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How can you not run SWTOR on max?


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You cannot buy a laptop for $200-300 that will run this game on max settings. You actually need a decent computer to run this game on max settings. That said, a desktop for $400-500 should suffice. A laptop's going to cost you more. Not everyone has a gaming computer, although anyone who needs to do more than just buy a new video card probably needs to be looking for a new system anyways. :p
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It has nothing to do with stupidity. It has everything to do with Priorities. My priorities are my family FIRST, and my gaming WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY down the list, at last.


When you have a mortgage, car payment, car insurance, homeowners insurance, health insurance, life insurance, gas, electric, water, phone, cable, internet, food, clothing, furniture etc to pay for... a gaming computer is not high on your list of priorities.


My computer runs decently, sure it's a tad dated but it handles what I need it to do. Unlike some (looks at you) I have responsibilities that preclude living a care free frivolous lifestyle. I'm an adult, and as an adult, I manage my priorities in their order of precedence and need.


Some day, when you shoulder the adult burden of responsibilities you will learn this. One hopes when that happens you will put your families needs first, before your own wants.


Have a nice day. Cupcake.




I Have the same situation..I'm a single dad with two kids..I pay all the bills..insurance..etc .. plus child support when I have them 50% of the time..but it's ok..

Both my kids have great PC's as do I.. My little girls PC can run any recent game on high to max settings..but it strains on "Build-a-bear" .. lol I build them..no more store stuff for me.


Not trying to make light of this..I have many friends who opt not to have a decent set up, but they all try to play the most recent games and cry about how crappy it runs. trust me..they make decent money...they just have a hard time justifying spending some extra cash to themselves or their significant others...such is the way of life...I totally agree...priorities !!


Mine maybe be skewed a bit :) but my kids and I have a good life..we are very lucky.


If I didn't make a decent living..trust me..I would put other things WAY above a game/PC.


GL to you and stick to your guns .. nice to see folks who have it figured out :)

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So my PC got built about 6 months ago for around 600 bucks. It ran crysis 2 maxed out. Ive now added to it. Its at about $950 now and runs BF3 maxed out except only 2x MSAA. Anyways point being is a computer bought 6 months ago for 600 will max this game out. With a new water cooler, more ram, and a SSD a 1k PC will run it maxed out with like a billion FPS and low load times. What are people talking about expensive?


AMD 955 BE (overclocked to just over 4ghz)

crapy 50 buck asus motherboard

NVIDIA GTS 450 also overclocked

corsair 120g SSD

500g HHD

8 gigs ram

600w PSU


You could build a PC for around 400-600 that would max this game out easy.


I'm just got out of the Corps and started going back to school so i don't have a ton of cash, but saving 600 for my initial purchase was not bad at all.


To clarify. I play these games on a 42 inch Plasma TV. I play in standard widescreen format because it looks the best on my screen.

Edited by MacPasty
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First of all, you should not get a laptop if you plan to be gaming alot. You gonna get so much more gaming power if you spend that money on a stationary instead.


To have a good gaming experience you will need around 60fps!


Some of my old guildies in wow used old/cheap laptops and they got like 10-15 fps in some bossfights, thats unplayable and will cause some unnecessary wipefesting.

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I do manage my priorities VERY well. Buying a gaming computer isn't one of them. Taking care of my family is. Buying a game to play in my evenings and footing a $15.00 a month bill isn't denting my priorities. It's called managing your income. My income is in excess of my bills. This means I can pay my bills, put some money away for a rainy day, AND enjoy some recreational activities.


Sorry cupcake but nice try. You simply failed at it. Much like you in my opinion, are failing at life.


When you are responsible for over $5500.00 a month in bills like I am, then I think you will have the right to say something about my priorities. Until then, I am afraid it's obvious to everyone that YOUR priorities, with 2 children.. are skewed.


Have a nice day. Cupcake.




lol actually ( not to mention you seem like a single mother ) living with my parents so that i don't have to spend money on pointless expenses while letting my family see their grandchildren every day is having my family priorities straight by being able to spend all my money on my children instead of having extra expenses and being able to live comfortably with my family sounds like i am actually succeeding at life more then you are nice try but i don't have any worries and am able to spend all my time with my children

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When you guys say maxed out, you need to clarify what your monitor resolution is...


