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Which Class Has The Best Storyline?


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Jedi knight has a slow first act but it delivers way above the others for a finale.


I was so frustrated with SW. It was impossible to play an authoritarian Sith like Vader. You always had to be a psychopath or light side and be mocked.


Plus the whole Sith turning on each other is so over the top there is no way they could ever get anything done.

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Jedi knight has a slow first act but it delivers way above the others for a finale.


I was so frustrated with SW. It was impossible to play an authoritarian Sith like Vader. You always had to be a psychopath or light side and be mocked.


Plus the whole Sith turning on each other is so over the top there is no way they could ever get anything done.


I'd argue the fact on the psychopathy. While Vader was an authoritarian figure, he galvanized peopled through the sheer fact that he would kill them, or attempt to kill them, over the littlest things.


Discipline and authority in the mindset of even the most stable of Sith still involves draconian punishments and tactics. I mean in some of the beginning quests for the SI and SW:





You interrogate a prisoner as an SI, you either shock him or talk nice to him. Mind you, this man did nothing wrong... he just might have information about a person who actually did do something wrong. The fact that electrocuting him was an immediate option would fall more in line with Sith mentality.


The talking nice would be used on people who aren't prisoners and don't know you're a Sith yet.


As for the Warrior, you are allowed to decide the fate of three prisoners. The one I'll draw immediate attention to is the imprisoned Sith. He expects death, he expects you to kill him, and instead of bargaining for his life he asks for a duel to restore his broken honor.



So yeah, Sith are going to use pain, death, torture, etc. as a tool to bring order to their society. Now some of the options you get for Dark side aren't always exclusive, remember. Like the quest on Dromund Kaas with the slaves, every character gets to make that choice and all.


You can also go the route of the cult on Kaas and



become a Revanite. Do decisions based on what you would actually do.



Probably take longer to reach one of the two options and all but yeah.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've completed the smuggler storyline and had a love/hate relationship with it.


There were times I thought the story made crazy turns and made no sense, but then it'd snap back together. I'd sit at my screen, watching it unfold and go "OH, that's why.....!"


For people having a hard time with the story, I say stick with it...it works together in the end!

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Inquisitor: Starts relatively good, then gets progressively worse and completely falls apart in act 3.

Consular: Starts out very very badly, but gets a lot more interesting, Only up to hoth.

Trooper: Awesome.

Bounty Hunter: Act 1 is good, supposedly gets a bit dull from act 2 but I haven't got there yet.

Smuggler: Good

Agent: Act 1 is good but from act 2 its gets really convoluted and confusing and I gave up on it.

Warrior: Awesome.

Knight: Act 1 is kinda slow but gets better, although the act is called strike of the desolater but the planet storys seem to have nothing to do with the desolator so ??.

Edited by DarthZaul
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I just enjoy the Republic Trooper's story. I am almost done with Chapter One (I hope), but so far it's rather fun. Although, I must admit that it does feel like an intergalactic manhunt, which is something I would see from maybe the Bounty Hunter rather than the trooper.


Here's hoping I can actually do some universe-saving after I'm done hunting down Havoc.

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I haven't played through them all, but got a little bit in on them all. So far, I'm enjoying them as such:


Imperial Operative

Smuggler/Sith Warrior (tied)



Knight (Main...near the end...and sadly I'm just not enjoying it that much)

Bounty Hunter/Counsler (only lvl 5ish on each which is why they're last)


Knight was far to predictable and plain. Too many times I would be moving along the story to go, "ooooo....where is this going? Oh. That old routine" or "Lemme guess...this is going to happen. YEP! *sigh*"

I didn't get that "Space Opera/Daring adventure" feeling and there were too many times where I really felt like the definitely COULD have gone one way that would've been exciting, added a little more back story, and had some climatic episodic fun...but either cut it short or went the uber-predictable way. Sadly...way too many times I enjoyed the Planet's main story line over the actual Knights story line for the planet (to make sense of that...every planet has it's own story arc, regardless of class).

