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Unsuscribe already ? Top 2 things that would had made you stay


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nothing could make me stay.

they release a game half done (again) like all the other ones they been release


to many buggs in game,


Lava boss bug

pylons bugg

loot bugg

social point bugg

PvP valor bugg

cant zone back in bug

cant loot my loot bug

cant see my guild mate bug

cant find a group bug

cant find macro bug

cant play this game bug

every ops bug in the game bug





im bugin outa here.


Ok, I have to speak up here. I've been reading for weeks about people complaining about all the bugs in the game making it unplayable. Where are they? First of all, I have to say that I, my wife, and my sons (teenagers) love this game. I was in Beta, and started swtor from early entry. All of us did. We are a family of hard core gamers for about 14 or so years. I play at least 5 hours a day and at least 30 on the weekends ( 3 day weekends ). My family plays even more.


We have 4 gaming computers in the house and at least 2 are always in-game. We have NOT encountered a bit of lag and get high fps all the time. Nobody in the house has complained of any bugs. Maybe a few glitches like getting stuck sometimes, but nothing major. I crashed to desktop once since launched on my rig. Where are all these bugs at???? Nobody here has seen them.


We all love the game and are not leaving for quite some time. Maybe a couple years? LOL. Who knows. We are having a blast in the best MMO we've played in years.

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I am not going anywhere, having a good time so far. But if I had to choose two things I'd like to see improved:


1. Engine Performance. Particular when other players are around. Feels pretty jerky at the moment and it kills the immersion alot. For once I am actually quite keen on doing PvP, but it just kills it for me getting low FPS and hence, being at an disadvantage.


2. Better LFG options - for both heroic quests and flashpoints (not operations).


Other then that, its minor things for me.

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1. The "massively multiplayer" part. Doesn't really feel like a MMO if you see 1-2 other players a day while adventuring. Also I have bigger PvP events at my neighbourhood's LAN parties, than in this game. How about some 50 vs. 50 or so, would be a start.. (yeah right :))


2. A lot less bugs. Game is obviously released unfinished, because they had to when santa was coming...

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Th amount of threads concerning unsubscribe, where the poster is typing so erratic they cant even look to tell that they spelt it right.


If you want to tell us (yawnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn) about your UNSUBSCRIBING , at least check you have spelt it right (or typed too fast) or dont bother , cheers.

Edited by Urko
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Cross-server LFG.




Proper addon support.


Combat log.



Definetly not Cross Server, but maybe an LFG system that stops me spamming. And NO auto teleport.


Dual Spec - as long as you don't mean 2 advanced classes for 1 toon. That definelty should not happen. But maybe pay some credits and be allowed to but a spec slot you can swop between when in Fleet.


Addon Support - for non combat things i agree. A good bag /tradeskills addon would be great.


Combat Log - No, no and no!! People are beating the hard FP's already, so why do you need a log? The game is easily beatable without either criticising other players or showing off. And for PvP, you are all in the same boat so no advantage to be gained.


your post is obvious as someone who came from lazyville WOW. L2P would be my first response...and WOW is that way if you want it <-------



The real game breaking issues that need fixed are the ability lag and the lack of real PvP. We need proper instances where players fight each other, not play football. I want a big fight AV style.

World PvP should be better and encouraged. Stage attacks on towns/planets from the opposite sides so players are encouraged to take part on both sides.


It's obvious BW came from a single player development base, and the way the game is built shows that heavily. They need to leave the Dragon age style and realise they are trying to make a MMO.

Don't get me wrong the PVE content for levelling is great IMO, but there does need to be more. I haven't seen a single enemy outside the WZ's. We should be crossing each other in planets and starting fights for the sake of it.

I'm on a 3 month sub, so am not leaving but BW do have some work ahead of them.

Oh and the space mission thing. This has such a huge potential for this game. why not huge Death star style destroying missions? why not PvP in space? why not missions that mix space and real e.g. assault the craft, land and rescue the princess. infact there is a huge amount from episode 4 they could copy for ideas.

