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Do you report offensive behavior that occurs in general chat?


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This made me laugh. You're obviously ignorant. I never said I am that level of "maturity", nor did I ever stake to claim that I had those conversations in general chat. Again you are assuming because I am debating your claim to a "right entitled to you through TOS/EULA" to keep general chat "clean" that I am a "thug". But here is your mistake. with the INTENTION of distressing and offending other players. How do you know it's there intention? After all it is general chat.


I never said I dislike the TOS/EULA, lmfao. I simply said that you're trying to enforce policies and rules of BW like you are the Nazi Police, and are misinterpreting those terms. :rolleyes:




But they don't want that around, it's teh end of teh world oh noes!!! Those complaining obviously have a problem with online content. I will reference that while the game may be rated T for Teen, that is the game. That is not restricted to the online content, as online content can never be rated if it were to be rated it would be M/XXX/AO/Above The Law


Actually, this is restricted content. It is a private game. BW can determine what goes on here.


Please let me know if any of my assumptions are incorrect.


1- This is a voluntary purchase/subscription. nobody is forcing anybody to be here.


2- This is a private game world. The First Amendment does not apply. Free Speech is to protect the individual from the oppression of government... It has diddely squat to do with how a PRIVATE game is run and what is allowed to be posted in it. And no, nobody is trying to take away your free speech rights; you VOLUNTARILY signed them away when you clicked "I AGREE"


3- Do you remember those 3 check boxes that said something along the lines of "I have read and agree to follow the EA/BW ToS, EULA and Code of Conduct"? Even if you claim you don't, you did. Either you, or the person who created the account did. So you are bound to follow them.


4- The filter so many cry about: If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.


5- Section C of the ROC starts with "Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior" It then list what is considered harassment. The post on In-Game Harassment (see below for link) gives even more specific references for improper language


6-Essentialy, BW has said offense is in the eye of the beholder. They will investigate to try to determine intent. But, from the examples given in this thread, I imagine 90% of offensive posts are made with the desire to offend.


7- If a player is offended, they can make a report on it. A quick right-click>report spam may be enough for some. Others go for the full report. It is in a player's right to ask for a litter-free environment in which the rules are enforced.






http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc <RULES OF CONDUCT>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1885 <Account Penalty System>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 <In-Game Harassment>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1884 <Inappropriate Language and Naming>


TL;DR: You chose to play this game. To do so, you agreed to abide by their rules. Don't cry when you get a vacation.

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If I was down the street and got shot by someone and said you F'ing A-hole you shot me, would you turn around and tell me that's profanity you shouldn't say that?


If you answered yes then ........


If you answered no then why complain about in a game!



This I'm to good to read bad words junk is retarded, and for all the complaining your doing about it you should be complaining about yourself for discriminating againist people who use profanity!



There's this thing called the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



I myself along with a lot of other Military personnel have fought and many have died for this RIGHT along with the other Amendments!



So if bad words really hurt you that much, then maybe you should look into the mirror and findout what's wrong instead of trying to get people who have the right to whatever the F they want to say in trouble!

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If I was down the street and got shot by someone and said you F'ing A-hole you shot me, would you turn around and tell me that's profanity you shouldn't say that?


If you answered yes then ........


If you answered no then why complain about in a game!



This I'm to good to read bad words junk is retarded, and for all the complaining your doing about it you should be complaining about yourself for discriminating againist people who use profanity!



There's this thing called the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



I myself along with a lot of other Military personnel have fought and many have died for this RIGHT along with the other Amendments!



So if bad words really hurt you that much, then maybe you should look into the mirror and findout what's wrong instead of trying to get people who have the right to whatever the F they want to say in trouble!



Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



First Amendment doesn't exist in a private club, like this one.


And no, it wasn't taken away. You gave it up when you clicked "I Agree"

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If I was down the street and got shot by someone and said you F'ing A-hole you shot me, would you turn around and tell me that's profanity you shouldn't say that?


If you answered yes then ........


If you answered no then why complain about in a game!



This I'm to good to read bad words junk is retarded, and for all the complaining your doing about it you should be complaining about yourself for discriminating againist people who use profanity!



There's this thing called the First Amendment:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.



I myself along with a lot of other Military personnel have fought and many have died for this RIGHT along with the other Amendments!



So if bad words really hurt you that much, then maybe you should look into the mirror and findout what's wrong instead of trying to get people who have the right to whatever the F they want to say in trouble!


Although you're hardly sensitive about it I do agree. The First Ammendment can't really be applied in this context though as that refers to enforcements by the government although it could be taken as precedent so sort of a grey area.


