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WalMart PreOrder Troubles


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Same. Sounds like everyone else's has shipped except for those that paid with PayPal.


Well I may call again tonight and ask for an update. If they say it won't be shipping till Tuesday I will be rather pissed and tell them so. Its not fair that they can ship, and so far are not charging, CC orders and not doing the same for Paypal orders.


If I thought for a second I could get it someplace else on release day, I would and cancel my pre-order. But I can't, already checked.

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Just got off the phone with Walmart Customer Service concerning the wifes and I CE edition of the Game. Bottomline: Our game order was cancelled. According to Customer Service Supervisor Denise at Walmart.com, the company is having problems filling the orders, and that customers are being notified that their order has been cancelled due to "Fulfillment Issues".


Note: We preordered on the 14th of November. We recieved the early access codes a few days after our order. So all was good. We called walmart.com on the 1st, and on the 12th of December to ensure all was ok, as I had heard "rumors" that Walmart made a huge miscalculation on exactly how many copies they were getting. On both occasions we were told everything was OK and our order was fine. Yesterday (Dec 16), we received the email stating our order was cancelled.


Im glad it worked out for you guys, For me and the wife...not so much.

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Just got off the phone with Walmart Customer Service concerning the wifes and I CE edition of the Game. Bottomline: Our game order was cancelled. According to Customer Service Supervisor Denise at Walmart.com, the company is having problems filling the orders, and that customers are being notified that their order has been cancelled due to "Fulfillment Issues".


Note: We preordered on the 14th of November. We recieved the early access codes a few days after our order. So all was good. We called walmart.com on the 1st, and on the 12th of December to ensure all was ok, as I had heard "rumors" that Walmart made a huge miscalculation on exactly how many copies they were getting. On both occasions we were told everything was OK and our order was fine. Yesterday (Dec 16), we received the email stating our order was cancelled.


Im glad it worked out for you guys, For me and the wife...not so much.


They have not cancelled mine and I ordered 4 days after you did. In fact when I called last night I was told mine was all good to go and that it was not cancelled.

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If you can't on the site, call 1-800-WALMART and go through the menus to contact Walmart.com and be sure that you choose the option to talk to customer service, not the option to cancel an order (because that just takes you to a recording that tells you to visit the web site). I did that and was able to get the order canceled, and wasn't charged for anything but the $1 or whatever it was they charged me to ship me the preorder code slip.


yeah, apparently my wal-mart order has shipped on the 16th lol... Apparently it shipped before I even called... I guess now I have to see which one makes it first Fed-EX or UPS lol


On a side note I ordered on November 3rd.

Edited by Smoeki
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My order was done with the Walmart Credit Card of all things! LOL...My wife is on the phone, yet again, as I write this post. It is not looking good for us as she is being told there just isnt anymore of the CE's to give out. So I dont know. At this point we are just hoping to get the base game...which shouldn't be a problem.


Not real happy with Walmart -- but Ill handle that with their Business Offices on Monday. Good luck and I hope it all goes well for each of you.

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im sorry about this but i am not sure what you are hoping by posting this thread.


Honestly i hate to say this but maybe it sounds like you waited till the last minute to pre-order the collectors edition. I preordered from amazon the day it was announced and available to do so and i got it on the 16th (but saving it for christmas)


The only option you have right now is to just order a standered copy or something.


Or you will just have to wait.


if you ask me you should make a big issue about it with Walmart id talk to the store manager or something dont act like a tool but who knows sometimes wirting a (civel) letter might help. I had a issue with babbages (gamestop) with many preorder problems and i wrote a long letter and the manager game me a free game! :-p


I would never trust big preorders with retail stores like that actually to be honest i would rather preorder a game from amazon then a retial store because i think with amazon its all automated with preorders you order it a computer sends the order to where it needs to be filled and its stored on record


with a retail store someone has to maniually enter it into the computer and often save a record somewhere. it can be much easier for the record to be lost or something go wrong at retial because often they do not have such an efficent system as amazon does where all orders can be easily pulled up from any user by them (i assume) its all logged automatically and so nothing is lost.


Let this hopefully be a lession to you. if you really want a game thats coming out


i would not trust preordering it from any retail store. all it has to take is one employee to not enter the data in right or type in the name wrong


and poof you have isssues.


Good luck. If i was you id keep calling them every day (but not in a rude way) and keep checking on the status

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one update (sorry about double post)


you may just need to wait till the 20th Walmart might have been confusedly told that they cannot sell the product till the 20th so you might just have to wait till then.


dont panic yet. besides heres the thing a lot of people are having issues with login times and all this right now. waiting a few days actually will be good in that you could better judge what server you should get on based on the load. so youd have less issues.


i am waiting till the 25th to open mine a nice christmas present for me


be patient. i woudnt bug them until the 20th maybe walmart has the CEs at their warehouses and distribution centers but they are waiting to stock them in stores on the 20th so.


id wait and see. :-) good luck hope you get your copy! if all else fails you can cancel it and get one on ebay if you reallly really want it now :-p heh.

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im sorry about this but i am not sure what you are hoping by posting this thread.


Honestly i hate to say this but maybe it sounds like you waited till the last minute to pre-order the collectors edition. I preordered from amazon the day it was announced and available to do so and i got it on the 16th (but saving it for christmas)


I can't believe people don't F***ing read. Evenios read the thread next time before you post. A few of us have explained more then once why we ordered from Walmart, and even why we did when we did. I for one was unemployed in July, so I couldn't preorder at that time. I didn't even have the money till November till Preorder and by that time Walmart was it.

So I couldn't order from Amazon, or Gamestop or anyplace else cause they were already sold out.

