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Remove Commendation Limit so new 50's can compete


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Weeks? You're doing it wrong, valor sixty is two weeks... max. It is a bad idea, would encourage people farming in lowbie brackets. We did it the hard way, you should too.


Besides, I like an easy 5k damage medal every now and again.


Every time I hear someone say "I did it the hard way why can't you" as an argument against something you know what I actually hear? "Why in my day I had to walk uphill through the snow both ways to school!"

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Or just make the level requirement to open a champ bag level 40 instead of 50. It would give someone time to get their gear in order for when they ding 50 and join players who have been farming gear for however long the game has been released.


I say level 40 so that people would buy the level 20 and 40 blue set instead of just save all tokens.


We don't get to farm up our level 50 PvE gear starting at level 10, so if we have to wait till level 40 to work on our end game PvP gear we should be fine.

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You PvP'd a lot and would have had access to lots of PvP gear, provided the RNG worked in your favor. I don't see the problem.


Because that means you're forcing players to PvP at lower levels in order to not get ***** the second they turn 50 in Warzones. It shouldn't be the way the game works.

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No, I think you're missing what I tried to express. It's NOT difficult to cap out - on the rewards, quite quickly (and early on - assuming you don't try and kit out EVERY companion with PvP gear, but quite easily 1 or 2 companions - if you just PvP and follow only story rewards/high loot chains) - even dumping commendations on buying meds etc, you can easily get commendation gear for you, at both 20/40, buy the epic mount, buy a bag, and cap commendations.


What exactly then is the point to continue PvPing? Since you are effectively capped on what you can buy at that point with tokens. Hence my saying - why should I PvP after 47, I've only done a "little" PvP and I'm capped out already on the stuff I wanted (albeit I didn't PvP till I was 30 with this toon - was following bonus chains too much).


Which is a bit sad. I agree that the commendation cap seems a bit - wasted. I like the Valor cap being tied to level, but - I think the commendation cap should be lifted.


It turns out this game has other ways to gain xps/gear besides PvP. Anyone who complains that all they do is PvP and wonders why they can't get unlimited rewards may need to realize that a 'cap' is in place so that regular players don't feel the need to grind away to compete with the OCD PvPer.


It's good for your mental health if vary your play style in the slightest bit it would take to not max out your PvP rewards leveling up.

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I'm 50, already geared, and I support this.


50s coming into PvP are even worse geared than a lvl40 using the bolster buff. I don't play a smug/op, and even I can 4-5 shot these people while they take 10% of my health off...


I've seen a few people come into level 50 warzones in level 40 pvp gear. They uh... die. Fast. When you have 12k health, and everyone else has 16-20k you know you're in trouble.


Removing the cap is the wrong approach though, since that encourages such a stupid system in the first place, and stockpiling etc.


The level 50 pvp bracket should be rank 40 and above. Or something along those lines (maybe rank 30, I'm not sure how high you can get just leveling). You should have pvp'd enough at level 50 to get some gear which then bumps you into the higher tier. Ideally the tiers should overlap a bit, like a rank 30-40 could get into either bracket, but a rank 40+ is always in the higher bracket.

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When I first started the game I noticed that all the PvP gear sucked until 50, so I started saving my commendations and put it out of my mind while I leveled.


Only after I had lost over 4000 warzone commendations when I was level ~45 did I notice they capped at 1000. There was no indication that this would occur. Why did Bioware do this? What a terrible design decision!


And yes, it definitely would help fresh 50s get a jump on the gear treadmill. I can't see in any way how this is a bad thing.

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When I first started the game I noticed that all the PvP gear sucked until 50, so I started saving my commendations and put it out of my mind while I leveled.


Only after I had lost over 4000 warzone commendations when I was level ~45 did I notice they capped at 1000. There was no indication that this would occur. Why did Bioware do this? What a terrible design decision!


And yes, it definitely would help fresh 50s get a jump on the gear treadmill. I can't see in any way how this is a bad thing.


What? The PvP Gear is the best gear you can get at level 20 and 40 when you level up...

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I'm going through the new lvl 50 in pvp issue right now.

I play a shadow, which seems to be very gear dependent. I get laughed at when I try to kill healers.