The short story is there's always going to be haters, those that hate with their speech, and others that hate that speech.


Luckily it's a game and you can just not look at the chat or use a different channel.


The fact is that language conveys emotion and at times profanity is what emphasises something best. This is especially poinient with the fact that we are talking about pure text, which doesn't have any of the nuances of speech.


Remember that languages evolve, whilst f*ck and sh*t have become acceptable in everyday language now others have not. It is the ones that cause genuine grievance that should be assessed and not simply profanity.

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Actually, this is restricted content. It is a private game. BW can determine what goes on here.


Please let me know if any of my assumptions are incorrect.


1- This is a voluntary purchase/subscription. nobody is forcing anybody to be here.


2- This is a private game world. The First Amendment does not apply. Free Speech is to protect the individual from the oppression of government... It has diddely squat to do with how a PRIVATE game is run and what is allowed to be posted in it. And no, nobody is trying to take away your free speech rights; you VOLUNTARILY signed them away when you clicked "I AGREE"


3- Do you remember those 3 check boxes that said something along the lines of "I have read and agree to follow the EA/BW ToS, EULA and Code of Conduct"? Even if you claim you don't, you did. Either you, or the person who created the account did. So you are bound to follow them.


4- The filter so many cry about: If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.


5- Section C of the ROC starts with "Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior" It then list what is considered harassment. The post on In-Game Harassment (see below for link) gives even more specific references for improper language


6-Essentialy, BW has said offense is in the eye of the beholder. They will investigate to try to determine intent. But, from the examples given in this thread, I imagine 90% of offensive posts are made with the desire to offend.


7- If a player is offended, they can make a report on it. A quick right-click>report spam may be enough for some. Others go for the full report. It is in a player's right to ask for a litter-free environment in which the rules are enforced.






http://www.swtor.com/legalnotices/roc <RULES OF CONDUCT>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1885 <Account Penalty System>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 <In-Game Harassment>

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1884 <Inappropriate Language and Naming>


TL;DR: You chose to play this game. To do so, you agreed to abide by their rules. Don't cry when you get a vacation.


I don't break the rules I just think you're all retarded, and need a self checkup if you're oh so worried about the environment in a video game.


Censored TL;DR

I don't break the rules I just think you're all funny, and need a doctor if you're oh so worried about the environment in a video game.


@Bereavement Thanks for your service, I currently serve as well. I share your same opinion, it's a game and they're crying about people conversating in general chat in an online game that has no rating on the online content, regardless of the TOS/EULA, and even so the things they are discussing those topics do not violate said TOS/EULA as they are not directed at the individuals reporting.


Here's a great definition as to why you shouldn't be worrying about general chat.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.

Edited by DarthChagras
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Here's a great definition as to why you shouldn't be worrying about general chat.


Here is the part right above that quote:


"Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players"


And below your quote:


"Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed."


And http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 gives a nice list of things that are prohibited.

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Here is the part right above that quote:


"Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players"


And below your quote:


"Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed."


And http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/1880 gives a nice list of things that are prohibited.



Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group.



Harassment can come at any time and from anyone. We encourage those players who encounter harassment to take the high road and ignore the harassing player whenever possible as being pulled into the fray can result in action being taken on both accounts. To make this easier we have implemented an ignore feature so that you can easily place anyone you wish on your ignore list. Doing so blocks chat and in-game mail from the offending player from your chat window and mailbox.



In order to make the game a more enjoyable experience for all players, we have implemented a profanity filter which scans all text in game and alters any words used in chat that are listed in our profanity database into gibberish. You will see these words as something similar to “!@#$” or “******”. This filter is on by default, and is another level of defense against inappropriate verbal harassment in game.


Now to those things that are considered offensive




This includes anything that is crude, offensive, pornographic, abusive, or vulgar in nature (including deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filtered).

Should be blocked by your little sensitive profanity filter, not a problem.


the rest are obvious, and once again please allow me to point out that THEY NEED TO BE POINTED AND DIRECTED AT YOU. Discussing them in general chat among peers who are involved in the conversation is in NO WAY harassment or abuse towards you. You may be offended, you may be sensitive, you may be rude, judgmental, etc. but it is still not a violation of the TOS/EULA as it is not harassing you, it is not pointed at you, it is not about you.

