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Developers WANTS Sith to win, game mechanics makes sure they will ALWAYS win Ilum


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Fine you can't think of a way to out think numbers, I can't get enough time off work to


farm battle master gear in WZs. If illum gets a number balance can we have gear


brackets in 50's aswell to get the people who grind all day in PvP cordoned off by



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Long rambling wall of crap that has nothing much to do with the post it was responding to.


The point I was making before your paranoid victim complex overwhelmed you was that the statement:


It's so clear to everyone you want people to roll on Empire so they can actually enjoy the game on pvp and rppvp servers.


makes less sense than a cat made out of custard. If everyone rolls Empire, then PvP is as ruined for them as it is for the single Republic player left over.


Sith want to have a balanced PvP game as well, since currently we're suffering from massive overcompetition for kills on our side. It's impossible for pubs because they're hopelessly outnumbered, and it's impossible for us because by the time we get close to a pub player, he's already got 20 other Sith on him.


This thread actually has a valid point in it, buried under the wall of paranoid, 'the devs hate me' rubbish, but unfortunately the OP presented it in a wall of trollish flames accusing the Sith side of being immature, the Devs of trying to rig the game so the Sith win all the time, and a number of baseless insults thrown at other players who had the sheer nerve to pick the other side when they bought a game. And you, sir, are a symptom of the paranoid trollish flame nonsense.


Oh, and I'm a jugg, and our version of Master Strike is Ravage. Which is also a 3 second channel, rather than an instant cast. It's an exact mirror. Same with Blade Storm and Froce scream - both instant casts with identical effects. Tho I'm sure that didn't bother you when you decided the game has been stacked against you.

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People here are missing the forest for the trees, mostly because of the stupid thread title. The problem here isn't "BW favors Imps on Ilum" it's "BW favors faction imbalanced side on Ilum".


The problem of low pop side being farmed by high pop side and high pop side can't find any low pop side to kill are symptoms of the same exact problem. Low pop side obviously doesn't want to get farmed hopelessly and stops going to Ilum, high pop side doesn't have anyone to kill.

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after "Here me out" I didn't keep reading because I don't listen to crazy people with tin foil hats.


You are giving anyone to much credit to think that anything is purposely slanted. Being an ignorant moron with no PvP Design experience does not = Master Plan to make all Republic quit.

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Here's my official answer.


Sith > Jedi.


Empire > Republic.


They suck. We don't. Therefore we win, and they don't.


Want the Republic to win sometimes? Here's a tip: Tell them to STOP SUCKING.


Problem? *trollface*


its funny how some imps talk like every serve the imps always win because on my server the imps get LOLFACEROLLEDLOL over and over on Ilum despite the fact that they outnumber us.

im pretty sure that they would come here qqing as much as some reps do about their servers but i fear our imps are too ashamed to actually post.

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People here are missing the forest for the trees, mostly because of the stupid thread title. The problem here isn't "BW favors Imps on Ilum" it's "BW favors faction imbalanced side on Ilum".


The problem of low pop side being farmed by high pop side and high pop side can't find any low pop side to kill are symptoms of the same exact problem. Low pop side obviously doesn't want to get farmed hopelessly and stops going to Ilum, high pop side doesn't have anyone to kill.


Pretty much this, tho if the Sith side say it we're accused of pretending there isn't a problem. The cap was a bad move all round, and BW seriously needs to introduce some incentives for going pub.

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This always bothers me. Not all Empire players are attracted to being 'evil'.

Sith are not evil and Jedi are not good. Dark and Light sides, there is a difference. Jedi do bad things to benefit republic too, in their guilt ridden, self loathing way, but still.


I'm a Sith and I could never play for the Republic. The ethical and moral standards are in the way, I completely disagree with the way Republic runs things and find Imperials more warming.


I'm 20 years old.


Sith are evil. There is no argument against that. The Sith are evil, Lucas made them evil. They are the villains. Some rare Sith may occasionally do something good, or may go against the teachings, but the Sith as a culture, is evil.


The fact that you're 20, proves the point. You probably have all sorts of philosophical arguments about what makes "evil" that I've heard a billion times, by people who rationalize why they like villains.


Examples of evil in the Republic are the same evils that exist in all governments, as opposed to being a regime of dictators whose entire culture is based on back stabbing, usurpation, and dominance. the difference is, you have to go digging to find corruption in the Republic, the Sith are an entire ruling body of that corruption.


So you think the Republic stands in the way, (in the way of what?) yet have no issues with the slavery, and death for failure policies of the Empire?


