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Do you report offensive behavior that occurs in general chat?


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LOL. that setting a standard of behavior is being equated with Nazi Third Reich stuff is really, frankly, absurd.


It is Bioware's job to oversee its product and the behavior therein. Just like they police activities that could be exploits or bots or whatever, the chat behavior needs to be held to a certain standard.... or they will end up with only little kiddies fascinated with private parts talking in their game, with LFM or LFG sandwiched somewhere in between.


Wait. That's what it looks like now.


I don't think anyone wants a strict behavioral code, because I'm sure everyone enjoys off color humor and witty retorts. But certainly there must be a standard set. Other games have it. No one was screaming about it in those games. When they received their warnings or whatever, they knew they got a slap on the wrist for a reason.

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LOL. that setting a standard of behavior is being equated with Nazi Third Reich stuff is really, frankly, absurd.


It is Bioware's job to oversee its product and the behavior therein. Just like they police activities that could be exploits or bots or whatever, the chat behavior needs to be held to a certain standard.... or they will end up with only little kiddies fascinated with private parts talking in their game, with LFM or LFG sandwiched somewhere in between.


Wait. That's what it looks like now.




They've given us the tools to hold it up to our own standard.


You are perhaps completely unaware of how sensitive and volatile matters of censorship frequently are and can easily become on the internet?


Do you have any reaslistic grasp of how delicately a great many agencies, companies and service providers in social industries absolutely have to be to minimize their risks of being associated with political, religious or philosophical biases, which are inextrictably linked, frequently by mutually causative propagation, with censorship biases?


How, precisely, would you pitch a censorship model to a board of directors and the financial board?


Do you know nothing of distortion of information, negativity bias; snowball theory?


Have ya ever played -telephone-?!


Augh! My brain. My poor, poor brain. It seems that all you and all many see is something that appears to them as something that could be simply done.


Flick a switch, make people be nice and punish the people that say really gods-awful things.


It doesn't work like that. Nothing about any part of the matter is so simple as that, and if treated that simply, catastrophe -will- ensue, primarily to the concerns of Bioware, EA and LucasArts.


Additionally, its very common for folks across the internet to immediately liken any form of censorship with Naziism. Typically by people that have no real clue what they're talking about or, for that matter, what they're comparing it to.


It's practically thematic--no. I'm not explaining it. Done here. Just...done here.

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It reads as though this conversation is getting out of hand and off topic. If you find you disagree with what someone is saying, you have options:


Don't respond.

Flag the post you personally find offensive.


A reminder that there are forum guidelines posted in the "Introduction to SW:tOR Community" http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=262. In case you've forgotten them or chosen not to click on the provided link, here they are:


Never insult another member of the community.

Respect other community members, whether they agree with you or not.

Flag, don't fight. Use the "flag" feature to report posts to our Community Team if you see someone breaking the rules – don't respond to them!

Don't make spam posts like "first," "in before the lock," or "bump."

Make constructive, on-topic posts that add to the discussion.


Meanwhile, both Uruare and Kabjat make some valid points to each other.


Uruare, however convoluted I think their point was, has a valid point here:

"... Tools are there; use them."
. If you don't like the way this person presented their information; be civil and say as much if you prefer. That does not mean attacking them or using capitals to emphasize your own thoughts and opinions about them on the matter. What you may wonder about the person and their environment isn't entirely relevant to this particular discussion.


Kabjat, Others have already stated that both the tools exist to combat this problem, and given their process for what they do on this issue. You yourself have agreed with them and have even said,

People who are shrill and militant about what they consider inappropriate is just as harmful as the offenders themselves. I will emphatically state that I am NOT one of those people.
You can't argue/debate your viewpoint for in-game standards and expect the same rules which you abide by there, not apply here to the forums. Both are connected to each other and both have guidelines to follow, even if we don't like or agree with said guidelines currently in place. Follow them.


It's a choice we make to respond to these comments or not. If you choose to respond, you've been told to keep it civil by Bioware. Do it. As it stands you both make valid points, but the delivery of those points don't fall within the guidelines outlined above by Bio ware and therefore both of you are in violation of the guidelines.