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Now to those things that are considered offensive



Should be blocked by your little sensitive profanity filter, not a problem.


the rest are obvious, and once again please allow me to point out that THEY NEED TO BE POINTED AND DIRECTED AT YOU. Discussing them in general chat among peers who are involved in the conversation is in NO WAY harassment or abuse towards you. You may be offended, you may be sensitive, you may be rude, judgmental, etc. but it is still not a violation of the TOS/EULA as it is not harassing you, it is not pointed at you, it is not about you.


You know, you and your peers could take it to a private channel.


To that, I add:

If /ignore is not of assistance, the profanity filter is deliberately circumvented, or if the harassment is serious enough to request further assistance from a Customer Service Agent, please click on the question mark icon on your game menu interface, and open a ticket with Customer Service.


If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.


The following can be considered as inappropriate verbal harassment:





This includes anything that is crude, offensive, pornographic, abusive, or vulgar in nature (including deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filtered).

Extreme Sexual References

Sexual Orientation



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To that, I add:



If a word is blocked by the filter, then someone at BW has made a judgement that those words should not be said in polite company.


So basically I just won the argument as all you are presenting to me is the facts that someone has to circumvent the profanity filter, and whilst all the while be talking about you, or to you. Seeing as from the beginning of this thread it has been of topics such as poop, talking about a persons death, etc. and they have not been "trolling" you or pointed at you, yet you've still taken offense in no way have they abused, nor harassed you as they are not involving you. You are involving yourself. :eek:


Nor are you taking appropriate measures to get away from them, if you're not ignoring them and trying to get away from them. If you simply are reporting them without earnestly trying to get away from them then you're in essence breaking the TOS/EULA yourself. :confused:

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Now to those things that are considered offensive



Should be blocked by your little sensitive profanity filter, not a problem.


the rest are obvious, and once again please allow me to point out that THEY NEED TO BE POINTED AND DIRECTED AT YOU. Discussing them in general chat among peers who are involved in the conversation is in NO WAY harassment or abuse towards you. You may be offended, you may be sensitive, you may be rude, judgmental, etc. but it is still not a violation of the TOS/EULA as it is not harassing you, it is not pointed at you, it is not about you.


"If /ignore is not of assistance, the profanity filter is deliberately circumvented, or if the harassment is serious enough to request further assistance from a Customer Service Agent"


Deliberately circumventing the profanity filter is a violation. You're not actually reading most of what you're posting, and you're also purposefully leaving out sections of the rules that don't directly support your argument. You said "Should be blocked by your profanity filter" right after they specified "deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filitered".


We get it, you hate authority, you probably think yourself a non-conformist and yell "Eff the police" at every private opportunity that you get, you're a rebel, but absolutely nothing about what you've posted indicates that harassment or misude of general chat is alright, or that it's impossible to misuse general chat simply because of your (quite skewed) perception of the rules.


And by the way, it doesn't matter whether the game has an online rating, if Bioware lays down rules, they can then enforce those rules however they see fit, so if they deem something harassment, or inappropriate, they will.

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"If /ignore is not of assistance, the profanity filter is deliberately circumvented, or if the harassment is serious enough to request further assistance from a Customer Service Agent"


Deliberately circumventing the profanity filter is a violation. You're not actually reading most of what you're posting, and you're also purposefully leaving out sections of the rules that don't directly support your argument. You said "Should be blocked by your profanity filter" right after they specified "deliberate misspelling of profanity to avoid being filitered".


We get it, you hate authority, you probably think yourself a non-conformist and yell "Eff the police" at every private opportunity that you get, you're a rebel, but absolutely nothing about what you've posted indicates that harassment or misude of general chat is alright, or that it's impossible to misuse general chat simply because of your (quite skewed) perception of the rules.


And by the way, it doesn't matter whether the game has an online rating, if Bioware lays down rules, they can then enforce those rules however they see fit, so if they deem something harassment, or inappropriate, they will.


I'm in the Military. You just lost. See my post above yours for not including all of the stuff you just posted.

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I'm in the Military. You just lost.


I'm a rocket surgeon.


I just won.


Do you think I care what you are/claim to be? No. You're on here arguing a pointless case championing the cause of perverts and idiots.

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In lamens terms for you children to understand the above.


Grow up. You are playing in an adult environment, an ADULT community as you say, and don't want to be a 5 year old child and don't want to hear "dirty" words then go play Hello Kitty: Rainbow Island like the kids your pretending to be.



I could take it to a private channel. I don't have to. YOU could turn general chat off, YOU could ignore the person(s), YOU could get in a group with your pals, YOU could also do a multitude of things.

