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Swtor= dog on a chain?


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You know whats funny? If it had been any less linear than it is you kids would be on the forum screaming OMG CONFUZZEDED?!


Its also funny that you thought you'd share your review of all the planets at lvl 13. at least get to lvl 50. If its too boring to get to 50 then leave

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i seriously dont get people and their liniarity claims ...


how else would you make it for a universe first of all with multiple plaanets ...


and seriously .. it just as liniar as for instance .. wow ..


yes in wow you could just not go teh way quests lead you to , you can walk of in a lvl 40 area wile your lvl 20 , but does anyone do that no , teres nothign to gain from it ..

you follow you quests and go to the apropiate level zone ...


also if you must talk about the game being liniar ... then a can agree on the first 2 started planets until you get your ship, it gets better then ....



but ah well probaly some people with witty comments on this ... but al in all this is the way it work for a multiplanet universe , this is not wow a single planet thats so big that it has area's for al levels on 1 continent ..


if you couldnt have guesed this before you bought the game its your own fault imo

Edited by Genesizs
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The only thing linear about Eve are the tutorial missions and maybe the Sisters of Eve arc. After that you're on your own.


Even Galaxies after NGE wasn't linear. They eventually added the legacy quest line in order to make leveling easy, but it only got you to about level 50. After that you were expected to find you own way to 90.


Now if you want to say Theme park MMOs are linear then I don't think anyone could disagree with you, but to say that All MMOs are linear is just patently false.



Not even EVE is an exception. You are still "roped in" by your ship class. There are areas you realistically can't go due to not having a powerful enough ship. You are still railroaded into where you can do missions.


The only thing special about EVE is there isn't a leveling progression. It just takes time to level, you don't even have to be logged in.

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Sounds like you haven't played WoW, you can go anywhere in that game and find quests. Travel off the beaten path next time you play it, there's tons of quests all over the gameworld.


LOL! wrong, you can't go anywhere it's a broader spectrum but it's still just a guideline.

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No, no it didn't.


The worst part is the WoW fanboys treating each planet as a single zone. That makes me rofl


this ... pretty much ... and i played wow for 8 years but i still get how it works , and look further then what my eyes are seeing using my brain ;s

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I'm asking for as much content, and generally as well laid out, as vanilla WoW had. So, no outlands, no northrend, the only thing behind the grey wall was a huge dirt patch, the airport was a nono and getting caught there could get you banned, etc.etc.etc.


WoW haters keep acting like it had no content at release, like both factions had a linear progression they were shuffled through from one zone to the next, but it was nothing like that. I'd say it easily had twice the content SWTOR has, at release.


I played from day 1 in WoW vanilla and it had about the same amount of content that ToR has now, maybe a couple of zones more. If you are counting each planet in Tor as a zone then you are wrong. Hoth and Tattooine together by themselves are as large or larger than Kalimdor.

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It doesn't absolve a game of offering bad content, either.


At some point on Hoth I felt like I was completing my class quest, plus two side quests, and ignoring one heroic quest, per zone. It felt so repetitive because each quest hub basically had the same setup.


I don't understand how people skip planets. What do you do, spend 1hr running across the entire planet, doing the three class quests on that planet along the way? How do you substitute for the XP, through flashpoints or warzones, or are you one of those people who skip bonus series' in order to "maintain the challenge?"




How is any of that different from WoW 1-85? All you do in WoW from 1-85 is collect X items drop a specific mob, or kill X of that mob. You go from your starter area, to just outside your starter area, to connecting zone, to connecting zone...repeat, till Outlands, then do those zones 1 by 1...then Northrend, 1 by 1...then Cata zones, 1 by 1. All the same basic content (although admittedly some of the Cata quests were pretty fun, finally).


I didn't say anything about skipping planets, but just like in WoW, you can't skip Outlands, you have to do it. Same deal here.


You can go to (nearly) any zone in WoW at level 1...outside of Outlands, Northrend, and Cata zones. You'll die, but you can go. Same thing in TOR.


Bottom line here is, SW:TOR is not MORE linear than any other MMO. Its equal.


Also, MMO's are linear, period, thats just how it is. Linearity is basically required in the MMO setup.

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I played from day 1 in WoW vanilla and it had about the same amount of content that ToR has now, maybe a couple of zones more. If you are counting each planet in Tor as a zone then you are wrong. Hoth and Tattooine together by themselves are as large or larger than Kalimdor.



Counting all content in TOR, and not just the Planets (which count as MULTIPLE zones in WoW each)... it has significantly more content than WoW did at launch. It's funny when people even try to claim it WoW had as much... and a riot when they try to claim it had more.