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@Uruare -- No one is talking about censorship... but u.


You think you are so all alone inside that poor overworked brain of yours and no one understands this vision you have. I think people understand it (well, I do anyway). They just don't envision the eventuality that you see from simply requiring a certain level of decorum on the chat channels in game.


The problem is that you seem to find it perfectly acceptable for the forums to be moderated and a standard of behavior is just fine with you where these threads are concerned. And somehow, magically, they are able to do that --here-- and not in game? How odd and interesting. And when it is carried over to the chat channels in game it is threatening our very fiber of freedom of expression. I'm sorry. But you do know that that is a little absurd. Right?


And simply because there are controls in game for us to remove ourselves from having to deal with the chat channels doesn't mean that Bioware is absolved of its duty in game.

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It's a choice we make to respond to these comments or not. If you choose to respond, you've been told to keep it civil by Bioware. Do it. As it stands you both make valid points, but the delivery of those points don't fall within the guidelines outlined above by Bio ware and therefore both of you are in violation of the guidelines.



You know, you're right.


While I am not at all sure at what point I insulted or was particularly rude, I can safely say that I know myself to often be disrespectful by function of condescension.


Bad habit. So I'm just going to explicityl thank you for the 'Check yourselves' prod and do just that.

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Don't worry too much about Uruare. I have a friend just like him, there is absolutely no reasoning with him. Honestly I think people like him only post because they like to show off their flashy vocabulary. By "people like him" I'm referring to my friend, whom I actually love. I just... I tune him out whenever he gets up on his soap box.


In the case of my friend, he likes to think of himself as a psychologist and tries to psychoanalyze everything and apply his own special brand of "logic" that doesn't quite fit the real world.

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@Uruare -- No one is talking about censorship... but u.


I know, you are so all alone inside that poor overworked brain of yours and no one understands this vision you have. I think people understand it. They just don't envision the eventuality that you see from simply requiring a certain level of decorum on the chat channels in game.


The problem is that you seem to find it perfectly acceptable for the forums to be moderated and a standard of behavior is just fine with you where these threads are concerned. And somehow, magically, they are able to do that --here-- and not in game? How odd and interesting. And when it is carried over to the chat channels in game it is threatening our very fiber of freedom of expression. I'm sorry. But you do know that that is a little absurd. Right?


And simply because there are controls in game for us to remove ourselves from having to deal with the chat channels doesn't mean that Bioware is absolved of its duty in game.



"We all want more rain! More rain, more rain!"


"You know...if it rains any more and all the topsoil gets washed awa, we're not only gonna have the same problems as we do with all this drought, but a few more besides. We might have to irrigate the plants ourselves."


"Wut? Nobody was talking about topsoil or irrigation. U so stupid lol"



That's all I heard. Good day. I'll leave you marketing and social engineering professionals to it.

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And simply because there are controls in game for us to remove ourselves from having to deal with the chat channels doesn't mean that Bioware is absolved of its duty in game.


As previously stated; there are plenty of options we the players have to combat the issue of offensive behavior, both in-game and on the forums. These options have been posted repeatedly in this topic and others. The options players have been given go beyond simply turning off the General Chat channel:


The first option is to simply not respond.

The second option, is to politely and calmly tell the offending party to stop.

The third option, if the offending party does not respond to your request, is to /ignore said offender(s).

The fourth option; if the offending party continues or increases their offensive behavior or directs it at you, is to file a report (you could file one for the offensive behavior and then another for harassment).

* Concerning Flagging on the forums, if you find a post that is offensive or harassing, flag it. Moderators will do what they do and action will be taken.


Bio Ware has said that they can and will investigate reports of offensive and harassing behavior and take appropriate action against the offending party(s).


It's very unsettling that people commenting in this thread have no regard for that information and seem to think that Bio Ware is somehow required by (internet) law to go beyond that. For those of you that think they are, I'd like to see what legal documentation you have in your possession to back that claim up.


You may send it to: angel.navarrete.e@gmail.com

Edited by ImperialRebel
* edited forgotten bullet-point and Title.
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As previously stated; there are plenty of options we the players have to combat the issue of offensive behavior, both in-game and on the forums. These options have been posted repeatedly in this topic and others. The options players have been given go beyond simply turning off the General Chat channel:


The first option is to simply not respond.

