault vehicles and let them spawn those into combat and the 10/1 combat ratio that it sounds like is happening on ilum will get a lot more interesting when those walkers start blowing holes in the ground and imperial players and flying into the air ala the air jets on huttball.


How awesome would that be?! BOOM!! Imperials go flying, Rebels trudge along while Imperials rage around the feet trying to bring down those walkers!

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As a Republic player I don't want to see anyone locked out of their server of choice. That being said, anyone on the Empire needs to understand it sucks being a Republic player. We just want to be able to do group content and enjoy the game as much as you guys. I've always like playing the 'good' side so I don't want to roll Empire just to be able to find groups.


If they merge servers Empire will still outnumber the Republic side but at least we'll have more people to group with.

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So you think you have a right to tell me I cant play with my friends because you, who I dont know nor care about, want me to play with you instead?


Well, your friend can go to another server with you.


This can't be fixed any way as you suggest, so locking sides will piss people off but it will fix it.

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Well, your friend can go to another server with you.


This can't be fixed any way as you suggest, so locking sides will piss people off but it will fix it.


That doesn't fix anything then, people move servers yay. Or they just don't resub because they can't play with their friends. Would be a joke.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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Just posted this on the other faction imbalance thread :rolleyes::


I think the only logical thing to do is create and promote faction switches (i.e. operative to scoundrel, inquisitor to sage, etc). But, in order for this to work, there needs to be some type of incentive; a reward that I'm not sure of: credits, mount, title? Something.

There would need to be more than incentive for this to work.


Say a republic smuggler wants to defect to the empire and be an agent. There are many things to consider with this and since this is a story driven game you cant just stop in the middle of the smuggler's story and pick right up with the agent story with no transition at all. Unless the idea is implemented at max level once the character's main story is done I just don't see a cost effective way for there to be faction switches.


What I would do to help faction balance would be to give the underdog faction a bonus. Say, depending on how big the faction imbalance could increase xp gains, warzone and mercenary marks given and green quality and above gear drop rates.


Would certainly give some incentive to playing the other faction without imbalancing things.

Edited by Kaesho
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Well, your friend can go to another server with you.


This can't be fixed any way as you suggest, so locking sides will piss people off but it will fix it.


Locking sides will piss people off ....a lot. It'll be to the point of leaving the game. Not allowing people to potentially play with their friends in a game genre that's all about playing with friends is self-destruction.


This is why no MMO does this.


To be fair, and to appease the most amount of people, faction imbalance is a necessary consequence.

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Just posted this on the other faction imbalance thread :rolleyes::


I think the only logical thing to do is create and promote faction switches (i.e. operative to scoundrel, inquisitor to sage, etc). But, in order for this to work, there needs to be some type of incentive; a reward that I'm not sure of: credits, mount, title? Something.


It wouldn't hurt Bioware's image and I doubt it would hurt the community. Once this is done, they could look at even ratios and start combining servers to increase population. But that's probably a pipe dream. Haha.

I don't want to pay Imperial pig dogs to join the Republic side. What sort of title would they get anyways? SITH TRAITOR? PIG DOG DEFECTOR? Actually, those would be kinda funny now that I think about it...


Anyways, I digress...


I propose Imperial death matches. 8 on 8 random combat. When your number is called, you have 3 mins to report to the arena or you're executed and deleted.


Rather than just deleting the losers and keeping the winners, in order to prevent natural selection leaving behind just the strongest pig dogs, 3 random losers and 1 random winner will get deleted immediately following the death match.

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So you think you have a right to tell me I cant play with my friends because you, who I dont know nor care about, want me to play with you instead?


It's not all about you. An entire Republic side should suffer faction imbalance and difficutly finding groups because you want to play with your friends?

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I want to be able to create Empire or Republic whenever and on whatever server I choose...anything that would impact my PVE experience should be a non-starter IMO...not being able to choose either side would definitely impact myself and the many others who don't PVP...
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Eliminate factions all together, give every new player a level capped character (or drop levels all together) with the same exact skills and armor set, upgrade everyone's skills and gear at the same rate whether they play or not, and make sure that nobody is ever given a choice for anything in the game. Sounds great, where do I sub!?! Edited by Trebarian
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