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Its a no wonder I hate this game (aside from how damn buggy it is, dunno how many times I've done PvP and to FINALLY win and not have it count from bugs etc) I did S.I in my main and it was pretty damn disappointing, everyone on here has pretty much said the same thing or worse so I might give another character a go, at least class quests are unique cause there isn't much else that is.... I can see the game getting boring real fast if they don't do something fast, although a lot of people have said the same thing so hopefully they are doing something (and pls fix the bugs! )
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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 years later...
it is stupefying how many people have not played smuggler. let me tell you :


there is no class in this game which has story that can top smuggler in :


- level of engaging and good storywriting

- great humor

- realism of conversations and responses

- realism of the entire event chain

- stellar voice acting

- fitting in with the universe

- real-looking, feeling companions

- hilarious companions




I will agree with that, I played the healing side of the smuggler and I was very surprised by the story. I did not expect the story to turn out so well. But from what I heard the Imp. Agent has gotten some good reviews from people who I have talked to that has played them all the way through, but I would go check out the smuggler, they do have a great storyline. And the romance side of it is pretty good too, if you are a guy, I am not sure about the girl romance part, but it is interesting trying to romance Risha, so if you are guy character I try to do that. Like I said, very interesting. Talk about playing hard to get. LOL!!!

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Personally, the smuggler wins for best storyline. I enjoyed the humor, play style, most of the companions (minus Corso), and the story as a whole. If you need a great laugh, and kick arse story, smuggler is the way to go. There was also a plethora of amazing side characters through out the story. Such as Beryl Thorne, Numen Brock, Vaz and Combo. I enjoy it so much I am currently working on my second one.


Imperial Agent is one of my favorites as well. Now this is a story that will make you think about the choices. There were a few times where it took me a good 15 minutes just to figure out the choices. I am currently playing a second on of these as well, and I'm still being surprised by storyline. The companions are meh for me with Lokin, Vector, and Scorpio being my favorites.


Sith Warrior, especially LS, is pretty high on my list as well. The companions, for the most part, are pretty awesome with Pierce (make him a full romance, Bioware!!!!!!!) being my favorite and Quinn being my least. The story has a lot of neat twists, turns, and surprises.


SI, Bounty Hunter, and JK were fun too but they felt predictable. Jedi Consular was the only one I had a hard time getting through. Until I started playing my toon as a gray Jedi. After that, it was pretty fun!

Edited by Amadahy
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As a full story, prologue to end of act 3?


It's Agent for me, with Smuggler coming in as a close second.


Smuggler is grand, don't get me wrong, but it loses a lot of its charm in act 2/3. Skavik was just too fun of a villain to replace, and the higher stakes just hamstrings the enjoyability.


Agent has its own problems, certainly. The last part of it can get a bit ludicrous, but what I'll always remember fondly of it is that it took risks, it took chances. It realized that some of the story ideas that it wanted to do might conflict with the wider game's story and said "Screw it, we can trust our players to figure out how they mesh, lets do what we want to do."


Something that crippled a lot of the stories in the game was that they felt held back by the limitations of the MMO gameplay. All but the Agent one.

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So far only done the Agent, Inquisitor, Knight, Smuggler and Trooper. In order:


Agent: Reason I like the agent, what you do in the begging has consequences much farther in the story and determines the outcome. For the rest of the stories, it's Point A to point B with not much changing in the story.

Smuggler: Best one liners in the game.

Inquisitor: Good story, but didn't stack up as well.

Knight: Felt like a rehash of KOTOR 1 and 2

Trooper: Screwed up so much it's not even funny. BORING. Could of been epic.

Edited by TalonVII
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with Rishi in mind. :)


1. Consular: I can’t say how much I adore Consular’s story! It’s picking up steam gradually, and you can feel the character growth. Rishi conclusion is just so in character and beautiful! Zenith is my Beloved Companion, no other ever came close. Gameplay is my favorite. So smooth, noob-friendly and posh.


2. Smuggler: It’s a great character and a great story with the best side-romances in the game. Act 2 felt s let-down, but I liked the wrap-up of the Act 3. If I could get attached to any of the Smuggler’s companions (i.e. if Guss was a Nautolan) I might like the Class more than Consular. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay is okay on the Slinger, but Scoundrel is hard to muster.


3. Trooper: It just comes together so well. Everything is solid and good. Story is cohesive, and the team is the best overall. Nothing save for Jaxo story line stands out as GREAT, but everything is good. Haven’t played Rishi yet. Gameplay wise, my VGT is a joy.


