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Sorcerer Nerf....


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You are aware that it doesn't stack, right? If you recast a bubble that is already up, it simply refreshes and you lose all outstanding mitigation from the first cast. Since the bubble normally gets taken out in one hit, that probably means the first cast didn't actually mitigate any damage.


I suspect he realizes they dont stack, he just doesnt realize that there is a debuff that prevents another from being applied on you for 20 seconds.


Hmm actually, maybe you are right. He doesnt seem to understand the mechanics of it.

Edited by pathiss
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Ok, we apparently arent playing the same game.


When I throw a bubble on myself or someone else, a debuff also gets applied the prevents me or them from coming under the effect of another sorcerer bubble for 20 seconds (17 with the healer set gear).


The means there is only a 10s period out of every 30 seconds where a double bubble is even possible.


Look, I don't know for you, but the majority of Sorcerers on my server either die or are left alone if they win their fight long enough to restart the double bubble scenario. Maybe you are healer spec, never die and have constantly someone pounding on you, but that's NOT the usual scenario.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Look, I don't know for you, but the majority of Sorcerers on my server either die or are left alone if they win their fight long enough to restart the double bubble scenario. Maybe you are healer spec, never die and have constantly someone pounding on you, but that's NOT the usual scenario.


Now you arent even making any sense.


Regardless of death, dying, or being left along ...there is ONLY a 10s window out of every 30s where a bubble can be recast immediately after it drops on a person.


You really need to learn the mechanics of what you are crying about before you make yourself look even worse.

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The only match, where you will really have the Barrier after the debuff would be Huttball. You are almost instantly back in combat on Voidstar / Alderaan. So you apply as soon as you respawn, then start to travel. If the bubble lasts long enough that the debuff is down, then you can double bubble.


However, if you get hit 5 seconds after you have to wait 15 seconds for the debuff to remove. Or, you double bubble, to absorb the lower dps, but within a couple of hits, both bubbles are down and you are now up ****'s creek without a paddle. As you then have the full 15~ seconds without being able to reapply. You can be sure as hell that I'll be dead within that time.

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The only people that are going to be in that circumstance to begin with are via a healing sorcerer.


You seriously need to learn about the mechanics of this before you type anything else.

Edited by pathiss
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I suspect he realizes they dont stack, he just doesnt realize that there is a debuff that prevents another from being applied on you for 20 seconds.


Hmm actually, maybe you are right. He doesnt seem to understand the mechanics of it.


You are the one who don't understand and I'm sick of explaining it.


I know perfectly well they don't stack and you have a 20s timer before you recast it on target once it has been applied.


But you seem to ignore what I've been saying for an hour now. If you cast your bubble, the timer starts, in 17s (or 20s) you will be allowed to cast it again. If someone breaks that bubble within 17s, true, you cannot recast it, but if those 17s already passed, you can instantly reapply it when it breaks.


That's double bubble. It's not hard to match your timing to be fighting within those 10s of yours.


It is done every single time you die and every single time you are left alone for more than 20s.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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For one, I never ever wrote Sorc/Sage are OP. Slightly unbalanced, certainly. You are nowhere near ops/scoundrel in terms of stupidly OP broken (I don't agree with their over the top nerf either). I want balance, not destroy classes.


What I've argued so far is for ONE of your tools to be removed, namely the double bubble. That's a minor adjustment.


Touching your healing or your CC would break you.



Bubble is not going anywhere. BH healers wear heavy armor. Ops healers have stealth. Sorc have bubble. It's unique ability of a class.

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You are the one who don't understand and I'm sick of explaining it.


I know perfectly well they don't stack and you have a 20s timer before you recast it on target once it has been applied.


But you seem to ignore what I've been saying for an hour now. If you cast your bubble, the timer starts, in 17s (or 20s) you will be allowed to cast it again. If someone breaks that bubble within 17s, true, you cannot recast it, but if those 17s already passed, you can instantly reapply it when it breaks.


That's double bubble. It's not hard to match your timing to be fighting within those 10s of yours.


It is done every single time you die and every single time you are left alone for more than 20s.


And that's an issue why? If you are not being focused by the other team and under pressure they are doing it wrong..

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But you seem to ignore what I've been saying for an hour now. If you cast your bubble, the timer starts, in 17s (or 20s) you will be allowed to cast it again. If someone breaks that bubble within 17s, true, you cannot recast it, but if those 17s already passed, you can instantly reapply it when it breaks.


So exactly what do you think -I- am saying? lmfao


Pretty sure everyone here with half a brain sees that I am saying the same thing. I am not sure how you misinterpret what I clearly laid out to you before.


My point and only point is that you are crying about something that isnt even a possiblity 66.7% of the time unless you are facing a healing sorcerer (then its slightly less).

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Bubble is not going anywhere. BH healers wear heavy armor. Ops healers have stealth. Sorc have bubble. It's unique ability of a class.


Way to completely miss the point.


I targeted double bubble, not your bubble. One bubble every 30s in a fight is fine, but getting to the fight with it up since 20s, losing it in the next 10s and reapplying it immediately is borderline.

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So exactly what do you think -I- am saying? lmfao


Pretty sure everyone here with half a brain sees that I am saying the same thing. I am not sure how you misinterpret what I clearly laid out to you before.


My point and only point is that you are crying about something that isnt even a possiblity 66.7% of the time unless you are facing a healing sorcerer (then its slightly less).