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one update (sorry about double post)


you may just need to wait till the 20th Walmart might have been confusedly told that they cannot sell the product till the 20th so you might just have to wait till then.


Again if you would read you would see some folks have said theirs has already shipped. It just happens not everyone's has shipped yet. While originally they did say they can't ship before the 20th that is nolonger the case when people are seeing theirs shipped.

Edited by APhantasm
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I was in the same boat, and had escalated via emails with Wal-Mart CS until I was at the point of cancelling my order.


I had ordered 1 copy of the regular and 1 copy of the Collectors edition. Phone CS originally told me both would be delivered by the 20th. Then my orders started processing and the system-generated email said the regular order would arrive on the the 20th, but the CE would arrive on the 29th.


Then, last night, I got another email when they shipped, and now both editions are set to arrive on the 20th.


So... It may be that their logistical chain has been tweaked to speed up the deliveries, but the IT side is still playing catch-up. I'm hoping everyone else impacted by this is pleasantly surprised as well. ;)

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So... It may be that their logistical chain has been tweaked to speed up the deliveries, but the IT side is still playing catch-up. I'm hoping everyone else impacted by this is pleasantly surprised as well. ;)


That doesn't explain why folks who paid via paypal are still getting screwed. Only folks who ordered with a CC have gotten theirs shipped. Mine still lists it as being in processing, I have gotten no email from Walmart about it shipping.

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i just called walmart and after talking with them they still telling me that they are not shipping out till the 20th and it was nothing to do with paypal and that was after asking for a supervisor

so i guess all i can do is wait and see if my order changes to shipped or not (i did get the email about i will get my order but not till the 23rd )

but this has been a waste of time and last time i ever preorder any thing from walamrt again

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i just called walmart and after talking with them they still telling me that they are not shipping out till the 20th and it was nothing to do with paypal and that was after asking for a supervisor

so i guess all i can do is wait and see if my order changes to shipped or not (i did get the email about i will get my order but not till the 23rd )

but this has been a waste of time and last time i ever preorder any thing from walamrt again


They have no idea when its shipping since several folks who paid with a CC have already got theirs shipped.


How can they say its not shipping till such and such date when several copies have already been shipped by them yesterday.

Edited by APhantasm
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I pre-ordered the CE from Walmart, and I got an email saying it shipped yesterday and is on track for a December 20th delivery. I think everyone in this thread just needs to relax.


You paid with a CC didn't you? No one who paid with Paypal has reported it being shipped. Mine still lists as processing, I have gotten no email from Walmart saying it shipped either.

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You paid with a CC didn't you? No one who paid with Paypal has reported it being shipped. Mine still lists as processing, I have gotten no email from Walmart saying it shipped either.

I did pay with a credit card. I don't use PayPal, heard too many horror stories of them screwing people over.

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I did pay with a credit card. I don't use PayPal, heard too many horror stories of them screwing people over.


Well I never had a problem with them myself. They did refund the money I originally paid for my preorder, minus shipping for the preorder key. So if Walmart does end up cancelling I won't be out anything.

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I have almost the same exact experience with walmart.com. I pre-ordered my CE copy through them as they were the only ones with copies supposedly available on 7-29-2011. I also received that "glitched" email error about the order being canceled. Then this week I kept getting emails that there was an issue with my billing information and processing the order. So I followed their link and verified that my billing info was correct as I have used the same info to purchase items online through them before. I even contacted my financial institution whom showed the $162.73 pending on my account. So when I got 2 more of the "issue with processing order" emails from walmart.com, I called a representative there and was told she had no idea other than it was saying my financial institution was declining the debit. She also told me that if it did cancel, just to reorder it.


Well, guess what? Today I got an email stating my order has been canceled. I tried searching their site for the CE edition and it is nowhere to be found to even try to reorder "my" copy that was cancelled. So I called walmart.com and spoke to another representative who was very helpful and took the time to listen to me. She investigated further and unfortunately came back and told me that apparrently the copy I had "reserved" was not available. So essentially, walmart falsely advertised the number of copies that were available and the copy I had reserved had not really existed.


At this point, I tried calling the USA toll free number for Bioware Customer Support and got the 3 diffrent language message to hang up due to high call volumes!!!! Ok, so now I call back to walmart.com customer service and ask to speak to a supervisor directly. I start trying to explain the situation to this supervisor and she kept cutting me off saying that their finance department canceled my order because my banking institution declined it. She was not listening to me when I kept telling her I had spoken with her and already knew the info she was reading to me on the screen as I had told her that to begin with. I asked her to stop interrupting me and to speak to her manager which she flat out refused. She said she would make a note on "my account" to pass along to the finance department. At that point, I asked her for a direct number to a manger or supervisor there and of course, she said she could not give me that information.


My wife worked with walmart for 9 years and got on the phone at that point telling her that she knows she can give out that number and the supervisor yet again refused. At this point I found the customer service number to the walmart home office to lodge a complaint and now have to wait until later next week for a possible call back regarding this situation.


So at this point, wherein lies the failure? Is it Bioware/EA for not staying in contact with walmart and ensuring the proper level of customer service and product support is ensured for Biowares potential customers? I think so partially. I say this because as of now, Bioware phone support is unreachable and you know it isn't the greatest to try relaying this type of information through an email response.


Walmart is the biggest failure since Sam Walton passed away and it's only getting worse. If I had had a choice to begin with, I would not have ordered through walmart.com in the first place. But every other retailer was showing sold out on day one!

Edited by LordRaith
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I just received my collectors edition. Nothing missing, no errors, etc. I also got it in one day despite doing the cheapest shipping available. o.o However, a friend of mine ordered--not with paypal--4 days after me and his order is still processing.


I ordered 9/13 while he ordered 9/17.

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