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Sorc/Sages mitigate more damage than tanks.


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lol these kids dont even know what classes they're fighting. SO BAD.


I love how these kids ignore that every class has some form of defensive shielding that protects them for awhile.


if you nerf sorcs bubble then nerf every classes immunity shields and tanking shields.

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Most of the Sorcerer damage is supposed to be kinetic/energy and mitigated by armor.


This is currently not the case. Either because Armor is broken in PvP or because despite tooltips saying energy/kinetic for Sorcerer, it's really elemental/internal.


yeah that must be why we can 3 shot people right?

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lol these kids dont even know what classes they're fighting. SO BAD.


I love how these kids ignore that every class has some form of defensive shielding that protects them for awhile.


if you nerf sorcs bubble then nerf every classes immunity shields and tanking shields.


You fail at basic mathematics.


3.6k x 2 (pre-cast then battle cast) = 7.2k absorbed.


20% damage absorb on a 15k character is only 3k until death. Generally a 1min cooldown at the lowest. Sometimes a second, stronger shield is available, but only once every 3 minutes or more. Sentinel/marauder excepted with their special complete immunity for 5s.


Yours is available every 20s. So, yeah, who is the kid now?

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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I might be seeing wrong. But did you just say ONLY 3-4k shield every 20 SECONDS?


Yeah that's like any other class, right?




What class cant do 2-3k hits atm?


A half bad player should be able to down the bubble in 1 shot, or 2 in the worst case. That leaves Sorcs with the lowest damage reduction in game for most of the time as it takes about 3 seconds to make 2 hits and bubble got a 20 secs cd. Most BH can go through bubble in the first or second shot, Ops and Sins usually go through it with the opener and do good damage with the first ability they use. Bah, humbug.


A good number of classes have multiple damage reduction abilities...24%, 40% reduction for 10/12 seconds is a lot of defense..from all sources.

Edited by Pwnzie
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You fail at basic mathematics.


3.6k x 2 (pre-cast then battle cast) = 7.2k absorbed.


20% damage absorb on a 15k character is only 3k until death. Generally a 1min cooldown at the lowest. Sometimes a second, stronger shield is available once every 3 minutes.


Yours is available every 20s. So, yeah, who is the kid now?


You wear light armor right? oh right.


other classes dont have abilities that make them immune to all dmg, tech dmg, etc ?


oh right other classes do.


try again

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You fail at basic mathematics.


3.6k x 2 (pre-cast then battle cast) = 7.2k absorbed.


20% damage absorb on a 15k character is only 3k until death. Generally a 1min cooldown at the lowest. Sometimes a second, stronger shield is available once every 3 minutes.


Yours is available every 20s. So, yeah, who is the kid now?


That would be 6k in 40 seconds then.


Also what the guy above said, Assassins in tank spec have the same icon of Sorcerers...

Edited by Pwnzie
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Noone said that, kiddo. Your burst actually sucks. I wouldn't imagine if you had real burst. It's be worse than the Ops/Scoundrel situation.


you're missing the point that our damage is mitigated contrary to what you're saying. Because if it wasnt mitigated i would be doing 6k dmg in a 1 force lightning.

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You wear light armor right? oh right.


other classes dont have abilities that make them immune to all dmg, tech dmg, etc ?


oh right other classes do.


try again


It's been showed multiple times in this thread armor does almost nothing in PvP (defensive stats in general actually) in this game and you bring it up again?


Only straight mitigation abilities and max HPs matter currently. And of those mitigation abilities, you have one of the best, if not the best in the game which can be double cast almost every battle if you pre-cast it long before. I'd say only the Sentinel/Marauder ability giving total immunity for 5s every 1m beats you, but then it's self-only, yours can be cast on everyone.


And then you have a few stuns, a knockback and a sprint. That ability to pre-cast before battle then recast during battle is over the top and should be removed.


You are getting nerfed one way or the other, be it to your abilities or a reworking of defensive stats. So get ready for it, kiddo.

Edited by RamzaBehoulve
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i have 16.8k hp when buffed. my tank friend has 21k hp when buffed. Correct my math but thats more than 20% hp.


Tanks have amazing survivability in pvp get a pocket healer and you will never die. I also have full champion and some BM gear while he has champion/centurion.

FYI that's just 20%.


Anyway the real issue is tank stat being useless in PvP vs Shield spell from sorcerer *working*


Tank class like vanguard in PvP, in the current state, relies on non-reductible defense ( up to 10% damage reduction for vanguard) and active skill.

Those aside, Shield spell provide a far better tanking ability in PvP at the moment but it does not make you invicible like some pretends.

Edited by Thotor
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You fail at basic mathematics.


3.6k x 2 (pre-cast then battle cast) = 7.2k absorbed.


20% damage absorb on a 15k character is only 3k until death. Generally a 1min cooldown at the lowest. Sometimes a second, stronger shield is available, but only once every 3 minutes or more. Sentinel/marauder excepted with their special complete immunity for 5s.


Yours is available every 20s. So, yeah, who is the kid now?


If you want to talk about effective hp's lets do it. I'll assume everyone has 15000 hps but in reality other classes have more. I put everyone at 15k for simplicity.


This is essentially what armor mitigates with no cooldowns.