The second option, is to politely and calmly tell the offending party to stop.

The third option, if the offending party does not respond to your request, is to /ignore said offender(s).

The fourth option; if the offending party continues or increases their offensive behavior or directs it at you, is to file a report (you could file one for the offensive behavior and then another for harassment).


Bio Ware has said that they can and will investigate reports of offensive and harassing behavior and take appropriate action against the offending party(s).


It's very unsettling that people commenting in this thread have no regard for that information and seem to think that Bio Ware is somehow required by (internet) law to go beyond that. For those of you that think they are, I'd like to see what legal documentation you have in your possession to back that claim up.


You may send it to: angel.navarrete.e@gmail.com


Well, if you would like to lecture me, perhaps you should read my posts and respond to my points and not to your assumptions. To enlighten you, each of these steps have been and were taken. That is not the point. I am not shy. I am not afraid to respond or to impart my views to even the most obnoxious of folk. Believe me, if you choose, that the DK chat was well aware of my position... and so was BW.


I do not think that Bioware is bound by any law, nor did I imply that, at least in my mind. How you came to that conclusion is simply jumping to conclusions. But if the theme of chat, especially in Dromund Kaas, continues at such a low-brow level, perhaps they should list their game with some sort of **** label.

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Don't worry too much about Uruare. I have a friend just like him, there is absolutely no reasoning with him. Honestly I think people like him only post because they like to show off their flashy vocabulary. By "people like him" I'm referring to my friend, whom I actually love. I just... I tune him out whenever he gets up on his soap box.


In the case of my friend, he likes to think of himself as a psychologist and tries to psychoanalyze everything and apply his own special brand of "logic" that doesn't quite fit the real world.



Your first sentence is splendid. Let me rant and rail on with my ramblings; don't respond to them if you don't feel like it.


If you do respond to them, don't expect me to treat your opinion like it's relevant if it isn't, educated if it's very plainly not or owed any manner of respect just because you had the temerity to stare at the monitor for thirty seconds and cough one up.


I'm reasoned with all the time. Just a few posts above, a very nice fellow basically slapped that other person and I for being disrespectful of eachother and to knock it off.


He was right; plainly acknowledged it.


But no, nobody ever successfully 'reasons' with me when their pitiful examples of reasoning are so incredibly awful that were I a professor and their reasoning demonstrated in an assignment, I might well kick them out of my class altogether for presenting that batspit absurdity and daring to call it 'reasoned', and -genuinely think so-.


Take the time to try and even if you're terrible at it, trying can totally knock me off my 'high horse'. Really, it can.


I don't expect miracles. Frankly, I don't even care if any of my posts are even acknowledged with responses; I'd rather they be ignored than responded to with flagrantly idiotic rubbish that seems more like the product of a cognitive disorder than even the most feeble of attempts at thinking.


Don't like it? Don't talk to me and either /ignore me or just let me rant in my rant posts and talk around me. I absolutely promise you that it's ok in either case.


If you're going to talk to me or disagree with me, for pete's sake, do -yourself- the courtesy of thinking before you go "Ar rar rar you're wrong because you use words rar rar rar I bet you smell rar rar you're just arrogant rar".


Is it really that hard? I'm not exactly asking anyone to go 'Oh, that Uruare, she knows everything' just because I had the temerity to type a lot of words about something.


If you disagree, disagree! Articulate your disagreement intelligently! Think I'm wrong? Show me! You -might be right-!


But if all you're going to do is conduct yourself like a complete buffoon...why should I respect that?



Due to the forum rules, I'll be civil. Due to the fact that a fellow on this very thread succeeded, quite simply, in reasoning with me and reminding me of a very good point, I will avoid being condescending as much as I can manage as it really is a terrible habit and I know better, and so, ought to act like it.


But please, read your quoted post a few times and ask yourself if its merited.

Edited by Uruare
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Your first sentence is splendid. Let me rant and rail on with my ramblings; don't respond to them if you don't feel like it.


