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Founder Title


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yeh not caring for foudner title at all , but i gues if you do , swell :)


also how it displays .. i rather have Darth Peter Pan then Peter Founder Pan lol


and no my name ingame isnt peter pan just making example ;P


would be nice if the yadded more founder things maybe later , like a unique founder Vehicle

or Founder Social gear set or hell anything else ><

Edited by Genesizs
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So, it's free, so I'm not allowed to say it's useless? I don't care either way. But, I will say that WOW giving me a free mount to sign up for a year (big mistake now) was enticing enough for me to do it. So, a better gift might have gained them more resubs because people that are planning to "come back in a few months" very well may have stayed if they knew they'd be missing out on something nice. Free or not, a "founder" title that no one will use because every class gets better titles is pretty useless.


You're assuming the point of this -was- to increase resubs, and then argue that it's a terrible way to do it.


You're right. Offering people a title -would- be a terrible way to get people to resub. No one is going to keep playing a game because of a title, no matter how cool the title is. Which is why it should be obvious that this wasn't a retention scheme in the first place.


It's simply a "thank you" gift for those who took the plunge to buy the game early, rather than waiting for the bugs to be ironed out. Nothing more, nothing less. If you seriously think Bioware is planning on getting something in return for this... I don't know what to tell you, man.

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Be happy us Beta testers got nothing for our time other then working knowledge of the game.


Yep. They could have given us...something. Although I think working knowledge of the game was enough- mere personal opinion there. Certainly more valuable than the Founder title (which is sitting in my mail too as of a few hours ago, it seems); not knocking it, though, the title. Gift horses and all that.

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Yep. They could have given us...something. Although I think working knowledge of the game was enough- mere personal opinion there. Certainly more valuable than the Founder title (which is sitting in my mail too as of a few hours ago, it seems); not knocking it, though, the title. Gift horses and all that.


The reward for beta is beta. It was something many folks desired, and we didn't have to pay for it. Saying they could have given us something extra for participating in it is akin to winning the lottery and telling the person delivering you the check that they could have given you a medal for it, too.

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You're assuming the point of this -was- to increase resubs, and then argue that it's a terrible way to do it.


You're right. Offering people a title -would- be a terrible way to get people to resub. No one is going to keep playing a game because of a title, no matter how cool the title is. Which is why it should be obvious that this wasn't a retention scheme in the first place.


It's simply a "thank you" gift for those who took the plunge to buy the game early, rather than waiting for the bugs to be ironed out. Nothing more, nothing less. If you seriously think Bioware is planning on getting something in return for this... I don't know what to tell you, man.



Dude.. in order to get the title, you had to resub for at least one month! Don't be naive. This "free" title was them trying to give people incentive to resub. Did they give it to people that paid $60 and didn't resub? Nope. Just those that resubbed.

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"So how do you earn the “Founder” title? This reward is only available to players who have completed either one of the following transactions (by March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST; Pacific: March 18th, 9:01PM PST; European: 4:01AM GMT, 5:01AM CET):


Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription



Redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Paid Game Time Code"



Yeah, they weren't using this to give incentive to resub... not at all. Hey nothing wrong with it. I like when companies give me free stuff for something I was going to do anyway, but don't kid yourself. This was about getting people to keep paying.

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Dude.. in order to get the title, you had to resub for at least one month! Don't be naive. This "free" title was them trying to give people incentive to resub. Did they give it to people that paid $60 and didn't resub? Nope. Just those that resubbed.


Yeah, okay. That's a fair point.

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"So how do you earn the “Founder” title? This reward is only available to players who have completed either one of the following transactions (by March 19th, 2012, 12:01AM EST; Pacific: March 18th, 9:01PM PST; European: 4:01AM GMT, 5:01AM CET):


Billed at least once for an active Star Wars: The Old Republic subscription



Redeemed a Star Wars: The Old Republic Pre-Paid Game Time Code"



Yeah, they weren't using this to give incentive to resub... not at all. Hey nothing wrong with it. I like when companies give me free stuff for something I was going to do anyway, but don't kid yourself. This was about getting people to keep paying.


I cant see it, well mabye I can see some dumb fool in a suit thinking its an idea but really can you honestly see someone throwing out a months sub for a title?

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Oh, dude, cry me a river. People were screaming for beta invites. These boards were almost nothing but QQ over "this other guy got a beta invite and I didn't!" for months before this game launched.