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I plan on staying subbed for a while, at least until I finish leveling a few of the classes that I've gotten interested in.


But when the point comes when I'm done leveling new characters, the three things they need to add/fix to keep me subbed longer are:


1) LFD system

2) More Story Content

3) Fix the Ability Delay


Its getting sorted.

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Funnily enough.. i changed my payment plan today. From 1 month to a 6 month plan. Game needs some improvement yes.. but all in all a great gaming experience.


exactly! People that whine over a twi'leks not getting hoods , pple that complain there isnt a LFG tool ingame , ... they are just whiners and will whine over everything. They will never be happy with a game. So i pitty them! now lets get back online and have fun, leave the leavers be!


so loooooooooooong, until the next mmo forum you will bash & complain again! bye!

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1. Bored after a month, and so is my entire guild.


2. Pvp sucks for a game that took this long to make. You'd think they would have thought it out a bit more. Currently our server gets base camped at Ilum, and/or stomped by better geared empire. When gear is the only thing that makes you good at end game, then you know you made a bad game. I can only blame BioWare for thinking the first come first serve launch giving the most anticipated, populated faction a head start on levels and gear was a good idea, which essentially curved the server control in pvp.


Everyone should have rolled a vanguard, because grappling empire into our base turret is all our Ilum pvp consists of, unless you like suiciding to a geared out zerg. Thanks BW.

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Pardon me for putting it this way, but if you're gone, then why are you still here?


All these things are already noted and they will be fixed.


List of things that make me stay is a long one.

If I would have to choose two, I would go with:


1. I got NONE of big issues that will seriously bother me (like low graphic/performance, bugs, low popularity, no warzones, no people, boring content etc)


2. I'm having fun ;)

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Here are my two cents,the game so far is really enjoyable,i`m not a PvP fan,so for me so far it`s great,even if i do understand people complaining about it.

the two features i love most about this game are the intriguing story behind each class and how awesome are the group missions.

i subscribed for six months because i think this game have great potential.

updates and new expansions will be there in the future.

what i would like to see are for example the possibility to own a house or a place,where we can decorate with trophies or items that we collected in the quests or flash points,like SWG had.

also it would be great if they could give us a way to recolour the armors.

but in the end for a game that came out less than two months ago i am satisfied,at the same time Bioware should give us more contents,especially for people who reached level 50.

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1. Laaaaaag!

2. MMO burnout. Might be sick of the genre, tbh.


I upgraded my graphics card to a geForce GTX560ti with 700W power supply, and while its better, its still jerky on the fleet. Totally unacceptable, imo.


I have three months left on my subscription, but I think that will be it for me after that.


The story is great, love that... but the MMO part doesn't work for me.

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I've unsubbed and have a few weeks of game time remaining. After that I might return in a year when the game becomes F2P (or if BW manage to make the game worth p(l)aying sometime in the distant future but I'm very unsure if this will ever be the case - they clearly have no idea what a modern MMO has to look like and what kind of features are considered "standard" by experienced MMO players so a lot would have to change within BW for that to ever happen).


I'm currently very unsure if there are any 2 things that BW could change that would make me consider resubbing... Probably the list would have to include at least 10 things before I'd resub.


If I have to choose 2 things then I'd probably say:


1.) Either give us addons or at the very least give us a high-quality customizable UI that was created by professional UI designers and not utter quacks. The UI is the element I'm forced to interact with the most during my game time - it boggles my mind how any half-competent game development company could release a game with such a terrible UI when you can basically just copy/paste WOW (as was done with 90% of the rest of the game) or even simply visit curse.com and download the top 10 addons and copy/paste them. It's not like BW had to do any kind of design work themselves - they just had to copy/paste existing games as they did with talent system, classes, skills and general game mechanics. Any amount of voice-over dialogues and stories will not make this problem go away or make it easier for me to ignore the dismal design decisions that BW made.


2.) Give us all the "comfort" features that WOW has such as LFD, guild bank, an AH that deserves the name... all those little things that make playing WOW a charm (at least from a technical point of view) and playing SWTOR a huge pain in the rear end. I'm not saying WOW is great (especially the content and game design direction of WOW is bad) but from a technical, UI and comfort point of view WOW really does many things very good.