You can like playing villains more, but don't try to rationalize that the Sith are just some mislabeled free thinkers without boundaries as the Sith are even more imposing than the the Republic. The Sith empire enslaves the weak, persecutes aliens and kills over anything. What about that is less restrictive than Republic life?

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Here's my official answer.


Sith > Jedi.


Empire > Republic.


They suck. We don't. Therefore we win, and they don't.


Want the Republic to win sometimes? Here's a tip: Tell them to STOP SUCKING.


Problem? *trollface*


Funny how you can always spot the facerolling WoW-kids at a glance.


By the way when the bulk of your PVP-base are FOTM rerollers, and exploiters, you have nothing to brag about.

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its funny how some imps talk like every serve the imps always win because on my server the imps get LOLFACEROLLEDLOL over and over on Ilum despite the fact that they outnumber us.

im pretty sure that they would come here qqing as much as some reps do about their servers but i fear our imps are too ashamed to actually post.


Funny how you don't state what server you're on so that we can see if other Imps on that server agree thay they're getting LOLFACEROLLEDLOL over and over...

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Ilum needs to be fixed. I don't know how, and don't plan to suggest anyway. I play the game that the devs make for me. If I'm unhappy I will unsubscribe and leave.


That being said I feel that the factions will always be imbalanced. Thats part of life. Ilum does affect both sides, however I do feel that with even odds you will see an increase in participation by both parties (Republic and Imperial) If the current system goes unfixed eventually one side will need to fight one another at an overwhelming rate in which Ilum will become a barren wasteland.


I will gladly fight back and forth if my team is making some kind of effort. I have been a part of several skirmishes between the Republic and Imperials in Ilum and have enjoyed myself. I usually try to complete the Ilum daily in the morning est 8 - 9am EST. There is usually a dozen or so Republic playes in Ilum with an op running around that I join. The imps aren't too many. Usually a dozen to 20, but they aren't yet organized into a large op and sometimes rolling in groups of 3 or 4. It usually only takes one Imperial death before the large group forms up and comes after you.


We will usually go back and forth at the Central assault for about 30 - 45 minutes. They would charge and take it, we would regroup, charge and take it back. This is fun to me. No one is purposely dying, we are fighting each other, healers healing etc. But eventually enough word gets out of what is happening through guilds and friends etc, or perhaps just the nature of players logging on. We are soon overrun with any wheres from 40 - 60 imperials and the Republic operation of 12 - 15 immediately goes to 2 or 3.


I also know 3/4 of the community will not bother to even read what I wrote, but just go on to "flame" me because quite frankly everyone has Hulk Hogan size biceps on the internet right?

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The whole issue with 50 pvp and indirectly Ilum is the fact mmo pvp is more gear dependant than "skill" dependant. No-ones doing their dailies to pvp, they're doing their dailies for the easy(lol) gear. **random vent**The pvp gear grind is about retarded**end vent**


Fix? Set fixed stats in pvp zones, gear doesn't matter.

Where's my loots? Reward pve gear and cosmetics(pets, mounts, titles)


The valor system is an easy conversion as a progress meter to how much pvp someone has done, removing the level cap adds some nice prestige.



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The Sith are the obvious sell out Choice. Everything is easier and slanted in their favor. It is and will always be the American idol faction. I am on Ajunta and there are some great PVP players on their side and I love going against them, I just wish numbers were a little more even. The only way that is going to happen is if the Republic gets a couple of OP classes that you can one button two 8 medals like BH and Agent. Edited by ActionAce
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I like my server....I really do, ilum I think on my server is played just as it should....there are times when the republic out number us...and take center...and there are times when we outnumber them...and take center...it's kind of seesaw back and forth....though the most I've ever seen in ilum at any time might be 50-60 people tops....and thats about equal both republic and empire....it's great :)
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Open world pvp is not meant to be balanced in numbers, that is why we have Warzones.


Open world PVP is also not meant to prevent balance in numbers. The problem is if 90 empire and 10 republic are in the zone, no one can enter, preventing any balance from even happening. The cap should be per faction. The likely reason this isn't done, is so that the Ilum 2 empire isn't completely void of republic.


Still, there should be some allocation of new republic players to the Ilum 1 instance while restricting the empire until some said ratio is achieved (say, 1:.75) or such.

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  • 1 year later...
I have to say yes that man is right. 9/10 times the Jedi lose in PVP. It just plain suck. *** is with Bioware and EA with this.

Why was that necro necessary? And no, in most cases I win against Sith, but the Reps are quite strong on my server and many Imps hve rerolled on Rep side. Anyway, this thread was about Ilum, and Ilum is dead, just like this threda should be.

Edited by Drudenfusz
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