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Anti-social gamers in a mmorpg?


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You're quite wrong here. Players who never group aren't doing it wrong - the game is designed to ENCOURAGE grouping, but there's no rule saying players must group.


When you design a game, you know people will play any number of ways. When you design an MMO, you know some people will solo entirely - and you design for that. Solo players aren't breaking the intention of the design, and you're sorely lacking an understanding of game design if you think that they are. The game is, of course, designed to ENCOURAGE players to take part in group activity and so forth, but it's absolutely not intended that everyone should (this is unrealistic). It's understood that basically nobody will take part in every piece of the game. The intention is that players will choose to play how they like, and have the options there to do so - not that all players will do X.


ok, ok, I give up! My intention was not to turn this into who's playstyle is better or mandatory or whatever you guys are trying to twist here. But I'll put my reply to you guys who don't seem to be able to read and understand at the same time anyway.



OK it seems you guys cannot read AND understand. Also you want to add words and meaning beyond what I put, such as breaking the games intentions or must do this or other fallacies.


So let me try this again:


I specifically say several times that you can play solo and have a good time. HOWEVER you are missing over 2/3rds of the intended design and purpose of an MMO.


I NEVER say you are playing wrong. I NEVER say you MUST group. I NEVER condescend or belittle solo playstyle.


I am in no way wrong in anyway, stating an MMO is a multiplayer game intended for online interaction among other players.


I may have been wrong about an ex girlfriend or two, I may have misjudged the amount of that expense I can legally take off on my taxes, I may even have laughed at an inapropiate joke and was decidedly wrong.


But I'm pretty dead on with the definition and purpose of an MMO.


The purpose of this thread is not to really to say who's playstyle is right or wrong. I responded to post that was indeed wrong and gave my correction. If you guys want a fun, friendly discussion on MMOs and intended purposes, please feel free to PM me or start a thread and invite me. I'm always up for a fun debate. . .especially if I'm right :p



The OP is/was curious about how other players gain social points. There is only one way and that is to group for dialogue choices. There is some good advice on finding people to group with in this thread. Don't be shy about asking, but don't be annoying either. I would first bring it up with your guild since that was the first problem you mentioned.

Edited by Mazaroth
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