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Sorc in PvP


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What a crap build ... less theorycrafting ... more qqing please.


What good is a sorc that cannot heal, nor dps (protip: most of your dps comes from 25+ points)? Hey at least he can escape right? Hey everyone I'm a sorc that just wasted a warzone spot because I think I'm a tank :rolleyes:



Posts like this show a fundamental misunderstanding of how swtor pvp works.




Pro-tip. It doesn't. It comes from your channeling, your procs from it and from weaken mind / affliction crits. But keep being an scrub.

Edited by Keldaur
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Pro-tip. It doesn't. It comes from your channeling, your procs from it and from weaken mind / affliction crits. But keep being an scrub.


Post this in the the class thread ... I dare you.




No, I double dare you.





Hell, I triple doggie dare you ... ooooooo.



I'll enjoy the new one they tear you ;).



Protip: Friends don't let friends QQ and theorycraft.

Edited by Orangerascal
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yeah who plays the sage/sorc here .... Post this in the the class thread ... I dare you.




No, I double dare you.





Hell, I triple doggie dare you ... ooooooo.



I'll enjoy the new one they tear you ;). But I know you won't.



Protip: Friends don't let friends QQ and theorycraft.



You don't play a sorc/sage to it fullest. You pretend and want to believe you do. Truth is you don't. Now stop talking about theorycraft because those are THE builds. You sir, are just full of it.


Oh and i don't QQ. I play a watchman sentinel and i eat sorcs who doesn't spec that way for breakfast ;d

Edited by Keldaur
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You don't play a sorc/sage to it fullest. You pretend and want to believe you do. Truth is you don't. Now stop talking about theorycraft because those are THE builds. You sir, are just full of it.


Oh and i don't QQ. I play a watchman sentinel and i eat sorcs who doesn't spec that way for breakfast ;d


Still waiting for that post :rolleyes: Seriously if you think it's so good let the community decide.


Nothing to see here but a Sentinel with no practical experience theorycrafting about how to play a sorc. I'm sure I could use the talent calculator and make a laughable spec for the sentinel too ... except I'm not that naive :cool:

Edited by Orangerascal
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You don't play a sorc/sage to it fullest. You pretend and want to believe you do. Truth is you don't. Now stop talking about theorycraft because those are THE builds. You sir, are just full of it.


Oh and i don't QQ. I play a watchman sentinel and i eat sorcs who doesn't spec that way for breakfast ;d


Do you actually play the class or did you just create some spec from the tooltips on the skill calculator?

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Still waiting for that post :rolleyes: Seriously if you think it's so good let the community decide.


Nothing to see here but a Sentinel with no practical experience theorycrafting about how to play a sorc. I'm sure I could use the talent calculator and make a laughable spec for the sentinel too ... except I'm not that naive :cool:


Oh man. And i wonder why people still complain about mercs and sorcs who plays ****** 31 talentpoints builds. Triple-dare all you want. That's the spec, it's not theorycrafting and the best sorcs with braincells use it. Want to find it here ? On the forums of the stupidity ? Of course you won't. But hey it was my fault, i was dumb enough to post in here.

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That spec had been around since beta. It isn't something i created or invented.


Of course it was. (*insert random derp here*)


The spec isn't even optimised and I can't pressume anyone with 1/2 a brain could have created it. My 9 year old niece could have made a better spec than this.


For example: You put 2 points in disturb mind to increase Weaken mind by 6 secs, then you don't put the 2 points into drain thought to increase the damage by 15%.


Let's ignore the fact that you also have 1 TALENT Point not spent. lolzor ... Sure it was from beta .... What a tool :rolleyes:

Edited by Orangerascal
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So much BS in this Thread...lol


The Sorc that has 4 Heals is a Healer-Specced Sorc and should be fckin able to heal through a single guy attacking him...all other healers ca do the same. The DPS Sorc got 2! Heals one will take 3! Seconds to cast and the other 2 the 3 Sec one heals me for around 2k noncrit in combat and the other one for around 1 both drain your Force alot. So to be able to SPAM the 3 Sec Heal the Attacker needs to be taken out of Combat for at least 6 Seconds which nerly never happens. If you are too stupid to interrupt Heals then you just fckin suck and should stop playing PvP.


I just wish ppl would stop coming to the Forums crying like a bunch of Brainless fckwits about X-Class being OP without EVER having played it. Most of you Guys just fcking suck at PvP and Face players that dont.


Im a Sorc and as much as OPs/Scoundrels annoyed the living sht out of me i neveer cried for a nerf and i also believe the nerf they are getting is retarded and looks like its beein done with a Sledgehammer instead of fine tuning.