If you do respond to them, don't expect me to treat your opinion like it's relevant if it isn't, educated if it's very plainly not or owed any manner of respect just because you had the temerity to stare at the monitor for thirty seconds and cough one up.


I'm reasoned with all the time. Just a few posts above, a very nice fellow basically slapped that other person and I for being disrespectful of eachother and to knock it off.


He was right; plainly acknowledged it.


But no, nobody ever successfully 'reasons' with me when their pitiful examples of reasoning are so incredibly awful that were I a professor and their reasoning demonstrated in an assignment, I might well kick them out of my class altogether for presenting that batspit absurdity and daring to call it 'reasoned', and -genuinely think so-.


Take the time to try and even if you're terrible at it, trying can totally knock me off my 'high horse'. Really, it can.


I don't expect miracles. Frankly, I don't even care if any of my posts are even acknowledged with responses; I'd rather they be ignored than responded to with flagrantly idiotic rubbish that seems more like the product of a cognitive disorder than even the most feeble of attempts at thinking.


Don't like it? Don't talk to me and either /ignore me or just let me rant in my rant posts and talk around me. I absolutely promise you that it's ok in either case.


If you're going to talk to me or disagree with me, for pete's sake, do -yourself- the courtesy of thinking before you go "Ar rar rar you're wrong because you use words rar rar rar I bet you smell rar rar you're just arrogant rar".


Is it really that hard? I'm not exactly asking anyone to go 'Oh, that Uruare, she knows everything' just because I had the temerity to type a lot of words about something.


If you disagree, disagree! Articulate your disagreement intelligently! Think I'm wrong? Show me! You -might be right-!


But if all you're going to do is conduct yourself like a complete buffoon...why should I respect that?



Due to the forum rules, I'll be civil. Due to the fact that a fellow on this very thread succeeded, quite simply, in reasoning with me and reminding me of a very good point, I will avoid being condescending as much as I can manage as it really is a terrible habit and I know better, and so, ought to act like it.


But please, read your quoted post a few times and ask yourself if its merited.


You remind me of my friend. A friend I love dearly, but your manner of speech and the way you present yourself... Let me reiterate, you remind me of him.


I stated clearly that I was speaking of my friend. You can say that I implied I think you act the same way and I will agree because that is how you come off. That's just my impression of you. But honestly, I can't speak of you accurately as I do not know you and I do not know how you act in every situation.

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If someone is being offensive or abusive, absolutely report them. I have seen some disgusting performances by people over the years playing MMO's and i make sure i report it when it takes place. Its a social game, and while we need to all be aware that not everyone has the same standards, its not socially acceptable to treat other people badly.


I find your post hypocritical...You say "we need to all be aware that not everyone has the same standards", yet you insist on reporting anyone with lower standards then you...

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You remind me of my friend. A friend I love dearly, but your manner of speech and the way you present yourself... Let me reiterate, you remind me of him.


I stated clearly that I was speaking of my friend. You can say that I implied I think you act the same way and I will agree because that is how you come off. That's just my impression of you. But honestly, I can't speak of you accurately as I do not know you and I do not know how you act in every situation.



Well, alrighty then. Far be it from me to pretend I'm not a wall-of-text manufacturing weirdo that goes off on tangents that aren't always clear in their necessary relevance to anyone but me.


If that's what you meant. Even if it isn't, I'm still that. I go off on things. I flail mightily with words and rant and tample all over the concept of 'brevity' like it's a dancefloor and I've got thirty four feet.


I'm just wordy. I don't -mean- to bludgeon anybody with my vocabulary; that isn't my intention at all, and it ticks me right off when, out of everything I said about something, theb est someone can come up with to respond with assumes that.


Just an example of something that really, really doesn't impress me.


They could be all, "Good gawd, do you ever shut up? I think your point's descendants forgot where they came from." and there's a great chance I'd go "Heh...yeah. I manufactures qwality Walls of Text! Next up, Hypercube of Text!"


But they always seem to go for the 'you're just arrogant' canard.


See? I'm doing it again. Ramble ramble ramble.


But hey, look at what -you- did; you completely disarmed me and smoothed the whole thing over.


