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Do you report offensive behavior that occurs in general chat?


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I do indeed know what irony is, you have just demonstrated it in spades.


I should congratulate you to be honest, I don't think I've seen anyone so spectacularly miss the point since the last time I watched Hitch(God rest him, arf arf ;) ) debate some babbling creationist. Anyway, I'm going to bow out now, because if we're at the point where the opposition in a discussion is going to adopt the position that anyone who views the matter as anything other than an absolutist dichotomy is a racist, the discussion is pretty much over.


I will say this for you sir...you do know how to eloquently string words together.


What makes it a little sad is that you seemed to have effortlessly and totally missed the entire point of this thread. You go on and on about nuance and context, but....really, there is no grey area here, if you are really honest with yourself. You sound like a sharp guy, brainy even, and yet you have difficulty determining what IS and IS NOT appropriate behavior in a public forum.


Several people who oppose what I've said in my OP seem to harp on the fact that I did not give 'specific example' of offensive behavior. That I am just trying to play judge and jury to those who act in a way I deem inappropriate. The reality couldn't be further from the truth!! All I am saying is that people should be held accountable for the things they say in a public chat. There are certain lines that should not be crossed. Those lines are clearly outlined by BW/EA. The fact that you feel the need to banter back and forth with someone PUBLICLY about something questionable and likely offensive makes me think you to be rather selfish. Who are YOU to judge whether or not the general server population should be exposed to your racist joke? Why do you think your comfort level to be more important than anyone else's?

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The other day i had asked a question in general chat(WOW!)Got cussed out by like 3 different trolls. I don't have a problem even with the nasty talk and all that, but when i get cussed out for LFG or asking a question i think they deserve to get reported. Edited by suzpect
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I have clicked report spam a few times, also the other night the spam report function was down, so I submitted a ticket reporting a very annoying, abusive user talking in /1 (the dude was a troll)


The problem is, the /b/tards get on the game and because they're used to socializing with other 12 year olds that speak in memes, they don't understand why people dislike them.


I'm on an RP server so generally /1 is pretty good. People actually use it to socialize and they type properly "not lyk dis". Alot of people tend to take unkindly to people with names like "awesomedude" and report them, and they also jump down the throats of people that show even the slightest bit of troll in them (which is kinda good in a way)


Personally I don't like spam, in my guild we have a specific rule against it. If it comes to a point where general chat is bugging me, I either close it or just ignore it. I've been around enough beta weekends and launch to learn how to ignore the chat without actually pressing anything :p


Son of a.... This makes me want to roll on a RP server now. To bad I really don't RP, or care to re roll another Warrior again. But to answer the OP's question, I have reported people. Although not necessarily for sexist, racist jokes I know others will beat me to that, and there for I don't bother, but for trolling none stop.

Edited by Setta
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lol Where to start?!


For the armchair legal professionals attempting to dissect what is or is not specifically considered harassment or violation of the ELUA and that you have the right to say what you want and how you want to say it:


You are obviously bright enough to attempt compelling arguments for what you believe to be an impedance to your free speech and/or ability to speak on various topics freely. I would hope you could use that wit to see that the topic of this thread is not concerned with any rights or liberties in the real world.


Now, I'm leaning over a ledge here, assuming you are also bright enough to know that there is definitely a line that gets crossed in most chat with younger, attention starved gamers and not quite adult in mind yet certainly adult in age gamers.


The game is for enjoyment, enjoyment of the atmosphere, the storylines, the experience, and even of other fellow gamers. The game is not a venue to discuss offensive topics and materials. It's not intended for people to share offensive material in the form of slurs, jokes, sexuality, obscenities, insults, or anything that detracts and deters the enjoyment of the game.


It's really that simple. That is why there is a harassment/violation policy/agreement. And also why players can report/ignore others.


Note that it has absolutely nothing to do with how one conducts themselves in private or around friends or in any place outside the the game. Be foul, perverted, fun, witty, clever banterer, political activist, lobbyist, or foolish loudmouth; it is all ok and acceptable in the comfort of your personal space. That personal space ends when you log into the forums or game.


With that said, there are indeed alot of gamers that are indeed <censored> and lack many aspects of self control, decency, and social & self awareness. There always will be.


That is where reporting and ignoring become valuable to one's sanity.


Civility is a rare trait. Especially in a format were there are no true repercussions.

Edited by Mazaroth
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I use the My Mother rule.


