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Delays are gone!


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do You know what is ability delay? Are You sure You know what word "delay" means?

Its when You want to do something and it doesnt happen instantly.

In this game its when You press ability and it doesnt perform the ability right at the time or it locks you up after using ability even after GCD runs off from using next ability. The previous ability is delayed because of animation or whatever and You cant use next ability straight after first finished.


This indeed aint fixed as many indicated.


Then get a better computer. Now, shush.

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I can see the improvements but definately I cannot say the "delays are gone"!


I personaly hoped that the improvement will be more noticable. :( So BioWare, pls continue improving this area (as you said you will do), as I believe there is still much to improve in terms of delays, responsiveness, timing problems vs. castbar issues etc..

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Riddickx I think you need to read the forums mate. Not seen this kind of positivity to date. If you still have issues it's isolated to your system spec and you will just have to wait til BW get round to you, or you purchase better hardware. Edited by JazzKrunch
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Then get a better computer. Now, shush.


Just got new computer, so shush You.

i7 2600, GTX 580 and 16 GB DDR 2133Mhz with SATA III SSD is running it on everything maxed 100fps+ everywhere. Plus 32 latency.


So Im sure there isnt anything wrong on my end.


Im just sayin that I hope BW wont drop the ball here sayin that its fixed for some ppl, good enough.

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Riddickx I think you need to read the forums mate. Not seen this kind of positivity to date. If you still have issues it's isolated to your system spec and you will just have to wait til BW get round to you, or you purchase better hardware.


Yea im replying here cause I aint reading forums. Good logics mate.

I see a lot of positivity, which is good, but I still see tons of ppl reporting nothing has changed for them, so I just want to make sure BW doesnt drop the ball here sayin that its fixed for "most of the ppl according to the forums".

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played some yesterday and really noticed improvement, specely when clipping channeling spells like my master strike, still have to be patient when mounting up thou (hard to get used to when you can start running 0.1 sec before casting time is over in world of warcraft :p )


i do like that you have to wait for the animation before the dmg happens like whit Blade storm, your charr acutely have to preform the dead before ennything happens and if your opponent sees it and move away, thats just smart. how ever i wouldn't call this a abilety delay and im just babbling :p


well things seams to flow abit bether

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do You know what is ability delay? Are You sure You know what word "delay" means?

Its when You want to do something and it doesnt happen instantly.

In this game its when You press ability and it doesnt perform the ability right at the time or it locks you up after using ability even after GCD runs off from using next ability. The previous ability is delayed because of animation or whatever and You cant use next ability straight after first finished.


This indeed aint fixed as many indicated.


It doesn't happen instantly because this specific skill is bugged. There was a general delay some people were experiencing in certain situations. That has been improved. What you're talking about is a skill-specific delay that is caused by a buggy skill. For example before the patch on a 30 fps video from the frame that starts a lightning strike->shock combo to the moment they both cause damage (it happens in the same frame) it took me 58 frames. Currently the same thing takes 50 frames. For some people the difference is even more dramatic. And while I personally can't detect such a delay while playing when counting frames it's obvious that there has been an improvement.

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Then get a better computer. Now, shush.






there are alot of ppl pointing out that there are still issues with their abillity's not responding correctly, and that's the best you can come up with?


there are issues with high end machines not just the low spec ones, to say everything is fine is just sticking your fingers in your ears going lalalalalalalalalalalal.


It's kind of like saying to BW there is alot of lag in ilium but it dosn't happen all the time. i.e when i'm on my own, so all's working fine.


These issues need to be pointed out but with no place in the forums to list bugs ppl have to place indvidual problems in all the multiple threads, and then comments like this are made. if your're not experiencing problems then gtz. good for you. but let others point out where BW can improve

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Have you seen the new video on what is coming? It shows a developer testing the UI customization tools. It has a slider for adjusting the scale of the UI and also gives anchors and frames you move to relocate the objects that make up the UI.


The only thing I didn't see in the video was anything that would let us reskin the UI. Which is what I'm waiting for. I think the current UI has incredible too much blue in it.


Yep I saw the video. I just can't wait to scale the UI more, its so big on my 47" led hdtv. :eek:

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I must say, Bravo Bioware. For me yesterday's patch is like night and day. Especially in PVP, which I can now safely do without being frustrated. Skills firing off when they should even in the midst of FPS slowdowns(due to my lack of CPU power, not the game). FPS on the Fleet was much better and even areas of the game where I would bog down, like the Coruscant Black Sun taxi landing zone. I used to cringe having to go through there but yesterday on a new character it was very smooth and made my jaw drop that I could finally enjoy certain areas of the game.


My only issue was a medpack that showed the cooldown was finished but it wasn't and FPS in the Alderaan Civil War warzone was still pretty horrible when the cannons start to fire.

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Mounting up, the cast bar finishing, starting to move, having the speeder appear and then dissapear again...


It is an issue of delay in an ability causing a feeling of non responsiveness. It is absolutely under the same umbrella as other issues classified as ability delay, claiming otherwise is ignorance.


That has nothing to do with ability delay. That is a specific static issue with the timing of mounts. Using that as a test of ability delay is a waste of time. The two things are not related at all. Having a speeder mount stop because you move before it is done. Again nothing to do with the ability delay issue.

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Those that run older computers with Windows XP seem to have improved performance. Those that are complaining the most are like me with newer high end systems running 64bit that seem to have taken a giant hit on performance.