In fact, TOR has released with more content than any other MMO before it (at their respective releases).

Edited by Sai-to
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I don't hear people saying WOW had no content at release. It had no battlegrounds and there was less end game than TOR. That is just a fact.


As far as the size of the world. It's hard for me to say. I remember starting on vanilla WOW as my Night Elf hunter. It was pretty linear guys. I couldn't really explore much until I leveled up.


I just don't get this argument.




People have short term memory.

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Not even EVE is an exception. You are still "roped in" by your ship class. There are areas you realistically can't go due to not having a powerful enough ship. You are still railroaded into where you can do missions.


The only thing special about EVE is there isn't a leveling progression. It just takes time to level, you don't even have to be logged in.


I can tell you've never played Eve before or at least not for very long. You're making the mistake of thinking you need a BS or larger in order to PvP.


I can go to Nullsec in a noob ship and PvP right now if I wanted to. You can argue about the effectiveness of that, but even then you cannot possibly compare the linear themepark progression of TOR and the sandbox of Eve. The linear aspect is so blatant and in your face that they even show the recommended level for each planet on the galaxy travel screen.

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and seriously .. it just as liniar as for instance .. wow ..
Five of the six vanilla starter zones had enough content to get you to ~30 without branching off into content stemming from another starter zone.


STV alone got many players through the 30s and into the 40s. I never really bothered with it, because there were so many other zones covering that level range, and so many dungeons to run instead.

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or wait for GW 2 , explore world , see things happening in the world go to it , kill/solve apropiate event in the world thats going , go have fun explore ,rinse repeat :s


kinda explained it easy ... but .. i think if they deliver what they say they will


this could be possibly be the new generation mmorpg setup that sets a new standard or era so it that doesnt have the standard liniarity and quest hub experience :s


i'm not a big fan of asian mmo's , grind fest mode , NCsoft or the sucky game Guild wars 1 ...


but researching this extremely , it does all sound good and loks good idea is very good ...


just hope that it wont mess up the 1 thing i think a mmorpg should require ...

raid experience and good fun maybe chalanging boss mechanics ...


thats the ting i wait for when it gets released , if it lacks that i wont buy it >.<

Edited by Genesizs
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In my Op I said I feel like a dog on a chain. It's really more being able to choose more than say one zone to lvl 1-5 persay like in other mmos. All the quests in this game at least at my lvl so far have been in straight lines. If you look at the map while you quest, you will see that you just go in a straight line to the next quest.


Can someone plz articulate this better for me as I dont know if I am making sense, but I feel like my chest is going to explode when I quest in this game lol. In other mmos the questing world just felt well....... more ROUND lol.

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I can tell you've never played Eve before or at least not for very long. You're making the mistake of thinking you need a BS or larger in order to PvP.


I can go to Nullsec in a noob ship and PvP right now if I wanted to. You can argue about the effectiveness of that, but even then you cannot possibly compare the linear themepark progression of TOR and the sandbox of Eve. The linear aspect is so blatant and in your face that they even show the recommended level for each planet on the galaxy travel screen.



I can go to Warzones and PvP whenever I want too in TOR... what's your point?


EVE is not a sandbox, it's an illusion of one. Until you have a ship powerful enough to survive... i.e. be High level. Just like all MMOs.



I played EVE for 2 years. Don't tell me what I know.

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I think part of the issue here is that there is pretty much nothing else to do in this game but run along the path of leveling.


There arent other tools or game mechanics besides space missions to give us the feel of open game playing. We are meant to level up, grind gear, repeat.

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In my Op I said I feel like a dog on a chain. It's really more being able to choose more than say one zone to lvl 1-5 persay like in other mmos. All the quests in this game at least at my lvl so far have been in straight lines. If you look at the map while you quest, you will see that you just go in a straight line to the next quest.


Can someone plz articulate this better for me as I dont know if I am making sense, but I feel like my chest is going to explode when I quest in this game lol. In other mmos the questing world just felt well....... more ROUND lol.


we know what you mean , but it is just liek this , you cant handle it much more differently in a multiplanet universe .... realy ..


can tsay nothing else much then if you dont like it , this is not your game :(


EDIT :as just get of second planet after that it gets bigegr and better abit :), tere are some pretty decent planets wich have much bigger area's and you can explore it just the level 1 to 17 that are quite small and would kinda give you a more feeling to this kidna thing you are talking about (altho some quest hubs wont open up before you completed the area before , but that pretty much natural for most mmo's ..


also in wow it was liek that in vanilla to much more , when the ystarting gimping and making gain xp much faster you just skipepd allot of area's and could just do quests wereever you would .. thats the only thing i can agree on the should have more quests to take on all quest hubs on planets not forcing you to unlock them .. or moost of them ...