It's all the time unless you are a buffoon playing your character. When I have a Sage with me, he buffs himself with the bubble, waits 10s, then charges in battle, lose, cast 2nd bubble, die, rinse and repeat.


It's your situation that's abnormal. Healer spec staying alive for 10 minutes while getting pounded on is the situation almost never happening.


In team vs team, sure, you are right. In random solo? Please.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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It's not 67%, it's all the time unless you are a buffoon playing your character. When I have a Sage with me, he buffs himself with the bubble, waits 10s, then charges in battle, lose, cast 2nd bubble, die, rinse and repeat.


It's your situation that's abnormal. Not everyone is a healer spec staying alive for 10 minutes.


So, the Sage dies regardless?


He waits 10 seconds.... so he's spending 1/3 of the time in Warzones waiting.... whilst his timer runs down?

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Bubble is not going anywhere. BH healers wear heavy armor. Ops healers have stealth. Sorc have bubble. It's unique ability of a class.


armor dont matter much in this game, mitigation? lol tell me one of your skills that actually dont bypass armor... and you cant heal in stealth and the only advantage of stealth is to position your self before healing when the fights actually starts it becomes useless. then here comes the bubble. can be casted on self, can be casted on other players and the worst part is can be double casted since it only has 20 sec debuff cd or 17.. yeah 3k is not that much but in a typical close game 3k is a huge advantage then add the next bubble that would be 6k then add your medpack that's 9-10k of heals without actually casting any heals. added with CC then you would be unkillable 1 on 1.

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You are the one who don't understand and I'm sick of explaining it.


I know perfectly well they don't stack and you have a 20s timer before you recast it on target once it has been applied.


But you seem to ignore what I've been saying for an hour now. If you cast your bubble, the timer starts, in 17s (or 20s) you will be allowed to cast it again. If someone breaks that bubble within 17s, true, you cannot recast it, but if those 17s already passed, you can instantly reapply it when it breaks.


That's double bubble.


It is done every single time you die and every single time you are left alone for more than 20s.


And if they are left alone for 30s they can recast it anyhow ... like every other defensive ability in any class with a 30s cooldown. I'm not seeing what your point is here.


It seems to be that the deionization doesn't last as long as the bubble - but the bubble duration doesn't really matter. In any combat situation its gone in 4 seconds. In any non-combat situation, what difference does it make?


You're not killing my healer in 30s without focus fire or being a pre-nerf smuggler no matter how many seconds before the fight started I applied the bubble. Heck, you're probably not going to do it if the bubble was down when you attacked.

Edited by Kholvan
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It's not 67%, it's all the time unless you are a buffoon playing your character.


No, its 67% by basic math ...regardless of how you play your character.


There is always a 20 second (17 with heal set bonus) window where you cant rebubble out of every 30 seconds of duration of a bubble. That is not going to change due to circumstance.


Are you trying to tell me that you can somehow magically always be in the 10s window? No you can't ...with every 10 second window, comes a 20 second window where it cant be reapplied. Thus, regardless of circumstance, what I said is completely accurate.

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So sad this forum can only seem to talk about warzones and who does the most damage on the boards.


I could maybe understand it if only one side had this class and it wasn't mirrored. Most of the utility people post about is shared directly with the assassin etc but I barely see a post about them being overly loaded with CC.


The vast majority of decent players with a reasonable level of intelligence realize our damage is weak with no burst and heavy reliance on AoE and AoE is crap in this game (give me a cone any day instead of a laggy target area that effectively adds 0.5 - 1 second to the time to use plus animation time).


Virtually all classes get a range of cc, all classes get trees they can spec in to improve or enhance skills. No class can have ALL of the things ALL of the time, its the way the game works.


Good players demolish me (wearing champ/sentinel gear) all the time. Good players target me because they know I'm an easy kill. Good players realize that not every sorc is the same. Good players know exactly what we are capable of instead of getting their info from nerf posts. Good players know that at 50 plus in decent gear a bubble that absorbs less than 4k is an irrelevance.


Seems once you take the good players out of the equation the rest are just QQ whiners, and need to learn to play. Yes, that means I think you are bad players.

Edited by Ntranced
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So, the Sage dies regardless?


He waits 10 seconds.... so he's spending 1/3 of the time in Warzones waiting.... whilst his timer runs down?


When you respawn to fight, majority of the time you must wait 10s. Even if you can join back immediately, you still have a few seconds to run there.


So yes, everyone spend 1/3 of his time doing nothing in a Warzone, you got that right.

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It's not 67%, it's all the time unless you are a buffoon playing your character. When I have a Sage with me, he buffs himself with the bubble, waits 10s, then charges in battle, lose, cast 2nd bubble, die, rinse and repeat.


It's your situation that's abnormal. Not everyone is a healer spec staying alive for 10 minutes while getting pounded on.


Yeah because in a heated pvp battle everyone can totally keep track of a 10 second timer just to get a slight possible benefit due to timing at the start of a battle - are you seriously basing your whole op argument on this little example? I say it again, if your sage can a) keep track of a timer like that and b) can take advantage of it since he obviously never loses the bubble beforehand, the team you are facing is totally incompetent.


I personally am busy monitoring my team members, trying to los the bunch of melee on my *** and a few range who noticed I am healing, swearing at all my GCDs, monitoring my consumables...

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