Edited by Asmerroth
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I have an idea for really good pvp,


lets make the highest dps classes also healers, and make them the hardest to kill because they are the only ones who mitigate anything.


Then we will make their heals good enough to outheal anyones damage even though they are dps spec AND give them an invuln shield that cools down before it breaks.


Who you can stun and kill within the stun time

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The problem with sorc/sage isnt how op they are 1vs1(even tho they are strong) It's how good they become in grp fight, with all the utility they have plus awesome range damage they just do to much. And quite frankly healing spec sorc/sage are the best healer in the game, way above all the others
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Oh my... Are you that dumb on real life too ? You know i don't put that point because that's personal taste. You know you don't go the weaken damage because what you want from it is it's duration proccing more 50% channelings because it's what really does damage (basicly, it DOUBLES your dps and increases your instants proccing). And well, would you give up the root from knockback ? or the blind from shield ? for a 7.5% more damage ?


How blind can you be ?

Edited by Keldaur
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However, Anyone who says "interrupt l2p" is an idiot, you cant interrupt the bubble, and you can only interrupt one of the sage/sorcs plethora of heals to replace it.


By all means, continue to make up !@#$%^&* that isn't true, if it makes you happy.


1. DPS spec has only 2 heals, a 2 sec cast which heals for cr*p, and a 3 second cast one that heals for slightly more than cr*p. Interrupt whichever one they start with, then DPS.


2. Bubble does not last until it can be recast. It lasts until it takes enough damage (i.e. it takes 1 attack in high level pvp). If you can't bust a bubble with 1 attack, re-roll. Or, you know, attack twice. POP.

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I have 1 interrupt, they have 4 heals.


Im a vanguard dude i cant do the damage to break the shield.


Unless of course the only class designed to beat a sorc/sage is a operative/scoundrel.


4 heals??

Edited by da_krall
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Still waiting for that post :rolleyes: Seriously if you think it's so good let the community decide.


Nothing to see here but a Sentinel with no practical experience theorycrafting about how to play a sorc. I'm sure I could use the talent calculator and make a laughable spec for the sentinel too ... except I'm not that naive :cool:


give or take 7 or so points (which he has stated you can move around) that build is pretty standard and very good, much better than a 25+ build imo.

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give or take 7 or so points (which he has stated you can move around) that build is pretty standard and very good, much better than a 25+ build imo.


Did you read even his post? You can't move '7 or so points' and still have:



- PBAoE blind on your shields (even if it's on another players, being able to make melee blind bombs).

- Procs from instant dot to get 50% cast time reduction on the channel (insane damage).

- Channel procs instants. You use them on Crushing Darkness / Mind Crush and Chain Lighting/Telekinetic Wave, insane burst with 50% channel cast + instant.

- Your knockback roots.

- 20s cd on your sprint.

- Instant mezz with stun if broken.


If you can't heal yourself even being DPS specced with all the CC you can get, you just suck.


That build is a selfish build for people that want to survive and not do thier intented role (dps or heal). You bring nothing to the team except your survivability (which frankly isn't even that good). You're a liability to you team because there sages/sorcs will outperform you.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Did you read even his post? You can't move '7 or so points' and still have:



Oh i said you can. Too bad you just quoted what you wanted eh ?.


It's funny the selfish part. Because you don't know your bubble pbaoe blinds even if it isnt on you. It means you should be using your bubble on friendly players more than ever, not only for the absorb, but the free CC. Also a root on the knockback, which you can use for yourself or to help other players is also "selfish".


Done with you, keep your 25+ build :D

Edited by Keldaur
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Oh i said you can. Too bad you just quoted what you wanted eh ?.


Done with you, keep your 25+ build :D


Seeing as I'm either top dps or top healer ... I think I will.


You on the other hand can continue theorycrafting bad builds (with missing talent points), claim it's from beta and not even post the build for community review. You can also continue to tell sages/sorcs to l2play mysterious specs even though you know nothing about the class ;).



It's funny the selfish part. Because you don't know your bubble pbaoe blinds even if it isnt on you. It means you should be using your bubble on friendly players more than ever, not only for the absorb, but the free CC. Also a root on the knockback, which you can use for yourself or to help other players is also "selfish".


As you ninja added this, I'll tell you that 99 out 100 people who have the shield on them won't know that they have the shield on them and will continue hitting the target anyway. I'm sure 99 out of 100 people would prefer that you specced healing instead of a 1v1 survivability spec ... seeing as this is a group pvp game after all.


But you would know this is you played a sage/sorc instead of theorycrafted one.

Edited by Orangerascal
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Seeing as I'm either top dps or top healer ... I think I will.