Suddenly, I feel like we're object lessons to the point of this thread.


...Maybe that's a good thing.

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Well, alrighty then. Far be it from me to pretend I'm not a wall-of-text manufacturing weirdo that goes off on tangents that aren't always clear in their necessary relevance to anyone but me.


If that's what you meant. Even if it isn't, I'm still that. I go off on things. I flail mightily with words and rant and tample all over the concept of 'brevity' like it's a dancefloor and I've got thirty four feet.


I'm just wordy. I don't -mean- to bludgeon anybody with my vocabulary; that isn't my intention at all, and it ticks me right off when, out of everything I said about something, theb est someone can come up with to respond with assumes that.


Just an example of something that really, really doesn't impress me.


They could be all, "Good gawd, do you ever shut up? I think your point's descendants forgot where they came from." and there's a great chance I'd go "Heh...yeah. I manufactures qwality Walls of Text! Next up, Hypercube of Text!"


But they always seem to go for the 'you're just arrogant' canard.


See? I'm doing it again. Ramble ramble ramble.


But hey, look at what -you- did; you completely disarmed me and smoothed the whole thing over.


Suddenly, I feel like we're object lessons to the point of this thread.


...Maybe that's a good thing.


Heh, I worded my original post very very carefully in case you did just what you did. Hooray for thinking ahead! But I honestly have to do the same thing with my friend Jake, so I've a little practice. >_>


I've gotten so used to "regular" speech patterns that I can skim a post and discern the meaning/point. But with your posts I actually had to slow down and go, "Whoa, 'kay, I need to think here." Which was actually refreshing. :)

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Heh, I worded my original post very very carefully in case you did just what you did. Hooray for thinking ahead! But I honestly have to do the same thing with my friend Jake, so I've a little practice. >_>


I've gotten so used to "regular" speech patterns that I can skim a post and discern the meaning/point. But with your posts I actually had to slow down and go, "Whoa, 'kay, I need to think here." Which was actually refreshing. :)




It's funny that you mention speech patterns. Now that you're not very carefully sterilizing your own, something becomes glaringly apparent to me.


You know about the ducks.


Also, bloody awesome guide you put together. Just read through it before responding to this. I like it.


Needs more ducks though.

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In order to keep from sucking up more space than necessary, you'll have to click on links to get information on where I'm basing my response on. I'm leaving certain points here in the event people attempt to challenge my point(s).


I do not think that Bioware is bound by any law, nor did I imply that, at least in my mind.


You are correct in saying that you did not say that Bio Ware was bound by any law, to police the forums or in-game chat. However you implied it with the use of the word: Duty.


Duty is defined by Merriam Webster as:

1 : conduct due to parents and superiors : [respect]

2 a : obligatory tasks, conduct, service, or functions that arise from one's position (as in life or in a group)

2 b : (1) assigned service or business (2) : active military service (3): a period of being on duty.

3 a : a moral or legal obligation

3 b : the force of moral obligation


From the Thesaurus:


3 something one must do because of a prior agreement <I must obey the call of duty and serve my country>


related words: oath, pledge, promise, troth, vow, word; arrangement, prearrangement, setup; compact, contract, covenant, pact, trust; debt, payment, tribute; compulsion, constraint, restraint; must, requirement; coercion, duress, force; appointment, engagement, reservation; burden, onus.


How you came to that conclusion is simply jumping to conclusions.


Using the word Duty implies moral or legal obligations; there was no "jumping to conclusions", as that is part of the definition for what that word means. I will admit that I may have been quick to thinking you meant specifically 'legal' obligations, but I am not entirely wrong for making that parralel.


In fairness and credit of you, you didn't specifically say Bio Ware had a legal obligation; the only other way you could have meant that word in the way you used it, was for it to be taken as a moral obligation.


But that leads me back to legality, under whose authority do you get to make the statement that

"It is Bioware's job to oversee its product and the behavior therein. Just like they police activities that could be exploits or bots or whatever, the chat behavior needs to be held to a certain standard...."


I'll agree that Bio Ware has a responsibility to maintain their product so that users can interface with it for as long as they require people to pay for content; they aren't required to do anything by law or through some verbal or legal agreement, beyond that. This is another reason why I asked you for physical proof to back up your claim.


