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I refuse to tank HM False Emperor for you. Ever.

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funny how people keep posting strats when he doesnt give a crap about them, the issue is being locked out of a FP at any point and time really, just getting knocked off somthing isnt the only culprit. There are alot of instances where the FP can bug out into a fight and force you to reset due to being unable to re-enter, this can be VERY frustrating and needs to be fixed, Bioware has stated oh its just a typo and it shouldnt acctually say that but fact is its not just saying your locked out but letting you in, it litterally locks you out 100%, you might have 1 or 2 people still able to get in but for the most part your all locked. One solution to this problem that we have found is this bug literally acts like a virus, it will spread and its one of the only ways we have found a work around for it, basically the person or people bugged drop group and invite somone to their group, then transfer leadership to that person an drop the group, this will acctually transfer the bug from you to them allowing you to re-enter.... a little messed up to be spreading a bug like that to somone else so you can complete your FP but it works. BW we should not have to bug somone else out just to unbug ourselves, do something.



Oh and I dunno if this is like a FE thing but I have died on a last boss and re-entered with the FP putting me at the boss as long as no one loots before I get back into the FP

Edited by Venrale
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I would try that, but being the kind of person I am, I'd rather not risk losing the loot roll for the entire group over one person.


But in defense for myself, I will come make this issue known to Bioware that I am not having a good time because of it.



We've tried the no looting thing as well. I don't even get an error message when I try to enter, it just auto loads me back to med center.

Edited by Nightfox_
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I would try that, but being the kind of person I am, I'd rather not risk losing the loot roll for the entire group over one person.


But in defense for myself, I will come make this issue known to Bioware that I am not having a good time because of it.



We've tried the no looting thing as well. I don't even get an error message when I try to enter, it just auto loads me back to med center.


Ive never died when boss was dead on FE but have in other HM FPs and never had an issue, if this is in fact happening to people(bcz its never happned to me doesnt mean I dont think it exists, somthing more gamers should learn from) then they need to impliment system to allow you to get back to the boss if you were previously in the instance ... I imagine their thoughts on the system were to prohibit people from alt looting the last boss and only peice you run the FP for but its a very poor way to impliment a stop to that.

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This bug OP speaks of is minor and irrelevant compared to the massive bug list BW is hopefully working on. I'd rather them spend time fixing Soa so that he actually drops loot, instead of them spend time fixing a minor bug that occurs only when the tank screws up this particular fight.


And if you get knocked off, you screwed up, it IS your own fault because it is entirely avoidable. Done it enough times on my Jugg before they added the grenades (and after) and never have been knocked off while kiting him to the ledge. keep your back to the door you came in and walk near the edge - If you get pushed, youll still land on the bridge you crossed to get to the stairs.


PROTIP: there are sniper cover things that stick up along the sides of the bridge. You can put your back against these and not have to fight on the stairs if moving him is proving to be a problem.

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I'm sure there is an alternate way to do it, aside from just locking them out of the instance. I agree with the completion thing someone brought up earlier about tying it to an object to interact with rather than final boss death.


this is probably why Ive never had it happen because the only boss ive died at right before it died was on Taral V and that does require NPC interaction to finish the FP, even with one time being rezed and the game forcing me to the med center I was still able to get back due to the quest interaction

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I'll be honest, I'm sure everyone who is tanking the HM FPs and regular FPS really don't care about Soa :x


Also, it's not this particular fight either :) It's every single fight that you don't have to interact with an object to complete, if you end up back at the med-center for WHATEVER reason.


This game is geared more towards casuals anyway, and while I'm not saying this affects every casual player, it is a bug and needs to be looked at. Especially since most of the players are not browsing the forums, so you may never have an exact number of people it's happened to. :)

Edited by Nightfox_
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I'll be honest, I'm sure everyone who is tanking the HM FPs and regular FPS really don't care about Soa :x


Wow. Considering that, after HM FPs there is......nothing, other than the two operations, the first of which you'll likely play is EV, I'll wager that most tanks would be pretty pissed to hear that the endgame last boss isnt dropping any loot whatsoever. Imagine doing all those hard modes to find out the next step up in difficulty offers nothing. Imagine this for all the tanks, since you apparently can speak for them all too.


Clearly you are new to hardmodes and are annoyed you missed your chestpiece. Do it again, dont get knocked off, claim your loot. IMO, if you die at malgus, you dont deserve your loot anyway - hes a tool that got nerfed so hard your head would spin if you had to tank him three weeks ago....when he wiped your party instantly for no reason cause his cast bar was bugged (and reportedly, still is). Now he's just a big nancy, and if you cant beat him, you shouldn't be there.

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Tank him for the first 90% on the stairs with your back against the wall.


When you begin kiting him down to the walkway around 13-12%, ensure your back is pointed in a safe direction (ensure that an imaginary line between you and him is parallel to the walkway for example, perfectly safe).


I've tanked him many, many times and never been knocked off. Just tryin' to help by pointing out it is very possible to do so repeatedly with success.

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yea, i'm gonna go with your doing something wrong. Find a new tank spot, play differently. I've cleared this dungeon something like 15-20 times on hardmode with several different tank types, none of them fall off the edge there. Tank him against a wall
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Sad, this many views and replies yet 70% of you are still giving me strategy options.