Bug fixes etc. are obviously important but bugs won't make me quit. Bugs are mistakes that a human made during development - and I can deal with mistakes. What really makes me want to quit are all the terribad things that BW did on purpose because they thought it was a good idea.


Bugs don't destroy my trust in the competence of the game design crew... Dismal design choices on the other hand do destroy (what little) trust (I had) because they were made consciously.

Edited by gaalon
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1. Laaaaaag!

2. MMO burnout. Might be sick of the genre, tbh.


I upgraded my graphics card to a geForce GTX560ti with 700W power supply, and while its better, its still jerky on the fleet. Totally unacceptable, imo.


I have three months left on my subscription, but I think that will be it for me after that.


The story is great, love that... but the MMO part doesn't work for me.


Whats your CPU/RAM, is your IP up to par ?

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I've unsubbed and have a few weeks of game time remaining. After that I might return in a year when the game becomes F2P (or if BW manage to make the game worth p(l)aying sometime in the distant future but I'm very unsure if this will ever be the case - they clearly have no idea what a modern MMO has to look like and what kind of features are considered "standard" by experienced MMO players so a lot would have to change within BW for that to ever happen).


I'm currently very unsure if there are any 2 things that BW could change that would make me consider resubbing... Probably the list would have to include at least 10 things before I'd resub.


If I have to choose 2 things then I'd probably say:


1.) Either give us addons or at the very least give us a high-quality customizable UI that was created by professional UI designers and not utter quacks (as was clearly the case up to now). The UI is the element I'm forced to interact with the most during my game time - it boggles my mind how any half-competent game development company could release a game with such a terrible UI when you can basically just copy/paste WOW (as was done with 90% of the rest of the game) or even simply visit curse.com and download the top 10 addons and copy/paste them. It's not like BW had to do any kind of design work themselves - they just had to copy/paste existing games as they did with talent system, classes, skills and general game mechanics. Any amount of voice-over dialogues and stories will not make this problem go away or make it easier for me to ignore the dismal design decisions that BW made.


2.) Give us all the "comfort" features that WOW has such as LFD, guild bank, an AH that deserves the name... all those little things that make playing WOW a charm (at least from a technical point of view) and playing SWTOR a huge pain in the rear end. I'm not saying WOW is great (especially the content and game design direction of WOW is bad) but from a technical, UI and comfort point of view WOW really does many things very good.


Bug fixes etc. are obviously important but bugs won't make me quit. Bugs are mistakes that a human made during development - and I can deal with mistakes. What really makes me want to quit are all the terribad things that BW did on purpose because they thought it was a good idea.


Bugs don't destroy my trust in the competence of the game design crew... Dismal design choices do destroy (what little) trust (I had).


Far better imo the UI than Lotros was/is.


Point 2 of yours:- You hit the nail on the head, WoW from technical point of view yep possibly but the game has virtually no play appeal in comparison to this for me after 6 years of it.


Yes a lot of the above SHOULD have been in at release and i believe the publisher rushed Bioware for the Christmas release, however they are showing fast with the updates and fixes that have been done (or are in the process) , within a couple of months i think this will be on track big time.


I STILL want (at least close range) HIGH REZ textures though.

Edited by Urko
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Whats your CPU/RAM, is your IP up to par ?


Not real computer savvy here, but I have a Win7 64bit, 4gb Ram, with a quad-core processor (can't remember what it is off the top of my head - at work).


but, this is a problem for several people I know. I have turned off AA, and set everything, and I mean everything, back to low or off, with a top notch graphics card, and still jerky... I am sure its on my end in some way... but I shouldn't have to be an IT professional to play a game that wants to appeal to masses....



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Im not sure exactly what aspect of the game didn't appeal to me in the long term, but Im with the poster, the first month was great, I really liked it. I wasn't bothered by the bugs, nore did I think the game was too easy or anything. If you put a gun to may head and force an answer I would probobly simply say that the game didn't have enough interesting features that differeniated it from other games I have already played and the fact that it simply wasn't the game I hoped it would be.