I guarantee most of the people listing cheap computers in here would not be "maxing out" settings on a 30" at 2560 x 1600 ... it's a LOT of pixels :p


I mean, if you've got a 15" monitor over there, I'm sure an older computer could push that many pixels pretty easily :p

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something


If you paid $2500 for a PC, you were robbed.

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... My computer is about 4 with a graphics card update from 2 years ago. The computer probably cost 400-500 at the time, though it was a gift, so I'm ballparking. It does not run max settings. It does run low and even medium settings with some noticeable stutters from time to time but is generally enjoyable.


A laptop in my house that would be worth about 400 now cannot run SWTOR as it's processor is too slow (as it clearly wasn't intended as a gaming machine).


At this moment in time, I cannot afford another computer.


Don't exaggerate.


"Edit: some people are neglecting the fact i said low FPS on LOW settings"

No they are not. They are responding to your title.

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If you paid $2500 for a PC, you were robbed.


How can you even remotely say that?


I could build a machine far more expensive than that and not be robbed by any stretch of the imagination ... you don't even know the specs...


My monitor cost more than that new... how do you know a monitor wasn't included?

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Because some of us would rather spend money on game systems? You know the ones that nowadays come with updates on the latest game that take two minutes to DL? The ones you don't have to replace parts on every three months to keep it running the latest games?


I have nothing against PC gamers,but dang,some of you guys have real elitist attitudes. Not all of us are turned on by having to buy and replace parts on a gaming machine all the time. The thought alone gives me a headache.

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... My computer is about 4 with a graphics card update from 2 years ago. The computer probably cost 400-500 at the time, though it was a gift, so I'm ballparking. It does not run max settings. It does run low and even medium settings with some noticeable stutters from time to time but is generally enjoyable.


A laptop in my house that would be worth about 400 now cannot run SWTOR as it's processor is too slow (as it clearly wasn't intended as a gaming machine).


At this moment in time, I cannot afford another computer.


Don't exaggerate.


"Edit: some people are neglecting the fact i said low FPS on LOW settings"

No they are not. They are responding to your title.


This sounds MUCH more realistic and very much in line with what I would expect.

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OP , my resolution is 2560x1440.


Please link me any laptop under 1000 that will run it at max settings and never dip below 60fps.


Your 200-300 laptop will run it like crap at anything other than ultra low resolutions.

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All you people claiming that a $500-$600 Desktop will run this game on max settings with no issues MUST be smoking something.


I wish I was smoking something!

If you build it from scratch and shop intelligently, it is VERY possible. I've seen all the components listed out, and it'll run this game like butter.

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All you people claiming that a $500-$600 Desktop will run this game on max settings with no issues MUST be smoking something.


I wish I was smoking something!



mine was 650...ya its 50$ over but then again i went with lots of ram


newegg.ca / newegg.com ftw

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lol actually ( not to mention you seem like a single mother ) living with my parents so that i don't have to spend money on pointless expenses while letting my family see their grandchildren every day is having my family priorities straight by being able to spend all my money on my children instead of having extra expenses and being able to live comfortably with my family sounds like i am actually succeeding at life more then you are nice try but i don't have any worries and am able to spend all my time with my children


I'm neither single, nor a Mother. I am also the sole earner in MY family. Both my parents are deceased. As for 'pointless expenses' I would have to disagree with you on that. Being as self sufficient as you can is never pointless.


You contradict yourself though. You obviously haven't spent all your money on your children, if you have spent $2500.00 on a gaming rig.


To be honest, you are NOT succeeding at life, if you were, you wouldn't be living with your parents, regardless of what excuses for it you make in your head. To succeed at life, one takes full responsibility for themselves, and their family, and supports them with and through their own efforts.


Something you don't do.


Sorry cupcake but.. you are still a child. You have adult responsibilities and refuse to step up to the plate and accept them. Until you do, you will always be a child.


Have a nice day. Cupcake.



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If you build it from scratch and shop intelligently, it is VERY possible. I've seen all the components listed out, and it'll run this game like butter.


No Not for that amount.. Not if you want to run the game at max graphic settings @ 1080 res..


And I dont qualify 20-25 FPS as running this game like butter

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