It's painfully subjective and you'd have to know my mother quite well to make any use of it at all. However, if you -did- know my mother quite well, it'd ...still probably make sense only to me, because it's largely my own internal metrics anyway.



But, that said, if something seems to me like it would offend my mother, I report it.


That is all.

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I have apparently been really lucky on my server. Almost no trolls and general chat is pretty tame. More often than not you just see LFG spam, which really doesn't bother me (until they have posted 15 times in a row).


But would would most certainly report folks being offensive or nasty. I am also more than happy to ignore anyone that is just trolling or being a pain in the butt, offensive or not.

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My server it pretty bad. I think everyone who talks in General says something degrading or troll like. The people that ask for help or say something constructive usually get trolled. Bad. :/


It's sad that gaming is coming to this.. where one person feels the need to talk down on another.

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:csw_vadertie:Depends on the subject in chat.


Sexual refferences, etc forsure. Children play this game and should be able to enjoy it safe as everyone else.


Racist crap, ignorant crap and spamming all get reported. Swearing meh i swear directly at my screen lol so i seldomly use profanity in game.



somethings are a shrug others are just right blatant TOU offenses and these are what i report. i find people using bots it will be reported. credit sellers and yes 30 days in and they are here also reported.


people should under stand one very important fact. The Adults Who Play these games, these are an escape from life for them not their second home like some players.


the time they can log in to enjoy the game is limited. They have to sleep, they have to work. Mommy and the gubment (Government) lol dont pay their game time, internet fees rent, food... etc

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My server it pretty bad. I think everyone who talks in General says something degrading or troll like. The people that ask for help or say something constructive usually get trolled. Bad. :/


It's sad that gaming is coming to this.. where one person feels the need to talk down on another.


Are you reporting them? Are you getting your friends/guildies to report them?


I know it take a few minutes to fill out that form to BW's satisfaction, but it does work.


Note the time, planet, person, take a screen-shot and mention in your report you have a SS. I have found mentioning you have a screen-shot speeds things up a bit, even though no CS has ever asked for one.


You need action, not apathy.


You get the server community you deserve. Do you deserve a general full of bile and hate or do you deserve a friendly community that tries to help one another?

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Everyone pays to play this game, so everyone should be able to do what they want to do!


If you don't like it /ignore and shut up about it!


Yeah, because paying to play means that you enter into the whole you know... legally binding EULA which is essentially a long list of things you agree not to do!

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Everyone pays to play this game, so everyone should be able to do what they want to do!


If you don't like it /ignore and shut up about it!





Not hard to understand profanity = no no racist sexist crap = no no


i agree with the other poster running around policing chat? if i see it and its on the line i let it go. if its a tou offence its reported.


i do not pay bio ware to work as a chat cop for them im not here sitting in chat for 4-10 hrs a day and people who pay to sit in chat really? facebooks free to use as is many online chat rooms go troll them

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Everyone pays to play this game, so everyone should be able to do what they want to do!


If you don't like it /ignore and shut up about it!


He’s right, maybe insensitive but right. I think it’s easier for the individual with their individual thoughts on morals and ethics and general opinion about things to rise above the "trolls" and other chat rtards and just ignore them. The game does have a little button that hides chat, you can leave the channel or simple ignore the person. If they start attacking you personally via PM then I think you have a case, but general open channels, c’mon. Use your tools and your superior adult/mature mind set to continue having a good time. Keep on QQ about the trolls and flamers and you’ll just end up miserable. You make the choice to experience what ever happens in this game, you choose to let those people affect you.

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I personally don't encounter this, but that's why I choose RP servers. Everyone there is generally more mature and I believe that if someone were to make racial and offensive comments in chat they'd quickly have the whole server ganging up on them.


From the experience I do have of this, what I tend to do is call them out on it and if they don't stop after you've asked them to then I'll report them. I don't do this over nothing it's when someone is deliberately trying to offend another person and has been warned that they are doing so.


One thing a lot of people should remember though is that the people who do object to this sort of discussion will remember their names and this will mean the game is less enjoyable for them as the community doesn't accept them.

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Are you reporting them? Are you getting your friends/guildies to report them?


I know it take a few minutes to fill out that form to BW's satisfaction, but it does work.


Note the time, planet, person, take a screen-shot and mention in your report you have a SS. I have found mentioning you have a screen-shot speeds things up a bit, even though no CS has ever asked for one.


You need action, not apathy.


You get the server community you deserve. Do you deserve a general full of bile and hate or do you deserve a friendly community that tries to help one another?