Each patch I get more problems then before, now I get disconnects and lockups after 1.1 patch, before the patch had never been disconnected or had a full keyboard lockup.


Whatever the fix for older 32bit systems is just ruining the game for newer 64 bit systems.


This is backwards in that it is like telling average people to use half a engine instead.

Edited by Metalmac
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Those that run older computers with Windows XP seem to have improved performance. Those that are complaining the most are like me with newer high end systems running 64bit that seem to have taken a giant hit on performance.


Each patch I get more problems then before, now I get disconnects and lockups after 1.1 patch, before the patch had never been disconnected or had a full keyboard lockup.


Whatever the fix for older 32bit systems is just ruining the game for newer 64 bit systems.


This is backwards in that it is like telling average people to use half a engine instead.


how the **** does this even HAPPEN?


I think I read something about BW leasing the Hero Engine wayyyy before it was actually finished, and they told the Hero Engine people they'd "take care of things"


THIS is the result. newer hardware = slower?


graphics still look flat and undetailed? Wow. How does Rift/tera/gw2 and other MMOs look so much better?

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That has nothing to do with ability delay. That is a specific static issue with the timing of mounts. Using that as a test of ability delay is a waste of time. The two things are not related at all. Having a speeder mount stop because you move before it is done. Again nothing to do with the ability delay issue.


Really? Did You ever try to cast some spell and right when the cast is done move? Try it and see what happens.


Anyway Im getting sick of how in patch notes I see how they are fixing stuff. Its nice..but Id actually like to see some fixes that are actually FIXED.


I mean its nothing significant, but using emotes on vehicles was in patch notes "fixed". Guess what, still doesnt work. Stupid Empire spaceship appearing behind windows in Esseless after republic ship escapes through hyperspace the battle...fixed. NOT. Ability delay...fixed. NOT.


Id really like to see some fix thats in patch notes and is actually fixed.

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Those that run older computers with Windows XP seem to have improved performance. Those that are complaining the most are like me with newer high end systems running 64bit that seem to have taken a giant hit on performance.


Each patch I get more problems then before, now I get disconnects and lockups after 1.1 patch, before the patch had never been disconnected or had a full keyboard lockup.


Whatever the fix for older 32bit systems is just ruining the game for newer 64 bit systems.


This is backwards in that it is like telling average people to use half a engine instead.


It runs fine for me, and I've only had minor issues with "ability delay" even before this patch, with the most noticeable being calling the speeder. I'm running a pretty good system (i7 930, dual ATI 5870 1gb, intel 510 SSD over sata 3, 24gb of 1600mhz ddr3).


So, basically, your assumption is wrong.

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That has nothing to do with ability delay. That is a specific static issue with the timing of mounts. Using that as a test of ability delay is a waste of time. The two things are not related at all. Having a speeder mount stop because you move before it is done. Again nothing to do with the ability delay issue.


You are wrong - it is timing the cast bar. It is no different than casting a combat ability and moving the instant the cast bar finishes. If you can't do it with the speeder you sure as hell can't do it with a heal. It *is* indicative of combat responsiveness - and the most easily tested method. When the cast bar finishes on your screen, the cast is complete.... or is supposed to be.

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If i can ride my speeder when im not on it clearly the game is broken.


OK Ill try to explain it, In wow when the cast time finish on the server its already finished (makin it seem you can mount faster) SO if you move you are already mounted server side, so you computer is just waiting after the graphic, here its a 0.5 sec + animation time before you can move, animation looks to be 0.5 sec, so animation should start at the same time the cast bar start.


SO all in all the problme is about the animation, it should start when casting start and NOT AFTER.


Just a quick example, we have a 1.5 sec GBC pretty much all ability animation fit in that window, except for some (project for consular, technically since there is no auto attack it will never be as fast than sith inquisitor but if the damage is done in the 1.5 sec for both and that CD start the moment you push the ability it shoiuld be balanced because there is the same amount of dps in that 1.5 sec window, they cannot, and wont be able to regularize the dmg better because there is no auto attack in the game anyway.


There is no combat log or dmg meter at the moment because, healing, threat and dps wise the class are far from equal and bioware just dotn want peole to cry on forum for 2-5% difference (or more) between class, imagine if people cry about mount up (which ...yes feel unpolished but still is trivial atm this early in the game life), then imagine if class x is ALWAY underperforming, THEN they will have a much larger QQstorm.

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There's a difference between being a fan of a game and being a rabid fan boy who jumps to the developer's defense no matter what they do. I'm a fan of the game, but I'm not idiotic enough to believe everything they have done is right, in fact, they've done a lot wrong. The telling part will be how they handle it in the next several months.


This isn't the same gaming landscape as when WoW came out, you get a couple months tops to make your impression now. Good, bad or indifferent, it's the way it is. Look at all the others who have come and gone.


There's a difference between being a player who can be patient and offer helpful criticism and a rabid negative Hateboy who jumps at the chance to slam the developer and people who support them no matter what they do. I'm a huge fan of the game, but I'm not idiotic enough to believe everything they have done is wrong, in fact they've done a lot right. And I'm positive they'll handle it well in the next several months.


: )

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Really? Did You ever try to cast some spell and right when the cast is done move? Try it and see what happens.


What happens is that the spell gets casted. I've tried it with revivification, dark infusion and dark heal. Is there something wrong with that?

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