Don't even try not make people feel sorry for you because you got a beta invite.


When people talk about "entitlement issues," that's the kind of thing they're talking about. Honestly, "Feel bad for us beta-testers. We got something for free that hundreds of thousands of people wanted, and now Bioware isn't giving us more free stuff for accepting it?" That's a little sad.

you don't get the point. People are whineing about getting a title for doing nothing but the beta testers got no recognition at all for their service to the game. I am not trying to make anyone feel bad for anybody. However people whineing about something they realy didn't earn, and was just handed to them is a little over the top.

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Yeah, they weren't using this to give incentive to resub... not at all. Hey nothing wrong with it. I like when companies give me free stuff for something I was going to do anyway, but don't kid yourself. This was about getting people to keep paying.


I can't imagine someone changing their mind about unsubbing because of the Founder title.


Like they are sitting there having decided to no sub and then:


"Oh wowsies, if I sub I'll get that nifty "Founder" title. Totally worth it!"



That they are limiting it to those people that sub is one thing, assuming the Founder title is a carrot to get people to sub?


Guess they should start with a RMT shop and sell titles, at 15$ a pop the could make a fortune. /irony

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The funny thing is, how much fun are you going to have running around with your founder title with everyone else with the same exact title? Or, if you are on a low pop server, you will be running around by yourself with your swank new founder title.


Yeah, sounds like heaps of fun to me... :p What's next? The "I Love You" title for valentines day?


And how much fun would you have running around with your pet with everyone else with the same exact pet? Or, if you are on a low pop server, you will be running around by yourself with your swank new pet.


Yeah, sounds like heaps of fun to me... :p what's next? the "big love rocket" mount for valentine's day?


EDIT: I can repeat the process with any single other ideas people threw around in this thread, do I have to?

Edited by Cynistra
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I can't imagine someone changing their mind about unsubbing because of the Founder title.


Like they are sitting there having decided to no sub and then:


"Oh wowsies, if I sub I'll get that nifty "Founder" title. Totally worth it!"



That they are limiting it to those people that sub is one thing, assuming the Founder title is a carrot to get people to sub?


Guess they should start with a RMT shop and sell titles, at 15$ a pop the could make a fortune. /irony



Well, that's why some are a little disappointed that this obvious "Resub and get a prize!" gimmick isn't something better. I agree, no one is likely to resub due to a title, but that doesn't change the fact that resubbing is what Bioware was hoping for when they came up with the idea.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Dude.. in order to get the title, you had to resub for at least one month! Don't be naive. This "free" title was them trying to give people incentive to resub. Did they give it to people that paid $60 and didn't resub? Nope. Just those that resubbed.


Wrong. It was a reward for people who were already planning on resubbing. They announced it maybe a day before most people's next billing cycle started. People who had already quit wouldn't come back for a Title, and wouldn't be able to come back in time...


It was a reward for faithful customers. It had nothing to do with incentive.

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Well, that's why some are a little disappointed that this obvious "Resub and get a prize!" gimmick isn't something better. I agree, no one is likely to resub due to a title, but that doesn't change the fact that resubbing is what Bioware was hoping for when they came up with the idea.


Again, you're completely wrong. It was a "thanks for playing our game, have this" not a "keep playing our game and you get this."


Derp derp.

Edited by Fardreamer
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Again, you're completely wrong. It was a "thanks for playing our game, have this" not a "keep playing our game and you get this."


Heh. Guys, it was pretty obviously both. Bioware's a business, and if a title makes people stay on another month to get it, it's definitely worth the very small amount of time it took to create it.


And, yeah, it could also make people who were already going to subscribe anyway feel appreciated, which in turn might make them a little more loyal. The end result of that? They may stay subscribed longer.


The bottom line here is that Bioware's a company, and their end goal in everything they do is going to be to make as much money as possible. There's nothing wrong with that at all, by the way; that's the reason capitalism works.


It's pretty silly to believe nobody at Bioware thought "Hey, maybe this will convince people on the fence to re-sub!" In fact, if this thought didn't occur to someone involved in making this happen, Bioware's doing the whole business thing very wrong.


And, again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that.

Edited by imtrick
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I don't really care about the title as such, but find it a little odd they class people who have bought the game 3 months after launch (or before March 18th) a founder?


I would have thought that would pertain the to the people that actually helped them during beta and early access finding bugs and the sort? oh well guess there will be a few million Founder Flyboy's running round soon :)

Edited by Talarchy
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