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So basically I just won the argument as all you are presenting to me is the facts that someone has to circumvent the profanity filter, and whilst all the while be talking about you, or to you. Seeing as from the beginning of this thread it has been of topics such as poop, talking about a persons death, etc. and they have not been "trolling" you or pointed at you, yet you've still taken offense in no way have they abused, nor harassed you as they are not involving you. You are involving yourself. :eek:


Nor are you taking appropriate measures to get away from them, if you're not ignoring them and trying to get away from them. If you simply are reporting them without earnestly trying to get away from them then you're in essence breaking the TOS/EULA yourself. :confused:


You can't declare yourself a winner just because you are arguing from an weak position ie: the right to break the rules that everyone agreed to.






11. Rules of Conduct


You may violate the Terms of Service if, as determined by EA in its sole discretion, you:

- Use abusive, offensive, or defamatory screen names and/or personas.

- Disrupt the flow of chat in chat rooms with vulgar language, abusiveness, hitting the return key repeatedly or inputting large images so the screen goes by too fast to read, use of excessive shouting [all caps] in an attempt to disturb other users, "spamming" or flooding [posting repetitive text].

- “Role–playing” is not an excuse for violating this or any other policy.



Nowhere does that say it has to be directed at an individual. Just doing it in public is enough.

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Yes you are correct. I'm nothing, I'm pointless I'm useless. :o I champion the cause of perverts and idiots yet I've never once said I stand for what they say and/or do. I simply stand for what I believe in and I don't believe in you sensitive nerds being children.


Exactly. You'd much rather give these people free reign of what they say in an anonymous setting where they have to take no responsibility for being insulting to other people, religions, cultures, etc.


You'd much rather support the internet tough guy yelling "come at me bro". Thats rather telling. And more childish by far than reacting to ignorance and stupidity.

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You can't declare yourself a winner just because you are arguing from an weak position ie: the right to break the rules that everyone agreed to.







Nowhere does that say it has to be directed at an individual. Just doing it in public is enough.




Harassment Policy


Our goal is to build a strong community that offers a comfortable atmosphere for all of our players. This means seeing that players have the ability to combat antisocial behavior


Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players. Game mechanics allow players to interact with the world and each other. For example, the ability to block a doorway is a game mechanic. Use of game mechanics like these is by no means considered harassment in and of itself. The key to determining whether the mechanic is being misused or abused is to determine "intent." Reported incidents are not considered harassment until it is determined by the SWTOR CS that it was done to intentionally to cause distress or to offend other players.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.


Behavior that is always considered harassment includes derogatory and/or hateful comments that are sexual, racist, religious, or related to gender or creed.


A judgment of valid harassment can result in penalties placed on the harassing party up to and including immediate account closure, based on the severity of harassment and the player's past account history.


Player versus Player (“PvP”) activities, where available, are not exempt from this policy.

I ask you to please refer to Article C specifically the section in Bold, Italics, and Underlined.


Harassment is also any behavior that is incessant, inescapable, derogatory and directed specifically at you or your group. Before reporting, a genuine attempt to alleviate the situation should be made by leaving the area or the offending player, or asking them politely to stop. If a sincere attempt has been made to solve the problem and the offending player persists in the behavior, it should be reported.

Edited by Meluna
uhhh removed more
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Unfortunately I've had to report 2 people, both for disgusting behaviour in Warzones, one was directing abuse towards people, the other was talking about sexual acts against peoples children.


unbelievable really. Don't know what Bioware do against people like that.

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What I'm getting at here is that the way the OP and all those that agree with OP are going about this as it's just a general chat among other players in the game, and as such is not directed at the OP as a troll. Thus those talking amongst one another about said subjects are to that extent enjoying the game they wish to enjoy the game. Regardless of the OP judging, and disliking the conversation.


Hmm you may be right as I reread over the posts, but in the end, if anyone is offended by a conversation I am sharing in a general forum/chat covered by the EULA that I agree to by signing in that also violates a part of that EULA, then I MAY be reported/ignored as other players see fit. It will be up to the EA to decide if I was wrong in my behavior, conversation, etc. and assign a fitting punishment.


And that is what it comes down to.


1) SWTOR the game and forums are NOT protected by any constitutional rights to free speech or any other misinterpretation of freedom/civil rights. The game and forums and any IP belonging to EA/BW/Lucas are private property and subject to corporate ruling that are further protected by law governing those corporate property rights.


2) It doesn't matter how high your (a player, not necessarily you :) ) threshold for insulting, inappropriate, off color, or any questionable behavior is or what you deem acceptable. The EULA outlines what is and is not acceptable.


