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Try Focus! Its is so much fun(PVP)!


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Anyway back again with a plug for Focus spec.


I have tried watchman and combat, but Focus is so much more fun for my playstyle.(Bascially staying up in the crowd aoe/single target bursting down healers, not dieing)


You basically feel like they can't kill you if you play the CD game. Plus you can still top dps charts/kills.




SO if you feel squishy go focus! For pvp its amazing.

Edited by jaytrust
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It's awesome until you start fighting very high HPs targets in the 50s bracket.


This is where I'm talking about...


I've beating the highest HP targets alive, I'm talking about Battle Master Vanguard tanks 1v1. When I wasn't even deck out in all Champion yet, so yeah true story it still shines vs high HP targets.

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Watchman is better for fighting a geared 50 1v1 or for chain interrupting a geared 50 until they eventually die.


Focus is better for doing other things.


You do know that we have 4 interrupts already right? Yes watchman makes it easier (2secs less), but you can do it with the other trees just as fine.


Not to mention all the other cool stuff Focus gets>2sec interrupts.


You can leap to interrupt, you can do your aoe cc to interrupt, and you can kick to interrupt, you can force statsis (or however you spell it).


I'm usually good enough with those.

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You do know that we have 4 interrupts already right? Yes watchman makes it easier (2secs less), but you can do it with the other trees just as fine.


Not to mention all the other cool stuff Focus gets>2sec interrupts.


You can leap to interrupt, you can do your aoe cc to interrupt, and you can kick to interrupt, you can force statsis (or however you spell it).


I'm usually good enough with those.



You cannot leap in melee range or close-to-melee-range in Combat or Rage. The AOE mez is possible, but often spent on the other 4 enemies that are trying to persuade you to stop attacking said healer. Stasis only happens once per minute, and a geared healer can usually withstand 2 interrupts and a Stasis worth of control.


Watchman not only provides 25% more hard interrupts, but also provides the capability to melee-range interrupt with charge, meaning you can chain 5 interrupts without much issue, whereas you can only chain 3 or so with Combat or Focus (and the Focus sequence has sketchy timing due to the other demands for your Stasis).

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I find focus interesting in that force exhaustion is not melee, so the slow is great, you get your party a nearly full time defensive buff (it is bugged it seams as sometimes you have 20 centering instead of 10 at the end of transcendence, or it just that I manage 10 centering in the 10 seconds???).


Force sweep with criticals is good. The only problem in PVP is like all melee class, you do not have enough ranged capacities against those who bumps or have 3stuns or stealth to run.


That is main point, as a sentinel you do not have anything to run/escape a dire situation, whereas stealth class or range class (with bumps) gets enough of a head start to escape you (if they play well and if you needed the jump to reach them the first time).

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I find focus interesting in that force exhaustion is not melee, so the slow is great, you get your party a nearly full time defensive buff (it is bugged it seams as sometimes you have 20 centering instead of 10 at the end of transcendence, or it just that I manage 10 centering in the 10 seconds???).


Force sweep with criticals is good. The only problem in PVP is like all melee class, you do not have enough ranged capacities against those who bumps or have 3stuns or stealth to run.


That is main point, as a sentinel you do not have anything to run/escape a dire situation, whereas stealth class or range class (with bumps) gets enough of a head start to escape you (if they play well and if you needed the jump to reach them the first time).



Transcendence is not bugged, it's working as intended (there was a thread where they sent a ticket in and they said it was working as intended). For each person that you applied the buff to you get 10 centering back, thus 10 for yourself, and 2 others would be 30 centering.

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Personally at 40 I have tried Watchman and Focus (haven't tried combat yet) and for PVP, Focus has been much easier on me as far as survivability and dps. Force leap (auto crit on next sweep), Force exhaustion for 5 ticks (100% extra damage, I think), then perform a sweep, blade storm for good measure. If your target isnt in Heavy armor then at this point he/she is dead or almost dead along with any enemies unfortunate enough to be in your aoe range and this with some focus to spare :).


If they are lucky enough to be alive and running away (or pushed you away) well zealous leap, work in whatever to build focus, then force stasis and another sweep. Haven't even worked in cauterize, master strike or some of our other tools. And with the extra damage on force moves well nuff said. :cool:

Edited by Egnyte
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Personally at 40 I have tried Watchman and Focus (haven't tried combat yet) and for PVP, Focus has been much easier on me as far as survivability and dps. Force leap (auto crit on next sweep), Force exhaustion for 5 ticks (100% extra damage, I think), then perform a sweep, blade storm for good measure. If your target isnt in Heavy armor then at this point he/she is dead or almost dead along with any enemies unfortunate enough to be in your aoe range and this with some focus to spare :).