To say that Bio Ware has to control what every single user says both in-game and on the forums is egregious. That's akin to saying that YouTube, Twitter or FaceBook is supposed to automatically police and remove all racist, sexist and derogatory comments on a users comment field. This isn't how those site work, nor is it how any other social media or gaming forum site works. They all have the same options and procedures to remove and ignore misbehaving players that Bio Ware has; which yes isn't perfect, but is industry standard.


What's more important here, is that you have repeatedly stated that Bio Ware has a duty to do it's job but you haven't said explicitly what that job is or what you're basing that statement on. I'm not asking you what you think Bio Ware's job/purpose or moral obligations are, I'm asking you specifically what they are. This can only be provided in print or digitally on a forum where the company has provided information to the public on how it handles specific situations and events (i.e.: EULA, Licensee Agreements, Harassment, Misbehavior, Corporation Policy(ies).


So again, where are you getting the idea that Bio Ware is supposed to police General Chat and the Forums? I've looked at the Company Ethos, Policies, Forum Rules and I've found no such policy stated that they are required to do such a thing.




Where are moral obligations derived from? http://josephsoninstitute.org/business/blog/2011/02/3-sources-of-moral-obligation/ <- read to see how intertwined moral/ethics and laws ties into each other.


There are:

Law-Based Moral Obligations.

Agreement-Based Obligations.

Moral Principal as the basis of Moral Obligation.


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It's funny that you mention speech patterns. Now that you're not very carefully sterilizing your own, something becomes glaringly apparent to me.


You know about the ducks.


Also, bloody awesome guide you put together. Just read through it before responding to this. I like it.


Needs more ducks though.


I know about what? o.o


And thank you. Pretty much everything I said was taught in a single class at the Art Institute lol. It was seriously the best class I've ever taken.

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I know about what? o.o


And thank you. Pretty much everything I said was taught in a single class at the Art Institute lol. It was seriously the best class I've ever taken.



Heh, don't worry about it. Eccentricity and strangeness are endemic to my idiom.


You know though, with a small bit of revision in terms of the content and context, a community-oriented guide such as that, focusing on not belaboring or emotionally battering the reader but positively encouraging them to consider other things...could be a useful tool to add to the arsenal folks want to see Bioware deliver.



A community values guide of sorts, with a probably less pretentious title.


Something folks could rally around and get behind, at least of those that were so inclined to contribute to and be a supporter of the collaboration; a player initiative to utilize the tools given to us in a reasonably formalized, community-oriented manner.


I shall turn this around in my head while I eat dinner. If it inspires any thoughts or feedback at all 'ere I return though, I'd love to see them!

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Heh, don't worry about it. Eccentricity and strangeness are endemic to my idiom.


You know though, with a small bit of revision in terms of the content and context, a community-oriented guide such as that, focusing on not belaboring or emotionally battering the reader but positively encouraging them to consider other things...could be a useful tool to add to the arsenal folks want to see Bioware deliver.



A community values guide of sorts, with a probably less pretentious title.


Something folks could rally around and get behind, at least of those that were so inclined to contribute to and be a supporter of the collaboration; a player initiative to utilize the tools given to us in a reasonably formalized, community-oriented manner.


I shall turn this around in my head while I eat dinner. If it inspires any thoughts or feedback at all 'ere I return though, I'd love to see them!


Different time zones are different. I passed out after my post last night lol.


That's not a bad idea. I kinda just threw something together with a sloppy title because I wasn't feeling creative enough to do better. xD I posted the topic because I was tired of seeing people's need for instant gratification and their subsequent bashing of Bioware as a terrible gaming company. "It can't be this hard to fix!" Well, yes it can lol.

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specify "offensive behaviour" ??

I'm offended by people bunnyhopping everywhere for jeebs sake!


Bioware has a list of stuff that isn't allowed to say in chat.

that is the only measure that is applicable, anything beyond that is just *you* being offended.


what offends you, may not offend others.


For instance, "racial slurs" who is really offended and when?