I have only reported a few people that absolutely deserved it due to what they were saying to other people. Never heard anything back so not sure if they got a ban. If it's minor trolling I ignore them.


Best thing to do is not to respond to them and report/ignore. They will get what is coming eventually.

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Nothing bothers a troll more then a mass ignore and no one responding to it. When you respond to trolls that's what they want. I am sure people know this. But just try as hard as you can to make do without talking to it. :p
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Nothing bothers a troll more then a mass ignore and no one responding to it. When you respond to trolls that's what they want. I am sure people know this. But just try as hard as you can to make do without talking to it. :p


Oh I don't talk to 'em. If it is bad enough, I report it and forget about it.

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Or, you know, not use profanity in General Chat.


That could work too.


Some people use profanity and some people don't, why shoudl someone who does get in trouble for it if the ones who don't use it will not?


There's a profanity filter if the bad words are to much for people!

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Actual end all is BW


They say no harassment.



C-2 Harassment consists of misuse and/or abuse of game mechanics and verbal harassment with the intention of distressing and offending other players.


Don't like it? Don't play.


Go back to that other game where they tolerate your level of maturity.


This made me laugh. You're obviously ignorant. I never said I am that level of "maturity", nor did I ever stake to claim that I had those conversations in general chat. Again you are assuming because I am debating your claim to a "right entitled to you through TOS/EULA" to keep general chat "clean" that I am a "thug". But here is your mistake. with the INTENTION of distressing and offending other players. How do you know it's there intention? After all it is general chat.


I never said I dislike the TOS/EULA, lmfao. I simply said that you're trying to enforce policies and rules of BW like you are the Nazi Police, and are misinterpreting those terms. :rolleyes:


He’s right, maybe insensitive but right. I think it’s easier for the individual with their individual thoughts on morals and ethics and general opinion about things to rise above the "trolls" and other chat rtards and just ignore them. The game does have a little button that hides chat, you can leave the channel or simple ignore the person. If they start attacking you personally via PM then I think you have a case, but general open channels, c’mon. Use your tools and your superior adult/mature mind set to continue having a good time. Keep on QQ about the trolls and flamers and you’ll just end up miserable. You make the choice to experience what ever happens in this game, you choose to let those people affect you.


But they don't want that around, it's teh end of teh world oh noes!!! Those complaining obviously have a problem with online content. I will reference that while the game may be rated T for Teen, that is the game. That is not restricted to the online content, as online content can never be rated if it were to be rated it would be M/XXX/AO/Above The Law

Edited by DarthChagras
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lol Where to start?!


For the armchair legal professionals attempting to dissect what is or is not specifically considered harassment or violation of the ELUA and that you have the right to say what you want and how you want to say it:


You are obviously bright enough to attempt compelling arguments for what you believe to be an impedance to your free speech and/or ability to speak on various topics freely. I would hope you could use that wit to see that the topic of this thread is not concerned with any rights or liberties in the real world.


Now, I'm leaning over a ledge here, assuming you are also bright enough to know that there is definitely a line that gets crossed in most chat with younger, attention starved gamers and not quite adult in mind yet certainly adult in age gamers.


The game is for enjoyment, enjoyment of the atmosphere, the storylines, the experience, and even of other fellow gamers. The game is not a venue to discuss offensive topics and materials. It's not intended for people to share offensive material in the form of slurs, jokes, sexuality, obscenities, insults, or anything that detracts and deters the enjoyment of the game.


It's really that simple. That is why there is a harassment/violation policy/agreement. And also why players can report/ignore others.


Note that it has absolutely nothing to do with how one conducts themselves in private or around friends or in any place outside the the game. Be foul, perverted, fun, witty, clever banterer, political activist, lobbyist, or foolish loudmouth; it is all ok and acceptable in the comfort of your personal space. That personal space ends when you log into the forums or game.


With that said, there are indeed alot of gamers that are indeed <censored> and lack many aspects of self control, decency, and social & self awareness. There always will be.


That is where reporting and ignoring become valuable to one's sanity.


Civility is a rare trait. Especially in a format were there are no true repercussions.


What I'm getting at here is that the way the OP and all those that agree with OP are going about this as it's just a general chat among other players in the game, and as such is not directed at the OP as a troll. Thus those talking amongst one another about said subjects are to that extent enjoying the game they wish to enjoy the game. Regardless of the OP judging, and disliking the conversation.

Edited by DarthChagras
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