4. Warrior: Similar to the Trooper, but the crew is not as much to my liking, and Jaesa drags it down a whole lot. Also one of the stories that are better as a male in terms of the availability of content, so a minus in my books. I used to have Warrior > Trooper, but after Rishi with the Warrior, Trooper moves up! Rishi on the Warrior was boring and pointless waste of developer’s time.


5. Inquisitor: Yeah… not the best. The companions also have too much discrepancy. Loved the story-importance of Ashara, Khem and Talos, but Xalek and Andronikus felt completely redundant with absolutely nothing to offer. Andronkus soundset is annoying too. Props to Bio for having Talos as plot-important on Rishi and I liked the quest.


Did not play: Knight and BH, but I have a feeling that Knight>BH, though not sure yet. Knight has a HUGE strike against it for being the most male oriented-story in the game. BH is simply not my thing.


8. There is absolutely nothing that can make me like IA. For me it’s a needlessly convoluted, disjointed, over-hyped story. I am aware that 99% of the players go gaga over it.

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The ones I've played( and remember ).

1.Sith Warrior. Felt very Sithy. Had a lot of traits SI story lacks( and should've had since the latter was supposed to focus on cunning and manipulation ). Very decent plot by the game's standarts, interesting outcames. One of the few stories that actually tries to make a sense of ''unorthodox'' allignment characters. The end of the act 1 and the fact that your choice there would make a real impact on your storyline. Oh, and the characters. I think of all stories this one has the best characters.

2.Imperial Agent. It had a better plot than SW, but I like Sith theme more than agent's which isn't usual for Star Wars, so I place it below Warrior's( and for character reason too, ofc ). But it's really good. No act felt boring( even for SW Act 2 seems a little too slow ).

3.Jedi Knight. Well, an epic story. Theme of the dark jedi is widely explored, you can see even some rudiments of ''sense-making'' dark jedi gameplay. It doesn't lack Star Wars spirit: superweapons, ultra big bad, a lot of dark side temptations. It's not very original, but it's fun.

4.Jedi Consular. I liked the story mostly because of how well it fits light Jedi Consular. It's not very thrilling, but it's how the path of wise Jedi sage( not sage as AC but literally ) should look. But it's not only that. The story itself is actually enjoyable. Act 1 and 3 are pretty intensive. The story isn't absent of interesting characters as well.

5.Sith Inquisitor. SI has the best prologue of all others classes, I'll give him that. Act 1 wasn't very mind blowing, but it's still was decent. Well, Act 2 and Act 3 not so much I'm afraid. The story restored it's glory when the inquisitor has finally started building his power base, it felt satisfactory but the plot was still average. Can't say it was really bad, but it was a disappointment to me because I've expected much from the supposedly ''Sidious-like'' type of character story. Well, the ending felt satisfactory as well. That being said, the whole idea of Act 2 wasn't bad I liked the thing with the Ghosts, but the story still felt boring.

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1. Agent

2. Sith Inquisitor

3. Jedi Consular

4. Sith Warrior

5. Smuggler

6. Bounty Hunter

7. Jedi Knight

8. Trooper


Since I didn't have time to elaborate previous time;


1. Agent has great immersion, nice twists, interesting NPC's, both companions as non-companions (Watcher 2 and Keeper mainly). Your choices really matter. It's also the best story in terms of serving the empire without being downright evil. Agent story has it all.

2. Inquisitor has the awesome feeling of climbing in ranks through the empire. You start as a slave, but you grow in power, discovering all kinds of sith secrets and conspiracies.

3. Consular has a very realistic feeling of being the rock that the Jedi Order is built upon. You hold the Order and the Republic together against force-related issues. Personality is a tad blank though, and I heard the darkside version makes no sense.

4. Warrior is the unstoppable force of the sith order. Baras gives most color to the story. Nice sith feeling.

5. Smuggler's story itself is not great, ch. 1 even disappointed. The prologue is the best of all classes on the other hand. Smuggler is most about the humor and the immersion. You're the cool guy that talks, cheats and shoots his way out of everything. Little bit too much drawn towards the Republic for gameplay purposes.

