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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

So is this it?


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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.

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Product of a post-WoW MMO world, where players need instant gratification. If only the developers could sprinkle the magic pixy dust over the servers and make content appear...


To bad they said they have no plans for rated warzones and arenas... Oh wait!

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Stop playing as much and do something else until Bioware adds Rated Warzones, PvP stats, and a ranking system?


People who are Valor Rank 70+ (that didn't exploit Ilum) have far too much free time on their hands. I don't see how you can obtain a Valor Rank this high while still doing something productive, such as school or a job.

Edited by copasetic
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Product of a post-WoW MMO world, where players need instant gratification. If only the developers could sprinkle the magic pixy dust over the servers and make content appear...


To bad they said they have no plans for rated warzones and arenas... Oh wait!


Those rated will benefit people for bragging rights that play more,thats what games are like this and those that can time sink more get more stats,shineys etc.


I raided for almost 7 years in EQ2,im not bashing WoW here but trust me raiding in that game is tough,i know all about shineys,bragging,stats.


Im here to enjoy myself,not grind.

Edited by Sathid
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You just grinded the same 3 WZs over and over again and you're now valor rank 70. You have full Battlemaster gear and your "awesome" Battlemaster title.


....so.... is there anything else to do in this game? I guess I'll go do more WZs or attempt to gank in Ilum.


In other words:


The PvP WZ grind is mindless and not challenging. There are no arenas. Ilum is a sad joke.


Why should we even invest our time in PvP content? Battlemaster is a pointless title that requires you queueing a bunch of times - you don't even have to win or be a decent player.


I get the feeling you did your grind a little Too serious! ><

I PvP because it's fun and I enjoy some actual competition (as in compared to PvE). I dont play to get to max Valor or the best gear, I play because I like the gameplay. And after a few games it gets a bit old, so then I stop.


Anything will be boring if you grind it for 1 month..Ilum/arena would be boring for ya after a couple of months too.

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run hard modes, level an alt, play the GTN. Lots to do, oh wait you want some kind of epeen flexing. No you cant has that yet. Game is a month old and you are already demanding more content catered to your wants. Stop chasing the carrot for a while and go do something you enjoy.
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You can always pvp in general too. I find it very fun and satisfying when there's a youngin that's easily butthurt by an innocent statement such as "Waffles are the best food in the world." Seems to be a lot of these overly sensetive, emotional people on Mind Trick.
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I don't understand all the hate for the OP all he wants is more option in how he does pvp not to shine his epeen or whatever.


I don't disagree there should be some more arenas - grouping options, there's nothing bad about more options if you don't like them stick to what you are already doing.

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Dirtydurst still has a viable point. And yes, this is it at the moment. The thing is that BioWare accidently forgot to implement any PvP content. But they quickfixed this by giving you a nice timesink system with an almost endless minigame grind but unfortunately you were way too lucky with the random bag loot. Enjoy your real life the next year until they come up with some PvP content in patch 2.0 end of 2012... Edited by Berinima
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You can always pvp in general too. I find it very fun and satisfying when there's a youngin that's easily butthurt by an innocent statement such as "Waffles are the best food in the world." Seems to be a lot of these overly sensetive, emotional people on Mind Trick.


My favorite that i use "Wrestling is real"

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I just have no clue why people 'ground' to BM. Just PvP, and you will get there eventually. You do realize that champ gear is good enough to make you competitive...don't you? The mad rush to valor 60 is maddening, so chill out. PvP. Have fun. If you do this, you will be 60 in no time AND not be crazy.
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If the Mythic employees would just implement PvP/RvR like they had in DAoC, it'd go a long way to helping PvP End-game. One of the reasons why WoW gets stale so fast is because of the nearly identical PvP system; take away arenas/rankings/etc and people would cry over at WoW too.


Games need to have real PvP/RvR put back in.

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erm I am sorry to burst all your bubbles, but all forms of pvp are an endless grind. Well any kind of organized pvp. Arena/rated bg's you will be grinding for ranking. WZ/BG you grind for gear/coms. Don't come here asking for more content when all you want is a different sort of grind.



And to those who say that arena/rgb is all skill and no grind, then why do you need the rating system at all. You should be happy in just beating someone who gave you a good match, you don't need some weird *** number/title to show that you beat them.

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If the Mythic employees would just implement PvP/RvR like they had in DAoC, it'd go a long way to helping PvP End-game. One of the reasons why WoW gets stale so fast is because of the nearly identical PvP system; take away arenas/rankings/etc and people would cry over at WoW too.


Games need to have real PvP/RvR put back in.


It's only a month old though,cmon and even if they did have alittle more right now,we would hear the same thing.

Edited by Sathid
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It's only a month old though,cmon and even if they did have alittle more right now,we would hear the same thing.


I completely agree, the game is new and has years to grow - why I have 0 complaints and am not impatient atm. I've been gaming for a long time - longer than a lot of kids on the games now days have been alive. I remember playing games like DAoC, etc before they even had what I would consider proper PvP/RvR. And no, a lot of those games didn't have the content they are memorable for when they first came out.


However, this isn't 1990 and EA/BW/Mythic are old companies with 20 years to be basing things on. There's a new minimum standard, and a game should release with that new minimum standard. And I'm sorry, but if they've chosen WoW as the minimum standard to be based upon or go by, then I wouldn't keep any hopes up.

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