Sorc/shadow light armour 10% mitigation:

Effective hp at 15000 = 16666 ehps


Gunslinger/scoundrelss/Marauder with 20% mitigation

Effective hp with 15000 = 18750 ehps


Guardians/Comandos/Vanguards (dps) with 30% mitigation

Effective hp with 15000 = 21420 ehps


Guardians/Vanguards (tank specced) with 45% mitigation

Effective hps at 15000 = 23000 ehps



Sorcs have the shield

Gunslingers have cover (20% reduction)/AOE shield (25%) and cooldowns.

Shadows and Scoundrels have stealth.

Guardians/Marauders have a 50%/25% shield for 12s every 3 mins, heavier armour a lots of cooldowns

Commandos/Troopers already have heavy armor (and more).


Removing the shield means a bump to heavy armor.



I notice a huge difference in trying to keep up a vanguard/commando than a sage/scoundrel. In fact I've healed our tank with 6 people on him quite easily while he was running the ball.






But thanks .... this thread was good for a laugh, and I'm sure the dev's at bioware would /facepalm if they ever read this.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Either you aren't level 50 or you don't have gear.


The bubble doesn't mitigate damage more than a tank.


They can only tank if they dont have a burst dps or sustainable fast dps on them.


As a tank, I pretty much have like 70% damage mitigation (armor and taunting)

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Either you aren't level 50 or you don't have gear.


The bubble doesn't mitigate damage more than a tank.


They can only tank if they dont have a burst dps or sustainable fast dps on them.


As a tank, I pretty much have like 70% damage mitigation (armor and taunting)



Um, taunting a target DOES NOT reduce damage to the tank when someone is attacking them. I repeat DOES NOT reduce damage to the TANK when someone is attacking them. You only have armor and HPs to protect you (and medpacs on cooldown).

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Threads like these make me lose faith in humanity...


The absolute lack of common sense on this forum is just mindbogglingly. It makes the WoW forums even at their absolute worst seem like a civilized place where you can have a rational discussion.


I mean things like you can absorb 15k vs a single target... So lets say the Sage is in 2 parts Force-Mystic gear so the debuff is 17 seconds. Your average shield absorbs 3000 damage. That would mean for a sage to absorb 15k the fight has to go on for over 1min 20 seconds.


If you have a 1v1 fight that lasts that long then you can not possible believe the shield is overpowered in any way or form because the Sage did not kill the target in the time it took to absorb that amount.


The only potentially overpowered thing about the shield Sorcs/Sages have is that the effect is multiplied if the target is guarded by a tank on account of how the damage is reduced and spread between both targets.


But using common sense, researching what your enemy is doing and actually playing to the best of your ability seems to be out of the question on by the average whine poster on these forums.

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As a healer I've notice that Trooper classes and Jedi Knight classes are by far the easiest to keep alive, Sage is the hardest to keep up. I have a healing Sage and a Gunnery Commando and the Commando mitigates a whole lot more damage with the dmg reduction buff that stacks using Grav round, reactive shield and the heavy armor. Since I'm used to playing sage, when I'm the commando I feel like a tank. I often just stand the taking a beating and dps my target, I do this with or without heals and its still effective. How could this even be an argument...
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As a healer I've notice that Trooper classes and Jedi Knight classes are by far the easiest to keep alive, Sage is the hardest to keep up. I have a healing Sage and a Gunnery Commando and the Commando mitigates a whole lot more damage with the dmg reduction buff that stacks using Grav round, reactive shield and the heavy armor. Since I'm used to playing sage, when I'm the commando I feel like a tank. I often just stand the taking a beating and dps my target, I do this with or without heals and its still effective. How could this even be an argument...


Thats a whole different issue haha, a DPS class that can stand there and take a beating, DPS should be squishy, thats the compromise for having high damage :D

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Thats a whole different issue haha, a DPS class that can stand there and take a beating, DPS should be squishy, thats the compromise for having high damage :D


ok, even though you are sorta of off topic you're solidifiying my point, which is that sorc/sages do not mitigate more damage than other classes.

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Most of the Sorcerer damage is supposed to be kinetic/energy and mitigated by armor.


This is currently not the case. Either because Armor is broken in PvP or because despite tooltips saying energy/kinetic for Sorcerer, it's really elemental/internal.


Can you point to any sorc ability that says energy/kinetic but instead does elemental/internal?

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Guard changes absolutely nothing regarding bubble.


Let's say bubble blocks 3K damage. You hit a Sorc for 3K, normally this pops the bubble, and is effectively 3K damage done to him (his bubble doesn't expire spontaneously if you don't attack it).


If Sorc is guarded the bubble takes 1500 damage and the tank takes 1500 damage. Total damage done is still 3000, the bubble didn't pop because some of the damage went to the tank instead.


Guarded damage doesn't disappear in a vacuum. Someone (generally with much higher mitigation) donated their HPs to the other guy's cause, and when you donate your HP to the lowest mitigation class in the game, it's actually a pretty significant risk. Let's say tank mitigate 50% and Sorc mitigiates 10%, and both have 15K HP. If fought separately, the Sorc can take an effective 16500 and tank 30000, so total is 46500 HP to kill both characters.


If Sorc is guarded, then it takes only 16500X2 to kill both characters, or 33000. Yes you get more heals off when a Sorc is alive, but he has to heal 13500 damage just to break even, and that's actually a pretty large amount of heals.

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