Still, I think this is a bad idea. You should not get too much lvl 50 gear before you hit lvl 50.

It would minimize the point of endgame play - this game needs more of it and not less.


Image PVE where you just turn 50 and have a full set of operation-level gear.

Without a bag limit someone lvling through PVP would get this (while someone lvling through PVE has lvl47-lvl50 blue gear).


I think the solution is to not make the pvp gear so overpowered.

We can debate expertise v. no expertise, but even if we keep expertise it shouldn't be so overpowered.

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Hit 50 on Fri, opened six bags a minute or so later to a couple of pieces of armor. I should have bought a lottery ticket that day.


Rest of damage report?


14 bags, 3 total champ pieces (I got an implant today)


I had purchased complete lvl 20 and 40 sets for leveling, and the lvl 43 (46?) blaster with a bit of expertise on it, and I would really like to see them bump up the ceiling on comms acquisition. I almost ran out of stuff to spend 'em on and was only valor 33 or so when I hit fifty.

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That's absurd. I leveled from level 21 all of the way to 50 in warzones. I would have been able to buy insane amount of bags. This would become common practice for everybody, and then anybody who didn't want to do warzones to level would be screwed once they hit 50.


As opposed to the current system, where every new 50 is just screwed, period?


Great thinking there, chief.

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The level 50 pvp bracket should be rank 40 and above. Or something along those lines (maybe rank 30, I'm not sure how high you can get just leveling). You should have pvp'd enough at level 50 to get some gear which then bumps you into the higher tier. Ideally the tiers should overlap a bit, like a rank 30-40 could get into either bracket, but a rank 40+ is always in the higher bracket.

my alt is lvl 35 with rank 25 or 26 valor so if i continue pvp it'll change nothing the 50 bracket and i'll still lack the gear to well live

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There really needs to be an introductory set of PvP gear that's either purchasable through credits or crafted (which would make my profession actually useful).



something like this... you should just be able to be competitive relatively easily. And when I say competitive, I don't mean given the same lvl of gear as someone who has worked for the best - I just mean able to play without being worthless.


The point is the gap between entry lvl 50 and top pvp gear for 50 is too great.

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You PvP'd a lot and would have had access to lots of PvP gear, provided the RNG worked in your favor. I don't see the problem.


PVPed as low level.


Acces to TIER TWO end game pvp gear.


Are you sane?

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and what about the player who didn't lvl through pvp and wants to pvp at lvl 50 - they are still screwed even with this change


there has to be a way to give access to reasonable gear for new lvl50s so they can be useful (without RNG luck)


and/or don't make the pvp gear so overpowered

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They remove the limit, and then you will whine when they release the next tier of gear and people who quickly geared this time will quickly gear again. You need a cap to prevent that.


New 50s can already get 14 bags the first day they hit 50 (3 from both weeklies (6), 1 from each daily (2), 1 purchased, and 5 from 1000/1000) if they want to. The lower-tier PVP gear is very easy to get, they can also supplement that gear with the mods/armoring/enhancements that come from the lvl 50 daily quests.

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Agreed the cap sucks and should be removed. It works as a disincentive to pvping as well as to leveling to 50.


Wouldn't you like to see more people in the 50's bracket? Faster queues? Well, I'm betting a lot of the 4X's (like me) that are reluctant to level due to the whole Ilum fiasco and gear gap would reconsider if our time was valued the same as yours instead of getting ~1k credits from a green item per warzone.

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and what about the player who didn't lvl through pvp and wants to pvp at lvl 50 - they are still screwed even with this change


there has to be a way to give access to reasonable gear for new lvl50s so they can be useful (without RNG luck)


and/or don't make the pvp gear so overpowered


You said it yourself dude

and what about the player who didn't lvl through pvp and wants to pvp at lvl 50


If you chose to wait til 50 to pvp have fun grinding out that valor.

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Nice idea, and I can see where those opposed are coming from. However, how about just increasing the cap? This works in with the arguments about how new 50s have trouble without PvP stats on their gear. Even doubling the cap could go a ways to helping out new 50s. If you pvp for a couple levels in the late 40s, to cap out, you still worked for.the gear without being able to buy an obscene amount of bags, would just give you a higher chance to get some of that 50 gear when you finally ding.
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