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EVERYONE do this for the benefit of all


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Type /who, type 50 into the search box, count the # of 50s on the list, post here along with time of day, server, faction. EDIT: Light/standard/heavy as well.


Server - Nadd's Sarcophagus


Faction - Republic

Time of day - 10:52 AM PST

# of 50s - 42


Do this so we can get a tiny glimpse of faction:faction ratio and also sub activity on your server.


EDIT: I'm asking you to do this out of curiosity. None of these figures should be interpreted outside of the confines of these indicators I'm asking for. They do not represent real faction ratios/server populations, and please save yourself the time of arguing against the "statistical merits" of these #s. You'd just be wasting your time.

Honestly, running the search and posting it here should take 30 seconds tops.


EDIT #2 - Update:


Server: Nadd's Sarcophagus

Faction: Republic

Time: 1:52 PM


Searched /who, search term 50, showed first 81 results.


Server: Nadd's Sarcophagus

Faction: Empire

Time: 1:53 PM


Searched /who, search term 50, showed first 96 results.

Edited by SoupyNuggs
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Just curious what is the intention of this thread? BW won't need it they have the're own internal metrics on server/faction pop. Nor will the community "self adjust" without a carrot. therefore again what purpose served? Edited by BMBender
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Why would you want to do this at the worst possible gaming time?



Just curious what is the intention of this thread? BW won't need it they have there own internal metrics on server/faction pop. Nor will the community "self adjust" without a carrot?


Intention is listed in OP, I never said it'd indicate actual sub activity/faction ratios, nor do I think this has anything to do with BW. How about don't post if you don't feel like doing it instead of trolling for an argument.

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Intention is listed in OP, I never said it'd indicate actual sub activity/faction ratios, nor do I think this has anything to do with BW. How about don't post if you don't feel like doing it instead of trolling for an argument.


not trolling was asking a legitimate question IE WHAT IS THE GOAL, we already know there is faction imbalance across several servers I'm sure BW is aware of it as well. How is a random sample in the middle of the day (EastCoast) and no-where near prime time accomplishing anything? Now I'm arguminitive

Edited by BMBender
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not trolling was asking a legitimate question IE WHAT IS THE GOAL, we already know there is faction imbalance across several servers I'm sure BW is aware of it as well. How is a random sample in the middle of the day (EastCoast) and no-where near prime time accomplishing anything? Now I'm arguminitive


1) Eliminates bias in data, some feel the ratio is 4:1, whereas data might reflect the figures closer to 2:1


2) I ask for time of day in anticipation that this thread will continue to collect #s into prime hours.


3) BW's awareness has nothing to do with the goal of this thread.


4) You are being argumentative.

Edited by SoupyNuggs
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How would this work exactly? Doing the population of only the level 50's would not show any kind of true population size. You are taking out way too many factors and pretending they don't exist. For example, I don't have a lot of time to play, but I have 10 characters. Obviously, none of them are 50, but I am active. Now, consider how many other people are like me and have altitis and are busy.


The only way to actually get a good population would be to get the numbers of every level at the times a person is on, but who wants to count 50 levels of people?


Sorry, but all you would do is create a false sense of population sizes.

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Pretty sure they have the data on their hand. You are never going to be more accurate than BW.


What does getting some data going to do to help ? Just because you have some data doesn't mean anything. Just like people scream there is no one playing the game and they should release the sub number.


They don't have to and they won't have to. If the game survives, they made a good decision. If the game fails, they made a bad decision.

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4) You are being argumentative.


yup said I was

still for what purpose? what is the end result you are looking for? Say you get an accurate post on every server for every hour for the next 24, and do what with it? If people are nerd raging now about percieved imbalance they gonna do it anyway irregarless of what a data selection shows, for or against? If they didn't care they won't start caring. BW doesn't need the data sample so whats the point?

Edited by BMBender
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See below.


How would this work exactly? Doing the population of only the level 50's would not show any kind of true population size. You are taking out way too many factors and pretending they don't exist. For example, I don't have a lot of time to play, but I have 10 characters. Obviously, none of them are 50, but I am active. Now, consider how many other people are like me and have altitis and are busy.


I never stated I'm trying to project true population size, please read the OP. I want a "tiny glimpse" of faction ratios and server activity.


The only way to actually get a good population would be to get the numbers of every level at the times a person is on, but who wants to count 50 levels of people?

No one, I'm not asking anyone to do that. Like I said above, I'm not trying to be Gallup and project stats onto real population sizes. Your meager knowledge of statistics is a non-point.


Sorry, but all you would do is create a false sense of population sizes.


So you'd rather go with biased/cloudy personal assumptions of faction ratios/server activity, than take 30 seconds to count and post the data, simply for the sake of proving a non-point? That is the definition of trolling.

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See below.


Pretty sure they have the data on their hand. You are never going to be more accurate than BW.


So what? I never said I am competing with BW for data accuracy. What kind of point is this? What are you even arguing? :rolleyes:


What does getting some data going to do to help ? Just because you have some data doesn't mean anything. Just like people scream there is no one playing the game and they should release the sub number.


It is a lot more constructive that the people screaming the game is dead, and also a lot more constructive than this argument you're bringing up.


They don't have to and they won't have to. If the game survives, they made a good decision. If the game fails, they made a bad decision.


Ok? So. What? I don't understand what you're arguing with me about. I didn't make this thread to argue all these non-points. I can concede to you everything you've said and it doesn't change the fact that having some numbers makes us all wiser than none. If I know that a standard server at noon PST has 40 imp 50s, while a similar standard server at noon PST has 10 pub 50s, then that gives me a better idea of faction ratios than 99% of those coming on here and whining about empire zergs on Ilum.

Edited by SoupyNuggs
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Type /who, type 50 into the search box, count the # of 50s on the list, post here along with time of day, server, faction.


Server - Nadd's Sarcophagus

Faction - Republic

Time of day - 10:52 AM PST

# of 50s - 42


Do this so we can get a tiny glimpse of faction:faction ratio and also sub activity of game.

I don't follow you. This is what I got.



Edited by racsofp
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