It's like an amusement park. You can be loud and reenact episodes of Jack***. You can discuss politics or sexual deviations of all kinds. But if you offend, annoy, or harass other customers at the park, even by your conversations overheard, you can be warned or thrown out.

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Some heated posts here, but a lot of them miss the point.


I swear like a sailor and discuss sexual matters etc. in game, but I do it in private or on vent. Believe it or not there ARE kids that play this game. Yes it's T rated, but that doesn't stop them from playing.


Little Timmy wanted to play a Jedi so dad let him roll a quick character. Fast forward two weeks and little Timmy is in Dromund Kaas and asks a simple question on general while dad is afk for a Bio. The reply is less than stellar and now little Timmy is asking dad what a *bleeping* *bleep* is and why a rag needs to be used for bleeding.


Those are the kind of things I report. When someone asks a simple question and is attacked for no reason there is absolutely no excuse. I don't care if you drop an fbomb in general occasionally or if think something is BS. What I care about is people who specifically attack other players for no reason. If it was warranted that's different but it should be taken private anyways.


I also report for Chuck Norris jokes, but that's just out of spite....

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Hmm you may be right as I reread over the posts, but in the end, if anyone is offended by a conversation I am sharing in a general forum/chat covered by the EULA that I agree to by signing in that also violates a part of that EULA, then I MAY be reported/ignored as other players see fit. It will be up to the EA to decide if I was wrong in my behavior, conversation, etc. and assign a fitting punishment.


And that is what it comes down to.


1) SWTOR the game and forums are NOT protected by any constitutional rights to free speech or any other misinterpretation of freedom/civil rights. The game and forums and any IP belonging to EA/BW/Lucas are private property and subject to corporate ruling the further protected by law governing those corporate property rights.


2) It doesn't matter how high your (a player, not necessarily you :) ) threshold for insulting, inappropriate, off color, or any questionable behavior is or what you deem acceptable. The EULA outlines what is and is not acceptable.


It's like an amusement park. You can be loud and reenact episodes of Jack***. You can discuss politics or sexual deviations of all kinds. But if you offend, annoy, or harass other customers at the park, even by your conversations overheard, you can be warned or thrown out.


Great summary. That should end this thread... but it won't.

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We play games that we enjoy, not because of censorship or because of their graphics, but due to their content, I know people who still play on their little hand held and have a blast, I mean, come on, it doesn't take breath taking visuals to make blowing stuff up fun, just being able to blow stuff up in itself it fun, the graphics are "the icing on the cake".


Also, if you are here to troll people on the forums, instead of it's actual purpose, which is to post reports; have detailed conversations about aspects of the game, and to embrace the Star Wars community that Bio-Ware was kind enough to bless us with, then please, just leave.


Go and troll people in some other game, if you are so upset by this game, or by what Bio-Ware is trying to do with the game, then that's cool, let them know, voice it out, but don't think your a voice of authority. After all this game is their baby, and she's but a newborn, it'll take a good bit of time before this game fully develops, and along with the game, the community. Minor issues such as language in the general chat can be avoided with the chat filter, and if people are trolling you in the game, you can simply type in



add a space

and then type in their character name,

For example, If somebody named Luke is trolling me,

I'd type in,

/ignore Luke


Aspects like this I think should be in Preferences in a tab named "Chat Commands" or something of that nature, for people to browse through.


I know there are already commands in the general chat box one can use, but this would definitely be a nice addition to the game.


I don't really see a point in continuing this conversation any further,

so all I have to say is,

Please don't report people for being jerks in General Chat,

Most of the time, it's just teenagers screwing around,

And if it is annoying you, just disable General Chat,

Or Ignore them.

That's all I have to say,


May the Force be with you..... Though It's nothing compared to a trusty blaster at your side.

Edited by Meluna
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I don't really see a point in continuing this conversation any further,

so all I have to say is,

Please don't report people for being jerks in General Chat,

Most of the time, it's just teenagers screwing around,

And if it is annoying you, just disable General Chat,

Or Ignore them.

That's all I have to say,


May the Force be with you..... Though It's nothing compared to a trusty blaster at your side.


I'll report them for being jerks so long as they're actually breaking rules.

I shouldn't have to disable General Chat when derogatory comments are being made. I like talking to people in general and I will report ******s who are ruining my fun by being idiots.

I can ignore whomever I please, but my ignore list shouldn't be filled with people who missed their mother's lessons on manners.

Edited by Brosephiine
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