Edited by Genesizs
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Hoth and Tattooine together by themselves are as large or larger than Kalimdor.
Hoth and Tatooine are two of the emptiest zones in this game.


Why do people keep praising them for being so large, when all that size is empty space? Across all of Hoth, only the Star of Coruscant is a notewothy landmark. On Tatooine? Can you name one landmark on Tatooine? The Sarlacc pit; you know, I didn't even see the pit, and I've got the whole damn map explored.


At least try to promote some of SWTOR's stronger zones.


we know what you mean , but it is just liek this , you cant handle it much more differently in a multiplanet universe .... realy ..
They definitely could have. GW's %damage based system (I'm not familiar with it, only have heard reference of) would have been better suited to the multiplanet structure basically forced by the IP. Edited by Ansultares
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It doesn't absolve a game of offering bad content, either.


At some point on Hoth I felt like I was completing my class quest, plus two side quests, and ignoring one heroic quest, per zone. It felt so repetitive because each quest hub basically had the same setup.


I don't understand how people skip planets. What do you do, spend 1hr running across the entire planet, doing the three class quests on that planet along the way? How do you substitute for the XP, through flashpoints or warzones, or are you one of those people who skip bonus series' in order to "maintain the challenge?"


I do some dailys like PVP, and space missions. I always try to be more powerful than the areas I go to. That way I can solo a couple heroics and just have an easier time exploring.

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I can go to Warzones and PvP whenever I want too in TOR... what's your point?


EVE is not a sandbox, it's an illusion of one. Until you have a ship powerful enough to survive... i.e. be High level. Just like all MMOs.



I played EVE for 2 years. Don't tell me what I know.




So I suppose TOR isn't a themepark? It's just an illusion of one because I can queue up at level 10?

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I can tell you've never played Eve before or at least not for very long. You're making the mistake of thinking you need a BS or larger in order to PvP.


I can go to Nullsec in a noob ship and PvP right now if I wanted to. You can argue about the effectiveness of that, but even then you cannot possibly compare the linear themepark progression of TOR and the sandbox of Eve. The linear aspect is so blatant and in your face that they even show the recommended level for each planet on the galaxy travel screen.


Yeah and you can go fight level 40 mobs at level 10 in this game. Doesn't mean it's a sandbox game.

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Sounds like you haven't played WoW, you can go anywhere in that game and find quests. Travel off the beaten path next time you play it, there's tons of quests all over the gameworld.


Dunno what WoW your playing ... been playing and still am playing since launch and its never been like that lol there all still linear one quest hub points to the next etc one zone points to the next and so on ... and in cata its got even more linear infact so linear I could now draw a big "S" through the hyjal zone showing the quest progression ... it follows a single path lol.


So as has been said... just like pretty much every MMO going... if it was much different questing would be a pain in the behind you;d spend more time looking for quests than doing them.

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WoW felt exactly like this game on release.


WoW is more open ended now because they completely redid most of the lowbie content, and added a lot more zones, but that revamp took them a long time. If SWTOR makes it 5 years, I imagine that Bioware will able to do the same thing.


In the original WoW(before the cataclysm) , after level 10, you could choose between one to three zones that were basically linear. In SWTOR, you can choose between two planets that are basically linear. (I did balmorra, but for nar shada, I just dropped in for the class quest and then moved on. I just did tattouine, I doubt I'll do everything on alderan.


10-20 was Silverpines or Barrens. 20-30 was ashenvale or hillsbarad. 30-40 was arathi or alterac.


At least in SWTOR it doesn't take 20 minutes to fly between zones.


I think that the biggest problems in SWTOR are social. Awful, faction balance, no bubble chat, no PvE queues. Most of the swtor global chat is just people looking for groups. But these things are all fixable.

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Hoth and Tatooine are two of the emptiest zones in this game.


Why do people keep praising them for being so large, when all that size is empty space? Across all of Hoth, only the Star of Coruscant is a notewothy landmark. On Tatooine? Can you name one landmark on Tatooine? The Sarlacc pit; you know, I didn't even see the pit, and I've got the whole damn map explored.


At least try to promote some of SWTOR's stronger zones.


They definitely could have. GW's %damage based system (I'm not familiar with it, only have heard reference of) would have been better suited to the multiplanet structure basically forced by the IP.



Most of Kalimdor is empty space as well. 60% of the area you NEVER even set foot on because the majority is just filler and not quest related at all. Unless of course you just WANT to run down past that line of trees because it may be a shortcut to where you are going. Just because it has trees everywhere and critters running around that does not equal content. So basically both games are exactly the same. I think we are all in agreement on that point.

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