I get called Whitey, cracker, redneck and far more derogatory stuff all the time without being offended, eventhough they should be hands down considered racial slurs, and cause all manner of an uproar, they aren't considered offensive by hardly anyone..


(case in point, none of that got censored)



Offense is always taken, not given.


Food for thought

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specify "offensive behaviour" ??

I'm offended by people bunnyhopping everywhere for jeebs sake!


Bioware has a list of stuff that isn't allowed to say in chat.

that is the only measure that is applicable, anything beyond that is just *you* being offended.


what offends you, may not offend others.


For instance, "racial slurs" who is really offended and when?


I get called Whitey, cracker, redneck and far more derogatory stuff all the time without being offended, eventhough they should be hands down considered racial slurs, and cause all manner of an uproar, they aren't considered offensive by hardly anyone..


(case in point, none of that got censored)



Offense is always taken, not given.


Food for thought


We've been over this and over this in the past few pages, by the way. A lot of it has to do with context. Generally you can tell when someone means no harm and they're just joking around. But when someone is actually using a racial slur as a derogatory term, yeah I'm gonna report them.


I would also report someone for talking about sex or violence in an overly graphical way that's just downright obscene.


Case in point:

I was leveling a Jedi Consular a while back on a random server just trying out the game and this kid starts talking about cooking meth in his own lab and selling it and how he likes to beat up women and children and was generally just being a sexist pig. I reported him for it. He was either trolling or he was downright serious, the way he spoke made it clear that he was trying to come off seriously. While yes it was amusing to watch people tease this kid in General chat and watch him shoot off any number of derogatory slurs at them, I felt that it had no place in the game and went against the rules, so I reported him. Him specifically because he was the one that was actually mouthing off being an idiot, the others were teasing him but they didn't take him seriously and never said an actual bad word against him other than, "Is this kid for real? Who does this kind of stupid ****?"


I'm fairly certain this is the kind of thing the OP was referring to when the thread was made.

Edited by Brosephiine
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specify "offensive behaviour" ??

I'm offended by people bunnyhopping everywhere for jeebs sake!


Bioware has a list of stuff that isn't allowed to say in chat.

that is the only measure that is applicable, anything beyond that is just *you* being offended.


what offends you, may not offend others.

Inappropriate Language and Naming

How hard is it to not type .05% of the English language?


For instance, "racial slurs" who is really offended and when?


I get called Whitey, cracker, redneck and far more derogatory stuff all the time without being offended, eventhough they should be hands down considered racial slurs, and cause all manner of an uproar, they aren't considered offensive by hardly anyone..


Do you pay $15 a month to watch your race or gender or religion or sexuality get destroyed in the most vile ways imaginable?

And none of those words have 400+ years of history of denigrating one race, like some other words.



(case in point, none of that got censored)



Offense is always taken, not given.


I would have to disagree with you there. See the people above who are defending the right to issue death threats to active duty servicemen.


Food for thought


Too the "OMG I CAN SAI WUT I WNAT" guys, sure. keep you bigotry in guild chat or private channels.


Too the "YOU TAKIN MY FREE SPEECH" brigade, no. Free speech does not exist inside of a private game.


Too the "I GONNA DO WUT I DO U CANT STOP ME" fellows, sure. You can be a chowder-monkey in general chat. I can report you. It is that simple.

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females who are mad because they tried to be funny and someone told them to get in the kitchen are running this thread



trolls are the evolution of gaming, catch up, gaming is no longer a "just for nerds" industry, jocks, popular kids, and 'nerds' all play together, this has created something unique


real life in a game


when you were in PE and you sucked at dodgeball did the popular jocks tell you "oh but you tried hard"?


or did they call you a "sissy la la" and pants you in front of everyone?


The same mentality has moved online as nerds now have to meld with people who actually have a socially esteemed life


get used to it, this will not change, it will not go away, it has nothing to do with internet anonymity because people still say "hey **** you missed the shot like a ***" in real life.


report is a feature for harassment, not for butthurt feelgoods to try and create a utopian society.


In closing if you are worried about kids playing this game, check the ESRB RATING and be good parents and get your kids to go outside so they don't turn into giant fat socially awkward adults.

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