6. Bounty Hunter also relies mainly on the immersion. No one can touch you, you make your own choices. Except for Skadge, your companions are amongst the most fun in the game.

7. Here come the two stories that I would classify as "bad", or disappointing at least. The Jedi Knight is based on KotOR and Luke Skywalker, but it is too hastily done. If there is no planet- or galaxy-wide destruction at hand, apparently it is not worth telling. In the end you are the guy that completed the most dangerous missions and saved trillions of lives, but I missed the immersion completely. Where the consular is realistic, the knight is over the top and too shallow.

8. Trooper. The fact that you start already in the Republic's most elite squad drops much of the excitement. Yes, you advance in rank, but I never felt any change. No immersion, no great story. This story shines only at two moments; the missions at the end of ch. 2 and the end of ch. 3 are really good. The rest is not.

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The three I've played through Act 3 are ranked like this:

1.) Sith Warrior

2.) Jedi Consular

3.) Bounty Hunter.


I can't imagine playing any of these three stories purely light side or dark side, though. Playing pragmatic, setting-appropriate characters given their origins and current occupations, however, made all three of these stories very engaging and fun.


Just finished Dromund Kaas with the Sith Inquisitor and it feels more underwhelming. To be fair Act 1 is underwhelming for the three classes I already listed as well, in my opinion, because the meat of any class story doesn't start until at least Act 2.

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Jedi Consular was the only one I had a hard time getting through. Until I started playing my toon as a gray Jedi. After that, it was pretty fun!


Yeah have to say when I started my consular as a pure goody Jedi she was pretty boring. But now I've started selecting dubious replies and she has wayyyy more personality. I still select light side choices but I make her snarky whenever I can. She's a lot more fun that way.

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Yep, certainly Trooper> Warrior after Rishi. Trooper's mini-quest was poignant. Consular's still better, but Trooper's was wonderful, and very satisfying, with this very realistic and personal dialogue that really sets apart the whole of the Trooper's story.
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1. Agent

2. Sith Inquisitor

3. Jedi Consular

4. Sith Warrior

5. Smuggler

6. Bounty Hunter

7. Jedi Knight

8. Trooper


Since I didn't have time to elaborate previous time;


1. Agent has great immersion, nice twists, interesting NPC's, both companions as non-companions (Watcher 2 and Keeper mainly). Your choices really matter. It's also the best story in terms of serving the empire without being downright evil. Agent story has it all.

2. Inquisitor has the awesome feeling of climbing in ranks through the empire. You start as a slave, but you grow in power, discovering all kinds of sith secrets and conspiracies.

3. Consular has a very realistic feeling of being the rock that the Jedi Order is built upon. You hold the Order and the Republic together against force-related issues. Personality is a tad blank though, and I heard the darkside version makes no sense.

4. Warrior is the unstoppable force of the sith order. Baras gives most color to the story. Nice sith feeling.

5. Smuggler's story itself is not great, ch. 1 even disappointed. The prologue is the best of all classes on the other hand. Smuggler is most about the humor and the immersion. You're the cool guy that talks, cheats and shoots his way out of everything. Little bit too much drawn towards the Republic for gameplay purposes.

6. Bounty Hunter also relies mainly on the immersion. No one can touch you, you make your own choices. Except for Skadge, your companions are amongst the most fun in the game.

7. Here come the two stories that I would classify as "bad", or disappointing at least. The Jedi Knight is based on KotOR and Luke Skywalker, but it is too hastily done. If there is no planet- or galaxy-wide destruction at hand, apparently it is not worth telling. In the end you are the guy that completed the most dangerous missions and saved trillions of lives, but I missed the immersion completely. Where the consular is realistic, the knight is over the top and too shallow.

8. Trooper. The fact that you start already in the Republic's most elite squad drops much of the excitement. Yes, you advance in rank, but I never felt any change. No immersion, no great story. This story shines only at two moments; the missions at the end of ch. 2 and the end of ch. 3 are really good. The rest is not.


I don't know telling the guard who warns havok squads comeing to storm the dreadnought at the end of chapter one that your who he's supposed to watch for shooting him and laying waste to a whole ship of trator special forces and imp in a frontal assault was fun. Althoght I have to question wraiths infiltration specialist status when she said I was doomed for getting caught in my" sneak attack"

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