You on the other hand can continue theorycrafting bad builds (with missing talent points), claim it's from beta and not even post the build for community review. You can also continue to tell sages/sorcs to l2play mysterious specs even though you know nothing about the class ;).



You are not to be honest, never seen you on any warzone on freedon nadd. And i am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to win my sentinel on damage if you are playing a spec withouth presence of mind, projection and telekinetic wave, which means, a hybrid build as suggested oppossed to your 31+ talents is "what gives you damage".


Oh and edit. for a healer is pretty much the same on pvp. You also take telekinetics for the added suvirvality. ;p

Edited by Keldaur
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- PBAoE blind on your shields (even if it's on another players, being able to make melee blind bombs).

- Procs from instant dot to get 50% cast time reduction on the channel (insane damage).

- Channel procs instants. You use them on Crushing Darkness / Mind Crush and Chain Lighting/Telekinetic Wave, insane burst with 50% channel cast + instant.

- Your knockback roots.

- 20s cd on your sprint.

- Instant mezz with stun if broken.


If you can't heal yourself even being DPS specced with all the CC you can get, you just suck.


- Shields which only take approx 3-4k damage equals to 1 crit from GS/sniper and 2hits from decent geared 50s with 20secs lockout WOW SO OP??

- Psychic Projection's proc when Weaken Mind (which in my experience, rarely procs) crit with 10secs lockout SUPER OP??

- TK wave instant from TK throw procs but don't other classes have these chain combo for procs as well e.g Guard/Juggs for sweep?? Tracers debuffs?? Skills designed around combos so dunno what you're crying about if we have a combo as well. Are we spose to be the only class with no chain combo then?

- Force wave knockback root which broken upon damage including dot with 20s CD??

- only TWO seconds sprint lol susceptible to stun as well with 30s CD?


In ideal situation, we wished that all of the CDs are up during every fight but with the long CD and lockout time, it isn't always the case. Also as a GS/Sniper, most of those CCs don't affect you so LoS moar maybe?


Melees interrupt us all the time when we try to heal with our super OP 3secs cast time heal. Seriously. PROTIP: when bubble up, don't dish out all of your high damage skills. It'll be down soon enough.


Another thing, there's something called Resolve.

Edited by aishiki
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You are not to be honest, never seen you on any warzone on freedon nadd. And i am pretty sure you wouldn't be able to win my sentinel on damage if you are playing a spec withouth presence of mind, projection and telekinetic wave, which means, a hybrid build as suggested oppossed to your 31+ talents is "what gives you damage".


Oh and edit. for a healer is pretty much the same on pvp. You also take telekinetics for the added suvirvality. ;p


I'm playing alts now as I got to VR60 before Ilum changes. I'm not sure which guild you're from if you play on TOFN so I'm at the disadvantage. For dps I run a 28b/11t/2s. I play in a premade most of the time.


I have seen 1 good sentinel on our server from guild: afterlife. What's your character and guild name so I can look out for you? Then we will see who tops the damage board :D

Edited by Orangerascal
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Seeing as I'm either top dps or top healer ... I think I will.


You on the other hand can continue theorycrafting bad builds (with missing talent points), claim it's from beta and not even post the build for community review. You can also continue to tell sages/sorcs to l2play mysterious specs even though you know nothing about the class ;).





As you ninja added this, I'll tell you that 99 out 100 people who have the shield on them won't know that they have the shield on them and will continue hitting the target anyway. I'm sure 99 out of 100 people would prefer that you specced healing instead of a 1v1 survivability spec ... seeing as this is a group pvp game after all.


But you would know this is you played a sage/sorc instead of theorycrafted one.


Since you are top dmg dealer, why are you so worried about ops and want them nerfed?


Sounds like someone cant handle competition.

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I have no problems killing Sorcs on my KC or Inf Specced shadow. What I don't like though is this:


Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting

Force Lighting


It's irritating as hell, it's like these bads don't know they have other abilities, every time one of these cretins get's a kill on me, I feel I'm a worse player for letting it happen lol, I do find it hilarous though, when I'm putting a beat down on one of these Force Lighting spammers and they try and face tank me while still spamming it.


Mercs, now they ARE hard to kill.


I agree with the force lightning. It's even more annoying when the entire other team is doing it and the 50% movement slowdown just drives me nuts.


I dunno if they're OP solo. As a group, spamming force lightning is just unbeatable for me.


But I'm going to ask some sorcs for help instead of complaining. Which move do I interrupt. Riot strike has a 8 second cool down, which sucks cause the heals and force lightning cooldowns for sorc are shorter than that. But ya, do I interrupt the heals? The force lightning? Chain lightning? I don't know the class amazingly well, so wouldn't mind so help to take you guys down lol


Also rofl at the war reference

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