I should just disregard the bug and listen to the guy who has to tell everyone hes an MMO vet. :)


What makes me smile :rolleyes: is the number of folks who feel they are "super players" because something has never happened to them and they are crowing about it like we should pat them on the back.


Go figure.


On the Esseles when we were fighting the bonus boss I got knocked backwards off the platform when he chased me. It was my first time there and I didn't know. Problem is once you "die" like that there "is" no body to be rezed. You're just gone. Everyone suggesting the last person standing rez the one who fell off, has no idea what they are talking about because there isn't anything to rez. The only option you have is release. You can't even rez where you fell.


Same thing happens if you do PVP and you play the "Void Star" map. One of the best tricks is to get on the bridge and force push others off of it because there is no defense to it (if you're caught flat footed and someone gets the drop on you) and if you just watch, the body of the other player just "disappears" once it reaches a certain point.


Why it locks you out after any final fight needs to be checked. You should always have the option to get loot if you need/earned it.


But after reading 10 pages I'm still blown away by how many folks are crowing how leet they are because they've never had this happen instead of trying to see "why" it happens in the first place.



Edited by Risq
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Rofl, believe me I've been sitting here skimming through the pages and have been blown away at how many people completely missed though point. I guess they'd rather repeat what 10 other pages have said so they can try to get their leet points, even if it has nothing to do with the post.
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I have 12 pages of strategy for me to peruse at my leisure should I really be worried about whether or not I can tank him. :) My point is the lockout bug.


Your point could have been made with a /bugreport. I am 99% certain Bioware is aware of this problem but given that it is so easily avoided it shouldn't be near the top of the extensive bug list. Yer getting strats because most of us giving em realize this, didn't bother reading more than yer initial post and are merely trying to help.

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Your point could have been made with a /bugreport. I am 99% certain Bioware is aware of this problem but given that it is so easily avoided it shouldn't be near the top of the extensive bug list. Yer getting strats because most of us giving em realize this, didn't bother reading more than yer initial post and are merely trying to help.


/bugreport is useless, as 99% of the playerbase has figured out. So I am in the forum, getting attention for it and it's working :)


I'd love for the helping part to be true, but go ahead and read some of the posts. It's just elitist bashing, and completely unhelpful, as I obviously do not care, and I know how to tank him. Hell, some of these posts I don't think even read past the title on the thread.

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I haven't personally had too much trouble with bugs in flashpoints until I started running False Emperor. If you've done this FP dozens of times and never experienced an issue then consider yourself incredibly lucky, because I've never been able to make it through that place without more than one bug popping up.


Here's a few issues that I can recall from tanking (Juggernaut) FE HM just last night (this is all from a single run):


Some groups of mobs respawn/reset while you're still engaged in fighting the group.


In the room with the Trandoshan boss, after a few moments of tanking the first group of trash in the room, I see a massive train of mobs come charging from the opposite side of the bridge, aggroing everything in the room as they go. I'm not exactly sure how any of that junk got aggroed as we were still right by the entrance and these mobs were so far away they hadn't even drawn in until I noticed them crossing the bridge.


After charging the Trandoshan boss on the bridge, he immediately punts me at an odd, diagonal angle instead of straight back and then punts me another two times before I touch the ground, sending me off the edge before I had so much as an opportunity to take a single step. This same boss has kicked me straight through the wall before, as well as through the floor.


Shortly after the Trandoshan boss, I engage a group of trash and begin moving towards a mob near the back of the pack. I then discover it's impossible to reach the back of the pack or use any skills on those mobs, as there is an invisible wall between myself and those mobs. I can move backwards and sideways, but never forward past a certain point, and anything beyond that gives me a "you cannot see your target" message if I attempt to use a skill on it. Only /stuck would fix it and get rid of the invisible wall. This has occurred multiple times every time I've been in FE, though I counted 18 times last night.


Punted one of the elite droids into a void only to have the droid teleport up onto a small platform below the edge of the floor a few feet away, walk under the floor, become unattackable and then proceed to murder the entire party through the floor.


When we finally reached Malgus, everything went reasonably smoothly until the very end of the fight. After positioning Malgus and waiting for him to start his channel, I force push him off the bridge. Around three seconds later my entire party dies on the spot and the fight completely resets. No damage numbers appeared, no warning, no DoTs, no animations, nothing. Everyone simply died where they stood and the boss reset.



In summation: I know that feel, OP.


EDIT: I totally forgot that I had the same issue with Malgus as I did with the Trandoshan boss where he's kicked me straight through objects I've had my back to.

Edited by naardejood
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Man, what a horrible community....


While it may be true he's making some errors in tanking Malgus, I don't understand people's need to trash the guy over it. Offer some suggestions, tell him what he's doing wrong, even say he might need more practice tanking. But trashing the dude? Jeeze..


A couple of people had some good suggestions on knocking him back from where you kite him on the stairs (good idea, btw. Have to try that out.) If you're lacking some knockback in your group, just put your back to one of the columns along the walkway. Should prevent you from getting knocked off.

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