I think part of the issue really is the fact that Star Wars Old Republic at least in my eyes was supposed to be different. I mean in the last couple of years we have had some interesting MMO's but none of them really differentiated themselves in anyway. Star Wars Republic has some interesting features like voice overs and cinematics, but these things really have a limited shelf life (about a month apperantly).


I mean Aion for example was a fun game, but what did it do that other games haven't already done better? Rift was a great game, but again... it was a clone of many other games I have already played. Star Wars Old Republic kind of found itself in the same company. Its just more of the same in a different universe/franchise. Even its art direction is so familiar it hurts, I constantly found myself reminded of of these past games. Combat and the whole treadmill is just so repetative and so horribly cloned from other games its just not fun to do it all again even if it is a different game.


I found myself getting bored of this game even faster than some of its predescessors from which it clearly borrowed. The developers spent a lot of time and money developing a game on a design that really wasn't special or unique.


I was expecting a lot more out of this game and it simply didn't provide anything new. Looking at games like Arch Age for example or Eve Online where developers are actually moving the genre forward should have been what motivated this games designers and developers... not trying to replicate World of Warcraft in space, which really is what this game did. Which is fine, but we already have half a dozen games that do that, so we really didn't need another one.

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The amount of MMORPGs I've played to end-game without ever needing to use either of those things really really makes me wonder why some of you folks bother playing video games at all.


A DPS parser forced you to leave a video game?


That's ...


wow that's insane.


Good for you? Have a cookie.

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I like this game so far - not going anywhere soon, but it has huge problems, thats for sure. My 2 main issiues would be:


1. Ability dealy. As a pvp guy this is killing the game for me. How this passed beta testing is beyond my mind. After 6 years of pvp in WoW i was really used to abilities working after pressing a key. If this wont get fixed ill move on to greener pastures.


2. Terrible optimization. Maybe my rig isnt top of the line (im getting a new one soon, that doesnt change anything tho), but its well above minimum sys recs. While leveling everything works smooth like butter, but when i enter a wz hell breaks loose. Hutball is "playable" (slow but still), other wz (like that one with 3 turrets in middle, dunno how its called) is basicly a slideshow. And lets be honest, graphics of swtor range anywhere between medicore and flat out terrible (armor textures anyone?). Other new games, with graphics way ahead of swtor, like Skyrim, BF3, Deus Ex are working perfecly fine on high settings (except BF). Not to mention WoW, with everything maxed, except shadows, i can play 40v40 AV without any problems, while here my comp craps itself with 8 enemies on the screen.


There is a lot more wrong with this game like lack of addons, macros, no endgame, no dungeon finder and so on. But those 2 are imo the ones that drive away many new players.

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While I do agree with a FlashPoint finder, the last thing this game needs is recount addon. This doesn't need to turn into another WoW where people grief others about how low their dps is while in flashpoints. It's a game, enjoy it.


The only way I would leave this game is if BioWare gave in to all the whiners and changed this game like Blizzard did to WoW.


Except that rarely ever happens. In my years of pugging dungeons in WoW I have never seen anyone in a pug rip on someone else about their dps. Maybe other guildies ribbing each other over it, but that is it. It is a fake problem made up by players who are scared to be accountable.

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I find it funny that only a month into the games launch you are already /crying for new content, you know they say that game really starts at the endgame content, really its how you play the game to start with that really decides how your game experience will play out, I see a lot of you it was level my char to 50 and hope for endgame content to be in place. Never mind the fact that this is not WoW with 7yrs of trial and error to fix bugs and launch problems, not to mention the endgame content.


By all accounts im not a Bioware or EA fan nor do i work with them, i just know that if a game is going to get better it will take time, time that you all are not willing to wait for.


So GL all and flame on.

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I did not care about the PVE part. I raided in other games and I am sick of it now.


Good, meaningful open world PVP / RVR would have let me stay, but PVP is pretty bad at the moment. I will check with the game later but at the moment the PVP part is not worth it.

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