If they are lucky enough to be alive and running away (or pushed you away) well zealous leap, work in whatever to build focus, then force stasis and another sweep. Haven't even worked in cauterize, master strike or some of our other tools. And with the extra damage on force moves well nuff said. :cool:


You generally need more than 1 buffed Sweep and BS to get someone near death 1v1. Don't exaggerate things. Unless you meant against lvl 10 with no expertise and only 10k HPs.


Focus has a very powerful burst, but it's not nearly OSing anyone either.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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You generally need more than 1 buffed Sweep and BS to get someone near death 1v1. Don't exaggerate things. Unless you meant against lvl 10 with no expertise and only 10k HPs.


Focus has a very powerful burst, but it's not nearly OSing anyone either.


I believe he meant if he does a typical combo (Charge -> FE - > Sweep) it will kill someone. Very possible in the 49 bracket against lowbies I imagine (I believe he said he was level 40).

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I believe he meant if he does a typical combo (Charge -> FE - > Sweep) it will kill someone. Very possible in the 49 bracket against lowbies I imagine (I believe he said he was level 40).


Yeah at 50 it takes a couple rotations, but if you use your CDs wisely you should be able to get them down by the 2nd force wave combo.


Mind you playing Focus probably isn't as easy as the other specs but if you chain your CDs especially your attack ones nothing should be able to stay alive unless they are being healed.

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It takes a single rotation, gents:


Force Leap, Zealous Strike, Force Exhaustion, Sweep-Zealous Leap, Stasis, Sweep: Work in Cauterize or Master Strike but majority of the time your zen is up so just slash aoe to wib :)



Destroys targets easily...I played combat in beta, wachman in live to 50, and then swtiched to focus where I do the most damage of the three.

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I have played all 3 specs, and ya, combat is dmg lacking. Watchman is my favorite, but Focus is pretty good too and i dont care what people say about playing 50s, i been playing 50s for weeks and a regular focus rotation can get you 2 sweeps in 12 seconds, which hit for 3.5-4k each non buff stacking. (probably 4.5k-5k if i had the power stim/adrenal combo)


Watchman is great for 1v1 and great survivability, but i have had me and another geared focus sent drop 4 players fighting near a turret/door so fast its ridiculous. Especially vicious on against guard when the person doing the guarding is standing ontop of the guy being guarded and you hit both and see the tanks HP just plummet.

Edited by KilllerRock
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Focus and Watchman are both excellent PvP specs as a Sentinel. They both bring different things to the table.




6 Second Cooldown Interrupt

Massive sustained damage on a single target

0 Range Charge, practically an extra interrupt

Zen heals for the team that are out almost constantly using your abilities properly

Invulnerability during Force Camo, amazing on Huttball when there is a ball carrier on the other side of the fire when your charge is on cooldown. This wins games.




Massive AoE / Single Target burst (we're talking with proper timing, gear and buff stacking 5k sweeps (even more as a Guardian)

With proper use you provide your team with permanent Transcendence

Extra charge (small range but it provides a speed boost, does respectable damage for the purpose it serves)

Force Exhaustion, drop that on a healer or Huttball carrier - congrats you've made that person hate life.



You can't go wrong with either spec for PvP. I feel that Combat is viable but not ideal right now. It just doesn't bring much to the table as far as teamplay goes, and it's burst isn't as high as Focus and it doesn't have the sustained damage that Watchman does. It does have decent damage and you don't have to worry about switching targets - easily switch targets with little to no DPS decrease. I feel like Ataru procs should scale better than they do right now.


I've played all 3 specs at 50, they're all fun talent trees.

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Focus and Watchman are both excellent PvP specs as a Sentinel. They both bring different things to the table.




6 Second Cooldown Interrupt

Massive sustained damage on a single target

0 Range Charge, practically an extra interrupt

Zen heals for the team that are out almost constantly using your abilities properly

Invulnerability during Force Camo, amazing on Huttball when there is a ball carrier on the other side of the fire when your charge is on cooldown. This wins games.




Massive AoE / Single Target burst (we're talking with proper timing, gear and buff stacking 5k sweeps (even more as a Guardian)

With proper use you provide your team with permanent Transcendence

Extra charge (small range but it provides a speed boost, does respectable damage for the purpose it serves)

Force Exhaustion, drop that on a healer or Huttball carrier - congrats you've made that person hate life.



You can't go wrong with either spec for PvP. I feel that Combat is viable but not ideal right now. It just doesn't bring much to the table as far as teamplay goes, and it's burst isn't as high as Focus and it doesn't have the sustained damage that Watchman does. It does have decent damage and you don't have to worry about switching targets - easily switch targets with little to no DPS decrease. I feel like Ataru procs should scale better than they do right now.


I've played all 3 specs at 50, they're all fun talent trees.



This is pretty accurate. But as i believe and stated in other posts, do you not feel as if zealous strike is suppose to be a 2nd gap closer specific for this tree? Thats how i feel anyways when i played focus, and the 10m range was just way too short for that along with the slowness of the animation landing you to the ground while the target is still running away.

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This is pretty accurate. But as i believe and stated in other posts, do you not feel as if zealous strike is suppose to be a 2nd gap closer specific for this tree? Thats how i feel anyways when i played focus, and the 10m range was just way too short for that along with the slowness of the animation landing you to the ground while the target is still running away.


I do feel that Zealous Leap could use some fine tuning. The animation is pretty sluggish.

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You can't go wrong with either spec for PvP. I feel that Combat is viable but not ideal right now. It just doesn't bring much to the table as far as teamplay goes, and it's burst isn't as high as Focus and it doesn't have the sustained damage that Watchman does. It does have decent damage and you don't have to worry about switching targets - easily switch targets with little to no DPS decrease. I feel like Ataru procs should scale better than they do right now.


I've played all 3 specs at 50, they're all fun talent trees.


Combat is the best PvP spec for skilled organized teams actually. You are the target caller of the assist train.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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Combat is the best PvP spec for skilled organized teams actually. You are the target caller of the assist train.


Care to explain why? What can Combat do better in an assist train that focus or watchman cannot? I will give you that Combat has an easier time switching targets than Watchman - Focus however has no issues switching targets and Force Exhaustion + Perma Transcendence is like cheating when focusing a target down - not to mention sweeps putting out immense pressure for the other team's healers. Focus doesn't have the ramp up time some will have you believe. Even outside of the sweeps, 20% passive armor pen and 50% crit chance on Slash's are nothing to scoff at. I can get similar Bladestorm crits as Focus.


Not flaming, I'm just curious.

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Focus target switches somewhat poorly because it doesn't have its burst on-demand.


Also, <insert random root>.


Also, you can't kite Combat, so its burst is pervasively available.


Focus has capability, but it will be retardedly easy to shut down the Sweeps from chain knockbacks.

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Focus target switches somewhat poorly because it doesn't have its burst on-demand.


Also, <insert random root>.


Also, you can't kite Combat, so its burst is pervasively available.


Focus has capability, but it will be retardedly easy to shut down the Sweeps from chain knockbacks.


I disagree. Combat can easily be screwed out of all it's burst, it's burst relies heavily on Precision slash and all it takes is one crowd control ability to ruin it. Outside of Precision slash, Focus has Bladestorms that crit just as hard. (20% ARP [no setup or global cooldown] +3% raw damage). Lack of on demand burst? With proper play you're doing 4k+ aoe crits every 9 seconds. Combat's burst relies on a 15 second cooldown ability that lasts 6 seconds.


Combat is loads easier to kite than Focus and it isn't even close. Focus has permanent transcendence, extra leap and Force Exhaustion. Combat lacks utility, damage and durability. What does it bring to the party? A 3 second root? That pales in comparison to what Focus and Watchman brings.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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All 3 trees have ways to not get kited.


Watchman: DoTs, even if they kite, they take damage, reduced force leap cooldown is huge to getting back in the fight. and either extra 20% speed trans or a cauterize that slows movement speed.


Focus: As stated above has force exhaust, zealous leap, and perma transcendence.


Combat: is also good at not being kited, it actually has 2 separate 3 second roots, and has a 2nd CC/Snare break. Having 2 CC breaks is huge.



But i believe that all the trees are equal with preventing kiting, and i think watchman and focus have about equal quality damage with focus being burst and watchman being high sustained damage. But that's where combat lacks is on the damage. On top of that, the other 2 build centering quicker than combat.

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